The Masquerade

Reverse Cinderella

Jin sat in the palace gardens. He watched as the birds flew about. His mind was worrying over the words of his father. 

‘You are my oldest son. You must marry soon. If you are to take over you will find someone in the coming months. Or I shall choose for you.’

The words had annoyed Jin dangerously so. He didn't really wish to take over, but he knew it was his duty as the eldest son. His brother Namjoon would have been a better option since he was so smart.

Or at least, that was how Jin saw it.

Jin hadn't realized that anyone else was in the garden until a hand was placed on his shoulder. Jin looked over to see his brother, Namjoon, sat beside him. 

“Are you okay? What happened?” Namjoon knew that this was place Jin went when something was bothering him.

Jin laughed a bit before returning his gaze to the nature around them. “Just the usual.” Namjoon was quiet, waiting for Jin to continue. “I just wish I could be normal, if only for a few hours.”

Namjoon sighed. It wasn't the first time Jin had said this, and he was sure it wouldn't be the last. But Jin spoke again. “Maybe if I was normal, father wouldn't be forcing me to find someone to marry so quickly.”

These words surprised Namjoon. “Father.... He put his foot down on the matter?” The shock in Joon's voice was obvious. Jin just nodded his eyes following the movements of a squirrel.

Namjoon sighed and pulled his hand away from Jin. “I can't believe I am about to say this, but....” Jin looked at his brother. “Maybe you do need a couple hours as a normal person.....”

Jin shot up off of the bench. “Did you just say what I think you said?” His eyes were wide and his mouth was agape. Namjoon bit back a smile and nodded. Jin grinned. “You really mean it?”

Namjoon stood up and nodded. “Yes. But you should take Yoongi with you. Just in case something happens.”

Jin's grin faltered a bit. “Do you think Yoongi will go for it though? He is normally against these types of things after all.”

Namjoon smiled and said, “Wait here.” Jin watched as Namjoon walked away. After he was out of sight, Jin began pacing, trying to think of what he could do if he could get away for a bit.

After close to half an hour, Namjoon returned with Yoongi. Jin looked hopefully between his brother and Yoongi.

Yoongi spoke. “You're lucky-” Jin began grinning. “There is a masquerade being held tomorrow night in a lower district of the kingdom.”

Jin couldn't stop his grin from widening even further. “So you think I will be able to go?”

Yoongi sighed. “It's possible that you won't be descovered as the prince....” Jin was fixing to thank Yoongi when he continued.

“But you will have to have a mask that doesn't look too extravagant and can cover most of your face.”

Jin nodded eagerly. “Not a problem!”

Yoongi huffed. “I guess I need to find a mask as well then. I refuse to let you go without some form of a graurd around. Should someone descover who you are-”

Jin cut Yoongi off. “That won't happen. I promise!”

Namjoon cut in with a smile on his face. “Then lets go get your outfit picked out.” He turned to Yoongi. “Thank you, Yoongi, we really appreciate this.” Yoongi nodded before slipping away to return to his duties as captain of the royal guard.

The next day came all to quickly.

Jin was a nervous wreck by the time dinner was finished. He was of course excited, but he still wanted to look his best. It was a masquerade. No one would know it was him.

This would be his chance to really get to know his future subjects and maybe, just maybe, find someone who peaked his intrest. 

After dinner, him, Namjoon, and Yoongi went to his room. Yoongi separated from the two princes to go and get changed once they reached Jin's room.

Jin got changed and looked at himself in the mirror. Namjoon could be seen sitting on the bed behind him in the reflection. He was holding the skull designed mask that Jin would be wearing.

His nerves were getting to him a bit and Namjoon could tell. He was fixing to speak to Jin when the door opened. Taehyung walked in. 

“You know its obvious that something is up when Yoongi disappears.” Jin spun and looked wide eyed at his youngest brother.

Taehyung just had a glimmer of mischief in his eye. 

