25 The Music that Makes My World Go Round

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


The Music that Makes My World Go Round


Good Morning ~~ Yuriyahh~~~~



Good Morning ~~ Yuriyahh~~~~



That almost-happy-go lucky voice filled up her room, indicating it’s time to wake up. But just like your typical teenager she has hard time willing herself to wake up. In that state where she is aware but not awake, that happy go lucky voice feels like a siren’s song – it is calming for some reason– despite it being in all actuality a purposely annoying tune.


It was recorded like that. The owner of that voice knew her love hardest challenge is to wake up in the morning. Could she blame her? No, she knew well how hard it is to wake up early and if she had not gotten used to it due to her routine she will be pretty much like her rolling and groaning while the sun kisses her skin.


Good Morning ~~ Yuriyahh~~~~



One more round of the alarm tune and Yuri finally open her eyes. She groans still those “papapas” continues to blare across the room and that is making her smile – no matter how weird it is. She has barely a heart to turn it off, not now when she greatly misses its owner.


She hums the said tune [~~PAPAPAPA ~~ ]  smiled and giggled. Ah she misses her and it’s like how many days now? Yeah it’s the third day since the said person flew to the other side of the world for a short vacation.


She wonders why? It’s not like this is the only time they have been away that long from each other. Maybe the official tag played a role in what she is felling or maybe it’s something else. Is it that lingering feeling that Yena is like the air. The air she is trying to contain, just like it she is slipping, impossible to hold, they are there but sometimes it feels they are not.


The girl just has to miss her birthday too. She understands, still, it hurts. There  are those kind of things in life that no matter how much you understand the situation, it still stings, like understanding it - doesn’t numb the feeling even just a little bit.


Good Morning ~~ Yuriyahh~~~~



“Yuri! Shut that alarm off!” her roommate hollered from across the room. It’s a rare thing to hear – that girl is a symbol patience.


She groans once again, she rolled and kicks of her blanket, sporting that signature pout and messing her hair up. Sigh, waking up early is such a challenge – isn’t it?


She walks and leaned on the door frame of her room, letting a yawn escape from her lips.


“You’re starting to be like Hii-chan.” She commented.


Her roommate glared to her direction, letting a somewhat annoyed expression out. That’s rare and it amuses her greatly – her mischievous side is flaring up.


“You should get ready now.” Her roommate curtly said as she steps inside the bathroom to quickly fix her make up.


This perks up Yuri’s curiosity. She slowly tiptoed as she watches Minjoo put on her lipstick. She backhug the taller girl – giving her a shock.


“Stop being too pretty Minjoo, you’re being unfair. What’s up?” She teased.


“I just have an early presentation, ah you know for my broadcast team.”  Her roommate replied bopping her nose. “Get ready or we’ll leave you.” She added with a wink as she escapes out of her hug.


“Aint you just rushing to see Tomi again?” Yuri said as she peaked out of the bathroom’s door, her roommate, the ethereal beauty known as Minjoo, just let out a chuckle not even denying what she just said.


Whipped. Not only her, she too, both are for their respective girlfriends.


Room 303 – the room of the taken. Their manager even suggested camping in their room so that she too can be blessed with some love bugs. Ofcourse the consequences of such joke is that their tiny feisty observant friend choking on whatever she was eating that time.


Truth be told they are just lucky and in Minjoo’s case brave.


She leaned on the mirror, to inspect her messy bed hair. Truthfully – waking up was not that much of a problem when Yena is around. She would ring her up or go to her room to wake her up personally. Her girlfriend maybe seen as goofy but she is sweet, caring and responsible, characteristics that are rolled under that nonchalant reckless façade.


Another look into the mirror and yesterday flash in her eyes. Yesterday marks the date the she officially turn 18 – in Korea – 17 in the world, a year less than becoming officially an adult.  She got a hefty breakfast meal, a cheer-up chant, gifts and most specially that short message from her beloved duck. She did like that baseball cap the girl gave her, but for a reason she definitely know – that short message, as she goes on her day, weigh more than any gift she have received.


That message is enough energy shot for her to continue her day. It was nothing – it was and always is their promise – Dream for me and I’ll Dream for you. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing yet it was everything, it encapsulates her everything, and it is everything she needed to, today.


It was Monday, yet at school she is not. She stands at front of several seemingly important, talent scouts probably. It was with that message that she sang her heart out, she dance her heart out.  It was a call back to that email audition tape she sent, they are not that many in the waiting room – five is what her count is. She does not even know how many of them will make it but today she feel this is her chance all because of that message.


