
Stalking Hearts


Xi Luhan got off his part time job at the convenience store near the university he was attending and settled on one of the seats outside waiting for a particular tall and handsome man to come out of the nearby PC café as a reward for his hard work. Right on schedule, at a bit just past 9.30 pm, a tall young man who was sporting a black hat and khaki coloured trousers with a green trench coat came out of the run down building, swiftly putting on earphones and walking away following his usual route.

Putting up the hood of his navy blue sweatshirt onto his head, Luhan followed the man at just a safe distance before reaching the man’s house. How did he know that was his house? Well, Luhan had been “observing” the man’s path for the past 2 weeks and came to such a conclusion. Who was this man Luhan was so keen on “observing”? It was none other than SN Entertainment’s top male idol group member Oh Sehun, who Luhan was obsessed with to the point where the entire latter half of his teenage life had him rejecting girls left and right because he was undeniably and irreversibly gay. Not just gay for any man, but completely gay and in love with Oh Sehun.

He remembered it like it was yesterday. The day his heart got stolen by the group called ‘EXOTIC’ was a day marked in history for him. The moment SN Entertainment released the music video of the new group that was anticipated by the whole country, it took 15 year-old Luhan’s breath away. His heart, no, his entire being was instantly captured and chained up by the youngest member of the group, Oh Sehun. His face, his movements when he danced, his cool and dominating aura kept Luhan rooted in his seat for a long time even after the music video ended. Until that exact moment, Luhan didn’t remember if anyone had ever gave him the same feeling as this stranger who he felt so pulled towards. Now here he was, standing doe-eyed and in awe in front of said man, with Oh Sehun looking like he was seeing an alien on a tricycle.


“I-I’m a huge fan! My name’s Xi Luhan!” a tall, blonde and pretty faced boy exclaimed after what Sehun felt like an eternity. Sehun stared down at the boy since he was taller than him by a few inches and took notice of how different his stare was compared to his other fans. It was weird.

“Yes, thank you,” Sehun replied curtly, not wanting to drag this on for long. “Then…”

With a slight bow, Sehun turned to open the front door of his house when the too eager blonde fan who seemed to be emitting flowers around him stopped him by grabbing his arm.

“I want to give you something! It’s uh… one second,” the boy said, as he took off his backpack from his shoulders and started rummaging in it. Sehun could feel a twitch making its way to his left eye the way it did when he was annoyed but kept his composure. He wouldn’t want to get in trouble with the company if a negative post came up from this encounter. “Here. Um, I’ve been working on this piece as a gift to EXOTIC. It’s not complete yet but if you and the others could just take a listen, it’s be a real honour! I mean, I’ve been seeing you walk to this house for the past few days after you go to the PC café and I finally got the courage to give this to you today, so… hee… yeah…”

The twitch Sehun tried to suppress came to his face at full force at the mention of this kid following him for definitely longer than a few days, seeing how he managed to recognise him even through his disguise and also finding his home address. It took all effort for Sehun to take the music sheet in front of him without ripping it to shreds and yelling at the boy in front of him.

Oh Sehun hated fans who followed him and his hyungs in the guise of adoration and proof of interest. Other than creeping them out, it served no purpose and the many times they reported to the police ended up with just a warning making such ‘fans’ even more aggressive to the point where his hyungs and even his manager got hurt once or twice.

Sehun gritted his teeth as he clenched his free hand over the phone in his trench coat pocket, waiting for the right time to call the police, when he remembered all the times they didn’t even bother to help and were ing useless. He remembered how even though it was supposed to be private, some officers would leak incidents of stalking to the media and they would hound his group for more information rather than focusing on the stalkers themselves.

. What’s the point? Sehun thought in annoyance as he pretended to look over the music sheet in front of him when an idea popped in his head. Unknowingly, a smile formed on his face as he made eye contact with the boy in front of him.

“Would you like to come in for some tea?”


Luhan nervously sat on the stool in front of the piano in Oh Sehun’s living room, hearing the water dispenser in the kitchen nearby gush out as Sehun made them both a cup of tea. Luhan couldn’t believe it. He was just going to give Oh Sehun a piece he wrote as a gift but who would’ve thought that heaven’s angels prayed and praised him to God to be able to be in the love of his life’s house!

Despite his cold exterior, he’s really kind, isn’t he? Luhan thought giddily.

“Sorry, it took so long. Here,” Sehun said, as he was about to place the tray he was holding on top of the piano, before a panicked Luhan stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

Sehun shot Luhan a questioning stare, though his face remained cold and stoic. Luhan cleared his throat because the sight of Sehun’s face was just so damn unfair. “It’s not good to place stuff like that on the piano. What if it spills? The piano will be ruined.”

Sehun turned to the tray he was holding and his wrist that was held captive. Nodding once to Luhan, he put the tray down on the nearby coffee table, taking a cup of tea to pass to Luhan who eagerly accepted it, before getting his own.

Luhan took a sip of the tea and shivered in happiness. Tea made by Oh Sehun was now his favourite tea. Luhan smiled as his lips pressed against the tea cup he was holding, thinking how it would be nice if this was a regular occurrence.

“Go ahead,” Oh Sehun said, catching Luhan’s attention, pointing to the piano keys.

“Ah!” Luhan exclaimed, as he stared back and forth between the keys and the coffee table contemplating whether to put his cup down or play straight away, his brain not working at the moment when he wanted to look his best.

Oh Sehun silently grabbed the teacup from Luhan’s hands, brushing his fingertips slightly against Luhan’s skin, making Luhan feel electricity travel from where Sehun grazed him all the way to the crown of his head.

Wow, Luhan. Calm down, will you! Luhan scolded himself.

Mentally smacking himself for being so unrefined in his actions, Luhan took a deep breath and focused his mind and energy on the instrument in front of him hoping to redeem himself. After all, in his university, Luhan was synonymous with the piano.


Sehun had to admit that he was pleasantly enamoured with the way this boy was flitting his fingers over the keys like it was nothing to him. When Luhan was playing the piano, his face showed an elegance that Sehun couldn’t help but be magnetised to and for a whole 2 minutes, he felt like he didn’t blink his eyes at all. Was the guy who was swivelling his head back and forth just then the same as the guy playing the piano in front of him?

“So... How did you find it?” Luhan asked, the confidence and serious aura gone, shyness put in its place.

Sehun stopped a smile from creeping up just in time. “It was beautiful. I think Chen would like it.”

A huge grin radiated from Luhan’s face and Sehun had to stop himself from scoffing. How dare a stalker smile that way when he did nothing good? Sure, his song was good, great even but what’s the point when his character was as rotten as it could get? Sehun unknowingly glared with his eyes towards Luhan, making Luhan lose the grin he had.

