Chicken Soup for the Nagging Heart

Tiny Owners of a Dry Eden

Joohyun was ninety per cent sure that the kids were building an atomic bomb in her kitchen by the sound of it. 




Joohyun sighed. She could hear Yerim shouting back her defence, or not curses. She was not very sure as someone muffled Yerim to stop her. 


Another bang echoed throughout her apartment. 


By this rate, she was sure that her landlord would kill her first instead of the cold she had.


She was about to roll off the bed when she heard a knock on her bedroom door.




Seulgi peeked through the door. She could see the younger girl's smile grew as she carefully closed the door and walked to Joohyun's bed. 


"I'm sorry we woke you up," Seulgi said as she sat on Joohyun's bedside, "and I hope your neighbours are awake or away because we might have woken them up too." 


"Is everything alright?" Joohyun tried to get up from her bed before Seulgi stopped her. 


"Not everything, at least not now. But Seungwan is taking care of everything, so it will be fine." 


She could hear Seungwan telling Sooyoung to take the plunger and Yerim to take the mop. 


Of course, Seungwan would. 


"Now get some more rest, unnie. Because Seungwan would be super mad if she knew we disturbed your sleep." 


Joohyun followed Seulgi's words, turning the other way of the bed and closed her eyes. Seulgi tucked her blanket, making sure that Joohyun wouldn't feel cold, then she tiptoed herself out of the older's bedroom.


Not long after the door was closed, she could hear Seungwan's voice. 


"Is she okay? Did we wake her up?"


"Nope. She is still sleeping like a baby." Seulgi replied. 


"Seulgi unnie, Seungwan unnie fixed the sink. I knew it that Sooyoung unnie was just being dramatic."




"...hyun unnie." 


Joohyun felt a hand on her shoulder. She grunted lowly. Not now, she wanted to say. She was in the middle of a beautiful dream where Seungwan was pouting and acting adorably cute—


Wait, Seungwan.


"Joohyun unnie." Another pat on her shoulder. She could hear that it was Seungwan's voice. She turned quickly, facing the younger. 


"I'm sorry, but you have to wake up," Seungwan said, then flashed the older an apologetic smile. "The medicine said three times one and the last time you are it was at seven-thirty, so you need the next one in fifteen." 


Joohyun blinked a few times. Honestly, she didn't get half of what the younger girl in front of her said. "Wake up?" Joohyun cleared her dry throat. She always sounded funny right after she woke up. 


Seungwan must've found her voice funny too, as the younger broke into a small chuckle. "Yes, wake up." She offered a hand to Joohyun (which the older took, obviously because she was sick, not dumb) and helped her get off the bed. 


"Can you stand? Is it hard to walk by yourself?" Seungwan asked, squeezing Joohyun's hand that she held. Joohyun grunted again, which was meant to be a small threat for the younger not to let go. Probably Seungwan got it, because she tightened the grip on Joohyun's hand, making sure not to let go. 


Seungwan led her to her dining table, where the other three were sitting, waiting for Joohyun to come. Yerim was on her phone, and Sooyoung just gave both of them a small smirk after seeing their intertwined hands. 


Joohyun scanned her apartment, looking for broken furniture or holes in the walls, but her apartment was more than fine. It was spotless, no trace of the unfolded laundry she couldn't finish last night, or the dirty dishes she left after yesterday's dinner. Instead, she found her dining table filled Samgyetang and other side dishes. 


"I know you don't eat chicken, so you don't have to eat the meat, unnie. Just the soup will do. It will help with the cold." Seungwan said, making Joohyun sat on one of the chairs before releasing her hold.


"But you cooked it." Joohyun sulked, more because of her now neglected hand rather than the chicken but Seungwan did not need to know that. 


"It's okay unnie. Seulgi and Sooyoung will eat them all," Yerim cleared , "and Yerim too, of course." Seungwan smiled as she took a seat on the opposite side of the dining table. 


"At your service, unnie," Sooyoung grinned widely, her hand already raising the chopsticks she held. Seulgi, meanwhile, already poured all her attention to the said chicken. 


Seungwan took the ladle and poured the soup on a small bowl and added the vegetables in it. She put the bowl in front of Joohyun. "Eat unnie. You need to before you can take your meds." 


