Coming of Sihyeon


II. Coming of Age Sihyeon

       Sihyeon’s eyes snapped open at 7AM just before her alarm rang.

       I’m eighteen.

       It was finally the day she had long awaited for. Would she meet her mate? Would she have a lunch buddy? Would she possibly be able to actually escape her mother’s pack?

       Sihyeon dressed and ate breakfast much quicker that morning, bidding her mother farewell with a quick kiss and hug before dashing out the front door. The last time Sihyeon had been this excited was the last day of school her junior year at the Academy. Her mate was most likely younger than she was, for her mate had not found her yet. Either that, or he really wasn’t attending the academy.

       The closer Sihyeon got to school, the more her hopes fell.

       But, the further she walked into the main building of the academy, the stronger a certain scent became.

       He was here.

       Sihyeon’s heart nearly jumped out of her chest. Her mate was actually here! In the Academy! That day, Sihyeon cared not of the onlookers as she looked high and low for the person that emitted such a wonderful scent. The scent of the ocean. Her heart raced. Would he be kind? Would he hug her? Would he feel some what of a bond with her?

       Sihyeon walked faster and faster, following the scent. The students rushing through the halls didn’t help. It was beginning to get chaotic. People were pushing each other against the wall. Momentarily, Sihyeon had forgotten about the everyday life of the Academy. She didn’t realize what was going on until a specific group of people were walking by. Not getting out of the way in time, a certain someone knocked shoulders with her. It felt like Sihyeon had just been struck by lightning.

       Sihyeon in a breath and turned around with her eyes widedening in horror. She looked at the person that had just bumped into her. She chanted pleads to the Moon Goddess that the person before wasn’t whom she thought he was.

       The person that had bumped into her turned around and looked at her with slight concern in his eyes.

       “I’m sorry. I didn’t see you there. Are you okay?”

       Kim Joonmyun is my mate?

       “Honey, come on. We’re going to be late to class,” Suyun pulled on Joonmyun’s arm.

       Sihyeon should have felt jealousy that Joonmyun was dating someone else and even letting them touch him, but all Sihyeon felt was fear and anger.

       Not an alpha. Anyone but an alpha.

       Joonmyun frowned at Sihyeon’s lack of an answer. He gently pulled Suyun’s hand off his arm and began walking towards Sihyeon—the girl that looked like she had just seen a ghost.

       But, before Joonmyun could even reach her, Sihyeon turned around and sprinted away to the farthest end of the school.

       Sihyeon had to get away.


       “What are you talking about? It’s just the second month of the school year! Why can’t I transfer to different classes!” Sihyeon shouted.

       Sihyeon loved all the classes she was in. They were all for students smarter than they should have been. But, because Kim Joonmyun just had to be in every single class she was in, Sihyeon knew she had to change her class schedule in order to avoid the alpha.

       “Miss Kang, I’m sorry, but we can’t change your schedule. You can try again at mid-terms.”

       Mid-terms were months away. Sihyeon didn’t know if she would last that long. Besides, what if Joomyun’s birthday passed before then? What if he found out that she was his mate?

       “Hello, there,” a new voice joined in on the conversation.

       Sihyeon didn’t have to think twice to whom it was. His scent gave him away. Sihyeon looked at Joonmyun as he stood beside her with a stack of papers in his hands. He handed it to a teacher sitting behind the administration desk.

       Sihyeon smiled awkwardly and nodded once at Joonmyun to acknowledge him, but it was little enough to let him know that she didn’t want to talk to him.

       Joonmyun frowned.

       “Are you still upset about this morning? I’m sorry. I really didn’t see you,” he spoke.

       Sihyeon chuckled awkwardly to try to lift the atmosphere that was weighing her down.

       “No, I’m not.”

       “Oh. Why do you want to change classes?” he asked.

       Doesn’t he have anything better to do?

       “Nothing much,” Sihyeon muttered before bowing to the people sitting behind the desk. “Well, I guess I’ll get going then.”

       And, just like that morning, Sihyeon turned around and sprinted out of the room.

       Joonmyun frowned, his head cocked to the side as he stared at the girl, that he never really noticed before, run down the hall.

       Surely, she was running to class, but Joonmyun felt like she was running away from him. He barely knew her, so he wondered why it felt like she had such ill thoughts towards him. Joonmyun was never really one to enter himself into the affairs of his peers, for his pack and his girlfriend were enough friends to last him a lifetime, but this girl that had just disappeared around a corner was pulling on a string.

       He wanted to know why, but he just couldn’t put his finger on it.


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0 points #1
they are so cute together ;-; im glad she finally had the closure she needed with her father in the end
Chapter 9: This story is great and the short chapters don't make it any less enjoyable to read! Chanyeol only had a short snippet at the end there but he won my heart instantly! As did Suho and his assertiveness
Chapter 14: You have always written good stories and,I even labelled your stories as favourite but its,a pity I could not read it anymore...All the best keep writing if you have ideas I will be waiting to read it.
Chapter 14: It's beautiful
KeemNoona #5
Chapter 14: Finished this in one sitting! I love how realistic this story is. Sure there are some fluffy moments, but it’s not always rainbows and butterflies. I love how suho supported her and how her character developed from a hating person to a forgiving one. Thank you for this story.
Chapter 13: This is one of my best reads. This story made me cry towards the end.
Lemonboyandme #7
Great story and writing! :)
abcd20 #8
Chapter 14: It was a really good story and a realistic one. Thanks for sharing!!!
Chapter 14: That was so cute! I loved the ending ❤