Sehun turned to the piano and began pressing on the keys of first few notes of Luhan’s song before stopping and taking a look at Luhan, smirking when he saw Luhan’s eyes go wide.

“It’s too bad. It’s a great song. Too bad the person who wrote it isn’t so good. No, scratch that. The person who wrote it is downright disgusting.”


Luhan felt a lump form in his throat after he heard the word ‘disgusting’ come out of Sehun’s mouth. “What do you mean…?”

Suppressing Luhan with that intense stare Sehun was known for in his commercials, Luhan couldn’t help but freeze up. “Just as I said it. You may think it’s fine to shower your idols with admiration to the point of following them but there’s a word for that.”

Luhan could only silently watch as Sehun got off the stool and went to the armchair located at the end of the room, crossing his legs after he sat down. With a satisfied smirk illuminating his cocky face, Sehun continued to give Luhan a lecture. “It’s called stalking. Did you think you’d be fine after coming up here? I’m not as kind as I appear, Xi Luhan-shi.”

Time seemingly stopped yet went by quickly at the same moment if such a thing were possible. Luhan felt like Sehun had frozen the space around them until even the clocks seemed like they stopped moving, yet the slight swaying of Sehun’s leg that was crossed over the other and the fast palpitations of Luhan’s heart made it clear that time was ticking by as usual.

Quickly getting off the stool and standing straight, a fire brewing in the pit of his stomach, Luhan tried to defend himself. “I… I wasn’t—“

“You weren’t stalking me? Let’s recap. ‘I’ve been seeing you walk to this house for the past few days after you go to the PC café.’ Doesn’t that perfectly sum up the word ‘stalking’, Xi Luhan-shi?” Sehun said condescendingly, his eyes not even sparing a glance at Luhan, simply staring at his wristwatch with a bored expression.

Luhan could only ball his hands into fists. How did it come to this? He was just playing his song to the Oh Sehun and that Oh Sehun even said his song was beautiful. His heart felt full and so happy a split second ago, so what happened? Who the hell possessed Oh Sehun to be this… mean?

“You’ve… misunderstood. I didn’t mean to give make you feel… uncomfortable. For that, I apologize. Really, sincerely, I do,” Luhan said quickly, his nerves getting the better of him.

Luhan saw Sehun get off the chair he was sitting in and make his way to where Luhan was standing. Luhan’s eyes darted instantly to the floor, afraid of what Sehun would say and how he was looking at him. “Uncomfortable is putting it lightly…”

Luhan felt the knots in his stomach get tighter and the pounding of his heart was ringing so loudly in his head that it made him want to run away, but he could see Oh Sehun’s fingertips going towards him before he grabbed Luhan’s chin and pulled his gaze up to meet Sehun’s own.

“I should really report you to the police, but I don’t really like those ers. So…” Sehun trailed off, a sinister grin donning his face, reaching the corners of his eyes before he whispered the sentence that sent Luhan’s sense of danger on high alert. “I’ll be the one that imprisons you instead.”


Oh Sehun looked at himself in the mirror, thinking that his disguise was perfect. The light brown trench coat made his toned body look thinner and the large round glasses somehow gave the illusion that his face was rounder than the usual sharpness that was defined more through stage makeup. Happy with his outfit, he put on a black hat before going out of his room to get his bag and phone. Smiling to himself in amusement, he wondered what task he should assign his stalker for his initiation into slave servitude.  

Getting me lunch? Cleaning the house? As Sehun pondered over his choices, he suddenly remembered his clothes at the dry cleaners that he kept forgetting to get, despite the constant texts from the grumpy ahjumma that ran the laundry service. Sehun smiled to himself as he coolly sent out his order to Xi Luhan via text.


“Eh? Ahjumma, p-please don’t. Ah! I’m sorry! Sorry!” Luhan screamed out as he ran out of the laundry service shop with two humungous bags of Oh Sehun’s clothes. Luhan let out an angry breath as he looked up at the sky cursing his luck. He hoped that what happened the night before at Oh Sehun’s house was just a nightmare and he was right, it really was a nightmare but a nightmare set in his reality, of which he had no means of escaping.

“What the hell! Who the hell forgets to take their laundry for nearly half a year? And he wants to report me to the police?! Don’t make me laugh, ha!” Luhan yelled to the sky, making a bunch of pedestrians avoid his way, but he was too peeved to even care.

Biting his bottom lip as he tried to control his anger, he felt the glasses he was forced to wear slip down his face. Why did he want me to wear this? Ugh.

Light brown trench coat, round glasses and a black hat. What’s with this typical idol disguise outfit? Luhan sighed as he trudged along in the direction of Sehun’s house. As he finally reached the front to Oh Sehun’s annoyingly large house, he felt his arms almost falling off from carrying nearly 10 kilograms worth of clothes. Going up the steps to the front door, Luhan placed the heavy bags down before ringing the doorbell.

A while passed, making Luhan want to ring the bell again but before he could do so, a half- Sehun opened the door, his left arm extended to the top of his head, drying his damp hair with a small white towel. Forget his arms that were about to fall off, his heart just fell all the way down to the Earth’s core at the sight of trickling water on Sehun’s toned abdomen.

“Oh, it’s just you,” Sehun said, his disinterest so apparent that Luhan’s heart recoiled back into his chest cavity from his words. Sehun kept the door open and Luhan understood it as permission to enter. Lifting the bags into his crazy sore arms, Luhan plastered a smile on his face and made his way into the devil’s den.


As Sehun made his way back to his bedroom, he had to fight the urge to laugh remembering how Luhan looked in the get up he made him wear. Coupled with the two atrocious laundry bags on either side of his average-looking stature from the outfit, Sehun found it so incredibly entertaining to see. He knew it was Luhan the moment the doorbell rang and purposely waited a long while before opening the door. He contemplated over putting on some clothes but he thought it’d be hilarious to see how Luhan would react seeing his favourite idol member’s half body on display in front of him, and Luhan did not disappoint.

Sehun could feel red scanner lights coming out of Luhan’s eyes as his gaze lingered a little too long on Sehun’s bare torso. Sehun smirked at this but calmed his expression enough to lazily let Luhan in.

That’s right. You can look, you little stalker but you’ll never even get a poke at this, Sehun thought cockily.

“Do I just leave this here? If that’s all, I’m going to go now,” Luhan said quickly, bowing before turning to leave.

Sehun let out a scoff. “Ahh… I don’t have anything to wear right now and looking through these bags would be too irritating and troublesome.”

Luhan stopped in his tracks and Sehun smirked to himself, showing a bit of his teeth. “I wish there was someone who could organize this for me. Like, oh I don’t know, a stalker who doesn’t want to be reported to the police maybe?”

Sehun could hear Luhan try and keep his cool with a suppressed grunt, much to Sehun’s amusement. Luhan turned around and flashed a very forced smile Sehun’s way. “Of course. I wouldn’t want you to waste your energy, Oh Sehun-shi. I will organise it quickly and neatly.”

