
The Darkness Inside

you hesitantly took is hand but broke off quickly. You, Haesun, and Fei just kinda stood there awkwardly, while Yejun observed you and the others fooled around, completely ignoring you.

"So, uhm..." Fei coughed. "We should, uhm, be leaving.."

"Yea," Haesun stepped in. "Theres this..thing...that we'll be late for..."

"So uhm...yea we cant miss it its like really important." Fei nodded, and they started to drag you off.

"Whats so important that youre just leaving?" Yejun raised an eyebrow. *I guess I shouldnt leave it up to them to make excuses. Hes suspicious of us.*

"I'm having my liver removed, and my right kidney!" Fei shouted (since she had been walking away this whole time)

"Do you have some sort of disease?" the tall one asked. *Was he really buying it?!* You held back your laughter, even though they couldnt see your face.

"Yea, you dont look sick..." another mumbled. Haesun nudged Fei, hinting her start acting.

"Oh, yea, uhm..." she muttered before clutching her stomach and coughing dramatically. As soon as you were all out of sight, you slapped Fei on the arm.

"What the hell was that?!" 

"Yea, what were you thinking? having your organs removed?!" You and Haesun laughed.

"Thats it. I wasnt thinking." Fei pouted

"So, they all go to our school now?" you asked, turning to Haesun..

"Yea, i dont think the kingkas will like them very much. The fangirls are starting to pay attention to them instead. Including the queenka." Haesun nodded. At the mention of the kingkas, you remembered what had happened with Jaejoong, which reminded you that you had to meet up with Kibum at 9PM. Checking your phone, you realized it was 8:30. *!* you thought. *Kibum will tease me again if im late.*

"Uhm, guys i promised that I'd meet my partner from science class at his house, to work on our project, and im gonna be late." you lied.

"Oh, ok. It's getting dark out, so be careful, ok?" You nodded.

"Neh, umma, I will~" you teased.

"Yah!" Haesun lightly slapped your arm.

"Mehrong~" you said, sticking your tongue out.

"Just go!" she laughed, shoving you a little. You waved as you hurried down the street, and soon came to your apartment. You hurridly shoved the key into the lock and rushed around, getting ready to meet Kibum. You wore a simple all black outfit, that was easy to move in, since you cant climb in people's windows in a dress.

When you were ready, you went outside and checked your phone. Earlier that day, Kibum had texted you where to meet him.

"Daeheungno...three blocks away." bleh. in five minutes, you would be late.

Since you werent watching were you were going, you bumped into someone.

*Who the hell walks around this area at night?! oh god. what if its a ?! or, or...*

"Mianhae." you said, stepping back.

"Ah its ok. Haesun, why would you be around here? oh wait, meeting Kibum?" the voice chuckled.

*I know that voice...* you thought looking up.

"Oh! Jongin oppa!" you gave him a small smile. "Yea I am, and im gonne be late in..." you looked at your phone. "Three minutes."

"Oh, mian." he said.

"I have to go to the kingkas house, and last time, he saw me!" you jumped. He laughed quietly at your cute expression.

"Aigoo, so cute~" he said, patting your head. You pouted.

Suddenly, your phone vibrated, scaring the living daylights out of you. You checked, it was a text from Kibum.



                                                                                                                              ~Kibum <3


you couldnt help but smile. Of course, he would yell at you and sign it with a heart.

"Well annyeong oppa. Kibum is mad at me." you said, waving and walking away. Jongin waved back at you.

As you walked down the street, you could see Kibum in the distance, leaning against a wall.


You walked over, and he glared at you.



"You're late." he said dissaprovingly. "Tsk, tsk~" he said, shaking his finger at you. You rolled your eyes.

"Neh, whatever. It wasnt my fault, I ran into Jongin oppa."

Kimbum sighed. "Ah, well the first place is on this street, and the next few go down to our right. Then we make a loop and the second last one is the Kim residence. Again." He said, giving you a look that clearly meant "We wouldnt have to waste our time there if you were more careful."






So, hello guys! 

I know, im a bad author!! Mianhae! i beg your forgiveness! Im just busy.


in reward for your loyalty    dedication prescence on this page,

Im gonna do a double update!!!! *cheers*

ok i know its not much. T^T


im gonna update Once Nothing, Now Everything, and try to start that SHINee oneshot.

i didnt have enough apps, so i will use the ones i have and make up the rest xD

Thank you~!


















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Chapter 11: I have the feelings that it's Jae who pulled her muahahahaha >:D PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
Chapter 11: OMO!! Who pulled her away?!
Update soon authornim~ XD
You should update more! >.< Hahahahaha.
Hahahahaha! So cute!! XD Thankfully they weren't caught! XD
I'll wait!! XD FIGHTING!
MORE!! It's interesting~
More more more XD
I bet it's a fcuz member. Haha.
Oh, wow. Did the teacher just smirk to her? O.O
I wonder who is that teacher, though.
LOL. I thought you did a double update.
Turns out you asked the readers about favourite Nu'est member XD
Well, I don't follow Nu'est. Sorry.