Chapter seven

Sea Prince.
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      Sehun groaned as he opened his eyes slowly, he blinked rapidly due to the way the sun shone directly against his eyes. He sat up when his vision had adjusted to the brightness and looked around his surroundings, feeling a bit disoriented for a moment before his brain registered to him where he was. He's in Kai's room, he slept in Kai's bed. He glanced around once more but Kai was no where in sight. Releasing a deep breath, he rose to his feet and that was when he noticed a piece of paper on the bedside table. He reached for it and stared at it intently trying to understand what was written, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't read a single word because he didn't know how to read the ground-walkers' alphabets, leaning how to speak it was one thing and reading it was another different thing. He turned it around trying to find how the writing goes, but to no avail, and he thought he might have even turned it upside down. With a defeated sigh, he dropped the paper and left the room. The house was oddly quiet, Sehun heightened his senses, searching for any living human in the house but all his ears caught was the rattling of some other living things such as insects and other little creatures of nature. He made his way down the stairs and towards the kitchen, there were dishes neatly arranged on the table. His eyes caught the sight of his favorite sardines and he immediately moved towards the table, settling himself on a chair as he instantly began to dig in. After finishing his sardines he moved to open the big box he saw Kai brought some water out from yesterday. The smell of fresh fish hit his nose, the siren part of him emerging as his human teeth turned into shaper ones similar to a shark's but not as big as them, Without a second thought he grabbed the fresh fish, ignoring the cold feeling it left on his hands and began to feed on it. It was as fresh as he could want it to be that's all that mattered. He caught the fish between his sharp teeth, relishing in the taste. It had been a while since he had fed on raw fish. A few droplets of blood ran down his chin as he continued to munch on the raw fish, making a low, but pleased rumbling purr from deep within his chest. Finishing the first one, he grabbed another one and fed on it as well. He ate like it had been ages since he had eaten anything, but he didn't care because the fish tasted so good and there was no one around to judge him or his choice of food. He silently sent a gratitude to whomever left the fresh fish for him to see. After finishing his meal, he mixed his usual salt+ water and took a large gulp, a belch emitting from his throat when he put the bottle down, then he moved to the sink and washed his hand clean. There was a few drops of blood on the floor, he quickly grabbed one of the kitchen towels hanging on a rack to clean the floor with it and tossed the towel into the big cold box before moving out of the kitchen. He was about to head back upstairs when he remembered the swimming pool Kai told him about last night. The house was empty, Kai was in the office and Jungkook should be at work too. Sehun wasn't sure but all that matters was that he have the house to himself and he was going to use the best out of it.  He could survive a few days without needing to get into Seawater. It had only been a day and right now he sensed his skin beginning to feel dry, being in seawater would be a good idea at the moment. With that thought he turned around and walked to the glass door located a few steps away from the kitchen. His breath got caught up in his throat at the sight of the beautiful flowers and plants alike, decorating the pool room. The indoor pool area, it's a room that juts out the back portion of the house, the roof made of glass and the sunlight shone directly above where the pool settled by at the middle of the room, there was a rack of towels a bit bigger than the one in the kitchen. He quickly took his shirt and underwear off and jumped into the pool, the first contact of seawater against his skin felt so good, his legs instantly joined together, as scales and fins formed on what used to be human skin below. Gradually his tail fully formed within seconds and gills appeared on the sides of his neck as he dove and continued to sway inside the water excitedly. It felt so amazing, he just realized how much he missed this feeling even though it was just yesterday he left the sea but it felt like a life time have passed. He was so glad Kai have a pool of seawater , because he wasn't sure how long he would be able to survive on land without it. He couldn't go back into the sea, his family might detect him the moment he did that, which would only cause trouble for him. Would his family banish him like they did to other merfolk who chose to be on the surface rather than the ocean? No even if his Dad would do such thing, he was certain his mom and brother wouldn't allow it. For a moment he wondered how his brother was taking everything, knowing Sehun had been cleared about what he wanted. It was only a matter of time before Luhan understood that Sehun had left the sea, and only another for his parents to find out. His mom would be so distraught and he hated being the cause of it. He shook his head to clear that thought. Sehun was here for a reason, to achieve something great, his happiness and he wasn't going to back down now, he loved Kai and it all that matters because the man was worth it. He had to be. Pushing the thought of his family aside, Sehun swam back and forth inside the pool, Instead he conjured up memories of the sea—of the endless expanse of blue-green, of the softness of the ocean floor beneath his fingertips, of the brush of various seaplants against his tail, and of the touch of warmth that always felt like a surprise when he swam near the surface, until the sun became a more discernible blur of bright light. He thought of the