Sehun smiled devilishly in response as he wrapped a robe over himself, making his way to his bed that was situated opposite the walk in closet. “Get on with it then. Ah! Colour code it, won’t you?”


Luhan gripped on the shirt that he picked out from one of the bags and took a deep inhalation of breath, praying to the almighty to strengthen his patience and increase its limits. He began placing clothes according to colours in Sehun’s uselessly huge closet when he heard Sehun click his tongue in annoyance.

“Are you an idiot? Who organises clothes like that?” Sehun asked exasperatedly, ice practically covering every word he said.

Turning around to face Sehun, Luhan glared at him. “You said to colour code it.”

Sehun got up from where he was sitting and began walking over to Luhan, much to the latter’s dismay. “It was implied that you should organise the patterns as well.”

Before Luhan could reply, Sehun got very very close to him to the point where he could see how smooth Sehun’s chest was underneath the white robe he had on and how nice the scent of his cologne was as it travelled into Luhan’s airways. Every word he had to say to give Oh Sehun a piece of his mind fizzled out in his brain, despite the cemented look of anger on his face.

A satisfied smile formed on Oh Sehun’s face, making him look like the offspring of Satan himself, as he leaned down to whisper into Luhan’s ear making him tremble from the deep sound of Sehun’s voice. “That’s right. Your angry, agitated face. Keep on showing it to me. I’ll truly make you regret everything, Xi Luhan-shi.”   


The text tone of Luhan’s phone chirped and because of that specific sound, Luhan felt a lump form in his throat. Another command had arrived from the almighty Oh Sehun and Luhan could only hold his phone humbly, as if begging it to go easy on him and his arms, but alas, Oh Sehun was definitely closer to being a devil than the angel he portrayed in the popular coffee commercial he starred in, because Luhan could already feel his arms go numb from another round of doing Oh Sehun’s errands. Sighing, he could only drag his feet out the door and go to the post office.

“Chop chop, these packages will not magically open themselves,” Sehun said coldly as his hands clasped behind his back watching Luhan like a platoon leader punishing one of his corporals.

You think I don’t know that! Luhan thought exasperatedly but kept a smile on his face. “Then, you can help me to make it open faster, Oh Sehun-shi.”

Sehun looked at Luhan like he was a bug and didn’t even bother responding as he made his way to his desk to check whatever was on his laptop.

Luhan narrowed his eyes at Sehun who sat at his desk like he was the damn king of Korea while Luhan was the poor eunuch. Letting out a defeated sigh, he decided it would be better to just begin cutting open these packages so he could call it day and go home. He really missed unwinding with playing the piano and making short melodies that suited his mood. Lately all his pieces were dark and angry, and it was a far cry from what Luhan usually played for his piano teacher, but his teacher surprisingly liked the sound of it since it was different and showed Luhan’s great potential for song compositions.

Am I supposed to thank Oh Sehun for the praise? When I’m suffering like this? Luhan thought, an itch in his heart clawing away, making him so agitated that he accidentally cut the area of his thumb below his knuckle.


“Ah!” Luhan shouted, catching Sehun’s attention. Sehun thought that Luhan was being a drama queen again and was ready to make some snide remarks when he saw droplets of blood drip onto a half open package.

“Yah!” Sehun yelled, quickly running over and grabbing Luhan’s hand, much to the surprise of the blonde boy. “Don’t move!”

Sehun quickly ran to the kitchen where he kept the first aid box and ran with it to Luhan’s side. He saw how much blood was pouring out and he cursed under his breath before dragging Luhan to the sink, washing the blood down the drain.

“Sehun, I can do it myself,” Luhan said quietly, but Sehun ignored him and closed the tap, dragging Luhan back to where the first aid kit was. He opened the box and stared at it for a long while.

Why are there so many things in here? What the hell am I supposed to do first? Sehun thought. He was clueless with these things. He was the youngest in his group and he was always taken care of, never the other way around.

Luhan must’ve known his predicament as he began to take a bottle of disinfectant from the box. “I can do it myself.”

Sehun felt annoyed hearing Luhan say he could do it himself when he couldn’t even colour code a closet or open packages without hurting himself. All he was good at were making songs and playing the piano and both those things were useless in this situation. “Give it to me. Just tell me what to do.”

Staring at Luhan to give him directions, he was met with a look of disbelief on Luhan’s face, making Sehun sigh. “I’m trying to help here. Stop staring at me like I’m going to kill you. I can report you.”

Seeing Luhan flinch at his words made him feel slightly bad but it was Luhan’s fault anyway, so he began uncapping the disinfectant bottle, pouring it all over Luhan’s wound, making the boy yell out in agony.


“YAHH!” Luhan yelled out. “Are you helping me or torturing me?!”

“What? Isn’t it better to give a lot?” Sehun asked, his cold face even colder with the deadpan expression he had on.

Luhan let out a quick sigh of disbelief as he shook off the excess disinfectant off his hand. He’s gorgeous, but that’s all he is.

“Listen up, Oh Sehun-shi. In this situation, less is more! How could you just do that out of nowhere!? That really hurt, you know!” Luhan screamed out, not caring if Sehun was going to threaten to report him again.

He could see Sehun pressing his lips in a thin line as if to block a laugh from escaping, making Luhan even more agitated. Grabbing the disinfectant bottle, he squeezed it and the liquid sprayed onto Sehun’s light blue shirt. He saw Sehun slightly jolt from surprise at the surprise attack before meeting eyes with Luhan, instantly making Luhan regret doing it in the first place. He knew he was brave but he didn’t know his bravery extended even in front of the devil himself. Luhan thought he was truly something. He closed his eyes, ready for Sehun to grab his collar or shake him until he passed out but… nothing. Nothing happened. Instead, an incredible sight was bestowed to him.

EXOTIC’s super popular commercial ice king Oh Sehun was kneeling on the floor blowing on his thumb before putting on a band-aid over the wound. Luhan couldn’t move a muscle. Surprise? Shock? None of those words could describe how he felt. It was like he was hallucinating.

Sehun stood up and as he made his way back to his desk, he stopped halfway and turned his head slightly to look at Luhan and even though he told his heart a billion times not to fall for that face, he did it anyway. Again and again like an unbroken loop.

“Your fingers are precious. Be more careful. How will you play the piano beautifully if the hands that play the melody get ruined?” Sehun said coolly, plopping down on his chair and swiftly opening tabs on his browser, ignoring Luhan once more. “Ah, don’t think about going home ‘til all these packages are opened.”

