Fool Me Twice

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Jongin slept until the sound of loud pounding on his front door woke him up. 


The omega groaned in frustration. It wasn’t like he got to enjoy his weekends relaxing or doing fun things. He had to work every day of course. Even so, at the very least, Jongin wanted to be able to sleep peacefully until his alarms went off. 


The pounding on his door got louder, more urgent. 


He groaned again. He knew he looked awful.


As soon as he got home from leaving Sehun’s house, the omega had climbed in bed and fell asleep instantly. He hadn’t even changed from his work clothes or removed the little eyeliner he put on for the customers. 


“Jongin?! Are you here?”


Rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes, Jongin yanked open his apartment door. 




The tall alpha pushed Jongin aside and let himself in. He was clearly upset, but the omega was honestly too tired to care. 


“Where the hell did you disappear to last night? Why didn’t you answer your phone? Why didn’t you let someone know you were leaving work early? How come you left your bag in your locker? Someone said they saw you leave with an alpha. Who was it? Did you spend the night with him? Why is your makeup smeared? Did he make you cry? Jongin answer me! How di-!”


“Chanyeol, please!” 


The alpha went quiet, but his look of disapproval didn’t leave his handsome face. 


Jongin pushed his hand back out of his face and sighed, “I’m sorry, Yeol. I didn’t mean to yell. I just...I’m tired and I didn’t get much sleep last night. I’m sorry I took it out on you.”


Chanyeol’s eyes followed the omega to the kitchen, yet the alpha remained silent. He was waiting for some sort of explanation as to why Jongin abandoned his job without a single word to anyone. 


“I know you want answers...and I’ll give you them, I promise. But can I have a moment to get myself together, please? I feel so out of it. Last night was...odd,” Jongin started the coffee maker and pulled his only two mugs out of the cabinet, and set them on the small kitchen table. 


Taking the hint, Chanyeol made his way to the kitchen and took a seat. 


Jongin sat across from him and finally looked his friend in the eyes. 


Under the angry mask, he could tell that the alpha had been extremely worried about him. He felt bad for making him like that. 


He reached over and touched Chanyeol’s hand that was resting on top of the table. 


Looking directly into his eyes, Jongin spoke, “I’m sorry I made you worry, Yeol.”


The alpha’s eyes instantly softened. His large hand flipped over to hold Jongin’s smaller one. Chanyeol brought the omega’s hand to his mouth and gently pressed his lips to the skin on the back of it. 


“I’m just glad you’re okay, Jongin.”


The omega smiled at the instinctual alpha gesture. 


Chanyeol had always been protective of him. The alpha knew of the hardships Jongin had to endure and did everything Jongin allowed him to do to try to make things easier for the omega. Jongin didn’t let Chanyeol help him as much as he knew the alpha wanted, but he still appreciated Chanyeol’s efforts and he treasured the alpha’s friendship dearly. 


Jongin attempted to get up when he heard the beeping from the coffee maker indicating it was finished, but Chanyeol’s hold on him tightened. 


He gave his friend the sweetest smile he could muster up, “I’m just getting our coffee. Does that sound good, dear alpha?”


Realizing his actions, Chanyeol let go of the omega. 


“Sorry,” he mumbled, looking embarrassed. Jongin chuckled.


 Alphas were such interesting people. They did things without thinking and more times than not, they always regret their actions. Alphas had a stronger pull to their primal heritage so it was harder for them to resist their natural urges. 


“It’s okay,” Jongin poured coffee into Chanyeol’s cup, “Sorry I didn’t answer my phone. It died.”


The omega filled up his mug and sat back down, “I’m sorry I left the club without letting anyone know. I should have at least texted to let you know what was going on, but it all happened so fast. I wasn’t thinking straight,” Jongin started. 


“Who was that alpha you left with?”


Jongin froze as he reflected on the previous night’s events. Seeing his new boss stumbling into the restroom, slurring his words, clothes disarray, all while still looking like the most handsome man Jongin had ever seen. 


The omega sighed. 


He couldn’t imagine having someone like Oh Sehun as his alpha. It seemed like any omega’s dream come true. But then again, Jongin was only a stranger looking in from the outside. Maybe Sehun wasn't as perfect as he looked. There must have been something big that made Sehun’s ex leave him and Jungkook behind. Jongin wondered what it could have been. 


When he heard Chanyeol clear his throat, Jongin realized he still hadn’t answered his friend’s question. 


“No one really. I’ll probably never get the chance to be that close to him ever again.”


Jongin ignored the small pang that statement left in his chest. It shouldn’t matter. Sehun was just his boss. The fact that they had crossed paths in such a personal and intimate moment in both their lives was merely an untimely coincidence.


If Chanyeol wanted more of an explanation, he didn’t mention it and Jongin was grateful for that. 


“Okay, Jongin. As long as nothing you didn’t want to happen happened, I’ll let this go,” the alpha blew on his cup of coffee and took a careful sip, “But, please, next time, at least check in with me. Please. I was worried sick about you.


Jongin nodded, “I understand C-.” 


“No, you really don’t Jongin. You can’t understand the feeling an alpha gets when an omega he cares for is somewhere unknown to him. It’s more than worry, but there isn’t a word for it. An alpha is rendered useless until the omega is returned to his sight.” 


Jongin could only stare at his friend. He knew alphas were protective, but Chanyeol was making it sound like an alpha’s existence depended on the well-being of an omega and that couldn’t be right. Alphas were powerful, strong, independent. They were respected simply for being an alpha and they still worked hard to be on top. 


Even so, Jongin didn’t question Chanyeol. Chanyeol was an alpha before anything, so he would know first hand about alpha philosophy and biology. 


Jongin’s thoughts returned to the night before. He pictured Sehun’s handsome face all twisted up in pain as he called out the name ‘Mina’ in drunken truthfulness. Mina had to be the name of Jungkook’s mom. Jongin wondered if Mina was beautiful. She had to be if she had captured the attention of an alpha like Sehun. 


“I’m going to go shower real quick. Are you going to hang for a bit?” 


Chanyeol shrugged, “Sure why not? You work the lunch shift at the hotel right? I’ll drop you off.” 


The omega smiled and made his way to his bedroom to grab his spare uniform and other toiletries and entered the small bathroom. 




They ended up getting to the hotel earlier than expected. Instead of just dropping Jongin off in front of the building, Chanyeol parked in the temporary parking section and he walked the omega inside. 


“Hey, Jongin,” one of the front desk clerks greeted. 


Jongin smiled, “Hey Claire. How’s today bee

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jonginot12 #1
Chapter 5: Hi please update soon. Wanna know where this story is going
Chapter 5: I reaaaaally really like your stories :3
Galanthus_ #3
Chapter 5: It's pretty interesting to see the conflict emotions that sehun show and am eager to see the interaction of kookie & jongin✨💜
Chapter 5: I fall in love with your story. *-*
I hope Kookie will love Jongin, even in spite of his mother's bad memory. ^^
Chapter 5: Aw that ia good for him. I hope Jongin ang jungkook will get along well. Hope to read more.
Chapter 5: Ahh. He got the job he needed. Now to unlatch the leech Nini will be on his way up.
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 4: chan is to good to be true.
i like how ChanKai are.
thanks for the update. i am curious what sehun wants to talk about.
yaay it’s update again? :) niiice!! will read asap