

Lee Cafe, a book cafe Sakura always goes to. It's her favorite place, it's her happy place. Well you can say, alone time is her favorite. It's different you know, having time for yourself only, it's not that she dislikes hanging out with her friends. She just likes to enjoy her time, alone.

"Oh, I see you're early today" she heard a voice she assumed was Mrs. Lee.

"Ah, yes Mrs. Lee" she replied, smilling.

"I just came by to say Hello to my favorite costumer" she winked at Sakura.

Sakura chuckled "What an honor Mrs. Lee"

"Mom! I have to go or I'm gonna be late!" A girl's voice was heard, and footsteps from the stairs.

"Okay dear!"

"Sakura, may I ask you a favor?"

"What is it, Mrs. Lee?"

"Can you watch over the cafe for a while? I was thinking of closing it for a bit earlier but you came so...."

Sakura nodded. "It's okay, Mrs. Lee. I can do that"

"Thank you!"

"Mom! Let's go!"

Sakura looked at the girl, who she assumed was Mrs. Lee's daughter and muttered the word.


"Bye Sakura! I'll see you in a bit" Mrs. Lee told her.

"Okay, Mrs. Lee, safe driving!"

And there, they went.

"So that was Mrs. Lee's daughter huh" she muttered to herself. She sure was attracted to the girl. Well, who wouldn't? First of all, she was beautiful.

Second "uh, I don't know yet. Can't wait to talk to her" she smiled and continued to read the book that was left behind when she was thinking about the girl.

After waiting for a while. Mrs. Lee arrived.

"Thank you for looking out for the cafe Sakura, I owe you!"

"It's nothing Mrs. Lee, and It's still early anyway, no one but me was here" she said.

"Anyway, why are you so early anyway?" Mrs. Lee asked her.

"I was just stressed about work Mrs. Lee, I just wanted to visit my happy place" she shrugged. "Anyway, Mrs. Lee, it's my first time seeing your daughter, what's her name?"

A mischievous smile broke out of Mrs. Lee's face "Interested, aren't we?"

She chuckled and shrugged. "Whatever you say, Mrs. Lee"

Mrs. Lee the smiled and said. "Chaeyeon, that's my first born's name. Beautiful, isn't she?"

Again, Sakura chuckled. "Yes, Mrs Lee. She is indeed beautiful"

"Ah, may I ask what's her major? I heard something like hospital, was that hospital I heard?"

Mrs. Lee let out a hearty laugh "God, you really are interested in my daughter aren't you Sakura?"


Mrs. Lee's eyebrows rose up. Sakura gulped.

"Okay okay, I am indeed interested in your daughter Mrs. Lee" she confessed.

Mrs. Lee then smiled. "She's majoring in Medicine, Sakura, the reason why you don't see her here is because she preferred to stay in dorms provided by the school and now that her internship has started and the hospital she applied for intership is near here, she decided to come home"

"What's the hospital Mrs. Lee?"

"Miyawaki Group Hospital"

Oh. "What a coincidence Mrs. Lee, it's my father's hospital"

"Really? Oh I forgot, you're a doctor right? That's good! I look forward of you taking care of my daughter then" Mrs. Lee winked at her.

"Ey~~ Mrs. Lee~" she's now red at the constant teasing of Mrs. Lee.

"Okay okay, I'll stop" raising her hands at chest level.

After a while, series of costumers have flocked and Sakura decided to go home and prepare for her work, she the bid Mrs. Lee goodbye.

"See you again tomorrow Mrs. Lee" she said.


So she arrived at her home which is just near the hospital. She did her morning routine.

She stopped what she was doing when a certain image popped in her mind.

Lee Chaeyeon huh. She chuckled at herself. "You are in great trouble Sakura, a beautiful trouble" she told herself.

Well after that, she continued doing what she was doing. She then went to her car and drove to the hospital.

Series of greetings is what she received when she arrived, well she's one of the best surgeons his dad's hospital has. Sakura was the top of her class when she was still studying. Well, she'll probably be the Chief Surgeon when the current Chief Surgeon retires which is still far tho, but she's already being favored anyway, so expect the best.

"Good morning, Dr. Miyawaki" Nurse Nako told her.