Staring at the back of Sehun’s head and his silky dark brown hair, Luhan tried to ignore the pulsating rhythm on the wound that was just wrapped up by Sehun’s hands, he tried to ignore the fact that his face felt warm and stuffy from Sehun’s nonchalant but kind words, heck he tried to get angry at Sehun bossing him around again. He tried and tried but he truly was a dog with only one trick. He could improve exponentially on the piano, but he simply couldn’t improve his taste in men.


For the past two months, Luhan had grown haggard and tired. Running right, left and center at the beck and call of the devil was utterly tiring and humiliating, but if he didn’t do whatever Oh Sehun wanted, it would mean a criminal record and a heap of explaining to do to his parents. From Oh Sehun’s dry-cleaning, to picking up his mail and packages from the post office, to buying vegetables and meat in the middle of the night because Sehun was craving for a barbecue, Luhan was a millimetre close to killing the bastard. Well, the last one was pretty good since he was invited, but still! What made it even worse was the fact that despite how evil Sehun was for blackmailing him this way, Luhan still found him so damn charming and cool, especially when he was in a white robe. White definitely suited Oh Sehun the best.

Luhan smacked his forehead in anger at such a thought, much to Tao’s surprise. Luhan really wanted to travel back in time and tell his 15-year-old self not to fall for the reincarnation of Satan that was Oh Sehun.

“You okay?” Tao asked, concern marking his deep dark eyes. “You look like how you did when we went for a marathon in high school.”

Luhan laughed softly. “The marathon is nothing compared to now.”

Tao pressed his lips together, his eyebrows furrowed in worry. “Your part-time job sounds tough. At any time, any place you always just jet off. Why don’t you just quit?”

If you only knew... Luhan thought hopelessly, but smiled to ease Tao’s worries. “Don’t worry, Tao. I... enjoy it.”

Tao smiled sadly and was about to respond when Luhan’s phone began ringing, catching both their attentions.

“Devil OS?” Tao asked, as Luhan quickly grabbed the phone.

Luhan shook his head. “It’s just the boss. Ah, hello... Mmm... R-right now? O-okay.”

Luhan really wanted to stomp his foot and whine because the devil had just summoned him to get to Incheon Airport in 45 minutes time. 45 minutes?! It’s lunch time and I have to go so friggin’ far away just for you?! And within 45 minutes at that?! Die, Oh Sehun!

Taking a deep breath, Luhan readjusted his state of mind before getting up from the cafeteria bench. “I have to go. Duty calls.”

Tao frowned at him but still wished him luck for his mysterious part-time job before Luhan picked up his backpack and left in the direction of the nearby taxi stand.


Sehun tapped his foot impatiently as he sat in the backseat of the van his group used to go to their schedules. Usually he would be listening to music using his headphones, blocking out the sound of Baekhyun and Chanyeol bickering like children over something of no value, but today he was too anxious to even take out his headphones.

“Making a hole in the floor?” Kai asked, as he was the one sitting next to Sehun at the back. “Why are you so agitated?”

Sehun sighed as he tore his gaze from the tinted window of the car and turned his head to face Kai, his cold and aloof expression covering his true feelings like a mask. “I’m fine, hyung.”

Kai narrowed his eyes slightly at Sehun. “I’ve known you for over 6 years. You’re fine, my foot.”

Sehun turned his head away ignoring Kai, leaning his head on the car window, watching the streets of Seoul go by, pondering what in the world was he thinking calling up that stalker to go to the airport. It wasn’t like he needed Luhan to do anything there. So why? Why did he go bonkers out of his mind and call Luhan to come to the airport for something Sehun needed to him to do? The stress of wracking his brain for a task to give his blackmailed stalker was making his head pound and Sehun just wanted to sleep it off.

“Yah, Park Chanyeol!” Sehun heard a crazy and angry Baekhyun yell out. “How could you have forgotten to pack your ring? Do you really want me to drill a screw to your head with a note reminding you every single day?!”

Chanyeol let out a shaky, distressed laugh. “B-baek... Babe... I was showering. I didn’t want it to rust. Ha...”

“Rust?” Baekhyun said through gritted teeth. “You think the ring I bought you with a six digit price tag on it would rust? You’re going to die before getting on that plane. Come here!”

Sehun could only roll his eyes as Baekhyun got Chanyeol in a headlock. As Sehun stared at the bickering couple, it reminded him of their long trainee days together and how far they’ve gone since then. Baekhyun with the voice of an angel and Chanyeol who had a deep voice that was perfect for rapping didn’t seem like the type to fall in love with each other, but here they were 7 years together and still strong... well, Baekhyun was strong, Chanyeol was probably tired out of his mind.

“Seriously, guys?” Kris asked, annoyed, pulling his headphones off his head. “I know you guys still love each other so let’s cut the fight scene and have a quiet ride, okay? Please!”

“Oh... As expected, Kris Wu, you’re the man,” Chen said, his cheerful voice conveying his sincerity. “If you two want more lines in our next title track, zip it. You can fight when you get to the hotel and have make up like always.”

“Yah!” both Chanyeol and Baekhyun yelled out together, but were both unable to make a retort as their cheeks reddened.

Sehun had to stifle a laugh because even though this happened often, Sehun was really happy to see all of them get along even after 4 years of performing together. He thought people would change after all the fame and fortune but Baekhyun and Chanyeol were still happily in love together most times, Kris was still a two-faced grumpy old fart who acted prince-like and charming when he was on stage, Chen was still a reliable and trusted hyung and Kai was still as observant as ever on Sehun’s every expression. The last part wasn’t really something good but it was a fair mention. He didn’t know when it started but Kai treated understanding the cool and grim Sehun back during his trainee days as a fun little game which continued on even when they’d debuted already. It was annoying, but Sehun couldn’t be bothered to complain and he secretly had fun watching Kai analyse him.

A smile tugged on Sehun’s lips, the small action being noticed by Kai. “Reminiscing good memories?”

Sehun quickly put on a straight expression once more, causing Kai to chuckle a little. Sehun glared using a side glance at Kai, wondering how was he able to do such a thing but then was reminded of a little blonde boy that was probably waiting for him at the airport by now, his thoughts back to wondering how he could torment the doe-eyed boy some more.


Ugh, it’s so friggin’ cold, where the hell is this devil! Luhan cursed as he waited outside the entrance to the departure area, not wanting to miss Sehun when he arrived for fear it would make him angry and does god knows what to him. As the brisk air made his skin feel taut, Luhan snuggled his face deeper into his scarf and wondered how long was this servitude was going to last. Few more months? A few years? Forever? Luhan sighed at the hopelessness of it all.

I’m the stupid one here. Why did you have to follow Sehun around like a freak anyway? Are you really that into him? Luhan thought, scoffing at the last question because there was no way in hell he would still be interested in Oh Sehun after being treated like a carriage horse, smacked around to do whatever its owner wants it to do. So what if he was handsome? Were there no other handsome men and pretty women?

