Target 1: Check.

The Darkness Inside

You cracked your knuckles as you and Kibum headed toward your first target. Running your hands through your hair, you made a sound that resembled a frustrated grunt. "These ones better be easy. We're gonna need A LOT of time for the Kim's." you grumbled, shooting a quick glance to the boy as if to say 'So don't screw up this time.'

"Uhm, the way I remember it, it was you who barged in and almost got us killed!" He shot back with an equal amount of distaste evident in his tone.

"We wouldn't have been killed, you damn diva!"

"Well if he had really noticed us, which he didn't since I pulled you back, the boss would've put led in our heads when he found out!" The two of you continued the battle of "I was right and you were wrong" until you realized that you had arrived at your first destination.

"Here we are, your Highness." you mocked. "We almost missed it." Key simply rolled his eyes and led the way up the driveway, staying down close to the ground as to not be seen. It was a plain building, just your basic home that practically screams 'I waste all my money from my minimum wage job on boozes, smokes, and gambling' type of place. Being as silent as possible, the two of you checked the locks on the windows and the back door. 

"It's open." Key whispered, motioning to you to follow him. You complied, sliding your back along the rough siding of the house and lightly jumping onto the deck, making less noise than a mouse. You raised your eyebrows at the boy, looking for permission to go ahead into the building. He nodded, and you slowly and carefully slid open the screen door. Stealthily, the two of you gently padded into the house, taking in your surroundings and noticing that you were in a kitchen.


Both of you immediately began rummaging through cupboards, searching for a white envelope that held the objective of the mission: money that was owed to your boss, yet again. You sighed when you had finished searching the kitchen; you had been hoping that you wouldn't have to search for long. You followed Kibum into the next room, which appeared to be a living room.


Again, you quickly started your scrummage of the small area. Seeing as there were not many places to hide something, it didn't take very long, and again you were both disappointed. 

"Kibum." you whispered sharply. "What do we do if it's in his room? What if he's home?"

Key merely shrugged. "Guess we're about to find out." he stated simply as he slowly pushed open the next door.

Unfortunately, it was the bedroom.

And the resident was laying there, sleeping heavily. Or so you hoped. If he was a light sleeper, you were screwed.


Wasting no time, you quietly pulled open the drawers of the dresser, checked under the rug, and just about everywhere else possible. You suppressed a groan of frustration when, yet again, the envelope was nowhere to be found. 

"Well if it's not here-" Key began, but you cut him off. Shaking your head, you slowly rose your hand towards a small item sticking out underneath the mattress.

" that..." Key understood and nodded. You gently (and slowly) stepped closer and closer to the bed, reaching out to the white object. Just as your fingers came in contact with the item, the resident's eyes groggily opened. However, it didn't take him long to realize that there were two people in his house. And why they were there. 

"~~~~~! Go!" Key shouted. You didn't need to be told; you wrapped your hand around the envelope and ran out of the room as fast as you could. Unfortunately, the man followed.

"Come back here!" You glanced over your shoulder and noticed how close behind you he was. 

"Kibum! Go go go! Hurry up!" you screeched, slamming the back door and wasting no time in dashing to the street. The two of you ran for quite some time to  make sure you had lost him before taking a break.

"You idiot!" Key hissed, panting heavily. 

"Like that was my fault!" You rolled your eyes, despite the fatigue. "Ok, one more to go before we end up back at the Kim's."







but there. done. hope you like it~ 



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Chapter 11: I have the feelings that it's Jae who pulled her muahahahaha >:D PLEASE UPDATE SOON!
Chapter 11: OMO!! Who pulled her away?!
Update soon authornim~ XD
You should update more! >.< Hahahahaha.
Hahahahaha! So cute!! XD Thankfully they weren't caught! XD
I'll wait!! XD FIGHTING!
MORE!! It's interesting~
More more more XD
I bet it's a fcuz member. Haha.
Oh, wow. Did the teacher just smirk to her? O.O
I wonder who is that teacher, though.
LOL. I thought you did a double update.
Turns out you asked the readers about favourite Nu'est member XD
Well, I don't follow Nu'est. Sorry.