"Good Morning, Nako" she replied.

"It's the interns' first day today doctor"

"Yepp, it'll be a lot of fun. Who will be supervising them?" she replied.

Nako smiled. "It's Dr. Kang"

"Really? She doesn't like supervising tho?"

Nako snorted and said. "She lost a bet"

"Ah... figures. Well goodluck with that"

After that, she made her rounds.

"How are you Mrs. Oh, did you sleep well?" she asked the elderly she operated a week ago.

The elder smiled and said."I'm fine and of course I slept well, I'm under your care after all"

Sakura chuckled. "That's good then, don't forget to take your medicine. Bye Mrs. Oh"

It's already lunch time when she finished her rounds. She then went to their usual table, Dr. Kang's already there.

She decided to bestfriend. "How is our supervisor?"

Hyewon rolled her eyes. "Shut up"

"Be thankful Yena's on a leave or there'll be a lot of teasing"

"Yeah yeah"

"How are the interns though?" She just wanted to ask about Chaeyeon anyway. Lol.

Hyewon stopped eating and excitedly told her. "Ah, I might love being supervisor this time, actually"

Hyewon's actions confused her a bit but it made her excited too, It takes a lot of effort to stop Hyewon from eating and making her excited like this. "What do you mean by that?"

"This batch is good Sakura. I like them"

"Really? Who's the best so far?"

"Lee something" Hyewon was trying to remember when Sakura blurted out the name.

"Lee Chaeyeon"

Hyewon clapped her hands. "Yes, yes that's her name, wait!"


"How the hell did you know her name?" There, the teasing smile came out.

Sakura the stood up. "I'm done eating my friend, see you later!" And she went away.

"Hey hey! That's unfair, come back here!"

Sakura just waved her hand. Hyewon just shook her head. "I'll know it sooner or later anyway, I'm not your bestfriend for nothing" then she continued eating.

Sakura's day passed by doing series of rounds and few appointed surgeries. She's now just hanging around Hyewon's office, which she regretted since Hyewon was consistent on asking how she knew Chaeyeon.

"Hey, come on!"

Her patience ran out. "Fine fine! She's Mrs. Lee's daughter!"

"Oh, no wonder she looked familiar!" And Hyewon asked another one. "So how do you know her?"

Sakura was a bit confused by that. "What do you mean? As I told you, she's Mrs. Lee daug----"

"Oh come on! You just don't remember names Sakura, I know you! It took a week for you to even remember my cousin's name! You don't remember them unless they're one of you're patients or unless you're interested in them!" Hyewon eyed Sakura while she emphasized the word "interested"

Sakura just shrugged at her, not denying or confirming anything but Hyewon already know the answer just by that action.

"I met her at the cafe actually, well I haven't talked to her yet, just saw her face and then boom, I was awed by her beauty, I mean---"

"Okay okay, You can stop talking, I don't want to continue listening to anymore cheesy stuff that would come out in your mouth!"

Then they started to bicker and bicker. Those two were rivals in school actually, but they didn't really care about the rivalry between them. They became friends at the very beginning.

After bickering, Sakura looked at her watch and said. "Oh, it's already this late? Seems like I have to go home now"

"Okay, I'll leave in a bit too, just finishing some things"

"I'll go first then, bye!"

Sakura was on her way when she saw Chaeyeon at the lobby, she decided to go talk to her.

"Hi" she told Chaeyeon.

Chaeyeon immediately stood up and said "Hello Doctor...."

Oh damn her voice....

"Oh, Miyawaki Sakura's the name" she held her hand which Chaeyeon gladly shooked.

"My name's Lee Chaeyeon doc"

"Why are you alone?" Sakura asked.

"I'm waiting for my mom actually, Minjoo and Eunbi already went home" she looked at her phone. "Oh she's outside already" she then started typing which Sakura assumed she was replying to her mom.

"I'm sorry for cutting this meeting short doctor, It's nice meeting you by the way" she then bowed and bid her goodbye.

Sakura just looked at her walking away.

"Damn, the devil works hard but Miyawaki Sakura works harder" Hyewon saw everything. "Really? That was cool of you though, bestfriend"

"Well yeah, I'm not like you just eyeing a certain intern ealier" she countered back.