soothing cold against his skin and the feeling of dancing with colorful fish, of floating aimlessly without a care or worry. He thought of his favorite Sea flowers slowly spring up from the sand, bright red and orange, he imagined being amidst it all, how clam opened up and then closed immediately, a shimmer of something bright resting within it. Sehun loved anything that was beautiful and he love the sea and the beauty in it. He remembered his mom telling him that he was a fancy Mer. He opened his eyes and glanced down at his tail, the brightest silver glimmering and shimmering, with an extra flurry of paper thin fins down the sides of his tail that waved hypnotically. Mers like him weren’t born for fighting, they were notoriously known for being delicate, it was no wonder he was born as a royal. He thought of his home and all the beautiful things in it, smiling at the thought before he decided it's enough of nostalgia for the day and raised his hand to do something different.  He created water bows and arrows to distract himself from thinking too much. He continued to play, creating different sea creatures with the pool water and swimming excitedly for a while. The morning sun has suddenly made him sleepy, Despite being in the water for long moment, the sunlight streaming through the glass roof had warmed his skin to its touch. Then he heard a continuous ding sound coming from somewhere in the house. Sehun quickly swam towards the edge, and hurried out of the water in alert. He almost freaked out but the sound came again and that was when he understood someone is at the door. “The universe hates me,” Sehun said, despite all the moments he had reminded himself in the past that the universe didn't care about his small existence, because it’s busy with other bigger, grander things. He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment and released a breath which was a bit of an exaggeration, really, but he liked his dramatics sometimes as well. He crawled towards the towel rack with a little difficulty, his tail hitting the floor as he pulled one and instantly began to dry his tail, as he did that he wondered who was at the door, could it be Kai? Jungkook? No he shook his head, the two house owners had a way to get in without needing to ring the doorbell, it must be someone else, maybe Chanyeol hyung or his husband came to check on him? He continued to quickly wipe his body dry until his tail spilt in two, scales morphing into human skin, the fins at the bottom of his tail changed to toes. He smiles, wiggling his toes a few times before he rose to his feet and went for the exit only to stop in his tracks when he remembered Kai's words. "You don't go walking around , it's inappropriate." Then he turned and grabbed his discarded shirt along with the boxers to put them back on. When he was considerably clothed he went out, now the door bell had stopped dinging, instead a loud knock resonated through the living room. He struggled with the handle for a moment, It took a while for him to be able to unlock the door, he was smiling ready to meet a familiar face, but his smile faded the moment he came in sight with a woman, staring at him from head to toe, then toe to head. "Hi" Sehun said unsure of what to do. The Lady blinked at him before she responded. " Uhm hi! is Kai home?" "Kai? Who's asking?" "I am Jennie, his fiancee" "Fiancee?" He asked, because he didn't know what it meant, but he thought he have an idea, maybe it's another name for a friend or a co-worker. She nodded." Yeah, this is his house right?" She glanced at the beach before turning her attention back to him. "Yes, this is indeed Kai's house." He nodded." But he's not home at the moment, he's in the office." "Oh right," she smacked herself on the head gently, giggling afterwards. "I totally forget about that. I will go see him there instead." She said her eyes traveling to the ring on his finger."and who are you?" "Ah forgive my manners, I am Sehun, Kai's mate" "Mate?" He nodded with a grin." Yeah mate" liking the sound of it. "Ah you must be from Australia, they referred to a friend as mate" she said with another smile."I will take my leave. Mr. Sehun, say hi to your wife" and before Sehun could respond she was already walking down the porch. Sehun could only stare at her as she left.
He stood there for a moment, blinking for what felt like forever before he pushed the door close and made his way into the living room.  Wife? He pounder for a moment, wondering what the lady meant before he decided to watch the TV, maybe he would learn more about the ground-walkers' ways in it. Nodding to himself, he sa
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I will update the next chapter, earlier than usual. Maybe Saturday or Sunday.


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747 streak #1
Chapter 27: I was going to thank you for not killing off Grandma, I would have been so sad to see her go. This was such a sweet story, I was glad that it was not an angst-ridden plot that kept SeKai apart half the time. My favorite character were Grandma and Luhan.
Chapter 27: The kids are just a bundle of joy! Hahaha though they can cause trouble all together. So cute…
Chapter 26: Imagine seeing Sehun with Twins latching on him
Chapter 23: I thought I was going to finish this today, by my eyes are really betraying me
gogo15eoul #6
Chapter 27: I like how you care about the slightest details, it was cute and sooo funny
gogo15eoul #7
Chapter 24: Kai is wanna make love to a mer kkkk but we're kinker, imagining and loving it
gogo15eoul #8
Chapter 22: Ooh jiyong suits to be a siren
But why Tae's Opa forgave his husband, he abused tae and never admit Tae and Namjoon as hires
Jennie too, shouldn't left out like she didn't do nothing, her memory is manipulated too?
gogo15eoul #9
Chapter 21: I like how luhan is talking
Thank you for this amazing story, while you were pregnant at that time. It's so funny to read all your stories with pregnancy and babiessssss