Everyone had their eyes focused on Joohyun as she took a spoon to the bowl, tasting the soup. "It's good."


As soon as she said it, the three girls immediately did their way to get their shares of the chicken. Less than ten minutes, all the dishes on the table were empty. Only then Joohyun realised that Seungwan had no plate or bowl at all. 


"Joohyun unnie. Here are your meds." Seungwan came to her with meds and a glass of water on the other hand. 


"You haven't eaten yet." Joohyun took the meds from Seungwan, eyes staring at the younger. 


"Oh, I was planning to eat somewhere else. My parents are in town, and I promised to eat with them today" Seungwan answered, waiting for Joohyun to take the drug. 


"Ah, the one with Eric oppa, right?" Yerim chirped, sounded enthusiastic about the plan that Seungwan had. Joohyun grimaced. 


"Is it too bitter? I thought I tried these before and it wasn't bad. Probably they change something." Seungwan looked at the medicine's box intensely, like she could understand its ingredients. 


"Who is Eric oppa?" Joohyun said after gulping her drink. 


"He's the son of my parent's friend," Seungwan explained, now busily typing on her phone, perhaps looking into the web about the medicine. 


"And the coolest person ever. He bought me this limited merchandise of Ariana Grande that you could only get in the states!" Yerim excitedly said with a wide grin on her face. 


"You seemed to like him a lot, huh Yerim?" Joohyun commented.


"It's not only Yerim who likes him. Seungwan unnie's parents are crazy about the guy," Sooyoung smiled, joining the conversation. Joohyun glared at the younger, her eyebrows raised, waiting for Sooyoung to continue. "They probably want him as a son in law."


Joohyun coughed. Loudly. 


Seungwan quickly dropped everything and turned to her. "The fever is not there anymore," she said as she put her palm on Joohyun's forehead. "Did you choke on anything, unnie?"


"Oh! You should date a guy like him, unnie! I bet he will take great care of you." Yerim happily concluded.


That's ridiculous, Joohyun thought. Sooyoung and Yerim were both being silly. She looked to Seungwan, waiting for the younger girl's reaction. 


Seungwan chuckled at Yerim's remark. 


What? Does she like him?


"I have to go," Seungwan said, hand grabbing Joohyun's. "Now, why don't we get you back to the bed?" Joohyun dragged her feet, following Seungwan's lead back to her room. She swore she could hear Sooyoung muttered something, but when she turned her head back, the later only flashed her an innocent smile. 


Once they arrived, Seungwan gently tugged the older to the bed. "I already told Seulgi that you need to drink another one at ten-thirty. Or ten, if you're too tired." 


"You're not going to come back?"


Seungwan raised her eyebrows at Joohyun's question. "I think we're going to have dinner back in my house, so I probably will spend the night there." 


"So, he is going to stay there too?" Joohyun grumbly asked, furrowing her eyebrows.


"Who? Eric oppa? Well, he can stay if he wants to. We have guest rooms." Seungwan answered. 


"Is he cute?" Joohyun asked.


Seungwan shrugged. "He's alright, I guess? But he's a very nice guy. Why the sudden question?"


"No, it's just, Yerim praised him a lot just now." Joohyun tried to reason. 


"Oh," Seungwan nodded, "he's an amazing person, that is true. But…" Seungwan paused, hesitating. "I hope you're not interested in him or anything."


Joohyun frowned. "What? Why?" 


Seungwan scratched her head, eyes avoiding Joohyun's. "Well, you can like anyone you want, just…" She sighed, "you'll make it complicated between us if you do."


"So you'll stop being my friend if I like him?" Joohyun didn't like the guy, and she doubted that she would like him in the future too. But that was not the point of this conversation. 


"No, no. Of course not, unnie. I only don't want it to be awkward between us."


Joohyun was now fuming. Seungwan likes the guy, and she has never told Joohyun about it. Sooyoung knows. Yerim knows. 


"Are you upset, unnie? I mean, if you want to meet someone, I could introduce you to Eric oppa's brother. He's as nice as Eric oppa." Seungwan tried to calm the older down, but she clearly did something wrong with her attempt. 