Hyewon just looked at her wide-eyed.

"Hah! You think I wasn't watching when you were supervising? That's funny of you"

Hyewon glared at her which she just laughed it off. "Come on, let's go home!" She swang her hands on Hyewon's shoulder and dragged her out of the lobby.


The past few days Sakura kept on coming early in the book cafe, what for? What else? To see Chaeyeon, of course. After that night, they kept on interacting with each other. Said Hi's and Hello's when seeing each other at the hospitall hallways, normal interactions between an intern and a staff, but of course, Sakura wanted more. There were also constant teasing by Hyewon, well of course, she's the supervisor, she saw everything, Sakura's heart eyes for Chaeyeon, yes and she just rolls her eyes when she sees it.

"Early again, aren't we Sakura?"

"I love it here, Mrs. Lee"

"Yeah?" Mrs. Lee was absolutely fishing for more but Sakura just shrugged it off.

A voice was heard by then. "Mom? Can you drive me at the hospital?"

"Oh dear, looks like I can't today. I'll be having a meeting in 30 minutes" and then she turned to Sakura and she understood it.

"I'll just take the bus then, Mom"

"Is that okay dear?" Chaeyeon isn't that familiar when it comes to commuting so her mom was a bit worried. They both looked at Sakura when she said something.

"I can drive her there, Mrs. Lee"

The Lee's looked at each other.

"If that's fine with Chaeyeon, of course" she added.

"I guess that's fine by me, Mom" she told her mom.

"Let's go?" Sakura then bid her goodbye to Mrs Lee after a series of be safe's and take care of my daughter from Mrs Lee.

After getting ready, Sakura then opened the door of her car for Chaeyeon.

"Ladies first" she offered, smilling.

Chaeyeon chuckled. "It's an honor, Doc" After that Sakura circled and went to her seat. She started to drive and she kept on looking at Chaeyeon which was just looking out of the window. Sakura wanted to start a conversation but she didn't know how and she blurted out something all of a sudden.

"Let's play 20 questions" she offered.

Chaeyeon gladly accepted. "Fine by me, do--"

"Anyway, you can stop calling me doc"

"How would I call you then?"

"Your choice, milady" and she winked (lol)

"I'll call you Sakura-unnie then" Chaeyeon decided.

"Nah-ah, remove the unnie, I'm just 2 years older anyway"

"Okay, wait. Why were you in our cafe so early anyway?"

"Well, It's my happy place Chaeyeon. I love it there" well, you're there and you’re of the reasons why I love it, actually.

"Let's start? Me first" Sakura said.

"Well, I'll start with simple ones. What's your favorite color?"

"Cyan. What's your favorite song?"

"Really like you by IZ*ONE"

Well after series of easy questions Chaeyeon asked Sakura who's her favorite person. Sakura replied with "your mom"

"Huh? My mom?"

"She's my favorite as of now, because she gave birth to the beautiful human being in front of me" and then there was silence. Did I went overboard? Sakura was about to say sorry whe she heard Chaeyeon laugh.

"That was smooth, Saku-chan. Yep, I'm calling you that" Chaeyeon looked out of the window "Oh, we're here" Sakura stopped the car at the entrance and Chaeyeon went out saying "That was fun, I'm looking forward to talking with you more. Bye doc!" And then she went inside. Sakura was then smilling like a fool inside her car, she then went to park her car.

"Someone's in a good mood, I see" Hyewon told her. "Bringing the girl she likes to work, huh"

"How come you see every moment anyway? What are you? A spy?"

"Well, maybe I am. Come on, tell me!" And then Sakura told everything that have happened from her offering Chaeyeon a ride to her telling Mrs Lee was her favorite person. Hyewon started laughing. "Oh, my stomach hurts, that's very you. Where do you find the heart to tell those words" she then wiped the tears in her eyes from laughing too much.

"Well, atleast I'm doing something, unlike you! Staring? Come on, you can do more than that!" And then Hyewon stopped laughing. "What?" And there they go again, bickering like little kids.

"Okay, I'll look at what the interns are doing now, Wanna come?"