And fate greets her.


Happy Birthday Yuri! Today we gift you a chance to reach your dream.


She sang her rendition of Casualty of Love, dance to Energetic and Boombayah, and sing small snippet of Taeyeon’s Rain at the scout’s request.


She is not gonna lie, she is nervous – yet she feel she can conquer the world. How can someone currently half the world away affect her this much? Is it really part of the thing they call love, maybe it is. That even with that distance, at this moment, her message and Yena, herself, manage to reach her.


Yet at end of the day, when the adrenaline has come down and she lunges on her bed, emptiness visit. She was chatting with her, timezone be damned, giggling – sending short silly messages, selcas with goofy filter, yet it was there – emptiness. The feeling that somehow lingers in between the small gaps of silence, it’s like air, seeping in and out of crevices. The feeling that Yena – her love – the person that perhaps makes her world go round is slipping within her grasp, like she is going away – far away.


She thought though that maybe just how her message this morning reaches her; there are things that did not manage to go through. Things that sometimes we fail to say, it’s a matter of which one gets to the destination but she hopes and hopes that her feeling reach her – that girl on the sunny side of the earth as she lay on her bed ready to sleep.  Yes, hoping it will reach her despite that expanding gap between them.


Dream of me. It was the older’s birthday wish and since that day they skated and kissed around the ring of ice, she does dream of her – once again.


Till this morning when her recorded voice invaded her slumber – and yet despite how objectively annoying that alarm is, it was surprisingly a pleasant music to her ear. She smile at how silly that was. This feeling within her chest and the grumblings in her stomach that are not because of lack of food but because of the flapping metaphorical insects inside of her, all of this is affection, all of this is because of love, of her – half a world away.


She went in and took a quick bath, lest she get left behind by her friends or that her breakfast be gobbled down by the other hamster in the building.


Today is a day of waiting – seeing if indeed the confident gut feeling she has yesterday is correct. She will face today despite the seesawing feeling of love and emptiness within her heart. Today she will march to the beat of that almost out of tune papapas – to the beat of her skipping heart – wishful that she will fulfill her end of the bargain.


She will dream for her and today she will see if the gates to her dream will open.


Today their group took the bus. A departure to how it was recently where she would get sent to school by Yena and the rest took a ride to their Kwangbae unnie’s car. For one – Yena is half a world away and their Kwang-bae unnie is once again busy with various things, that they - even Chaewon, have no idea what it’s about.


They got there about 12 minutes before their gates closed, they bid good bye to their friends from the other school. She specially paid attention to her roommate and her dancer friend whose relationship upgrade, she find cute. If there is one thing she and Minjoo bonded about lately it’s the fact that both started dating – kinda like some late night girl’s talk.


When their mochi cheeked peach friend join them, she took the time to . It amuses her greatly how the cute, harmless looking peach can sound so threatening yet still adorable – so tease she goes. The poor girl was only saved from her teasing by the fact that she is in different department, the dance major is located on the other end, one that is closer to the school next to them.


She figured based on Hitomi’s class location and the Minjoo’s stories that the two rendezvous [a fancy word she just learned by the way] secretly in between the two school.  That seems romantic, to the point she sometimes want to skip class just to catch those two – for added black mail materials – for the name of fun.


She chuckled at this thought and the thought that if Minjoo is starting to adapt some Hii-habits that she too is starting to think like the dear Duckie of their apartment. Her out of the blue chuckle did cause her companion, Nako to look at her weirdly. She even said the word “isanghae” something she notice the small feisty Japanese been using alot lately to describe things.


She just hugs the human definition of fluff. Honestly the uwuest [is that even a word – she doesn’t care] person she met and she is really glad that she is her classmate. One look at the said fluff ball and worries goes away – girl does not even need to do aegyo because everything she does pass as aegyo.  She tried to land a kiss on her friend cheeks but the smaller girl pushes her kissy face away while calling her names, such as weird hamster.


“Energetic as always, Yuri!” A bouncy confident voice said. It is Ahyeong – a friend in the same class, who only take vocal major as there is no specific major catering to what she does best – rapping.  


“Yuri and Nako-chan are so cute.” A contrasting shy voice from the girl peeking out behind Ahyeong said.  That is Soeun, she seems timid but her vocal tone is beautiful, proven by the fact she got scouted to be a trainee.


“Ofcourse nothing can beat this midget from being cute, how can you beat a-“ Yuri tried to say pointing to Nako but the feisty girl elbowed her hard on the stomach before she could finish it.


