One Last Time

Just Wanna Kiss and Make Up

I can't sleep. The day I dreaded the most has finally come. It wasn't something like my entire Kpop career going down in flames but even so, I'm already an emotional wreck. Rose and even Jisoo-unnie failed to cheer me up all day. I never imagined that something like this would break me but sadly, here we are.


"I hope to see Jenlisa in the future."


Her words kept ringing in my mind; it's so noisy and it won't shut up. Blissful times kept replaying. Images of flashing lights that we see on our concerts as I held her shaking hand, the beautiful sunset we secretly watched on our trip to my home country, to the dimly lit street where I first held her as earnestly as I could. Even her scent is tingling in my nostrils as I remember every moment she throws her arms around me.


*bzzt bzzt*


For the sixth time, my pitch black room is weakly illuminated by the phone's notification. Undoubtably, I knew who would be spamming me at this ungodly hour.




Willing myself not to read the messages as tempting as it is, the time read '3:27'. Sleep just won't come how much I try. The worst that could happen right now is her entering my room. And as if on cue, the soft rapping on my door didn't startle me as it normally would have, knowing that the person behind it would stop at nothing until she gets a response from me. Regretting that I forgot to lock my room, I did my best to act dead. Okay, maybe not dead but asleep. I covered my entire body with my blanket as quietly as I could.


The door creaked open and shut with a soft click. Seems like someone doesn't want us interrupted. Silent footsteps treaded closer and closer with her scent already invading my nostrils. 


'What are you doing to me, Nini?'


Thankfully, I didn't say that out loud. She unknowingly continues to torture my poor state by positioning herself next to me and burrowing under the part of my thick blanket that I'm not occupying, my back turned away from her. She shifts a few times, probably trying to find a comfortable position. The rhythm in my chest goes faster as she shares her body heat in this cold space. I've been trying to not deal with this since yesterday. Somebody, please make her go away. 


My train of thoughts is interrupted by her short arms snaking around my waist.


'FUUUUUUU-'  I usually react outwardly when I'm in the middle of my internal screaming and wailing (e.g. flailing my arms wildly while making a face nobody can begin to describe) but that proves a very difficult task at the moment. If I move a muscle, I'm done for.


"I know you're awake. Please talk to me."


Great. My efforts to play dead is met with utter failure. She can probably feel my stupid heartbeat pulsing so fast. Sleeping people don't do that. Well, not to my knowledge anyway. No getting out of it this time, Lalisa. Just face it and control yourself for everyone's sake.


"Lisa..." She whispers to my nape, sending shivers down my spine. Oh my God, she is making it very hard for me right now. I can feel the tiny hairs on the back of my neck standing up, reacting to her hot breath.


I heard a rare desperation in her voice. Definitely not the usual Jennie who uses her aegyo to get anything she wanted. It kind of turns me on even though it shouldn't.


She hugs me tighter. This is getting weird. Her body is pressed against my back and I can feel her, um... Yes, her heart beating, probably faster than mine. My body tensed up slightly and I barely kept myself from gasping & throwing my head back in undeniable pleasure from her daring contact. We can't keep this up. I can't keep this up. She's making my head spin, her intoxicating scent is overflowing. I know we're really close too on and off camera but lately, our skinships are approaching dangerous waters. It even got to the point where I was sent to the 7th floor of the company's building. The man wearing his signature hat and his apparently new fluffy slippers personally warned me. 'You know how it is and how it will always be, especially with the closed-minded fans. I'm saying this to protect you, Lisa-yah. Don't force my hand.'


Being in a company with a strict dating policy, it's really hard to control these hormones so I make do with skinship. Tons and tons of skinship. But Jennie-unnie's a real charmer. She makes me feel a lot of things and I don't know what to do about it. Even if we just unintentionally brush our hands or knees together, it feels like sparks are flying everywhere.


My hands unconsciously crept their way over hers and she sighs with relief. I guess this is happening.


I turn my body to face her. Ugh, even in darkness her beauty shines so brightly. She stares at me for a few moments and bites her lower lip before sheepishly looking away, noticing our proximity. What do I do now? I should've prepared a script. But even if I did, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't go the way I planned so... *internal groan* Screw it.


"I'm sorry, Jennie-unnie."


She doesn't look at me, but her body language is silently urging me to continue as she tugs on my shirt, her hand still on my waist. I grow more nervous as the seconds go by. When did we get this awkward? Oh wait, that's actually my fault. Live with your bloody decisions, Lalisa.


"I thought it would be best if I kept my distance from you." I whispered. "If I did that for maybe a week or so, things will go back to normal and it wouldn't be awkward anymore." A week seems too short of an estimate but it should be enough, hopefully.


Jennie-unnie finally meets my gaze. "Don't think like that, Lili." Her eyes were starting to water. "It's annoying that I have to make time and be with that guy, but it actually hurts that you've been avoiding me too. Whenever I try to walk towards you or talk to you, you'd make up some lame excuse and disappear for hours. Would you at least tell me why do you feel awkward around me these days?"


I bit my lip while thinking of a valid response. Is she oblivious of my feelings for her even though I'm basically throwing myself at her every chance I get or is she playing the caring unnie role? What's more is she responds to my skinships and clinginess so I thought... Maybe she's doing that for the fans. Or she just treats me as a really close friend and doesn't feel the same way.