As Luhan continued with his inner debate, a black van with tinted windows pulled over at the other end of the pedestrian crossing Luhan was standing nearby to. Seeing the dozens of paparazzi and fangirls crowding up to where Luhan was standing, he was sure the devil that was Oh Sehun and his group EXOTIC were the ones occupying the van. Shifting himself to the side while the fans and cameramen took over the area near the entranceway, Luhan kept his eyes locked on the van, awaiting eagerly to see his favourite group this close and personal, with the exception of Oh Sehun because Luhan was getting sick of his face. No, really. He really was. He wasn’t just lying to himself to make himself feel better. Nope, definitely not.

As the door to the van opened, a pair of long legs that were hugged with black skinny jeans came out elegantly. Slightly hopping off the car onto the pavement, he dusted off imaginary dust from the front of his black sweater that was slightly hidden by the long black coat that hung off his broad frame. Luhan could feel his heartbeat slow down as his eyes were glued on the man in front of him across the road. Everything seemed like it was in slow motion and when his senses came back, it suddenly wasn’t so cold anymore because somehow when his heart dropped to the core of the earth and came back to him, it brought back a sweltering heat that was activated with the mere sight of this matrix-like Oh Sehun.

Luhan ran off because he felt like a fool. Oh Sehun had only shown kindness to him once. ONCE! Once out of dozens of times of humiliation but from that one time he put on a band-aid on Luhan’s thumb, it was game over for Luhan. Luhan had to laugh bitterly when he reached the area at the furthest taxi stand because he wanted to stop feeling this way to someone who had made him his prisoner. He wanted to stop before he confused himself into thinking something impossible. He just wanted to stop liking Sehun because at the very least, if he didn’t feel such a thing, then he wouldn’t feel eager deep down a text from Oh Sehun came to him and could hate him until this slave contract ended.

“Yah!” Luhan heard someone yell, making him freeze up. “You dare make me come all the way here? Why’d you run off like that!”

Seeing Sehun’s disgruntled face underneath the dark shades and how he had his arms crossed in annoyance, Luhan truly felt like a fool because at that moment, all he could think of was how good Sehun looked even in black.


An awkward atmosphere settled after Luhan didn’t retort to what Sehun asked and instead stared at him with a blank yet sad expression. Sehun felt a small knot in his chest when he saw that but pushed it aside as he unfolded his arms.

“Sorry,” Luhan finally said, his eyes finally moving away and staring to the side at a taxi.

Sehun stared a while at the wavy blonde locks of Luhan’s hair and without meaning to, began patting his head, catching the younger boy by surprised from how wide his eyes went as he looked up to Sehun as if asking him what the hell was he doing. Sehun cleared his throat before putting his hand down because even he didn’t know what he was doing.

“I don’t know what you’re bothered by but stop it. It’ll work out,” Sehun said gruffly, crossing his arms once more as if defending himself from remembering how cute Luhan looked when he was surprised and how soft his hair was.

Luhan let out a small laugh, making Sehun feel more at ease. “Anyway… What did you call me for?”

Sehun felt his expression falter a bit because for the life of him he still had no clue what to say. “Well… I… I need you to get me a ring!”

Internally yelling at himself for why did that come out of his mouth, Sehun kept his face controlled though he felt his palms start to sweat. At the final moment, he remembered how Baekhyun and Chanyeol fought over a ring and that was all Sehun could come up with.

“Ring?” Luhan asked, confusion apparent on his face. “You do know you’re going overseas right? You could get it… there?”

Sehun shook his head adamantly. “It has to be from here. Something simple.”

Luhan looked lost in thought. “Okay, but I don’t know your finger size.”

Why are you suddenly a ring expert? Sehun thought, irritated, wracking his brain for what he should say when his gaze fell on Luhan’s hands. Without thinking too much he grabbed Luhan’s hand much to his shock. Pinching Luhan’s ring finger a little, Sehun pointed at it. “Use your ring finger size.”

“A-ah? What… No, who is this for again?” Luhan said, pulling his hand away and hiding it behind him.

Geez, Xi Luhan! Stop asking questions! Sehun yelled out wishing Luhan would just shut up. “It’s… f-for someone special, of course!”

Luhan blinked a couple of times as Sehun felt his stare on his face. “Who…”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Sehun asked with a teasing smirk to mask his nervousness. “Anyway, just… do it. Ah, here, this is the money for it. I gotta go. See ya.”

Sehun quickly dashed off, hoping Luhan didn’t notice how much he was bluffing when he suddenly felt something hit him on his back. Turning around, he saw that it was Luhan’s shoe.

“Ow? What the—“

Sehun couldn’t speak another word as Luhan threw the money he gave him to his face.

“Who do you think you are? Who do you think I am?” Luhan asked, his anger apparent from the frown on his face and his deeply creased eyebrows. “You think you can just call me here and tell me to get your girlfriend a gift? Am I that… You do it yourself, you er! Report me or whatever, this is one thing I won’t do!”

Stomping off into a taxi, Sehun could only watch with money splayed out at his feet as Luhan disappeared from his sight. Blinking a mile a minute, Sehun tried to decipher what the hell just happened and why he was feeling so nervous at the sight of Luhan leaving that way.

What the hell? He’s getting brave. I’ve been too nice to him… Sehun thought, as he hardened his expression, bending down to pick up his money. Just you wait, Xi Luhan.


It had been almost two weeks since the day Luhan gave Sehun a piece of his mind and after the initial adrenaline, Luhan was now hiding in despair under the covers as the dreaded day of Sehun’s arrival back to Korea came. He flailed around in his bed until the covers came off wondering to himself why he suddenly had an outburst at the mere mention of Oh Sehun having someone special in his life already. Thinking back to how cocky yet nervous Sehun sounded at the mention of getting a ring was enough to make Luhan’s blood boil a thousand times over, that Luhan thought that he was also being ridiculous.

Twisting his legs over the side of his bed, Luhan buried his face in the palm of his hands, trying to keep the dull ache in his stomach from festering. Of course Oh Sehun would have somebody like that. Look at him. Luhan thought that if he was a tabloid journalist, he could’ve written a jackpot of an article, but sadly all he got was a broken heart.

What the , Oh Sehun? Are you that dense? How could you ask me to get you a ring for your girlfriend? Luhan thought angrily as he bolted up from his bed. Luhan knew he was not subtle at all at hiding his feelings which was probably why Sehun always by wearing a damn bathrobe every time Luhan went to his house. Stomping towards his laptop, Luhan searched up ‘EXOTIC’ and Luhan slumped in his seat when he saw the top post in the fan café: ‘EXOTIC are back in Korea!’