“As if your height has anything to say at all!” Nako said sarcastically, her I’ll gonna murder you face is still ironically adorable.  And she is right though, she is not that tall either, she once again laughs and so is the other three.


Classes start as usual. They do still have their regular subjects such as math, but the subject she looks forward to the most are the vocal classes and their music performance class.


For their vocal class today they are practicing chest-head voice mix. She still struggle with it despite doing fairly well in their last assessment. Techniques are rather hard to master – singing only is nice – but knowing the proper technique is a whole bag of things she need to atleast know. She understands well that good technique would mean she preserves her voice but sometimes she just wants to sing without thinking.


The music performance class on the other hand is more fun and lax in comparison. Today they are covering pop music, mostly elements of western pop and local pop, before it ends they are given an assignment to re-arrange and perform a song with a partner, giving them a week to prepare for it. With her luck she got her friend Ahyeong as her partner. Nako’s luck on the other hand got her paired with the 171cm tall Lee Seunghyun. So imagine the tiny fairy’s shock when she walks to meet her, poor Nako got teased by her friends. All the adorable prickly roll of fluff can do is welcome her partner who runs to bear hug her.


Wrapping up their day with English class at that point Yuri’s last braincell started hibernating. The urge to bolt out of the door is strong and as typical the signal of the end of class is greatly celebrated. Yuri yawned and pretended that she does not want to run straight out of that door.


She waited until Nako whose seat is two rows in front of her pack her bag. She can’t help but chuckle whenever she see her tiny friend, who sometimes looks like an elementary school student with her backpack, walking to her direction.


Lost in Nako-effect, melting while watching possibly the cutest being alive, she forgot that she wanted to bolt out of the door 10 minutes ago. A gentle tap on the shoulder brought her back to Earth, she look up to be met by the smiling face of her friend Ahyeong and Soeun.


She quickly packs her bag and joins the other three as they left their classroom. They then met Hitomi with her classmate Suyun on their way to the school gate. 


“I’m hungry, let’s go eat some tteokbokki.” Ahyeong muttered in tune of her grumbling stomach.


“I don’t think I can join you.” Knowing what her bestfriend have in mind Soeun quickly excuse herself.


“You can’t why?” Ahyeong ask sporting a pair of puppy eyes that Yuri can’t help but chuckle.


“You already know why.” Soeun gently said, squeezing her friend’s face.


As a trainee she has a duty to go practice every day – debuting is hard and there are things that falls in sacrifice, she and Yuri use to go together when Yuri is still training at a company near hers.


“Are you going there now, Soeun?” Yuri asks.


“Yep.” Soeun nodded and hugs the adorable hamster, right now – a secret promise has formed. Soeun will do her best for Yuri too and their shared dream. 


“Bye bye Soeun , Will make sure to update you.“ Ahyeong teased.


“Please don’t.” Soeun chuckled and waved then goodbye.


Ahyeong stretches her arms. “I’m craving for some cheese ramen tteokbokki – how ‘bout that - I know a good place. “ She suggested.


Hearing the word cheese is a chime to Hitomi’s ear, as soon as she heard of it her eyes widen. She quietly gesture thumbs up for idea of getting some CHEESE ramen tteokbokki.  


If there is a Nako melt effect, ofcourse there is also an equivalent Hii-magic. That is when everyone collectively goes [~~ gwiyeowo ~~] whenever she do something adorable.


Once the magic has been casted, Suyun drapes herself over Hitomi, pinching her cheeks while placing her chin over the smaller girl’s head all while muttering gwiyeowo.


After seeing Hitomi’s reaction, Yuri suddenly got an idea.


“Maybe we should invite Minjoo and Chaewon unnie too.” She suggested then quickly looking to Ahyeong direction “I mean if it’s ok with you?” she asks her.


“Ofcourse, the more the merrier and beside Chaewon-unnie looks really cool and Minjoo-ssi is really pretty, it would be fun to hang-out with them.” Ahyeong replied.


“Aye, Aye, Aye look at our Hii-chan.” Yuri teased heir blushing friend. Hitomi is proud and happy whenever people call her girlfriend, pretty, because yes Kim Minjoo is pretty. Heck she is beyond pretty she is a goddess, getting teased about it though on the other hand triggers that eensy weensy thingy.




Yuri laughs this reaction is definitely what she is aiming for. Hitomi on other stared daggers to her direction while she slowly raises her phone showing it to her – pointing her finger to a folder in her phone gallery. Pressing it showing a photo roll of Yena and Yuri that she has captured, it has barely any effect on Yuri who already saw her savior.


