Another Day-1

Cats and Dogs- πŸ’œVJOYπŸ’š
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V pov

D2. The screen flashed the following.

"2 dollars please." An automated voice said. Reaching into my pocket, I dig around for the money. Taking it out, I placed it in the vending machine only for it to spit it back out at me. "2 dollars please."Β  The machine said again. I placed the money in once again. "2 dollars please." It repeated, as the money was spat out of the opening once again. "Stupid machine." I mumbled to myself along with several other curse words. Placing the money once again, i crossed my fingers. Come on, third time's the charm right?Β 

"Accepted." My eyes lit up, as the an object clunked to the bottom. Reaching in I finally got what I was waiting for. Joy's favourite drink, Kiwi Surprise. Picking it up happily, I skip off to the dressing room that was for Joy and I. Once I reach the door, I shook off the smile I had, and walked in normally. Joy was sitting in one of the chairs, playing on her phone. She smiled when I came in. I handed her the drink, she looked at me confused as I sat down on the chair next to her.Β 

"Got a drink for you." I said simply, and went on my phone doing nothing particularly on it.

"Oh, thanks! It's actually my favourite drink." She told me as she was surprised that I managed to pick out her favourite drink.

"Really? I just picked randomly." I told her, when really I had saw that she posted it her love for kiwi milk a year ago on her Instagram. Joy then stood up to go to take off her fashion show clothing in the change room next door but before she left, she mouthed to me that she'll enjoy it, and left the room.

The fashion show went so well that we had buyers placing orders just a minute after the show ended. We were showing off couple outfits, many of the people bought it wanted to get it for them and their significant others. We worked all day, so we didn't talk much, but I'm willing to make up for the time lost, and I guess it start with a kiwi milk drink.

After I placed on comfortable clothing Joy entered the room again with clothing line head designer. I stood up and bowed to her slightly in sign of respect, she did the same back, we all headed towards the other models, and huddled together as the designer was gonna give a little thank you speech. The designer of 'clicked' thanked us for being here, and joining her to walk the runway. She also asked us to join her after for a BBQ on her. We cheered for the free food.Β 

Everyone had left the building to probably sleep, or something before heading off to the BBQ location that the designer texted us all. Joy, and I were the last to leave the building. I had brought my car to go home, while this time Joy was waiting for her ride.

Joy was sitting on the couch, playing on her phone, I used my phone as an excuse when really I was just staring at her. I then searched up 'How to get close to someon

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I finally figured out the images! This is a huge accomplishment for me, lol but hey here is the extra chapter!


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♥️ Remember you are loved, please always be happy♥️
Ayustar #2
Chapter 9: Please update. I cant wait for the next chapter ?
as0nginmyheart #3
I can't wait to read this
as0nginmyheart #4
I can't wait to read this