He’ll torment me again, right? Luhan thought as he leaned his head back into his chair, but after his whole episode at the airport, would Sehun really be that shameless to call on him again? No way, right? Luhan felt a bit of relief at this realisation and convinced himself that things between him and that damn devil were definitely over, ignoring the hollowness his heart felt.


“You’re coming tonight, right?” Minseok asked, as he looked excitedly at Luhan after they had lunch together, to which Luhan gave a soft smile.

“Of course! Wouldn’t miss it, sunbae,” Luhan replied politely as Minseok was one of the seniors in his course he truly respected. It was a shame that he was graduating soon and tonight they were having a goodbye party for all music seniors at a hot new club in the city.

Luhan saw Minseok smile kindly at him as he put his hand on his shoulder. “Tonight, you have to come. I have something—“

Nearly losing his footing because of the sudden jerk of his left arm, Luhan felt the side of his head ache as it came into contact with some hard surface. Looking up, he wondered if heaven had shunned him from any form of mercy because the devil he did not want to see ever again was gripping him tightly like a stress ball and shooting daggers from his eyes in Luhan’s direction.


What’s he smiling about? Sehun thought angrily as he stood in front of the cafeteria building watching Luhan and some chubby man get too close for his comfort. Fine, the man was not chubby but Sehun thought his face was chubby and that made him look chubby all over. Sehun scoffed at how low Luhan’s tastes were when he realised that Luhan chose him as his favourite out of all EXOTIC members. Nodding to himself in agreement, he decided that Luhan’s taste wasn’t all bad.

Yah, aren’t you going to move that hand away? Sehun thought as his initial contentment turned to rage that was enveloping him seeing the sight of some guy laying a hand on his property. He couldn’t suppress it anymore as he walked fiercely in Luhan’s direction, pulling Luhan towards him a little harder than he wanted.


Sehun covered Luhan’s mouth before he blew his cover with that mouth of his. Indeed, Luhan was definitely a weirdo. He put in so much effort in today’s disguise to the point where he even put on a fake beard so that even Luhan wouldn’t recognise him, but Luhan from the beginning always managed to see him.

“Sorry. I have a prior engagement with Luhan. Excuse us,” Sehun said to the chubby-but-not-chubby man without even sparing a second glance at him as he dragged Luhan away to a secluded corner of the university.

Turning around to face a fully agitated Luhan who just shook off his arm when they reached an empty space near the cafeteria building, Sehun took in the sight of the boy who was constantly on his mind when he was overseas after the whole debacle at the airport.

Why? What is going on? Sehun thought, annoyed as his thoughts drifted back to Luhan’s smiling face when he was with the other guy and his deadly stare at the moment when faced with Sehun. You actually like that guy or something?

“W-what did you do that for?” Luhan asked, nervousness apparent in his voice despite the brave façade he was trying to uphold.

Sehun felt his scowl deepen. “Why? Is that guy someone who you don’t want to find out about how pathetic you are?”

Sehun saw Luhan froze, his eyes looking at Sehun like he was the embodiment of evil and for the first time ever, Sehun really hated that gaze.


Luhan felt his chest ache at Sehun’s cruel, unfiltered words but suppressed the urge to just whack the guy off his high horse. That’s right, this was Oh Sehun. He was definitely not going to let Luhan off the hook after acting out that day. Sighing out loud, “He’s a sunbae. I don’t really care what you do to me but please don’t make a scene at my school.”

“Oh?” Luhan heard Sehun say out loud like a revelation was made, and Luhan shivered in response to the chilly atmosphere that one syllable managed to create. “You don’t care? Then…”

The last thing Luhan saw was the absolute rage of the frosty tundra that was Oh Sehun’s face as he felt his back hit painfully against the side of the cafeteria building from Oh Sehun’s push. Looking up after getting his senses together, Luhan was face to face with Sehun who pinned him to the wall by pressing on his arms against it.

“You said it yourself, didn’t you? That you don’t care what I do to you. So, let’s make things a little more fun between us.”

Before Luhan could utter a sound, Oh Sehun ripped off the grotesque fake beard he had on and kept Luhan in place as he staked his claim over Luhan’s first kiss.


What the hell is wrong with me? Sehun thought as his mind finally caught up with his actions. He was now pressing himself against his stalker because he was so damn pissed over how lightly Luhan thought of their agreement. He was planning on making Luhan do ten times the amount of work after disobeying him but now he was actually kissing the guy!

He could feel Luhan try to wriggle his way out of his grasp and it made his blood boil. What? Is it that bad?

Pinning Luhan tighter to the wall with his own body weight, Sehun held Luhan’s chin in place as he stuck in his tongue to show Luhan who between them was the one charge. Sehun’s mind went blank as he felt Luhan responding to his actions and how relaxed he had become. Sehun’s other hand automatically went to Luhan’s waist and the kiss deepened with Sehun not wanting to pull away but feeling of being suffocated left him no choice but to part ways with Luhan’s soft and mouth.



Sehun reeled back as the impact of Luhan’s palm with his cheek singed it and caused a throbbing ache to surface.

“I really must be a joke to you,” Luhan began. Sehun turned to face him and was surprised to see the redness of Luhan’s eyes, tears b at the lower part. “Is it fun? Taking my feelings for you so lightly?”

Sehun automatically shook his head, thinking that the Luhan in front of him now was definitely not someone he could speak to without thinking. “Feelings? What—“

“Just stop it. You already have a girlfriend so why are you doing this to me? Was it… Was it that despicable for me to give you a gift as a fan? Was I really that wrong to follow you just because I wanted to give you a gift? I really liked you… so why… Did you want to teach your gay stalker a lesson? Well, congratulations.”

Sehun felt his stomach drop. “H-hey, Lu—“

“Let’s stop here. Whether you report me or hurt me. I won’t care anymore. I don’t want to see you ever again. Just… leave me alone.”


Clenching his jaw to stop himself from crying, Luhan kept his stare firmly fixed on the ground, afraid that one look at Oh Sehun would make him lose all rationality and make him think that it was all okay.

But it wasn’t okay at all.

How over the moon he was when his love of 4 years was kissing him and actually touching him like how a lover would. How wonderful it was to be embraced and have his desire be reciprocated. How amazing it would’ve been if what Luhan thought was impossible could come to be.

But, no. It truly wasn’t meant to be.

Because to Sehun, this wasn’t him showing his love. It was a punishment for Luhan for being disobedient and that very realisation shattered every fantasy Luhan held in his mind.

Out of embarrassment, out of spite, out of disappointment, Luhan slapped the object of his affections hoping to break every last bit of emotion he had but to no avail. The ache he felt in his heart was proof that he was still so stupidly in love with Oh Sehun even when he did something so despicable.

“Fine,” Sehun said coldly, making Luhan’s hair stand on end. “Goodbye.”

 Luhan snapped his head up quickly to see Sehun walk away from him. His heart reached out for him, his mind was begging him to not go but he couldn’t run towards him. Not like this.