She pokes Hitomi’s cheeks. “Yah, Hiichan look over there.”


Walking to their direction is Minjoo, who is laughing at something her friend said to her. Once Hitomi’s gaze lands upon her, the girl stop and slightly averted her gaze, covering her reddening face. One of her friends, the fiery eyed protective Choyeon, then locks her gaze to Hitomi and made the two fingers to the eyes, I can see you, gesture. Hitomi gulps – watching Choyeon’s seemingly serious eyes.


On the other hand, Minjoo’s other friend the beautiful and kind Yewon, had enough of Choyeon’s antics. She rolled her eyes then drags her away after saying goodbye to Minjoo.


Nako stifled her laughter after watching the whole thing unfold before her eyes.  


“She hates me?” Hitomi innocently asks Minjoo.


Minjoo chuckled. “No she’s just like that – she likes to tease me.”


Upon hearing that Hitomi smiled, the kind where her eyes is barely visible and her cheeks become 10x fluffier. Minjoo’s heart is under attack by such devilish action. She can’t help but stare at her, gently patting her cheeks.


Just looking at her smile and those eyes made Minjoo’s heart skip countless beats. Well until her eyes landed on that arm wrap around Hitomi’s shoulder. Yikes… She looks at that hand then to its owner with wide eyed shock. Suyun quickly pulled out her hand and mouthed an apology to her.


Nako let herself laugh out loud this time even slumping into and hitting Yuri, finding the entire thing funny, specially the reaction of the recently arrived Chaewon who facepalmed at the event she witnessed.


After getting her fill of laughter, she decided to officially invite her to their plan. “Unnie we are going for some cheese tteokbokki would you want to join us?”


“That sounds great, can this poor soul tag along with us.” Chaewon answered pointing to her friend who she pulled to her side.


The girl with sharp feature, especially the eye looks to Chaewon in horror. Then she looks back to the other and introduces herself.


“Uhm Hello – I’m Go Yujin.”


The younger girl’s reaction are all the same, it’s oh this Unnie is cool. She is a true Unnie kind of person they say.


The girl named Go Yujin once again look at Chaewon questioning her logic.


“Yiren and Minyoung left us. I don’t see any harm in joining them. I assure you Goyu they are kind.” Chaewon shrugged.


Go Yujin or Goyu as she is called by her friends will admit it that Chaewon kinda change. She likes that the girl has let other see her softer side but still there are times she can’t understand what the girl is thinking. Nowadays she just looks at her confuse most of the time.


Nako once again stifles her laughter, for some reason things are hitting her funny bones today and this time it’s upon hearing the word “kind”.


“No not, what I’m asking… ah never mind.” Goyu scratches the back of her head feeling out of place.


Nako took the initiative and held her hands while saying with her cute voice and smile.


“Don’t worry unnie –we don't bite.”


It’s the right amount of aegyo, Nako did not even try – it’s all natural. It made Goyu melts right on the spot. Not only her every one of them melted and at that moment would be willing to give the world to her. Ah such is the power of Nako.


They all eventually go to the promise tteokbokki place that Hiichan immediately recognize.


“Joo~ My Minguri~~” She quietly whispered pulling the girl holding her hand closer to her.


“Is this place right?” She asks her.


Ahyeong heard them. “You guys know this place?”


“Our Hyewon unnie treat us here once.” Hitomi replied which this time caught up Chaewon’s attention


“When!?” the red haired girl asks.


“On Eunbi-unnie’s birthday.” Minjoo answered.


“oh---” Chaewon responded – tinge with question and doubts, this prod Minjoo to further explain – lest she cause misunderstanding between those two again. She can’t afford that to happen.


“I think they have some business matters that time.”


“I thought they are perhaps on a date.” Hitomi jive in or let’s say it’s her snarky friend who did– which causes her girlfriend to gently nudge her and give her a side eye. Minjoo quickly cut Hitomi in case her lovable peach prankster side got the best of her. “To me it looks like they just finish a business meeting. I mean Eunbi-unnie looks tired, well she still looks cool and Hyewon-unnie is... ”


Minjoo stop, and tried to think of a word to describe Hyewon, and her figure hugging one piece dress that time.


“Hyewon unnie is ~ “ Hitomi tried to help her they look at each other’s eyes and there they found the word they are looking for.


 “Yabai!”  They simultaneously said.  


“What—“ Is the only thing Chaewon manage to say in return.


Ahyeong got curious and asks. “Who are you guys talking about?”