Jennie-unnie brings her hand to my face. I pulled back instinctively but she slowly proceeds to caress my cheek. Defeatedly, I sink into her touch. How can I not give in to that?


"Lisa, I miss you." Tears start to fall from her eyes. I know Jennie-unnie is a crybaby but it still breaks my heart to see that I have caused her this much pain. My hand automatically comes to the rescue and wipes them away. I promised myself that I would do my best to protect her, even from me if the time comes. And it did.


"Shhhhh. Everything will be okay, unnie. Things will go back to the way they were." She shakes her head at my statement. I give her a confused look. What more does she want from me? I already gave her my heart yet it seems that she doesn't realize it.


"Can I be selfish just this once?" Jennie-unnie asks with her eyes closed.


"What do you mean, unnie?"


"Will you do what I say? Just for tonight." Her words are starting to scare me. I nod skeptically. This doesn't look good.


"Please hold me like you did back then." My mind is transported to the moment under that certain streetlight. I'm already running the worst possibilities in my head of how tonight will end up. Is she finally going to break my heart? Is this gonna be some tragic goodbye hug? What if she'll tell me how straight she is? I'll probably move on from that after months of moping.


I sat up lethargically and she shortly followed suit.  After taking a deep breath, the moment I opened my arms, she immediately gravitates toward me like a magnet and buries her face on the crook of my neck. I sigh and plant a small kiss to the side of her head while fiercely returning her embrace, taking her in. I can feel her pain and sadness radiating as she grips my shirt tighter, her nails digging through it & probably leaving marks on my back. I want to tell her how much I love her, how I want to keep being by her side and holding her hand through thick and thin. She's like my missing piece, fitting herself perfectly on me. Every moment I get just to be this close to her feels so right. I find myself wanting more but I don't want to push my luck. For now, I'm sincerely contented with hugs like these. Needy and full of raw emotion. She hums, making me wary of her next move.


"Lisa," she whispers, "can I ask you to do something else?"


"What is it, unnie?"


She pulls back a bit to see my face and with a straight face she says,


"Kiss me."


I buffered. My ears and cheeks are probably burning up right now, I hope she doesn't see it. This did not turn out the way I thought it would. Uh I mean, I should be happy but why am I so frightened? Is this gonna be like Kiss and Make Up? Or is this going to be our first and last kiss? Yeah, maybe that's it. How much more pessimistic can I be?


As much as I want to make out with her and continue on to something rated M, my brain forcefully brings out my rational side. "I d-don't know..." My voice trails off. I'm stupidly contradicting myself. But if I agree to her wishes, I can't promise to control myself anymore. This is too much. It hurts so much. I have to hold back but the emotions that are welling up inside me might explode at any second. She pauses for a few moments, probably finding the right words in this impossible situation.


"Please. Let me have this." She pauses again, looking away. "Lisa, I-"


Oops. My hands broke free from my not-so-will-of-steel to keep them to myself. Jennie-unnie heaves as I cup her face and touch our foreheads together.


"Unnie, are you sure?" I asked with a shaky voice and half-lidded eyes. Hot breath started to quicken against my lips as our noses touched. I can't take this anymore. I wanted to do this since the moment we first met. Since then, everytime I look at her my heart beats like crazy. How did we even survive years without me pouncing on her?


"I, um, I-I want my f-first to be with my first love." She hesitantly revealed. I backed away a bit with widening eyes. Did I hear that right? Upon seconds of comprehending her words, I finally smiled for the first time that day. Noticing this, Jennie-unnie quickly breaks eye contact. I could feel her cheeks heating up, probably embarassed by her sudden confession. She's so cute, I let a small chuckle escape from me. With annoyance, she looked me in the eye with her brows furrowed. She slowly closed the gap between us.


"Don't make me repeat myself, Lisa." She hissed, while accidentally brushing her lips on mine, making me gasp lightly. Jennie-unnie is really hot whatever she does but Angry Jennie-unnie turns me on even more. My hands slid behind her neck as she wrapped her arms around me once again, bringing our bodies even closer than before.


And as commanded, my lips finally found hers.



A/N: Hello again! Sooooo, what'd you think? Do we continue on to the steamy stuff or nah? As I have mentioned in the foreword, I might write a sequel for this. Actually, I've already started making it but it's still not finished. Again, I am open to criticism as long as you be nice ^_^  thank you for reading!

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OMG I didn't expect this 😢❤️ I'm glad you liked it. Will post the sequel soon 😉 I hope your bodies are ready. (Lisa doing the thing on the floor in their Bangkok concert definitely motivated me! 😂)


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CxrgnR #1
Chapter 1: This is so good. Please give us the sequel. Pleaseee, author.
Chapter 1: Sequeeeeeeeeeel plssssss.....
Chapter 1: continue pls!! ;)
Chapter 1: sequel please
Chapter 1: i looove it, pls post a sequel
Arum2011 #6
Chapter 1: Sequel sequel.....
Chapter 1: Sequeeeeellll
yulsic89 #8
Chapter 1: sequel plssss~~