Ah, I guess I do have some pride left after all, Luhan thought bitterly as he slumped down to the grassy ground, finally letting the tears roll down, hoping that it emptied out every trace of Oh Sehun in his trampled heart.


[2 months later]

“Sehun-ah! Sehun-ah! You messed up again!” the dance teacher, Kwon Bo Ah, yelled out. “What’s wrong with you lately? Whatever, 10 minute break everyone!”

Sehun bowed apologetically as the teacher waved her hand in annoyance before leaving the dance studio. They were practicing the choreography for EXOTIC’s new title song and Sehun was, to put it kindly, making mistakes every single minute. He hadn’t contacted Luhan for over 2 months and neither had Luhan. He should’ve been over the moon to see Luhan that way. After all, wasn’t that his entire goal? He only made Luhan do things for him to teach him a lesson that no one else could, so what was going on? Why was his heart so horribly maimed to the point where it felt like nothing else mattered anymore?

“Let’s have a talk.”

Sehun looked to his side and found Chanyeol hanging his arm over his shoulders, a goofy smile plastered on that annoying face of his. Shaking Chanyeol off, he coldly declined as he made his way towards the benches at the side of the room.

“I know it’s love trouble.”

Sehun froze, before turning to face Chanyeol, making the latter smile playfully.

“Alright. Everyone, out. I need to have a chat with our maknae. You too, babe,” Chanyeol yelled out, making sure to be sweet to Baekhyun before he could get scolded.

“Please scold him for making me lose weight,” Chen complained, wiping his sweat with a towel as he made his way out the room, dragging Kris and Kai with him. Baekhyun pouted but nodded and waved Chanyeol goodbye as he left the room.

As the two of them sat together, a slightly uncomfortable atmosphere brewed, making Sehun break the ice.

“It’s not love trouble,” he simply said, to which he earned a scoff from Chanyeol.

“I’ve been in your shoes before, so don’t you think you can be a little more honest here?” Chanyeol stated, wanting Sehun to trust him.

Sehun sighed and leaned his head back onto the wall. “Love? I hate that person.”

Chanyeol couldn’t help but giggle at how childish Sehun was being. “Don’t make things difficult for the both of us and just admit it.”

Sehun closed his eyes, hoping Chanyeol was just a figment of his imagination and would go away in time but sadly, someone that big wouldn’t disappear so easily. “I… made a mistake towards that person. He told me to leave him alone.”

“Ah… so it’s a he,” Chanyeol stated, nodding as if he understood. “It’s tough.”

Sehun turned to face Chanyeol, a rare quizzical stare on his face to which Chanyeol laughed his loud, rambunctious laugh. “When Baek and I first started, it wasn’t all rainbows and butterflies, you know.”

“It isn’t now either,” Sehun sharply commented, earning him a smack on his thigh from Chanyeol. “That didn’t hurt.”

Chanyeol glared at him, but continued on. “Loving another man, it’s a lot harder than liking a girl. I can’t count how many times I broke Baek’s heart when we were still figuring out our feelings. That’s why, I let him do what he wants even if it’s yelling or hitting me because… I truly was an .”

Sehun’s attention was locked on because it reminded him of how similar it was to what happened between him and Luhan. “And then?”

Chanyeol sighed. “Then, after a while, I realised how much easier it was to just be honest with myself and how much easier it was to like someone, rather than hate them.”

Chanyeol turned to face Sehun, looking him dead serious into his eyes. “The day I confessed to Baekhyun was the most difficult and most uncomfortable experience in my life. It felt like the years of training were nothing compared to that very moment, but I still did it because having someone else be with Baekhyun was more painful and tormenting than being honest with myself.”

Sehun blinked a few times as the words Chanyeol said made its way in his brain and a certain chubby-faced sunbae came to mind, making Sehun jolt up from his seat, surprising Chanyeol out of his seriousness.

“I… I have to go,” Sehun said, spaced out as he made his way out of the dance studio and out of SN Entertainment’s building, when a frantic Chen ran up to catch up with him.

“I really am going to punish you for making me lose so much weight. Here…” Chen said, annoyance apparent as he passed Sehun a mask, sunglasses and a copy of their new album that wasn’t released yet. “Go get ‘em!”

Sehun took the items and smiled a rare smile Chen’s way. “I’ll be sure to.”


“Thank you for your purchase. Please come again!” Luhan greeted as his replacement for the next shift came to the store. Getting out of the store and feeling the cold air hit his face, he recited the mantra that he made for himself for when he was idle and had nothing to do.

Let’s forget. Let’s move on. Let’s live happily. Luhan thought over and over. His first love had come to a bitter end and the remnants of that love still remained, making it hard for Luhan to sometimes breathe.

But life had to go on.

He had to go on.

Oh Sehun dominantly came into his life, shoving his way in without permission and he left the way he came in. Disruptively, annoyingly and above all, permanently engraved on Luhan’s mind, heart and body.

Life is truly unfair, Luhan thought as he sighed before turning around to walk to the direction of his apartment when a masked individual stood in front of him, sweat dripping down his forehead and onto his jawline.

A jawline that Luhan recognised all too well.

He felt himself pause and look away, hastening his steps to pass by Oh Sehun who was in another poor disguise.

But life was truly cruel because Oh Sehun had way too much strength to be normal because how easy it was for him to drag Luhan into an alleyway.

Luhan kept his glare fixed on Sehun, knowing fully well that this son of the devil was looking at him even behind the dark shades.

“Luhan…” Sehun began, after taking off the mask.


Luhan felt his palm burn from hitting Sehun’s cheek, making the sunglasses he was wearing fly off his face. Luhan gritted his teeth in anger because how could he? How could he say his name that way? How could the mere mention of his name from Oh Sehun’s lips be enough to make his determination falter?



Before Luhan could smack Sehun a fourth time, Sehun held his arm in place with a tight but comfortable grip on his wrist. “Let go! Yah! Let me—“

“I’m sorry!” Sehun said as looked straight into Luhan’s eyes, making his heart thunder. “What I did to you… Please forgive me.”

Furrowing his brows, Luhan pushed Sehun away as hard as he could before laughing a bitter laugh to the sky. “It’s that easy huh? You say sorry and I’m supposed to forgive you? You’re really…”

Luhan felt his lower lip tremble as the anger and sadness took over him. He didn’t care anymore. He couldn’t give a damn about humiliating himself in front of Oh Sehun as he started bawling his eyes out. He felt so pathetic because even after creating the mantra, even after telling himself day after day that everything will be alright, even after forcing himself to meet up with other men on dates, at this very moment, he realised that there wouldn’t be anyone else he loved but Oh Sehun.


