33 The Road We Take

IZ*One : Everyday As We Dream


The Road We Take


With the sound of shuffling feets and laughter rising up the air, it was indeed a noisy Saturday morning at the apartment. Eunbi look at the trio, who are teasing each other while fixing their padded winter coats. She look into their young eyes that are looking forward to the rest of the day, the young eyes that are willing to brave the storm today to barrel on towards their dream, it put a smile on Eunbi’s lips.

There is a fleeting happiness in seeing these kids smile with hopes in their eyes, and dreams in their hands. If you think it’s her motherly instinct speaking, Eunbi will gladly own to that.

“Ah, I’m nervous.” The youngest blurted in English, it made those around to momentarily stop and look at her.  

 “Yah Vicky Jang, what the hell!?” A bewildered Yuri countered, “Ms. Jennifer Heo is definitely rubbing on you.”

“Language.” Wonyoung pouted making the other giggle.

“I’m also nervous.” The girl with mochi cheeks muttered. Her appearance with the other two this time in the morning doesn’t seem out of place.  

“What if seonsangnim found my dance lacking?” And yes what if? There is a lot of what if for someone who is taking another step to a new direction. It may not be Hitomi’s first day at the company but it still is her first weekend with them. Even with how much fierce the fire is burning in her eyes, the worries of tomorrow lingers. Those are heard with her patch up question made up of awkward mix of Korean and Japanese. As much her brain is trying to grasp words to express itself, her heart beats in both excitement and anxiety.

Yuri and Wonyoung look into each other, they maybe younger but they’ve been there. They’ve been at that point in the road where Hitomi currently is. They might be young, they might not grasp the significance of their action neither of the feelings they felt back then, but they can empathized and most importantly understood even a little the anxiety the Japanese is currently feeling.

They engulf her into a hug. “It’s you unnie.” And even if Wonyoung did not say the next words out loud Hitomi felt it. I believe in you.  “You are with us don’t worry too much.” Yuri ruffled her hair. That gesture along side her puppy like smile has enough magic to whisk the doubt away.

“There is nothing to be scared about. It’s Eunchae Seonsangnim she’s a lot less scary than our very own Chaeyeon-unnie.” The hamster assured, so sure of her words. “You’ll know when you see her.”

She winked causing the Japanese girl to let out a hefty laughter that is uniquely hers, when most are hahahas hers are cutely and aptly hehehes.

“Yah let’s go. Ms. Son may not be scary but our vocal teacher is.” Wonyoung hug herself and made a fake crying noise making the other to laugh again. Hitomi saw the crooked scarf around the youngest and dutifully fixed it, she then tried to pat her head.

“Youre babying her too much Hiichan.” Yuri holds onto Hitomi’s arms and pulled out her tongue to Wonyoung causing another round of giggle between the three of them.

Eunbi watch them greatly amused at their energy. She took a quick glance to the clock and figured that she needs to remind the kids, that have seem to forget time, and is now pulling each others scarf.

“Don’t you kids need to go now?” She asked, hands on her hips and lollipop stick sticking out of her lips.

Everyone in the common room look to her, jaw drop, that mom sort of energy that is hard to deny.  

“Ahjumma.” Yuri groans.

“What!?” Eunbi glared back.

“N-nothing unnie.” Hitomi bowed while she tries to push the other towards the door. “We will go now.” She mouthed.

Wonyoung turn around and shouted, “Unnie! We will be going now. Bye bye.” She then started skip-hop towards the door with a big smile on her face. She turn around once again to face companions but instead she notice the person going down the stairs and motion to her bread loving unnie to look.

Yuri and Wonyoung swear that if they can record that moment they would. They are a second late but the way the mochi’s face lit up the moment she was told about the presence of her love is priceless. It is something that is going to be a topic of teasing for years to come.

Hitomi’s saluted to the direction of the stairs, to the direction of her lover Minjoo. Her smile is as big as her love for her. It’s a great start for her day. Minjoo made a finger heart, kissed it and motion like she’s giving it to Hitomi, the later act like she caught it. Hitomi in return made a heart with her hands and put it to her chest pretending its beating and then giving it back to Minjoo, making the goddess giggle. It resulted to another round of teasing and comments about how cringe inducing the whole thing is. 

Eunbi manage to catch a few words of fake disgust, a lot of giggles, you’re just jealous, and the tail end of Yena unnie left early and saw her drop by your room, from the kids who just step out of the apartment. Some she got the context and the others are too faint to understand.

“They sure are lively.” Eunbi massage her temple and put down the lollipop to the side. She pulled one of the seats from their large dining table. “Those kids have better love life than I do.” Eunbi let out a huge sigh as she lean over to the table for support.

“Hmmm. Yeah.” Hyewon quietly munches on the bread roll Eunbi has regularly baked.