“an unnie.” Chaewon’s short answer.


Minjoo and Hitomi both close in to Chaewon eyeing her very suspiciously.


“ehem – the two of you are starting to act so alike” Nako muttered calling their attention as she settled in her seat.


“See I’m right.” Yuri smirks to the smaller girl.


The lover’s look at each other and then to them and once again reacted at the same time. “ ehhhhhh---“.  


“Wow! Minjoo adapting –eh- too , nice.”  Nako laughs.


This causes Minjoo burry her head on Hitomi’s shoulder. Hitomi gently caress her embarrassed girlfriend's hair, smiling satisfactory to herself. She is really blessed to have her right now – for the chance she was given and took, she is happy. She squeezes her hand and both also settled in their seats side by side each other.


“Yow!!!” Ahyeong called their attention.


“Since Yuri is not here yesterday, I would want to celebrate her birthday today.” She added clapping both her hands, brilliant idea right?


“But we celebrated it yesterday.” Yuri nonchalantly said.


“I haven’t though, I’m not there, I’m left out…” Ahyeong murmured – browse furrowed and eyes looking like that of a puppy kicked.


Yuri has no choice but to relent. “Nope – will just celebrate it again ~~” patting her dear friend head.


When all the ingredients arrived, they sang Yuri a Happy Birthday – which her apartment mate sang to her yesterday already. She just laughs and let them purposely butcher the song. They became too loud though that the place Ahjumma got angry at them, the place grandma though just happily watches them have fun.


They quickly apologize to them and tried to tone down their voices. Yuri carefully observes her friends. This is the first time Chaewon hang out with them with a friend of her in tow. Goyuat first looks intimidating but the longer she observes the more she see the girl is an actual softie. Minjoo and Hitomi are in their own world – eating the additional cheese hotdog that Hitomi ordered. They look cute honestly, especially right now when the peach leaned on the frog shoulders. It suddenly made her miss someone. Then therei Nako and Ahyeong who are starting to brainstorm ideas for their presentation, Nako is asking for some suggestion to relay to her partner the next time they met.


The day is slowly coming to an end, and that optimism this morning regarding a certain call is slowly fading. She wonders where is that reckless confidence went, office hours are nearing its end and for sure no call or confirmation will come to her.


She still look up her phone and email, they said one of the company will make it known today if they pick someone out of them, and it’s looking more and more likely that it’s not her. There is no new email from the said company. She sighs; anxiously still hoping that a call may perhaps arrived.


Her friends saw her anxious face and tried their best to occupy her pre-occupied mind. Trying to forget the phone, the email or the call she is anticipating but knows will not receive. Until her phone buzz up – flashing a number she is not familiar with, trying to remember if it’s that company’s number.  They urge her to answer it so she did, retreating at a far corner of the shop.


Her eyes brighten up when the person on the other side confirmed who they are, she tried to hold her emotion to sound as normal as possible. Just to be sure, just like they said, she check’s her email to see if they sent her a confirmation email with more information and it was there. She shouted a quite yes and a controlled fist pump for her victory. As soon as her trainee contract is signed she is back on track to her dream.


She walks backs to her friend with a triumphant smile. All of them clap and congratulated her, all already know the drill. Companies tend to not release much info about their trainees, things are controlled. So the only thing they can do is congratulate her in more tamed way – they are all happy for her. Once again Jo Yuri is back on the road to her dream.


As promised they updated Soeun, they have previously sent several selcas with food just to get on her nerve. This time though they sent her a group selca and Yuri – Ahyeong two shot with a caption “I’m back.” Yes back, back on the road of their shared dream.


On the road they want to take – the metaphorical flowery road, the road full of thorns. A dream, her dream, their dream, they cheer for her and themselves too. Hoping one day they meet there at the stage singing and dancing.


Just like any other day, this news - she wants to tell it to her as soon as possible. It was impossible to tell it to her first with how the call arrives but she will tell her soon. 


She is here back in the rooftop that has bear witness to their growing feelings, to the love they harbor and finally confessed. She calls her; it’s almost 8:00pm, hoping she is already awake, despite the distance of 9,643 km over the Pacific Ocean. Hoping and hoping her words will reach her.   


Right now more than anything, she wants to hear her voice, assuring her that things are looking up and that her dream is within her reach. As much as she does it for herself – she does it for her too and their promise, dream for me.  It’s the promise that reaching your own dream fuels someone else to move and reach theirs.