"Nah, later maybe, I have to check on Mrs. Oh first"

"See you later then"

Sakura then started to ready her things to see Mrs. Oh. She went to the the room where elderlies can be found and walked to Mrs. Oh.

"Hello, Mrs. Oh!" She greeted the elder. "Are you taking your medicines well?"

"Well, of course doctor" They were then conversing about things, It's in her list to always talk and share things to her patients. She find listening to stories nice. So Mrs. Oh was telling about something when the interns walked inside the room, and as expected, her eyes immediately went to Chaeyeon, the interns bowed at her and went to the respective patients they were assigned to. She smiled at them, and well specifically, It was for Chaeyeon and Chaeyeon gladly gave back a smile too. She was still looking when Mrs. Oh said something. "You have great taste, I see"


"You were looking intently at the young lady, doctor and it's painfully too obvious" the elder said it with hand gestures that made Sakura laugh. "I love that young lady, she always talks to me when she has time. She comes to me even if she's not stationed to me" the elder kept on praising Chaeyeon. More things that makes me like you more, I see. She then again looked at the lady Mrs. Oh was praising and she was a bit shocked to find out that Chaeyeon was also looking at her, Chaeyeon gave her one last sweet smile before talking to the elder she was assigned to. Damn, making my heart beat faster that ever.

"Break time, Mrs. Oh, I'll see you again tomorrow" she then kissed the cheek of the old lady and went off.


She saw Chaeyeon sitting alone in the lobby. "She's tired of course" she went near her and gave her the cola she got earlier. She pressed it on her her neck which made Chaeyeon to jump on her seat and Sakura laughed at the sight of that.

"What the! Yah~" she smacked Sakura's arm.

"Aw!" She rubbed her arm. "So, how's the intership? Are you tired?"

Chaeyeon opened the drink Sakura gave her and drank it. "It's tiring, but it's fun"

Their talk was cut short when Nako came.
"I'm sorry to cut your time with your gir-" Sakura widened her eyes at Nako. Damn you, Hyewon. Her bestfriend might have been talking to Nako. "I mean, yeah" Chaeyeon chuckled at that. "Go on, Saku-chan. It might be something important"

"Chaeyeon unnie, Let's go" That was Minjoo, one of the three interns. Kwon Eunbi was the other one. "Looks like, I have to go too. Bye doc!" She then went to her fellow interns, her fellow interns were teasing her when she came near them, "ohh unnie, Dr. Miyawaki ,huh? Ohh~~" and such, which she just laughed off.

"Go on, Saku-chan? Saku-chan?" Nako started teasing her when the interns went away. She kept on teasing her on their way. And when she thought Nako teasing her was the worst, Hyewon joined them.

"Yah! You! Why did you tell her about Chaeyeon, you !" She was pointing her fingers at Hyewon.

"I didn't tell anyone you dip! It was your eyes that told everyone! If you only see yourself when you look at her. Oh my God Sakura" Sakura then looked at Nako, she just nodded.

"Whatever, it's not like I'm intending on keeping it a secret anyway" she then looked at Hyewon "How is it going with the intern with a big heart?" Hyewon burst out laughing.

"Big heart?" Nako asked.

"Ah, Kwon Eunbi" Sakura answered. Hyewon smacked her head. "Yah! Why did you tell her!"

"Oh, oops? Sorry?"

"Tch, you're not sorry at all. Either way, Let's go eat, I'm hungry"


"Rooftop? Why do I always see you when you're alone?" After Lunch, Sakura decided to hang out alone at the rooftop when she found Chaeyeon alone again.

"That's what I'm thinking too, doc" She then invited to sit with her.

"Why do you keep calling me doc anyway, I thought you decided to call me Saku-chan?"

"It just comes out"

"Hopefully, no one will interrupt this time" Sakura playfully said. Chaeyeon just chuckled.

They just enjoyed the comfortable silence this time. Sometimes, it's good that way, rather than talking without any point at all, enjoying one's presence is enough.

It was Chaeyeon who decided to break the silence. "Doc"


"You, you like me, don't you?"

Sakura choked on her drink. "Sorry, Are you alright?"