Eunbi’s creeping headache had made her very attentive to sound of her surrounding. She took note of the way Hyewon sips her coffee in a more mature way strip of the usual morning antics.   

It’s not the first time, it’s been that way the past week or so but she will be first to admit she miss watching the radish princess and babying the angel in the morning than this tense atmosphere they have today. It’s very evident the way the radish avoid the older girls eyes, and its evident despite the way Hyewon caresses the younger’s hand as if trying placate her feelings, that they have quarreled.  

“LQ... I guess even long time friends fight.” She whispered more to herself but Hyewon still heard it. The younger grumbled and gently kick her legs to let her know she heard it.

She glared back to her and Hyewon stared back, eyebrow arched, questioning. Eunbi couldn’t help it and flick Hyewon’s forehead. “Yah Kang Hyewon!”

“Wh-what did I do unnie?” Hyewon whimpers and Chaewon eyes grew ten times it size.

Eunbi caught the split second of battle in Chaewon’s eyes between coming in and like usual baby Hyewon or let her be. In that second Eunbi think she understood exactly what went on but that didn’t prevent her from inflicting and another hit on Hyewon’s forehead.

“How come you all have better love life than me?” She sighed.

Hyewon is too busy nursing her forehead to understand what Eunbi said. Chaewon on the other hand heard it. She tried to cover her face as a visible blush start creeping in. 

“Ah, Chaewonie?” Hyewon saw Chaewon’s change in color. She gently put her hand on the younger’s forehead to check her temperature.

“Unnie I’m sure it’s not why Chaewon-unnie’s face is red.” Nako slid a glass of water to Eunbi who is now cupping her head with both her hand. “Eunbi-unnie you should stop drinking too much at night.”

“Nako-yah…” Eunbi look up to Nako who had just put medicine beside the glass of water. “I’m sorry.”

The younger girl faintly smiled. The eyes of the eldest still have effects on her, that dumb stupid crush she have.

Eunbi would have talk with her more if not for Yujin who is closely following the penguin behind. Their height difference is amusing and the way how they interact is way too cute even for Eunbi. It makes her heart melt into pool of melted cheese.   

“I have horrible decisions.”

“I don’t know about decisions but you have bad taste for sure.” Nako sneered, she then took Yujin’s hands and head towards the couches after Hyewon confirmed if she is going to Gangnam.

“Trouble again unnie?” Hyewon took a huge bite of her third bread roll while trying to mumble if she can take some gimbap with her.

“ahhh. well.” Eunbi gave up speaking and started staring the glass of water Nako gave her.

“It’s that Sian again.” Chaewon scoff.

“What’s with her I’m not updated? Also are you drinking with…Nako-chan?”  Hyewon threw an accusatory look at Eunbi.

“No. Of course not. I don’t drink with Nako-chan. She’s a minor what kind of question is that. She just…”

“She just…” Chaewon hummed.

“She just caught me drinking…again.”

Hyewon was about to ask how many times or why not with them or why she’s drinking alone but instead diverted it to her other question, “And Sian?”

“Oh the witch ghosted her again.” Chaewon’s way of throwing colorful insult is not that foreign to Hyewon, still she found it … hot.  

“Again?” Hyewon wrestled her attention back to Eunbi who is scratching the back of her head.

“Twice is a fool.” Chaewon stand not hiding her distaste of the said woman. Eunbi was going to protest and defend the person she love and probably still love but Chaewon’s sharp eyes scared the out of her. How far have you fallen Kwon Eunbi? You’re even scared of someone several years younger than you.

“It’s thrice. Thrice! That’s idiocy!” Nako shouted from the living room. For how she heard what Chaewon said is a mystery, some kind of power she has.  

“Yes it’s the third time and yes I am a fool.”

“Atleast you know.” Chaewon patted her shoulder, “Go drink your meds before Nako threw us down our grave.”

“Are you going now?” Hyewon tried to reach up to Chaewon. The radish princes took a step back, nodded and head out to the stairs before Hyewon could ask anymore question.

“I guess you are having trouble too.”

Hyewon resigned to her seat. She put down the bread she is holding of which half is still left.  

“Hyewon?” Eunbi observe Hyewon who started cleaning up her plate.

“It’s nothing unnie, we’re not really fighting. I just ask her a favor for me.” The younger puff one of her cheeks as she hummed along while cutting the gimbap she plans to take with her.

“What kind of favor? That girl would do everything you ask her, what gives? ” Eunbi is baffled – if it’s a favor she can see Chaewon going above and beyond.

“I ask her to stop treating me like a child.” Hyewon statement is simple. She tried to lift the corner of lips but failed and instead she focuses her attention on the gimbap she is placing in the food container she grabbed.