Namjoon quickly stood up prepared to offer an excuse. “Look, Tae, I can-” Taehyung waved Namjoon off.

“So are we finally getting Jin out of here for a bit?” The sparkle in his eyes shifting from mischief to happiness in seconds. Jin and Namjoon looked at each other before sighing in releif.

“Yeah. I am going to the masquerade being held in one of the lower districts.” He answered returning to fixing his jacket.

Taehyung grinned. “Sounds like fun! You better enjoy yourself! Also if you see any cute guys, please find out their name at least.” Jin chuckled at Taehyung

Taehyung always knew just how to calm Jin down. It was one of Jin's favorite qualities about Taehyung. Jin was finally smiling, and it made Namjoon smile as well. 

Namjoon handed the mask to Jin so he could get it situated before Namjoon tied it on.

Just as Namjoon pulled his hands away, the door opened again. Yoongi walked in with a mask in hand. He paused when Jin turned around.

“You dont even look like yourself.... This may just work.” Yoongi's words made Jin grin. If Yoongi thought it could work, then they had to be doing something right.

They managed to get out of the palace with out much trouble thanks to Yoongi. Within an hour they had made it to the masquerade. It had already started by the time they got there so no one really noticed the two men.

Yoongi didn't stray too far for the sake of Jin. Yoongi was practically praying that nothing went wrong while they were out. Jin was excited to interact with the people of his kingdom without them knowing it was him.

Jin grabbed one of the glasses of champagne before slipping off to converse. He was having small talk with a woman who worked at a bakery when a beautiful voice caught Jin's attention.

The voice was soft. The way he was singing drew Jin in. Jin excused himself before trying to find the owner of the beautiful voice that was echoing around the room.

Jin weaved through the crowd until he could see the stage. On the stage stood a handsome man with a mask that actually matched Jin's but designed into a different shape. Pink hair parted beautifully atop the man's head.

Jin couldn't take his eyes off of the beautiful singer. The singer smiled while singing slow song after slow song for those who were dancing. The singer turned and his eyes locked with Jin's.

They both stared as the singer continued his song. As the song came to a close, the singer stepped back and bowed before exiting the stage.

Jin tried to keep track of the handsome man with the pink hair and beautiful voice, but he lost the singer in the crowd.

He hadn't realised that Yoongi was approaching him. “Someone seems to have caught your attention.” Jin smiled a small smile and nodded.

“His voice....” Jin didn't know why but the voice caught his attention more than anything. “It sounded amazing yet... Familiar in a way.” Jin couldn't place his finger on where though.

The pink hair slipped into Jin's veiw once more. Jin's left Yoongi's side and immediately headed for the singer. The singer had been talking to a couple, but they left just before Jin had made it to the singer.

“Excuse me.” Jin's voice caused the singer to turn around. Bright curious brown eyes shown through the mask. “I couldn't help but want to comment on your singing abilities.”

The singer spoke in a smooth velvety voice. “Oh? What did you think? Was it to your liking?” Just as the question left the singers mouth, a new singer began to perform.

Jin easily ingored the new singer, too focused on the one in front of him. “It was brilliant. Probably some of the best I have ever heard.” The singer in front of him flushed at the compliment.

“Thank you. I'm Jimin by the way.” Jimin offered a small bow with a smile.

Jin bowed as well. ‘Jimin.’ The name rung like soft bells in his mind. “I'm SeokJin.” Him and his brother had agreed that using his full name would be okay because he was only ever revealed or known as Prince Jin.

“May I have this dance, Jimin?” Jin offered his hand. Jimin smiled and took Jin's outstreached hand.

The time passed far to quickly. Six songs had already passed before the two exited the dance floor. They had kept idle chit chat while dancing. Simple questions back and forth.

Once outside, the cool air hit the two. Jimin hopped up onto the railing of the balcony his back to the scenery. Jin simply leaned on the railing next to Jimin.

Jin looked at the scenery before his eyes landed on Jimin once again. “You know. I'm curious.” Jimin's eyes moved from veiwing the countryside behind him to Jin. “What are your thoughts of the royal family?”