"I'm okay, I'm okay" Sakura assured her. "Ey~ why would you even ask a question like that? tsk"

"What? I just asked you if you lik--"

"Ey! Stop asking" Sakura was then whining like a little girl, "ahh! Why would she even ask that, I was already planning on how I will confess, ahh"

Chaeyeon found this scene incredibely cute. She then held Sakura cheeks which made the older girl stop whining and looked at her with wide eyes. "What?"

"Why are you so cute?" cute? me?
"So? Do you like me or what?"

A smile then broke out of Sakura's face. "Do you even need to ask that? I suppose you already know it anyway, even some of the staffs knows"

"Hmm, I wanna hear it from you"

"Okay, okay. I'll say it, even if you ruined every plan I have thought this past days"

"Yes, I do, I like you, Lee Chaeyeon, from the very first day I saw you in your Mom's cafe"

"Good" Chaeyeon then leaned in and gave her peck. Chaeyeon's phone started ringing, "Looks like I gotta go, doc" she then started to walk away, smilling of course. But before Sakura could even react, she was already gone.

Damn you, baby.


Sakura's alarm rang so loud she fell on the floor. She looked at it and said i woke up late, huh. Well she couldn't sleep that well because a certain someone kept on running on her mind. well, i guess i'll just see her at the hospital today.

"You look stupid, and you're 5 mins. late, this is the first time, Sakura"

Sakura just glared at her. "Oh cranky"

"Well, I barely slept. Thanks to a certain someone"

"Do I know that certain someone?" Sakura just gave her a faint smile. "Okay same process, spill" so Sakura told her everything, as usual.

"Really?!!" Hyewon was amused.

"Well, yeah. I couldn't react immeadiately that day, so I just let her go. I was supposed to offer her a ride but damn, I woke up late and I didn't have the time to visit the cafe"

"She was looking for you earlier, actually" Sakura looked like she just drank an energy drink because of what she heard. "Okay, calm your hormones first. Lol"


"Hello, Mrs. Oh. How are you?"

"I'm fine and well, but you look like you're not"

"It was someone's fault, granny" at that time, the interns arrived at the room. Sakura didn't notice tho. She was so sleepy.

"I see, and I know" said Mrs. Oh "Go on doc, I'm fine. Go rest" before going away, Sakura mouthed thank you to Mrs. Oh

She then decided to just go to the lobby. She slumped her head down on the table. As she was about to fall asleep, she heard a voice.

"You look way too tired" Sakura jolted on her seat. Chaeyeon's was on the opposite side of the table. "Coffee?" She accepted it and drank a bit of it. "Thank you, baby"

"Baby? You love to move fast, don't you?"

"Nah, Someone does move faster than me. She even kissed me yesterday"

Chaeyeon chuckled. "You liked it, anyway"

Sakura laughed at that. "Damn, you make me go crazy"

"You weren't at the cafe earlier, I thought you decided to ignore me because of what I did"

Sakura aggresively shook her head to obviously say that, that wasn't it. "Of course not, uh, I woke up late, well, I barely slept anyway"

Chaeyeon shamelesslly asked, "Was it because of the kiss?"

Sakura whined, "oh come on, I didn't know you like to tease"

Chaeyeon just chuckled. "I'll let you take you rest then, and I'll see you lunch. Dr. Kang told me we're all eating together. Bye!" Sakura just nodded, she didn't have the energy to even reply anymore.



She was looking at their usual table and found Hyewon and the other three interns, she then approached them.

"Oh, here comes the star, you told me you're just gonna look for something in your office, turns out, you just slept again!"

Sakura just dismissed her. "Whatever, let's go get food then, someone's whiny here, I'm sure she's hungry" the three interns laughed.

Sakura's phone rang. Hyewon took a peek. "Are you in trouble? Why is the chairman calling you?"

"Me? Of course not. The chairman loves me!" She then took the cool. "You guys go first"

"Hyewon-ah, He wants to eat lunch with me"

"Yeah? Go on then"

Sakura then looked at Chaeyeon, like she's asking if it's okay to go. "Why are even looking at me like that, doc. Of course you can, It's the chairman whose calling for you. Now shoo!"

"See you guys later then" she ruffled Chaeyeon's hair before going.