Eunbi watches, agape. She should’ve notice – ever since she has comeback from the accident, Hyewon had tried to do the stuff that other usually take over from her. Eunbi wonder’s if its an appeal of trying to appear mature, a way to show how much she grew up or Hyewon’s attempt to remove the princess tag.

“Don’t think too much about it. We are fine. It’s an exchange.” She exhaled making sure the cover of the food container is tightly shut. “We are trying to grow up independent of each other.”

No wonder.

“You sound like you age 20 years from your accident.” Eunbi smiled, “Let me help you with that.” Eunbi stood up and started cleaning what’s left on the table.

“You should drink the meds first before you help – I don’t want to be responsible if you stumble over because of hung over.” Hyewon motioned to the meds.

“Our Hyewon really is growing up. Don’t grow up too fast.” Eunbi did obliged at Hyewon’s request, lest she summoned a tiny demon who will scold her again to take care of herself despite another self inflicted heartbreak.

“You are sounding more and more like an ahjumma as the day goes.”

“I think that’s something an Ahjumma would say.” Eunbi chuckled. “Just saying, don’t grow up too fast but also don’t meander like me.”

“Yes. Grandma.”

Eunbi stared at Hyewon trying to digest what she said before picking up the nearby chopsticks and hurling it to laughing girl.

“Yo shouldn’t you check on them Ahjumma.” Hyewon pointed to a pair who seems to have gotten into an argument and another kid who looks like a deer wanting to help but has no idea how.

Minjoo looks so lost on what Nako and Yujin are talking about and why it’s getting heated. She want to do something at the very least instead of just sitting there staring at the other two.

“Unnie~” Yujin whined, her eyes are like a puppy asking for something.

“And here we are again.” Nako facepalmed looking back to the younger in between her fingers.

“I don’t understand.” Yujin tilted her head.

Nako threw a glance at Minjoo who is still sitting at one of the couches observing them. Nako sighed and tried her best to reach Yujin’s head to give her a pat. “I wish I could explain it better.”

Minjoo did catch some of what they are talking and she knows it involve her and things to do about patching up – which seems to be Nako’s agenda since her impromptu party days ago. You see ever since that day back in January, Yujin started to avoid her. Gone are the days of the kid who bug and follows her around.
She does want to patch things up but she’s short on ideas. How can she do anything if the other party is avoiding her? The only thing she can think of is trying to corner the said party. Hell she’s not going to do that. The last time she become that bold it was a disaster so that was a hard pass.

Minjoo’s hope right now is on Nako and the short moment their eyes met. She can only hope that the epitome of cuteness will be able to convince the big pup to try and talk things out with her. It will be awkward but she wants to give the talk a shot.

“Why are you guys starting the day angry?” Hyewon captured Yujin from behind trying to lift her up much like a pup with her arms under going under pups armpits.

“No.” Yujin tried to turn her head to Hyewon, “We are not angry, we are not fighting we are just – talking.” Yujin look down.

“Yah unnie – we are just sorting something out.” Nako grinned.

“Oh then that’s good to hear.” Hyewon put her head on Yujin shoulder and look straight to Nako causing the younger girl to gulp. “I’m a bit jealous, I feel like my puppy got stolen.”

“but you are the one leaving me.” Yujin mumbled. Despite the words being barely coherent both Hyewon and Nako caught wind of what she said but pretended not too.

Hyewon ruffled Yujin’s hair and ask her if she wants her to bring something home just for her. The younger shook her head, “Just make sure you get back here unnie.”

Those words prick Hyewon’s heart. She did worry everyone and even though she is mostly fine now, Yujin still feels that the older will once again disappear without a warning. Hyewon smile softly to her and hug her one more time before shifting her focus to Nako. “Should we go now?”

Nako shuffled her foot and grab her bag that is placed in of the couch. It was comically bigger than her a fact that Minjoo subtly pointed out.

“Wait! You are going to drive!?” Yujin’s voice caught Nako’s attention enough for the penguin to whip her head around. 

“Yes. Why?” Hyewon stared back at Yujin.

“You are going to drive with Nako?”


“Are you sure?”

Hyewon tilt her head after being questioned repeatedly. It sounds amusing albeit its sound accusatory but she can’t help catch that worry in the younger girl’s voice. Now to whom that worry is for, is up in the air.

“Unnie, I think what Yujin want’s to say is if you are good to drive now.” Minjoo interjected calmly moving to the couch that is much closer to where the others are.

“oh is that so?” Hyewon look at Minjoo briefly then back to Yujin who profusely nodded.

“Ah. Don’t worry I’m good now. Outside of this.” Hyewon pointed to her ankle, “hurting sometimes, I can drive now. I admit my side still hurts when I move certain way but I’m fine.” Hyewon held thumbs up and smile trying to assure the younger that it will be ok.