She wanted to see her face. Maybe the reason she was missing her this much, even if it’s not that long since the girl left for the vacation, is the fact that she is anxious about something. Anxious about this audition she went, about this call she received, about this confirmation that yes she is back being a trainee again.


Being back on track on that flowery road full of thorns leading to her dream does not ease the uncertainty she is feeling. This is just the beginning, a new one for her.


It is all things old and new for Yuri. Her phone lit up with her girlfriend’s face huffing. It’s hard to see her face, with how early it is on that side of the earth. The sun is just starting to rise and all there is in the sky are faint streaks of its presence. Despite that she can see how bright her smile is, that pouty lips are hard to miss. 


“Annyeong ~~ Yuri-ah.” Her girlfriend greeted – flashing a bright smile despite her labored breathing.


“What’s up, my hamster?”  She asks, all the while she tried to jog into a nearby bench – beside a street lamp.  


Once the light flooded in the frame of her video call, Yuri finally manages to make out how Yena looks like at this early morning on the other side of the planet.  Her hair is up in a ponytail, she is wearing a thick hoodie, and in her hands are fitted sports gloves. She is huffing from probably doing her early morning routine jogs.


Yuri stared at her moving image for a good while, something that puzzles the girl on the other side.


“Is there a problem, Yuri?” The other girl asks, raising her eyebrow.


“Nothing, I just miss you.” Yuri shyly admits.


“I miss you too, I miss you very much. It’s cold here I wish you’re here.” The girl other side whines, pouting her lips while she put the hood of her hoodie up and making her look similar to an egg.


Yuri could not help but chuckle and smile brightly.


“Looks like something good happened.” Yena observe.


“Will you share it to me, my hamster?” She asks, pulling her best aegyo, pouting her lips and pointing her index finger to her cheeks.


Yuri smiled shyly trying to hide her face. That move should be illegal it’s too much she is between being embarrassed and melting.


 “I’m back, I’m a trainee again.” She said. It came out calmer that she imagines it to be.


“Really!!! That’s amazing Yuri!!!” Yena exclaimed, containing all the happiness that Yuri’s words failed to express. If the park where she is - is not empty, she probably will be seen as someone crazy.  “CongratsLetsCelebrateDoyouwantanything!!!” She added, too excited to even add a pause in each word. It’s almost incomprehensible.


Yuri watch her mumble her words, being all happy for her. She too felt that, her heart too is starting to express the happiness she has not been able to properly express earlier. Yuri watches every bit of what the camera can capture of that duck doing some weird dance.


Yena slump back to bench coming down from that high, wiping the beads of tears that formed in the corner of her eyes.


“I’m happy, I’m so happy, I’m so happy for you. I know you can do it, I know it. Just remember don’t give up, don’t ever give up again. Dream for me.”  She added almost crying.


“Yena~~Unnie~~” Yuri cooed, knowing how soft her girlfriend can get despite all that goofy actions.


"I’m just so happy, Yuri.  You doing your best, you make me want to do my best too."  Yena muttered – looking to those eyes on her phone screen, eyes that are 9,643 km away from her. Looking at them hoping that what is in her heart will reach her, over this phone screen.


Those words are the same words that make Yuri do her best, seeing Yena comeback from her morning routine, seeing her don her hockey uniform. Those things that is almost seemingly mundane. Things that they do for their dreams – those things give them strength to pursue their own, for each other.


“I’m so happy I wanna hug you.” Yena said waking up the daydreaming Yuri.


“How will you do that?” Yuri snickered.


She watches in awe as her phone screen get closer to the girls chest as the other girl hug her phone. She was nervous that the call might accidentally end.


“I love you, Yuri~” Yena whispered, as she bring in the phone close to her face.


 “I love you too, Duckie.” She said back, in between her laughter.


Their moment was broken when Yuri heard someone calling her. She was puzzle to say the least – Yena too heard the loud voice.


“Is that Wonyoungie calling you?” Yena asks curiously.


“Yeah, I think it’s her and I think I know why.” Yuri answers, anticipating Wonyoung’s arrival.


“YURI UNNIE!!!” The hyper giant bunny said as she burst out of the rooftop door, she then a glomp her surprise hamster unnie.


 “Unnie, Unnie, Unnie!!!” She muttered, lifting up the smaller girl off the floor. Yuri can’t help but chuckle.


“Calm down – Bunnie.” Yena reminded their maknae. 


“Unnie, you’re joining us right? We are co-trainees now!”  The girl said still as excited as ever.


“How’d you know?” Yuri smiled.