Chaeyeon were then asking if Sakura was in trouble. As to why she was called by the chairman, the two intens facepalmed. "You really don't know?" She shook her head."That's weird, the answer's basically on her nameplate, oh well"

"She's the daughter of the chairman" she simply said. "You didn't know Chaeyeon?"

"Nope, not at all. Lol that's why her surname was familiar when she introduced herself"

"What? Why are you looking at me like I said something stupid?"

"Because you did unnie" Minjoo said and the two agreed.

"The fact the you don't even know who you are dating. Tsk tsk" Eunbi added.


"What? You aren't dating yet?"


"Even though she said she likes you and you kissed her?"

"What?! You kissed her unnie?!"

There started the endless questions that Chaeyeon calmly answered.

Well what's for sure is the feeling's mutual. Yes, I like Dr. Miyawaki Sakura. I do.


Sakura barged inside the chairman's office saying "Why would you even call me when I'm about to eat, dad?"

"Oy! You're not even gonna greet me your dad?" she then bowed to her father. "Why? Were you with Chaeyeon?"


"What? How did I know? Ey~"

"Were you following my actions dad?"

"No, you were talking about her in your sleep when you slept at our house last time lol"

"Eh?! You're joking right? Dad?"

"Not at all" her Dad was seriously looking at her, wow it's true. "Well, all I can say is, daughter, I like you taste" his dad winked at her and left the office. She then followed her dad. Her dad was teasing her on their way to get lunch. "so are you guys dating?" "ey, dad stop" "all right all right, but this conversation's not done" "i know dad, now let's go eat, i'm hungry"

Their relationship as father and daughter is the best you can wish for, The chairman's a chill person, not the usual strict rich father.


Days, weeks, months passed. Feelings have bloomed. Hearts have been warmed. There were still no label between them, but they know what they have. It's the last day of the internship, the interns are supposed to go back to their school, there they will continue their internship, it's what's supposed to happen.

"Last day, huh" she was cheking up Mrs. Oh.

"Seems like something's bothering you doctor, is it because it's the last of their intership?" The elder asked. Sakura faintly smiled. "I'm gonna miss her, Mrs Oh" she said in a low voice.

"Oh, young love. It's beautiful. Come on doc, you still have time and it's not the end if she's going away lady. She'll still be there!" Mrs. Oh pointed at her heart. "Go on, spend time with her"


"I see this is your favorite place" Sakura knows where to always find Chaeyeon.

"Well, it's our place" Chaeyeon went near her and led her to where she was seating ealier.

"Our place, that sounds nice" she didn't know what to say next, she wasn't prepared. Chaeyeon noticed the gloom in her voice.

"You're supposed to keep talking Saku-chan, it's my last day today" she kind of wanted to joke but Sakura just faintly smiled. So she held Sakura's face and she made her look at her. "Come on bub, it's just another six months, time will pass and poof, I'll be here again. Hmm?" Sakura nodded. "Okay" Sakura offered her hand and Chaeyeon accepted it. Chaeyeon let her head fall onto Sakura's shoulder.

They spent their time talking about things they'll do once Chaeyeon's out again from her school, they made promises with each other, that no matter what happens, no one's going to get forgotten. And the other things? It's the promise of the heart and mind, it's a silent promise actually, a mutual promise without spoken words.


6 months later .....

"Time to go home!!!!"

"Medical School is still waiting Minjoo" Eunbi told her.

"Ey~ unnie! What a party pooper! What I'm saying is it's time to rest!"

"I know, I know. I was just teasing!"

"So unnie? How's it going with Sakura-unnie?" Minjoo asked Chaeyeon who's busy with arranging her clothes. Chaeyeon just smiled at her. "Is she coming? Is she gonna fetch you?"

"Oh, still not telling huh"

"Wait, I'll call her"

Sakura : Baby!!!

Chaeyeon : Energetic aren't we? *chuckles*

Sakura : why did you call?

Chaeyeon : *pause* *did she forget?* today's my last day at school.

Sakura : oh . Baby, I'm so sorry.

Chaeyeon : it's okay, I'm sure you're busy, we're gonna see each other once I'm home anyway.