“I don’t know. That doesn’t sound very reassuring unnie. Can I trust you with this midget?” Yujin pointed to Nako like she is presenting a gift. “Do you even have a child seat to secure her?”

“YAHH AHN YUJIN You are a dead meat.” Nako tried to tackle Yujin who run away as soon as she said her words causing a chase around the living room.

Hyewon is amused but she loves this kind of noise in the morning. She felt a tap on her shoulder. It was Eunbi. “Are you sure your fine now?”

Hyewon mouthed a quite Yes. Unnie.” Before shifting her attention back to the scuffle between Yujin and Nako. “It does feel like I really lost something.”

Eunbi shook her head. “Her favourite person might have change but your still part of the one she values.”

“You really sound like an ahjumma.”

“And you sound like you went to a 10 year exile and comeback half the person and you’re about what 20?” Eunbi fix the collar of Hyewon’s diluted cream caramel blouse and made sure the scarf collar is not crook. “This outfit looks really good on you.” She then straightened her peacoat.

“I look good on everything, unnie.”

“Ah that confidence.”  Eunbi chuckle. “I want to remind you to attend your uni classes today.”

Hyewon rolled her eyes, “I will. And beside I need to pick up Chaen and Kkura.”

“I almost forgot about that.” She grinned.

Hyewon’s lips curve up to a smile, “Yah don’t forget it, see you later unnie.” She then reminded her to take care of her hungover. Eunbi hit her shoulder before then calling to Nako to hurry up.

Nako apologizes to Hyewon, who laugh and started heading to the door. She looks back to Yujin again and asks her if there’s something she wants. It was in her words an apology forcing Yujin to reconcile with Minjoo.

“I don’t really have anything in mind, unnie.”


Yujin nodded. “hmmm but can you promise me you’ll not going to leave me.” Yujin’s eyes are not on Nako but on Hyewon who is observing them a few meters away.


“Promise me you’ll be by my side, always.” This time the words are to Nako and Nako alone.

“That’s something I can’t promise Yujinie. By your side – yes, always is…”

“but you did, before.”

“Ah.” Nako paused. “Yes… what I mean.” Nako’s eyes quivered looking into Yujin’s pleading one. “What I mean as long as I am here, I will be by your side but always and forever are words that are hard to promise with certainty. Ice cream, teokbokki, potato chips – those I can promise but always is – always, never those are words that… are uncertain.”

Nako took Yujin’s hands and smiled, “but as long as I am here. here. I’ll be by your side.”

Nako runs to Hyewon and once again apologizes to the older for the delay. Hyewon again laugh at the adorableness of the kid waddling like a penguin in her white padded coat over her black hoodie.

The car is as luxurious as Nako remembers it. She even jokes about going down from it like a Mafia on occasion her co-trainees are near.

Those antics makes Hyewon laugh meter hit level 5 from the get go. To Hyewon Nako’s smug face look combined with her – er- size – makes for a hilarious sight. In this moment it’s a bit jarring to see none of the smug, or the smile, it just a visible nimbus cloud over the younger girl’s head about to bring rain.  It seems that what Nako and Yujin talk weighted more to Nako than Hyewon thought.

She took a glance of the younger from the rear mirror finding the timing to speak. It’s a 30minute drive to Nako’s company in Gangnam.

“Are you safe now?”

“huh?” Hyewon is taken aback by the question, it’s not the one she is expecting.


“Oh. Yes relatively.” She smiled to her by the rear mirror, “I’ve been back to Gangnam a lot this week, a good sign I guess.” She shrug her shoulder, “We…I have people there – my family will not try to pull that sh*t again.”

Nako raised her eyebrows hearing the older curse. Well Hyewon do curse maybe not as frequent as an excited Yena or a pissed of Eunbi or Chaewon on a regular day but she does and its still surprising coming from her.

“That… That’s good to he-“

“I’m sorry if I worried all of you.”

“Nah I just miss getting taxid. That’s a good one month too.” Nako cross her arm and grin.

Hyewon heart was about ready to relax when that smug on the younger’s face was gone in a blink of an eye. Hyewon’s brows furrowed while she caught a glimpse of the girl scrolling on her phone. “Is something bothering you Nako-chan?”

“Is this the start of the Life Changing Road Trip with Kang Hyewon that Chaeyeon unnie told me?”

“What did she say?”

“It just something along about you taking people on a road trip to talk about life.”

“I don’t remember doing any of that.”

Nako cackle that’s a Hyewon thing to not recognize the goodness of the action she takes. She do it because she does and she can – there’s no deep meaning most of the time – she do because she is Hyewon.

“Anyways, can I use my coupon for a session of Life Changing Roadtrip with Kang Hyewon?”

“Sure, even though I don’t know what that is.”

