The Second Chance

The Eternal Flower
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After everyone's situated and Luhan gets laid down to lie in the middle of the wagon, they all set off towards where the clairvoyance spell is guiding them to. Conversation stays light for the most part and every now and then, Minseok looks down at Luhan and gets choked up all over again. Fortunately, Baekhyun soon serves as a bit of a distraction as he gets some of them smiling with a few tales.


Soon, after passing through a snowy mountain-pass and encountering a few wild creatures near a watchtower, they all come upon a small snow-covered cabin and find that they're finally at their destination--the last clairvoyant orb hovering right before the cabin's front door. And so, after leaving their horses and the wagon nearby, they all walk towards the cabin with Kyungsoo and Chanyeol (who's carrying Luhan) at the very front.


It's fairly late in the evening at this point, and as they make it to the cabin's front door, the orb disappears into nothingness--leaving the candlelit lantern near the entrance and the light shining through a window as their only lights.


Then, after looking at Jongin and then everyone else, Kyungsoo turns and firmly knocks on the cabin's door. A few seconds later, a woman with monolids and long black hair to her waist opens the door with a curious gaze before her eyes land on Luhan's comatose form and she lets out a gasp.


"Evening miss, ha-ha..." Kyungsoo greets and the woman looks at him with wider eyes. "Um, so sorry to bother you at this time but um our friend here got struck by a lightning arrow earlier and we're--we're in dire need of help right now."


"...A lightning arrow?" the woman replies.


Kyungsoo nods his head and lets out a solemn Yeah.


"...Well, I dunno if I even wanna know exactly what situation led to that happening all must really care about him if you're coming all this way to me, huh?" she asks after a beat.


"He's our friend," Chanyeol instantly replies, and Minseok and the others all nod their heads in agreement. "We'd do anything for him."


And the woman smiles a bit at that. "Alright...I'll lend a hand then." She then opens the door fully and gestures for them to enter. "Please, do come in and uh my apologies for the small space."


Almost all of them let out variations of Thanks and enter the cabin, though Yifan and Chanyeol have to duck their heads a bit to get inside. Then, once they're all inside, she closes the door after them and then asks Chanyeol if he could set Luhan down on her cot so that she can check his vitals and such.


Chanyeol quickly complies and Minseok looks around at the cabin some more to distract his mind from the sight of Luhan's state for a moment. He takes in the soft, pale colors that surround them all; from the woman's tomes, to her candles, her plants, and the majority of her other furnishings. Then, his eyes land on the shelf near the cot that's filled with vials of different herbs, animal parts and such before he jolts and averts his gaze when a sabre cat eye in liquid suddenly turns to look at him.


When he turns to look back at the woman, he finds that she's still examining Luhan; feeling his forehead and his arm that got struck by the arrow, and poking at his hands all while letting out amazed murmurs every so often. Kyungsoo furrows his eyebrows as he and the others watch her before he turns to look up at Jongin with an expression that says, Uh, should we actually be trusting her?


Jongin lightly nods his head in response before the woman turns around and says, "Alright, so despite the damaged heart, he's a marvelous android just from his build alone. Like I can tell that whoever created him put a lot of love and care into him. And they made him with a material as rare as stardust as well. Just...just the dedication...and the time that that must've taken..."


"Woah, how can you tell what material he's made from?" Chanyeol asks, eyes wide.


"Oh, well hehe when you press down on his skin like this--" She gently presses down on Luhan's right hand. "--you can see the stardust give its feedback--"


Minseok's mouth drops open a bit as she does it a few more times--each spot she's touched leaving a ripple of what looks like twinkling little stars...before they fade away.


"--like the attention to detail is just so astounding, like how--"


"Never mind all that," Kyungsoo says, cutting her off. She and the others turn to him and his voice gets a bit quieter. "Can you help him though?"


The woman just blinks in surprise for a moment before she stands up straight again. "Oh, of course--my apologies! I-I think I should definitely be able to, though hm...I don't think I have any stardust on me right now--lemme check."