"What, and be in-laws with you?" Joohyun scowled. 


"Sort of? Marriage is the long road but probably if everything went well." 


Joohyun turned her back on the younger girl. Stupid Seungwan and stupid Eric. 


"I have to go, unnie." Seungwan slightly patted Joohyun's shoulder. "I'm sorry if I offended you. Rest well, okay? I made some stew for dinner. Eat first before taking the meds." Joohyun felt the weight on the side of her bed disappear, and the bed room's door creaked. 


She then heard Sooyoung's voice. "You guys took a while in there. Did something fun finally happen?"



"Would you please stop being stubborn and just eat already?" 


Sooyoung groaned at the sight of Joohyun moping in front of the stew Seungwan made this noon. The older just fiddled with the spoon, playing with the food in front of her. "Unnie, according to Seungwan unnie, if you don't eat your meds in," Sooyoung took a glance to the clock on the kitchen wall, "five minutes, you will end up in the hospital."


Good, Joohyun thought. That way probably Seungwan would pay attention to her and stop eating dinner with the nice and amazing Eric. 


"I honestly don't know what Seungwan said that made you this upset, but I know she didn't mean it, unnie." Seulgi tried, eyes looking at Joohyun, pleading. 


"I don't want Seungwan's stupid stew." Joohyun glowered. 


Yerim snickered. "Oh, hey. You can't have stupid without stew." 


Sooyoung gave a disappointed look to Yerim. "You might only end up in the hospital bed, unnie, but Seungwan unnie would kill us if you missed the meds. Well, not me because she's my biggest fan and not Seulgi unnie because unnie is her best friend. Seungwan unnie will kill Yerim if you don't eat it."


"Let her. She broke my sink this morning." Joohyun grumbled. 


Yerim's eyes widen at the statement. "Wait, how did you know? Seulgi unnie you tattler!" 


"I didn't say anything!" Seulgi raised both her hands. "She can hear you, you know? You weren't exactly quiet in any way this morning." 


"Okay. I did leave the carrots' peels on the sink, and I did leave the tap water on. But Seungwan unnie unclogged the sink, and now it is as good as new." Yerim explained herself. 


Their banter was interrupted by the voice of the front door's password being entered and then a loud thud of the door being opened. Then, Seungwan entered the apartment, still out of breath. 


"What… what are you doing here?" Joohyun asked, confused that the younger girl came back. 


"Yerim texted me," Seungwan said as she walked towards Joohyun, immediately putting her palm on the older's forehead. "You don't have any fever. Do you feel dizzy, or nauseous? Is your nose still blocked?"


Joohyun shook her head, kept shut as Seungwan check her from head to toe. She heard Seungwan released a breath after making sure that Joohyun was indeed fine. "Okay, that's good. That's good." 


"Not all good, unnie," Sooyoung cut in, "she won't eat her dinner, and her meds."


Joohyun glared at the younger. "What? Why? Do you not like the stew? I can make you something else." Seungwan panicked, eyes already roaming the kitchen. 


Joohyun quickly raised her spoon, eating the stew. "I didn't have any appetite, but now I'm hungry." She pulled Seungwan's, making the younger sat beside her. "It's good, Seungwan. You make a good stew."


Yerim snickered again, and Sooyoung rolled her eyes. 


"You came only because of Yerim's text?" Joohyun asked, one hand holding the spoon and the other still holding Seungwan's. 


"Well, she texted me that you would probably end up in the hospital, and how could I not come here?" Seungwan pouted. 


"I was just updating her about your condition. That's what Sooyoung has been saying for the past hour." Yerim shrugged. "By the way, unnie. Quick question. Would you kill me if Joohyun unnie missed her meds?" 


Seungwan looked at Yerim with raised eyebrows, "Well, I would worry, but I wouldn't kill anyone." 


Yerim smiled, oddly pleased with Seungwan's answer. 


"I'm sorry we disturb your dinner, Seungwan-ah," Seulgi muttered as she took a seat next to Seungwan. 


"Oh yeah, your dinner," Yerim cut, "how was Eric oppa?" 

Joohyun frowned. She didn't want to hear anything about the guy. 


