CH 5

In Denial

CH 5: What The Hell Just Happen?

Scene: (You Know The Drill)

Welcome back, guys. I am excited about telling this part of the story. As you read the last time we meet, the big babies finally compromised. Even though we have a month to get the other two big babies to make a move, we are making progress. What Minseok wanted us to do now is...

"There you are, Kyung-ie," Jongin comes in, interrupting me. "What are you doing?"

"I am explaining to our awesome readers the story of Joonmyeon and Jongdae, as I always do these days," I answered to him. 

"Which part did you stop at?"

"Our meeting at the cafe as a group of 8," I answered. "Why?" 

With that answer, he jumps 

"Can I say the next part, yeobo? Please?" He asked. I shrug.

"Sure. I need a breather anyway," I answer. 

"Yay. Ok. So what happened next is step two of the plan, which is..."

Scene: Wu House

Yifan would continue to chase Zitao, but he gets a call.

"You are lucky for now, you little . I am going to find out where you hide Ace rather you like it or not," Yifan yells at the bedroom door and then answers his cell. "Hello?"

"Took you long enough," Minseok jokes.

"Well, sorry," Yifan sarcastically says. "Zitao is being a pain in the ."

"When is he not getting on your nerves?"

"True. He is kinda annoying considering we are only half-brothers."

"Anyway, that's not why I called."

"So you ain't just bored?"


"Or annoyed since Luhan is nuts almost 24/7."

"I am going to tell him you said that about him."

"Good. He probably knows that."

After a few seconds of silence, Yifan says, "I could tell your annoyed face from here, hyung."

"No . Anyway, can I get to my original question before I kick your dragon ?"

"Go ahead."

"Why haven't you asked him?"

"Ugh. I should've known you were gonna ask this again."

"Well, why haven't you?"

"For the thousandth time, Minseok. He doesn't seem interested."

"Are you kidding? You two are perfect together."

"Yeah, I will believe that when Zitao is no longer afraid of bugs. Speaking of which, can we hurry up? He has Ace and I want to get him back before the diva does something terrible."

"Nice job talking about your younger brother like that."

"So cold. Not cool," Yifan hears Luhan say in the background. 

"Who asked you, Luhan?"

"Yifan," Minseok warned. "He is older than you. Where is your respect?"

"And I am not too happy that you called me annoying," Luhan sasses.

"Do I have to separate you two ladies?" Minseok warns. "Seriously? Stop."

"I will when he stops being a little chicken," Luhan sasses.

"And I will stop when he stops being sassy," Yifan says.

"Ok that's it," Minseok says, annoyed. I can hear Luhan say "where are you going?", which Minseok replies, "somewhere that could make sure you and Yifan stop ing at each other." He hears a door slam. 

"Sorry, Yifan. I was sick of you two being sassy."

"That is not true. It was only the pretty deer that is being a brat."

"Don't deny it, Yifan. Like you are denying Joonmyeon."

Yifan gasped at him. 

"Now will you at least try to ask him out."

"I'll think about it," Yifan says after a sigh in annoyance. "Can we hang up so I could kick some panda, ?"

"OK fine, you cranky dragon. Now, let me know when you ask him."

"Fine." With that, Yifan hangs up. Yifan grabs a couple of bobby pins and unlocks the bedroom door. Yifan runs to the culprit, who is holding Ace.

"Oh ," Zitao says in horror. Yifan jumps on him, he screams like a little girl.

"Give me my alpaca, Huang Zitao," Yifan says angrily. Zitao holds Ace up to him, which Yifan snatches the alpaca out of Zitao's hand. 

"Was that so hard?"

Scene: (Why Am I Even Trying?)

"He should have made him promise to ask Joon in exchange for the stuffed animal back," I say.

"Kyungsoo. It works either way, doesn't it?" Jongin asks.

"Spoiler alert," I say. "See the reason why I am the narrator? Now, continue before I do it for you."

"OK rude."

Scene: Zhang House (A/N I am sorry that there wasn't much Yixing in this fic up to this point)

"Get off of me, Byun Baekhyun," Yixing says, annoyed.

Baekhyun is sitting on Yixing's back, Chanyeol being on the couch nearby, laughing his off.

"It's not funny, Chanyeol," Yixing says.