“How about this?” Nako stretch her arms and look outside the window. “What if you failed to reach your dream? What if it you can’t reach it?”

Hyewon look to her passenger on the mirror, “I don’t know if I’m the right one for to ask about that.” Because it’s a heavy question in Hyewon’s opinion, “I’m but a 20 something hotshot coasting on her family’s wealth. I don’t know exactly about dreams.” She gently put the car to stop heading in the traffic signal. “I mean dreams with implication for the future. I can’t say for sure but that one dream I have, the one dream I wanted … - that was already crushed, Nako-chan.”

There is a dose of silence as Nako wait for Hyewon to breath after that. They start counting the time they are stuck waiting for the light to change.

“What did you do?”

Another silence until Hyewon put the car on drive again once the turn signal allowed her to.

“I wish I could tell you what exactly I did.” Hyewon let out an awkward laugh before suddenly stopping her car. “Ah geez.” She looks around before laughing again to herself. “Nako-chan I think we will need to take a different way.”

Nako gave her approval even if she’s wondering why Hyewon decide to take another way. The older didn’t give a vibe that she is in a hurry and Nako still has time left, unless…

“Nako-chan can you help me, can you answer this message for me.” Hyewon pointed to the phone beside her while she made the car turn around to escape the traffic caused by a road work ahead of them.

Nako pick up the phone after Hyewon gestured her passcode. She read the name Kang Seulgi, she’s curious but did not ask.  “Tell her to not worry and that I’ll still be there on time.”

Nako type the word as she was told.

“Is it really ok to you that we took a different road?”

Suddenly it clicked to Nako, for a moment she is thinking if it was luck or a of genius.  “You took a different road…”

“Huh… I just ask you earlier you said its fine.”

“Unnie not that. The answer to my question. What did you do when you saw dream failing?”

“oh.” Hyewon paused for a bit as the car slow down as it approach an intersection. “You’re right I did.” It’s a realization that hits her anew.  “Geez.” She laugh awkwardly again but more of an amusement regarding herself than anything.  “I’m not sure if that’s really what I did. My dream is no more. I was taken to a detour and when I comeback where I was before I guess it was not what I want anymore. Is that a new road?”

“M-maybe.” Nako messes up her hair because she’s more confuse than ever and Hyewon is equally amused.

“Don’t think too hard about it Nako.” The older smiled as they continue their journey or the Life Changing Roadtrip with Kang Hyewon as Chaeyeon put it. “What I learned in the past month is… we don’t get what we want sometimes no matter how hard we try. I also remember that a certain convenience store clerk told me, sometimes you get to the path of your dream only to realize it’s not what you want I guess that was me.”  She rambled as she turns into another road.

Nako caught a glimpse of an artist banner with De:Tour emblazoned on it. It was weird because right now Hyewon is rambling about detours. “…we travel, take a detour, get lost, comeback to the same point and decide if you go back again or take a different path.”

“Isn’t that giving up?” Nako is not the one for giving up; she’s the barreling in – sometimes blindly – kind of person.

“Maybe.” Hyewon replied in a whimsical tone hiding a rolling laughter underneath.

Weird. Is what Nako is thinking.

“I guess you can say it as giving up, to me its more like starting over. You know, I take creative writing right? Just talking about writing there are times you threw that thing into the trash and start over, maybe I give up on that story but does not mean I give up where I want to be it just that where I want to be change.” She shrugged.

 Nako is more confuse than ever but she pick a few nuggets and one of them is Hyewon – has ways with words that make you go yeah she’s right but also I don’t get it really. Maybe that is the writer thing or most probably just her Korean failing her.

“Nako-chan are you ok?”

Nako stared at the older on the mirror. She’s wondering if it’s right to have this longer conversation with her that is devoid of food. Her head aches.                                 

“What I really want to say Nako, like when you crave for cake but someone pulled you away from it you come back to the store but you’re not craving for a cake anymore instead you now want gopchang. Ah.. I don’t really know if that make sense.” Hyewon completely gave up explaining the concept.

Nako just blink, yeah food, a context with food is probably better because somehow she understood it.

“I think I get it now.”

“Then Nako-chi could you tell me why you ask?”

“Oh nothing unnie- I was just wondering.” Nako manage to hide her uncertainty behind her smug.

Despite that attempt, Hyewon’s eyes glint as if she caught something in the wind. “Then could you promise me something?”

“huh. Ah sure.”

“Promise me you will not hurt, Yujinie.”

Nako caught Hyewon’s eyes from the mirror – she felt that cold stare – but … there is no but… Nako knows she’s busted. Is Hyewon some sort of a shaman to manage to deduce her that fast? There is no reason to escape, as if she can. She took a deep breath, “I can’t promise.”

Hyewon’s eyebrow raised.

“I can’t promise unnie. I think she got too attach to me and I can’t really promise that.”

