
third try
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“When we first tried to date each other, everything went wrong. We had the feelings, the desire to be together, but we didn’t have the maturity to deal with the situations that a relationship implied. We were too selfish. I hurt you and you hurt me as well. It was toxic, so toxic; when I tried to get you away of your friends, when you tried to make me give up of my dream of becoming a model. We fought, we screamed, we said so many bad words. And, not in the peaceful way, we broke up.


When we tried for the second time, nothing changed. To be honest, things just got worse. We didn’t have any respect for each other anymore. I hurt you and you hurt me as well, again. But that time, we decided the best for us was to get apart and so we did.


We were so young, so stupid, so immature. We had so many fears and so many dreams, but life had just begun and we didn’t learn nothing about how we should act when we’re sharing a life with another person. You followed your past, I followed mine. You met other girls and I got so sad and so angry, but I did meet other girls too. Years passed, we were collecting experiences, we were becoming the best versions of ourselves by learning with our mistakes and failures.


And then, we met each other again. It was so random, I wasn’t expecting seeing you after all the time we avoided being in the same space. But I saw you as if it was the first time; the feelings were still strong and fresh. I could feel my heart beating faster, my blood boiling in excitement and my mind confused with so many thoughts to deal with. You were with a blonde hair and

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Chapter 1: it made me feel so warm
MrChae #2
Chapter 1: (T_T)
farfang #3
Chapter 1: This is so beautiful ㅠ ㅠ
LucidDream1304 #4
Chapter 1: That was really soft and cute ╥﹏╥
Chapter 1: this is so cute!!