“I overheard our President when I was called over earlier. Then I saw her looking at your paper. I ask her who is it and she said it’s a new trainee. Don’t worry I tried my best to act normal.” Wonyoung narrated proudly.  


Yuri just chuckled at the girl’s action, all while Yena just try to watch whatever she can see out of her screen.


“Unnie, I’m really happy.” The youngest once again said, hugging the smaller girl. “And so Am I.” Yuri replied.


“So what do we call our unit name, unnie?” Wonyoung innocently asks.


“You are thinking of that already.” Yuri can’t help but laugh no matter how tall this kid is. She is still very much a child.


“Ofcourse.” The youngest muttered thinking hard about it. “hmmmm.. Jang –Yuri, won.. ri Joyyul,”  


“How about JangJorimz” Yena chimed in - out of the forgotten call.


“That’s perfect unnie.” Wonyoung replied flashing her bright smile to the camera.  


“JANG!” She energetically declared with her arm stretch asking the older girl to form a cross with her. 


Yuri is speechless but watching the innocent eyes of the youngest, she relented. “jorimz..?”


Then together they face Yuri’s phone to show the Duck their unrehearsed intro.


“Jang – Jorimz!”  They declared flashing a smile and making cute peace signs.


Yena nodded and gave them thumbs up for approval.


“Ahh you two are too cute. I think I need to go now – It’s getting colder. She said as she visibly shivers due to the passing wind.


“Youngie please protect my Yul.” She jokingly asks the youngest.


“You can trust me on that Unnie” Wonyoung gesture thumbs up to her.


“Great, I’ll hold you on that promise.” Yena flashes a smile to her.  


“Yuri~~ can I get a? She asks Yuri – pouting her lips.


“I won’t look promise” Wonyoung interjected, holding her hands up for a promise.


Yuri is a bit reluctant to do it, especially with Wonyoung who is pretending not to look, but the anticipating looks on her girlfriends eyes made her give in. So she did send her an air kiss.


“eeyyyy….” Wonyoung muttered, cringing, teasing her new company mate. Yuri glared to her, the youngest just laugh as she quickly run towards the door.


“I thought you won’t look!” Yuri shouted.


Yena could not help but chuckle listening to Yuri’s annoyed voice.


That light chuckle made Yuri’s heart to leap. It was her beloved voice that is her music. It is what makes her world go round. What gives her strength to do her best for her dream?






Yena arrived back at her brother’s house, quickly retreating to the guest room where she currently stays.


She scrolls to her contact till the name of her trusted friend is on bellow her fingertips. Hopefully the girl has time to answer her. She opted for another video call. She slump back to her bed waiting for that girl to answer. 


“Kwang-bae!” She enthusiastically muttered, when her friends face flashed on the screen.


“Duck.” Her beautiful friend sarcastically replied.


“You’re all deck up, what’s up?” She curiously asks after noticing what her friend is wearing, a black dress, expensive necklace, equally deadly earrings.


“And you’re a mess. Stop beating around the bush. What do you need?”  Her friend replied back.


“Thank you.” She said, with a smile curve on her lips.


“Huh.” Kwangbae’s confuse reaction, not knowing what the thank you is for.


“About Yuri.” Yena clarified.


“What?” Hyewon once again asks, still confuse.


“I mean she got into Kirin Ent. I figured you-“ Yena further explained but before she could finish her friend interrupted her.


“Shh- Stop right there. I might have significant share at Kirin but I don’t have any say regarding who they pick up as trainee. And beside trust Yuri’s skill will you? I’m sure Kaeun saw something in her to add her to her trainees. You know how good of a singer she is right? ”


“umm yeah, still.” Yena was taken aback, her friend is right. Yuri is indeed a talented singer that can get in, on her own. The thing is, it is not Yuri she does not have trust, it’s the industry she has a problem.


“YENA!” Her friend once again called her out.


“I’m sorry… I’m really happy that she is in a company where you are. Atleast I know it’s legit and not shady – I don’t want her to be hurt again… Take care of her please, for me.” She mumbled.


“Even if you don’t ask me, I will. Yuri is my friend too.” Hyewon sighs – because really there is no need to ask that.  


“so..”   After some awkward silence Yena tries to change the direction of the conversation.


“so” Her friend repeated.


“Where are you going? Date with Chaewon?” Yena asks.  


“I wish… it’s something else.” The other girl answers, she look away – out of the window of the car she is riding, pursing her lips.


“Don’t tell me… What the Kwangbae… You’re going on a marriage interview!? I thought you are better than this.” Yena exclaimed, not believing what she deduced, is right. She is hoping she is just reading it wrong.  