Jimin looked to the floor of the balcony in thought. “They seem nice. Especially each of the princes.”

Jin knew he was treading dangerous waters with the topic. “Do any of them seem more interesting than the others to you?”

Jimin let out a laugh. “I guess the oldest seems the most unique of them. The way he acts just seems more....” The pause had Jin holding his breathe. “More relatable. Like easier to talk to and get to know.”

Jin smiled. “I think I can see that as well.” Jin took a chance and grabbed one of Jimin's hands. A blush appeared, and Jimin looked away, but Jin could still see the smile Jimin had.

“One more question. If you had the option, would you want to help rule the country?” Jin looked out at the lights of the town. The lights of the kingdom he would rule one day.

“It would depend.” Jimin's response caused Jin to look at him questioningly. Jimin laughed. “I just mean that I wouldn't mind it.... As long as I ruled along the side of someone I truely cared for.”

Jin smiled softly. “You really are something else Jimin. I don't think I have ever met anyone like you.” Jin ran a thumb over Jimin's knuckles. He reached up with his free hand and untied Jimin's mask.

As he took the mask off, Jimin's features became more defined. Jin let go of Jimin's hand only to cup his cheek while the other hand held the mask. Their lips met.

The kiss was soft and gentle, yet it held a flame of something that mentioned a future. As Jin pulled away, Yoongi came through the door of the balcony.

“SeokJin! We need to leave. Now!”

Jin knew it was urgent if Yoongi was that worried. He moved to leave but a hand grabbed his own. “Where are you going?”

The worry in Jimin's eyes caused Jin to falter for a moment. He rubbed Jimin's cheek. “I'm sorry.” those were Jin's parting words as he ran to Yoongi.

Jin hadn't noticed that Jimin had loosened the tie of his own mask while they were kissing. Yoongi and Jin were out the front door before Jin's mask fell. Yoongi pulled Jin. “Leave it! We don't have time!”

Jimin hadn't been too far behind the two. Jimin bent down and picked up the mask carefully. He looked around, but Jin and Yoongi were no where in sight. All he had left of his wonderful man was a name that he had only heard twice and a mask that matched his own.

Once back at the palace, Jin and Yoongi went to the garden. “So why did we have to run out of there?” Jin was panting, but he was still happy with how the night had gone.

“Do you remember what time we agreed on leaving?” Jin nodded. “Well that time was over an hour ago.” Jin paled a bit. 

Jin hadn't been prepared when two sets of arms wrapped around him. His brothers. Right where they had said they would meet when Jin got back.

Jin felt bad. “I'm sorry. I lost track of time. I'm sorry.”

Namjoon and Taehyung both told him it was fine before Taehyung started questioning him. “So did you have fun?”

Jin immediately smiled. “I had loads of fun, Tae! It was amazing! Not as extravagant as the balls here, but I think that made it better.”

“Were there any cute guys?” Namjoon laughed at Taehyung's question.

“There was, Tae.” Namjoon caught the tone in Jin's voice.

Namjoon looked at Jin seriously. “Did you.... Find someone there, Jin?”

Jin blushed and looked away. That was when Taehyung noticed something in Jin's right hand. “What do you have there, Jinnie?”

Jin looked down in confusion before realization passed over his face. “His mask....” The words were nothing more than a whisper. Jin had forgot he was holding it ever since the kiss....

Both Jin and Jimin wondered if they would ever see each other again. Jin knew it could be easy. But did he want to bring Jimin into the life of royalty? He wasn't so sure.

Jimin thought of different ways to try and find the man who had tempered his heart as he lay trying to sleep that night.

But only time could tell if the two would meet again......

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Natashabird #1
Chapter 2: I loved this!!!!!!!
So cute <3
Jinmin is such a cute shipp, I don't know why there isn't more stories about this shipp.
Thanks for writing this
Chanbaek641 #2
This is really good!!!