"He's fine," Seungwan answered while stealing glances towards Joohyun, "he brought chocolates and cookies from the states for you guys. I left them at my place because I was in a hurry, but I could give them to you tomorrow?" 


Yerim grinned. "He never disappoints, doesn't he?" 


Yes, yes. Nice and amazing Eric. Joohyun took a mouthful of the stew. 


"How is he with Seunghee unnie?" Seulgi asked.


"They're okay, still acting gross most of the times but he makes unnie happy, and that is what matters." Seungwan smiled. 


Joohyun stopped eating. "Wait, Seunghee?" 


Seungwan turned to her and tilted her head. "Yeah, they flew back here together yesterday. I don't think Eric oppa has enough nerves to face my dad without Seunghee unnie yet."


"No. I mean, that guy is dating your sister?" Joohyun asked, still astounded. 


"Yeah. They've been dating for a couple of months now." Seungwan answered, still looking at Joohyun confusedly. 


Joohyun stayed still for a moment. But Sooyoung said… Is that why Seungwan sounded so troubled this afternoon?


Sooyoung stood up, breaking the silence."Okay, peeps. As much as I love staying here and playing nurse, I will go home now." She winked at Joohyun, who was still dumbfounded. "Seulgi unnie, Yerim-ah, let's go. I think Seungwan unnie can take care of Joohyun unnie tonight. The other illness she suffered is meant for Seungwan unnie to mend, anyway." 


Seulgi said her goodbyes to the two and followed Sooyoung. "What illness?" she asked.


Yerim followed the other two's trails. "It's called stupidity, unnie." She whispered, then snickered. 


Sooyoung stopped her steps and turned back to glare at Yerim. "God, Yerim. One more horrible pun and I'll tell Joohyun unnie that you also broke her kitchen cabinet's door."


A/N: Okay, this was not meant to be this fluffy, but I've gotten soft, I guess. I hope it gives you just a little extra smile this week. Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a great day. 

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Chapter 1: noooo this was so sad
Chapter 7: I wonder what happened to them that resulted for seungwan to distance herself from joohyun. Chanyeol seem to know something too. And the desperation of Irene with connecting with her. I know that sometimes people just drift apart because life / adulthood happens and it's impossible not to be busy with our own lives and fighting our demons alongside it. But i just wonder what happened to them. Maybe I'm just reading too much of the situation and Irene was just desperate to reconnect with Wendy because she misses her and thought of the good old times. But it's just Wendy not wanting to interact because she doesn't want to reminisce things or at least dwell on the past. I hope she answers her calls or at least reply to her messages. Irene seems to be a good friend. She deserve at least that.
Chapter 6: I love the miscommunication. Joohyun acts like a kicked bunny. Didn't expect plot to turn out that way. I love how the maknaes just ganged up on joohyun lol. I swear i have read your stories before in my previous account that i forgot the password of lol. You write fun stories btw
Chapter 5: Yerim is so clever. Her gaming equipment vs. A huge size of gongcha for a week. Not only she helped her friend have a girlfriend. She also coax some filming just so they could be the cupid that they're. It's nice when the pretty ones make their move
Chapter 4: So is she going to do something about it? Or nah? I understand where is joohyun coming from tho. They're in a group together and if ever they push through a relationship it would affect the groups dynamic. Damn it Seungwan's having a hard time as much as joohyun but she deserves to be loved too. She can't just continue or wish for a miracle about her relationship with joohyun. At least the feelings had been laid out. Some things are just not meant to be. I'm sad. NAUR!
Chapter 3: The way you're ahead of the WenTae agenda. Joohyun is so cute being jealous and seungwan is so whipped as she should
Chapter 2: My mind went "can Wendy even reach the car's pedal?" I can't help but imagine short haired Wendy being an Uber driver. I just know that she will look so good and hot while driving and also Wendy is naturally oozing with charisma so there's no questioning that. God this is so good. Joohyun won that night. Sooyoung will be delighted and proud of her lol
Chapter 1: i currently have spare time that's why i read this. I didn't know it was this saddening. Now I'm sad 😭 I feel like crying
culoapaperella #9
gonna love this!
1193 streak #10
Chapter 12: This is why is such a good promise, it's full of devotion