Sakura : I'm really sorry! (bg: Doc, there's a patient that needs to be checked immediately) *sigh*

Chaeyeon : go on bub, it's fine. You don't need to worry about me. I'll get home just fine.

Sakura : is it really alright?

Chaeyeon felt how sorry Sakura was, actually, it was one of their promises, that Sakura would be the first one she sees when it's time to go home. Sakura promised to be there to take her home. But, what can she do if the hospital's too hectic. She's not that shallow, she understands Sakura, of course.

Chaeyeon : of course.

Sakura : okay baby, gotta go!

*call ended*


"She won't be coming, hospital's too hectic"

"Well, it's okay unnie. You'll see each other once your home anyway, it's just a short amount of time" Chaeyeon nodded.

"You guys can go first, I'll wait for mom!"

Minjoo and Eunbi then hugged her. "Take care, be safe"

"You guys too!"

And there she was, alone again.

"Ah, you're alone again. You see, I always find you when you're alone"

"Ah, Do I miss her that much, I'm hearing her voice" Chaeyeon thought she was hearing things, Sakura snorted. "Why did it felt real?"

"Just turn around, will you?"

This time, she was sure, so she did turn around. There she saw Sakura holding a bouquet of rose. She was holding her arms out, offering a hug. "Hi baby" with a smile. Chaeyeon then ran and hugged Sakura with much force. "Aggressive, aren't we?"

"Aigoo, why are you crying?" Chaeyeon shook her head. "I miss you too, baby" she caressed her hair.

Chaeyeon composed herself and told Sakura "I really thought you forgot our promise. I didn't want to be selfish and blame you for being busy"

Sakura just shook her head and wiped away Chaeyeon's tears. "I love you, baby!" It was Chaeyeon's turn to be flustered of Sakura's action. "Flustered, aren't we?"

Truth is, she was just overwhelmed. Being away from Sakura just made her realize how much important Sakura was in her life. So what she did next was what's she's best at, flustering Sakura. She leaned in and kissed Sakura, Sakura was shocked but when she recovered she cupped Chaeyeon face and kissed her as much, Chaeyeon titled her head and deepend the kiss.

"You don't like losing do you?" Sakura asked after the kiss. Chaeyeon just grinned. "I've been meaning to ask you this, but I didn't want hearing your answer through the phone, so...." Chaeyeon already had a hunch on what's it about.

Lee Chaeyeon, will you make me the happiest and be my girlfriend?"


Sakura smiled and peppered her face with small kisses.


"Aren't you supposed to be at the hospital?"

"What, you don't want me here?" Chaeyeon smacked her arm. "Aw, I was at the hospital, but not our hospital"

"Then, where?"

"You know you're so smart, but you're also so slow. It's your school's hospital of course"

And there was silence, the comfortable one.

Again, Chaeyeon broke it.

"You can kiss me, you know" she looked at Sakura who's thinking if what she heard was real. Ah this girl, really. "You keep looking at my lips but you're not moving. Tsk tsk"

Sakura started to whine, "Why dont---" Chaeyeon kissed her, again. "What? Kissing you would always effective on shutting you up" before Sakura could talk back, Chaeyeon cupped her face and kissed her, slowly this time. The promise of the heart and mind, the silent promise, the unspoken words now therefore be fulfilled.

"I love you, Lee Chaeyeon"

"I love you, Miyawaki Sakura"

May it be a second, a minute, an hour, a day, a month, or a year. anytime with you is precious. I love you with all my heart, Lee Chaeyeon.

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Chapter 4: Luv this <3 :)))))
Chapter 1: This is too cuteeee <3
CaiEr36 #3
Chapter 4: They look so good together. The way they care for each other is too much for me to handle. It's too sweet, I'll get diabetes soon. Btw, they sure are getting bold now! O(≧▽≦)O
Hyewon is stepping up her game.
eunhabyul #4
Chapter 3: jdjfkdk I love this so much.
Chapter 3: Author-nim I love this work of yours it's just the right amount of fluffiness that suited my tastes~
Chapter 1: Thank you for a wonderful story author nim...
:) :) :)
<3 <3 <3
Chapter 3: Lol why I imagined that Hyewon said it with full of foods?
kurosaya #8
Chapter 3: oh lmao thanks for the update