“Why so?”

Nako heave, “Do I need to say it out loud?”

Hyewon made probably the last turn of this journey, “I’m not sure – for your own good maybe.”

Nako is sure she’s hearing drips of poison mix with worry from the older girl’s tone. “I can’t promise, not when that promise can be broken not because I want it but because it was meant to. Not because of me but because of circumstances.” Nako pursed her lips and sighed, “How can I promise, when I don’t even know where I’m going? Is where I’m going allow me to be here? ”

“We are here Nako-chan.” Hyewon pulled the car over. “Nako don’t worry about it, I mean about Yujin that much, take your path in your own pace.”  The older smiled.

Nako nodded and get off the luxurious car. There she stands in front of a huge building, on top of stone hard concrete ground.

“Hwaiting!!!” Hyewon shouted before she puts her car on drive again.


Nako scratch her head. That’s the Life Changing field trip with Kang Hyewon for you. She looks around and started walking. In the middle of concrete jungle with footfalls that are not light. There is no flower in sight. There might me a tree or two but it still that dead gray soulless color.

She pulls her phone to play a song and shuffled on Sejeong’s Flower way. Quite fitting. But what is a flower way? The mythical flower road? Things will get better – but here she is in a road of concrete asking if this really is the road she is walking. Always is hard to promise when she doesn’t know if she will still be in this road tomorrow. Will there be flowers on it? 

“Nak- unnie why are you just standing there? Let’s go.”

“Chib-chib wait! Nayoung-ssi!”

It’s a start of another training day and at the end of it Nako is still sure she wants to be in this road. This is what she chooses to take. Facing herself in that mirror practicing this dance over and over again, making sure her expression is perfect. Still “always” lingers. Can you promise the uncertain – when the uncertain part is not under your control?

On the opposite end in Hongdae, Hitomi is standing on the start of that road, eyes ahead. She’s determined to wade the twist and turns of this road no matter how hard it maybe, a fresh feet of to the start of its journey.

She stretches her legs in preparation for their dance lesson. The other trainees are doing the same. She’s focus on her figure in the mirror of their practice room.

“Our vocal coach is real scary, right - Honda-ssi?” Doah look to her from the mirror.

Hitomi  stood up and did a standing shoulder stretch, “She is strict. I’ve only started 3 days ago and I can say that…. She’s scary. Also Kim Doah-ssi.”

“The two of you are so formal.” Yuri glomped Hitomi from behind.

“She’s strict but I’ve learned a lot. I really need to hear those words. I’ve have a long way to go in singing.” Hitomi turn around to face Yuri.

“oh practicing some fanservice.” Doah brush finger to her chin, the other two push each other away.

“Doah!” Yuri pouted, Doah giggled in return.

“Seriously though you and Heo-ssi you guys don’t need to worry that much. I’m jealous. ”

“Who said.” Yuri playfully shoves Hitomi’s shoulder. “Look at Jennifer.” Pointing at the corner where the said girl is sitting, sulking.

“What are you talking about!?” She lays down the floor and look up to them from it. “And also just call me Yunjin.”  

“I know so many Yujin and Yunjin. I’m having hard time remembering.” Yuri grinned; Yunjin just rolled her eyes and rolled to the floor like she is doing a floor stretch routine.  “I’m a bit scared but she’s a good teacher. My singing training come from opera and pop singing style is really different I have so many things to learn and their expectations are high.”  She grumbled.

“It’s for our improvement, I’m personally working on being able to support my high notes better.”

Fighting!” “Hwaiting!” the two vocals cheered each other.

Hitomi felt an arm going around her and it is Doah smirking. “I can say with all honesty that our main vocal line is dope.” Doah poke her Hitomi’s cheeks. “And you’re going to be our main dancer right?” 

“I don’t know about that but I’ll give it my best shot.”  

“That’s the -” Doah is about to say That’s the spirit but figure Hitomi is not really paying her attention and instead she has her eyes on their maknae who comeback from a short bathroom break and walked in where Yunjin is. “I see Wonyoung everyday and I still wonder how she is so tall and now Heo-ssi is even taller. How is that possible?”

“They are practically 80% legs.”

“I suddenly feel so small.”

Doah cackled after hearing Hitomi’s statement she was about to when their teacher arrived.

The trainees quickly lined up themselves and bow to their trainer. “You’re the new one right; I’ll have heard good things about you from Chaeyeon-ssi. Show me what you got. “

Hitomi gulp, you got this. She take her position and stand there waiting for the song, it is a solo dance meant to access where her skill level is. 

The song played,

Ba-banana ba-ba-banana-nana
Ba-banana ba-ba-banana-nana

Eunchae nodded her head and saw the potential in the said girl. She already knew the company might try to get a Japanese trainee and they did snag one that is passionate. She noted the things she will need to work on her, her techniques are good. A bit more work on fundamentals, she has good lines and energy but she is here to challenge the girl to add more versatility in her move and she feel’s Hitomi is up to the task.