“You’re really…”

Oh Sehun waited until Luhan got off everything from his chest. He was ready to be hit, kicked, trampled to ground with a horse carriage, all to make Luhan believe that he truly was sorry, but what he wasn’t ready for was the sound of Luhan wailing before he even finished his third phrase.

Running forward to hug Luhan so he would calm down and not attract nearby people, he ignored Luhan’s punches on his chest making him realise that Luhan had never done martial arts before, letting a soft laugh escaping from Sehun mouth.

“You’re laughing… at me?! Get off! Get—“

“I’m sorry… Luhan. Please forgive me. I…” Sehun started, putting Luhan an arm’s length away, looking at his tear stained face and pink cheeks, wondering how he had not realise how beautiful this person in front of him truly was. Caressing his cheek as he wiped away a tear that rolled down, Sehun continued, “Your angry, agitated face, your crying face, your expression when you smile, your expression when we kiss. Keep on showing it to me day after day, from now on. I love everything about you, so… show everything to me. Only me.”


Oh Sehun was supposed to be the devil. He was supposed to be Satan incarnate. That’s who he was supposed to be. That’s how he should be so Luhan could hate him to the depths of his heart, so why?

Why did the word ‘love’ come out of his mouth?

Why did he say he loved him?

Why in god’s name, was Luhan so happy about it that he cried even harder?

You truly are so pathetic, Xi Luhan. Just like that, you’re back to where you started, Luhan thought, his tears being soaked by Sehun’s jersey as he hid his bloated face in the nook of Sehun’s neck. Sehun stayed quiet, silently comforting Luhan by patting his back.

It took Luhan a few minutes before he pulled away, embarrassment finally hitting his core. “Uh, I… I don’t believe you.”

Ha! You liar! But I guess I do have some pride left, Luhan thought, proudly.

Luhan willed himself to look up at the ice prince that was Oh Sehun and was surprised at what he saw.

Oh Sehun actually had a smile on his face. Not a condescending, cocky or of a smile but a genuine, loving expression. Luhan felt his cheeks warm up from the mere sight and started getting greedy over monopolising that smile to himself.

“Then,” Sehun began, trailing off as he backed up Luhan into a wall like déjà vu. “I’ll let you imprison me this time.”

Looking down as quickly as he could, Luhan heard his heart beating it’s loud drum in his head and hoped Sehun wouldn’t notice but the guy just had to lift his chin up the way he did the first night they met and look like he wanted to eat Luhan up.

Yah, yah. Who is imprisoning who here? You hypocrite! Luhan thought, annoyed at the nagging happy feeling that was enveloping his entire existence.

“I love you,” Sehun reiterated, not even an ounce of embarrassment apparent on his face, making Luhan feel angry because that was cheating! That handsome face, that deep voice and everything was just unfair to him. “I won’t let you love anyone else but me either.”


Sehun stared intensely at Luhan, waiting for him to respond because despite his bold and confident confession, Xi Luhan was not someone he could predict and surely enough, his reaction was out of his expectation range.

Luhan was laughing and the sound and sight was enough to floor Sehun into speechlessness.

“Look who’s imprisoning who,” Luhan said, his eyes focusing on the ground before looking up to Sehun. “but I don’t mind.”

Sehun felt his heart leap into his head and before he could control it, he continued where they left off back in Luhan’s university.

“You… you really have to keep that habit in check,” Luhan said breathlessly, making Sehun feel all kinds of things. “Don’t just… kiss me so aggressively.”

Brushing Luhan’s hair with his fingertips, Sehun smiled softly at the adorable man in his grasp. “You like it.”

Luhan pouted but let out a small laugh as he wrapped his arms around Sehun’s waist. “I like you.”

Sehun really couldn’t believe him. After saying ‘I love you’ to him, he responded with ‘I like you’? But he thought he deserved the punishment.

“Ouch,” Sehun said playfully. “Hmm, but I guess it’s more fun to earn your love, Xi-Lu-Han-Shi.”

Luhan shuddered at how Sehun whispered his name syllable by syllable and was met with that cocky, princely face of his once more.

“T-that’s right. Try your best,” Luhan said, failing to keep composed seeing that expression on his idol that always made him falter.

Sehun smirked playfully. “Don’t worry. I will and I’ll definitely win.”

Luhan had to take a deep inhale of breath because how can the one on the losing end be so cocky to the point where it felt like Luhan was the one who didn’t have the upper hand? His skin shivered from both the cold and how different Sehun’s stare at him was compared to before. Oh Sehun was the devil, no doubt about it, but Luhan had no problems with being imprisoned in his hell, because it truly was his paradise.


“What’s this?” Luhan asked, holding up an album of EXOTIC he had never seen before.

“Our new album,” Sehun said, plainly, looking around Luhan’s apartment. “You… you’re a rich kid.”

“WHAT?! New album? You’re giving this to me?!” Luhan exclaimed, unable to contain his happiness.

“Yah, won’t you listen to someone talking?” Sehun complained.

“Oh? Oh Sehun is not winning my love over this way,” Luhan teased and he was over the moon when he saw Sehun gulp down from nervousness.

Sehun cleared his throat. “Play track number 4.”

Luhan stared at Sehun quizzically but played the mentioned track as requested.

It really feels like you can hear it,

The fact that my heart is pounding.

It remains locked within my heart,

I'm afraid of letting you know of how I feel.

Can you see how I tremble as you look at me?

Even if you misunderstand it, my heart is still pounding.

It's like a confession,

Even though you don't know it

“This melody…” Luhan began, his thoughts lost.

“It’s the song you gave me. Chen really liked it so he used it and I… gave some lyrics for the first time,” Sehun said shyly.

Luhan felt his heart soar. “They’re beautiful. My song… it’s on your album.”

Sehun smiled softly at the lovely person in front of him. “Thank you for giving it to me. Both the song… and you.”


Author's Notes:

I really like GFriend's new B-side track off their Japanese album called 'La Pam Pam', which are the lyrics above and surprisingly it suits well with the story XD

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969 streak #1
Chapter 1: The question is, who is imprisoning who? But does it matter?
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story.
Chapter 1: Oh my goodness this is absolutely amazing!!! I love hunhan here!! And i also love the fact that Luhan still clung to his dignity and not be like a puppy to Sehun. And absolutely love your reminder of how stalking is illegal and bad. Im so glad i found this fic. I love yoy authornim for writing and sharing this story to us. You have no idea how you made my day a little less gray. Thank you so much authornim!!
Chapter 1: Omggggggg!!!! It was amazing!!!!! My heart is full and happy after reading this, aah~~~ i really love your stories
xiaolin98 #4
Chapter 1: It is so adorable.. awww my hunhan feeling❤❤
Chapter 1: this is soooo cute!! *w* thanks for writing this!
affinityy #6
Bless you for that reminder.
Aaaaa my heart is full. Thank you for this!! ♡