Then, she moves to her shelf of items to search for some, and Minseok feels himself getting worked up again as he stares at Luhan. Jongin quickly notices and moves to pull him in closer to him as he rubs his back up and down.


"Um, so bad news," the woman says, turning her head to them. "I'm fresh out of stardust." Everyone else automatically glances at Zitao at that and her eyebrows furrow a bit before she continues. "But, I do know of a dwarven mine nearby that should--"


"Oh, no need for that--we already have some stardust with us," Sehun speaks up, cutting her off again.


She blinks in surprise. "Oh. Really? Uh, well uh great then! Haha, dunno how you have it but I guess there's no need for me to delay then, huh? Lemme just set my things up and I'll get right on it!"


Sehun just lets out a 'Kay before he turns to look at Zitao with a grin.




As the woman sets up and ties her hair up into a bun, she introduces herself as Seulgi and they all end up giving her quick and proper name introductions in return. Then, Zitao hands Seulgi a bag of stardust that he'd made earlier at Sehun's request, and watches as Seulgi spreads it out onto her crafting table and works her magic.


First, she spreads the stardust out until it forms a kinda oval shape and after she examines it, she looks up. "Hm, so I might actually need some more like about--" She looks down at it again before looking back up. "--hm, six times this amount? Yeah, that should be good."


Zitao nods and then goes through his bag for six more bags of stardust that Sehun had randomly told him he should make for their journey two nights ago. Seulgi's eyes bug out as he hands the bags to her, and Zitao can't help but laugh a bit before he explains that he's half star-nymph. Making stardust's like breathing to him.


"Oh--okay, wow. That's ha-ha--wow," she replies.


Zitao lets out another soft chuckle and then he and the others watch as she dumps out all of the stardust and spreads it all out again into that kinda oval shape. Then, she takes in a deep breath and lets out an Okay before she quickly shapes and molds the stardust into the shape of a regular, mammalian heart at almost lightning-fast speed.


Like literally, not even three seconds later, she's already stepping back and gesturing towards it with a smile. "How's it look?" she asks.


Everyone stares in shock and a few of them let out variations of Uh, good? or What the ?


She just lets out a giggle at their response before she goes back to the heart and cups it all around. A blue energy quickly flows from her hands as she does this and Zitao figures that she's binding the stardust together with her own magic. She then does this a few more times before stepping back again and glancing over at Luhan and then Zitao and the others with pouting lips.


"Alright so, what I'm about to do is kinda complicated," she says. "I've gotta make a portal from his heart to his soon-to-be new one and that's gonna take a good amount of energy to do. So, uh I'll probably have to eat something first before I can start the actual process."


"Oh, so you won't have to like...break his ch

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7/18--Hey, so I've started cross-posting this fic onto my AO3~! It's under the same user: reddoll123 btw~ Hope ya all are doing well!


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Damia_Song123 #1
Chapter 20: such a magnificent story. thank you sm sharing with us ^^
Damia_Song123 #2
Chapter 15: the plot is marvelous. I feel sad it end it just show how good it is <3
Congrats on the ad bid feature! Not everyday to see a Skyrim feature!
Damia_Song123 #5
Such an interesting story. I'm falling in love with it ^^ Thank you for your hard work
Just_alee #6
Chapter 14: Thank you for updating this story!!! I hope xiuhan will get their happy ending.. love love!!
MissRegencape #7
Chapter 14: I really enjoy reading this story so much and I'm genuinely always so excited whenever I see another update! Thank you for your great story :) I'm also very happy whenever I still find another good Xiuhan story, so you really make my days a little brighter <3
OOooh found this through KFR on tumblr! I’m very excited to start on it! ^^
Chapter 1: i'm a kaisoo enthusiast but your story is always the perfectly balanced ot12 kinda fic and i love it! this is really good and i'm looking fwd to reading more <3 fighting ~ ♥
Chanbaek641 #10
This is really good!!