After a Hitomi’s dance, they continue with their group lesson, this time for choreography for the song Handclap. It was a fun dance that is abit out of Hitomi’s comfort zone but she’s trying and willing to learn. She took everything and led her co-trainees in getting the formation. Wonyoung is really thankful about this and see how different it is having someone that is dance oriented.

Hitomi is focus and passionate, asking Eunchae for pointers before the instructor leave, even doing the whole choreo alone in the mirror while the rest tried to catch up their breathing. In her eyes is fire. She’s on this path; she’s going to do her best to be there, to see it through the end.

If Nako is worrying about the uncertain, Hitomi has none of that. She has one goal – to continue, to stay. To stay to her means to be with Minjoo – that’s what fuels her in this blindfolded trek to the promised flowery road. Love maybe blind but who knows it may help her find a way; one thing Hitomi is sure it fuels her desire to pursue her dream, for herself and for her love.

They are walking out of the building for a food break; it was about 5 in the afternoon. They’re target is the near Budae Jjigae place. Their mouth is already watering thinking about it. Exhaustion and hunger makes for one great imagination.

“Budae Jjigae~~~ Teokbokki~~~” Yunjin the mostly rational one sang in operatic manner.

“You make it sound like a wedding song.”

Yunjin then sang another one, this time an actual opera song. The other girls are amaze and dutifully clap and cheered for her.

“Reservations are now open for a Yunjin wedding performance. Please Line up.” Doah put her palm forward to Yuri as if asking her to pay the fee. 

“Ah why me?”

Doah rolled her eyes and Yunjin chuckle, “We know.”

Yuri put her pointing finger across her lips gesturing her to quite. “I’m not the only one.”

“aish these gays.”  Yunjin said in English.

“Dating seems fun.” Wonyoung commented back in English aswell. 

“Don’t think about it yet, you’re still a baby.” Yunjin hug her.

“It’s the Vicky and Jennifer show again.” Doah grinned, pointing at Yunjin and Wonyoung conversation being in full English. “I wish my English is as good.”

“Also Yuri, Nayoung-ssi is just my close friend.”

“Close friend my .” Yuri threw a jabbed the rappers stomach.

Hitomi let out a chuckle, she’s still trying to find her place in the team but she’s starting to get comfortable.

“Beside, Doah if you want to get Yunjin a wedding booking.” Yuri subtly pointed to Hitomi.

“Honda-ssi?” Doah tilted her head.  

“What mee!?” Hitomi frantically waved her hands.

“Why not? You and my roommate – seems to be having a real good time.” Poor Hitomi as Yuri’s mischievous side multiplied in the presence of another mischievous human.

“What are you saying!?” Hitomi retorted louder than she wants it to be and Yuri and Doah just laugh while Yunjin and Wonyoung is amused at what is going on.

 “Didn’t you and M-“ Hitomi quickly covered Yuri’s mouth before she said anything more. Her face is red, as in red as ruby red, both because she’s embarrass and also angry.

“Whaff  - Wonfyongf cn afttest tsu chat. ” Yuri tried to mumble over her muzzled mouth.

Yunjin look at Wonyoung, “Minjoo-unnie is really pretty.” She got it that this Minjoo is more or less the person their Japanese member being teased too.

Yunjin step in reminding the three that even if they are open about being in relationship they should still be careful. Not only because its frowned upon but them being in a same- one will be looked more unfavorably. For now Yunjin is their leader.

Wonyoung is really happy. Her bright smile can't hide that. Now more than ever she felt her team, her group, her dream is within reach.

They left the vicinity laughing and teasing each other unaware that eyes are observing them from above.

Seeing them laugh, especially youngest, made the one watching happy and satisfied. Their happiness is evident even if it’s hard to know what they are being excited about from the 3rd floor vantage point.

“Are you satisfied?” The short haired woman asks the person beside her, who has a switch dangling on her wrist.

“I’m not the one that formed them but they have good chemistry as a group already.”  

“Business speak?” Sakura arch her eyebrow.

“No. It’s Hyewon Speak.” The younger has a wolfish grin plastered on her face.  

“It makes you want to protect them right.”  Sakura look out again to the disappearing figure of the girls.

“You sure are fond of them.”   Hyewon teased.

“And so are you.”

Hyewon admittedly laugh. She walks to one of the available chairs in the meeting room and started paying attention again to her Nintendo Switch. Sakura followed and started playing on her switch too, might as well log in some game time while waiting.

“Hyewon-ah, you’re late today.”

“One of my profs held me.”

“Are you failing?”