"I think it's pretty funny," Chanyeol says.

"Get off, Baekhyun."

"Not until you promise that you will ask Jongdae out again," Baekhyun sasses back.

"For the last time, Baek. He friend-zoned me."

"He is a . And you are as well. You both are great for each other."

"Apparently not. He rejected me."

"He is being in denial, so ask him again."

"If I say that I will think about it, will you get the hell off?"


"Baek, I think that it qualifies," Chanyeol says. After what it seems forever, Baekhyun sighs in defeat and annoyance.

"Fine." He gets off of Yixing, who sighs in relief of having someone on his back.

"You are paying for whatever bone your break."

"Oh stop being dramatic, XingXing."

"Look who's talking, King of the Dramatic Divas."

Chanyeol dyes of laughter so hard that he falls on his hands and knees off the couch.

Scene: (Do I Even Have To Say It)

"Things are going well. We are making progress."

Scene: Dae's House

"And he just came at me like..."

"Sorry to interrupt, but who are you talking about?" Joonmyeon asks Jongdae. Joonmyeon was asked to come to Jongdae's house, which he confusedly agrees.


"And should I be concerned about what Baekhyun did?"

"Eww. It's not what you think it is. Baekhyun has a fiance."

"That's not what I meant. Why are you jumping to conclusions?"

"He bluntly made my father rethink the marriage."

"Right? Minseok made me do the same thing."

"He mentioned that you had your father do so. What in the hell is that about?"

"I am not sure. It gave us a temporary breather."

"Do you have someone in mind?"

"Not that I know of," Joonmyeon denies.


"I am not lying, Kim Jongdae," Joonmyeon says.

"Right? It's about Yifan, isn't it?"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Hyung, do you like him?"


"Yeah, right." 

"You should not be talking. My brother mentioned that you friend-zoned a certain unicorn." 

"I only see him as a friend." 

"Why won't you like him? He is a sweet boy." 

"Can we not talk about this? We must think of a way to find some significant others." 

"You're right. We have one month or else it's going to a nightmare." 

"You think that I don't know that, Joonmyeon? It would be awkward if we were married." 

"It doesn't help that we are only friends since our fathers are besties." 

"I agree with you on that. What will we do?" 

"I have yet to figure it out." 

"We'll think of something." 

"I hope that we don't run out of time."

Scene: Fireplace 

"At that point, we already knew what to do. We had to just wait," Jongin says.

"And now it's Yifan and Yixing's turn to be the chicken."

"And I think that we should stop there, for suspense."

"Lie. You just want some time with me."


"Ok fine. I'll be there in a few minutes." With that, Jongin leaves.

I am glad that I got a break, but now it's a relief to be the main narrator. As I said a couple of times, whiny Jongin is due to him being a clingy bear. I'll tell you more about the plan later, but for now, I must wait. He is not surprisingly whining loudly that I can hear from here. You can hear that right? Bye guys.

A/N It's official. I am now a college graduate. After waiting 5 years, and the fact that I could not walk the stage because of the pandemic, I am finally relieved that I don't have to worry about due dates and going to classes. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. 

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Results are in. Dae and Joon's parents will be SM artists.

Should ___ be In Denial Parents?



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2437 streak #2
Chapter 8: noooo... authornim!!! it's inaction still huhu
2437 streak #3
Chapter 7: their inaction is killing me omfg
2437 streak #4
Chapter 6: aww... i thought we were gonna get some actions this chapter... i mean, they were only given a month! gotta move fast! HAHAHA

anyway, congrats on graduating!
2437 streak #5
Chapter 5: at least they have a month to execute their plans for the two pairs to get together! at least they finally gave their stubbornness a bit of rest
2437 streak #6
Chapter 4: may Minseok's plan come to fruition
orangemorningstar #7
Chapter 3: Do Jun and dae have crush on eachother?
2437 streak #8
Chapter 3: hihihi Minseok's proposal is actually genius! they know the two betrothed have their eyes on someone else... those who like Jun and Dae should step up too! or else their parents are gonna marry them off to each other and you'd both lose your chances!!!
Chapter 1: So who is junmyeon's secret crush?
2437 streak #10
Chapter 2: the format is slightly confusing? maybe coz it's something I'm not used to... but im looking forward to the story!!!