But her friend’s words shattered that. “Please… listen to me first. If I have a choice I will not be here.”


Yena gritted her teeth, not believing her friend is doing something stupid once again.


“If you have a choice?! You always have a choice.” Because even if it’s hard, one can always choose not to hurt the one they profess to love.


“I do.” Hyewon admitted, looking down, pursing her lips once again – tears visibly forming on the corner of her eyes.


“So what is this about!?” Yena did feel guilty on her outburst, it seem that this is a burden even the resilient Kwangbae is having hard time dealing with.


“I’m securing something for Chaewon. It’s a bargain… I don’t know. You know where I wanted to be the most right… but things kind of snowballed. I can’t even talk to Mom – I’m abit lost here… I’m doing the best I can think of. I don’t’ want any of this.” Hyewon explained, pain visible in her voice, trying her best not to cry.


“Kwangbae.. Kang Hyewon… how ‘bout her?” But Yena could not and will not allow her friend to fall and trap herself and lost the trust of the person she love.


“I know…” Hyewon muttered – staring straight to her eyes from that screen.


Yena sighed. “Ok. Please be safe… and don’t do anything stupid though you’re already on it…. You know what listen to me. Once this bull is finish – go back home, talk to Chaewon – tell her everything. You’re telling me to have more trust on Yuri. Do the same.” This is the only thing she can do give her a piece of her mind.


Hyewon nods to her. Yena knows there is something more to this. It’s a rare instance that Hyewon does not know what to do.  


“What’s the worst case scenario, Hye?” She asks, wanting to know at least a little about the situation without sounding intrusive.


Hyewon took a deep breathe.


“I get engage off to someone I don’t like and I don’t know…”  She said, her voice sounding rather calm, but in her eyes is chaos.  


“and” Yena interjected knowing there is something more to it.


“They take her away from me…” A drop of tear roll down her cheeks.


 “I see…” is all Yena could say not understanding what the other girl’s family is thinking.


“I’ll do my best so that none of that will happen.” Hyewon said firmly – having abit of belief that like other time she can escape this – that there is light at the end of this.


“Don’t leave her blind again.”  Yena reminded her, the least she could do.


“I will do what you said.”  Hyewon assured her. Yes despite this she is in… there is only one person in her heart.


“Good and I’ll make sure to remind your on it.”  Yena assured her, that’s a promise between friends. “Also Hye – remember you’re not alone, we are here. What do they call it in those animations you love to watch? Nakama? Trust the power of Nakama! Kwangbae!” She jokingly not jokingly added.  


“That doesn't work in real life. Not when it’s a corporate giant you’re against with.” Hyewon laugh.


“What if it does? Trust her, trust me, trust us! We’ll be here for you, Hye remember that.” Yena smiled a bright but pained one.


“Yes.” Hyewon replied. “I need to go now.” She added smiling to her.


“Hye. Kwangbae, fix your make up – you look like a mess.” Yena teased.


Hyewon quickly check her makeup. “I’m not... But I will though.”


“Give him your best impersonation of Cheetah Rapper-nim.”  Yena added, doing her best to impersonate the popular k-hiphop rapper. It was enough to make Hyewon laugh.




“Take care.”


“You too.”



  • First apologies for this update taking long. Things kinda happened by things my pc throwing tanthrum last weekend. So i lost a day and once weekday start its hard to find time to write. Sorry too, I have not reread it much so more typo erro probably. 
  • So yeah this chapter , is the opening of the 3rd - 12th. There is a major gear change here.
  • Team Dream - is mostly the backbone of Wonyoung's story. So watch out on her, it will take awhile before a dedicated chapter for her - but i hope you will get why its that. She will be with the other as they kick the drive on their dream.
  • Also what's up Kwangbae. 👀 👀 👀 [my bias doing something stupid]. 
  • Kwangbae story will literally be in the background from here on out, i will not focus on it for awhile but will probably subtly mention about it. 
  • I enjoyed writing this chapter if not for the technical issues... and writing this long - its hard to find time. 
  • Next one we will see What Nako meant about handling Yujin. featuring Wonyoung and a friend we have met before. (don't worry I assure you it will be free from angst... it's mostly fluff and crack.)   


I cant draw again today... I hope this weird chart i made can make it up.

uwu : soft | yabai : dangerous . Note: cracks are yabai because they causes destruction lol XD. 

There are some error here 99z [with Yujin] is a pretty cracky team but Yena and Hyewon together probably gonna fall closer to cry zone. 



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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1761 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??