“Attendance. My attendance is a disaster you know.”  Hyewon chuckled. “Sorry If I made you and Chaeyeon wait.”

“Nah. Im grateful you pick us up.” Sakura whispered, “We should play Mario party one of this day with Yena.”

Hyewon nodded before abruptly putting down and hiding her controller and straightening up her position when she heard the door click. She caught a glimpse of Sakura who did the same, they both giggled as they put on the mask of co-workers and put down the mask of friends.

President Lee Kaeun emerges from the door followed by Chaeyeon and two other following them closely, one of which is a lawyer and the other a secretary. Chaeyeon sat near Sakura, while Kaeun took the head of table that is just beside Hyewon. Kaeun look to her watch and whispered something to Hyewon. 

Chaeyeon spoke, “They’ll be here soon.”

It was the most business like tone Hyewon heard of Chaeyeon. She look to her smiled a little, the later nodded. It’s really hard to pretend to be so professional.

“I know the three of you are close friends so it’s ok. It’s not like I’m going to eat you if you act friendly to each other.”

“It’s not that Kaeun.” Hyewon tried to subtly point the attorney with them. Kaeun cackle in this cat like way. She suddenly got reminded how young her business partner is.

“We’re just trying to act more polish unnie.” Chaeyeon added, causing more hysterical laughter from the oldest.

“Miyawaki-san. My bad.”  Kaeun apologize to Sakura who just shrug, “These two are…” She just couldn’t help but find the two together funny.

Kaeun always thought Hyewon is that cold spoiled chaebol who rarely smiles, trying to appear mature and hide their insecurity by appearing ruthless. In reality as the more she comes to know the girl she learned that she is pretty much an awkward kid with a good heart and a keen business sense. Thanks to her cousin too that more of the inner Hyewon started coming out. She don’t plan to use it against the younger, she is not that kind of person despite her cousin thinking about her in that way. It’s made her see more of what kind of person helps her build her company.

They heard a knock on the door, the secretary dutifully opens it and the person who knocks and is now walking inside assisting an older lady is none other than…

“Eunbi unnie!”  Hyewon stood up from her seat and welcome with a wide smile her unnie and the lady that is with her.

“Halmeoni!” Chaeyeon’s face brightened up upon seeing the old woman she missed so much.

It’s been awhile since the two have seen her. The person who help them when they needed a safe place to stay, a roof over their head and warm place they can, in fleeting moment, call home.

“You rascals!” The old woman shouted as she messes up with the younger’s hair, which Hyewon and Chaeyeon allowed. Eunbi for sure inherit her loud voice and combative stand from the old lady. “I heard you got yourself in trouble.” pointing to Hyewon.

Hyewon smiled softly to her but Chaeyeon saw the held tears behind her eyes. Hyewon nodded. She lowered her whole body to the ground and prostrate to the older woman’s feet. “I’m sorry it was my fault.”

“This rascal, stand up it’s not your fault – it’s never your fault.”

Eunbi help Hyewon to stand up.

“We are going to sort this out. Don’t blame yourself.”

Hyewon and Chaeyeon hug the old woman again forgetting that they promise to act as professional as they can. The people inside the room let them have their moment; Kaeun is not the one to in at a heart warming moment.

“We miss you, Halmeoni.”


  • Sorry it was 1 week late than I promised.
  • Originally im planning this to be a Wonyoung Day chapter, supposedly original plan this is to show that Wonyoungs group / therefore her dream is close. I decided to change it and start the day earlier and show where everyone currently is for an attempt to better narrative.
  • Many might've forgotten the story other bricks i drop before[i dont blame you i took a hefty break] but they coming back in.
  • Halmeoni is in 👀, why is Sakura in the meeting 👀?
  • Next chapter is about graduation [Yujin and Chaewon]
  • I hope despite the change in focus, that my original intention for a light fluffy chapter is achieve though there are more heavier parts.
  • I love it if you could comment something. Also I have a curiouscat if you wanna ask something. https://curiouscat.me/kaichimoo
  • I started a new story here, its a shorter one probably ends in  5ch or 10ch. -> https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1447823


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Sorry I can't publish as promised. I will try by this friday. I have started writing it- but i still have work to finish. :(


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hyemstar #1
Just, wow
Agnes021 #2
Thanks for the update! Wow, quite the progression in terms of Chaewon. Wasn't expected that.
1760 streak #3
Chapter 41: wow! how much i miss this story!
Chapter 16: I love the story, specially the 2won,
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 39: i’m waiting the member surprising chaeyeon’s bdy:(
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 26: chaeyeon throwing cake hahahahahahahhaha ,i can’t imagine lol
Chapter 17: aww
Chapter 40: please ... please ... please update soon😭😭😭
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??
Chapter 13: wowwwww! I love how you made the character relationship chart! how did you make it??