Wedding Bells

Mark Her Red
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SEULGI was dropped back to her room like a little kid. She’s pouting like she always does whenever she gets caught when she is young. A sigh then came out of her after hearing the closing of her door. Those who captured her went out again.

“Man… I shouldn’t have come here in the first place.” She told herself while looking back at her door. She tried escaping the mansion for about twelve times now but she keeps getting caught by the guards. What does she expect? The whole castle should be surrounded by guards. She really got used to the dorm where she is staying, there no one really cares about the curfew.

“What should I do? Should I just kill myself?”  Seulgi immediately slapped herself after realizing what she just said. “No! Killing myself will never be the right answer! I still have to make an agency for magicians and be the CEO of it. Man… I should’ve studied more the art of escaping.”

The girl then stood up and looked at the patrolling guards through the window. The security is much tighter today because of what just happened. Seulgi could see the point of the two kings with their unchanged hearts about the marriage. They want to capture who killed Euigeon. They want to end all the rebellion with the truce between races and having her and Joohyun marry is one of the best ways there is.

“But I don’t want to be married yet…”  Seulgi whined to herself before throwing herself to her bed. “I want to live my life to the fullest... and to be married to Rusty...?”

Seulgi shook her head in disbelief. She still couldn’t believe that she’ll get married to another girl tomorrow, in a few hours to be exact. She’ll be married to one of the most popular idols of the generation and not just that. That girl was her brother’s bride.

“This is so complicated…”  Seulgi rolled to the other side of her huge bed. She thought that she would fall down for a moment because she got used to her really tight and uncomfortable bed at the dorm but the feeling of having a huge bed like this feels a bit surreal.

“When you look at it, I got reinstated as a princess. I won’t have to work my out and I will live a comfortable life just like this without any worries of what I am going to have for meals. But…”

Another sigh came out of the girl when she remembered Irene’s face earlier. She hasn’t met the girl for a long while and she never thought that she would meet her ever again. Who would have thought that they would meet this way?

Seulgi knows how much  Irene likes her brother. It was never a secret. She’s very vocal about her admiration to Euigeon and seeing her having those puffy eyes after the passing of her brother would never be a surprise. What hurts her more is that  Irene would never end up with the person that she really loves. (Yet she accused her of killing her brother which makes her feel guilty.)

“AHHH!” she messed up her hair and punched her pillow. “How come you just died like that, Oppa!? I thought you were strong. That was a very lame death! Do you know what you just passed to me?”

Again, Irene’s face flashed on her mind. “Do you know what you just… missed?”



“SO, are you ready?”

Irene turned to Minjoo who is currently doing her nails. Minjoo is one of her cousins who happened to be an idol as well. Vampires, because of their everlasting youth, tend to join the world of show business. There are those who would debut as an actor and then when their fame fades, they would step out from the scene and spend some time on other things. After about many years, mostly about fifty years, they would come out again but now doing a different genre and carrying a different name.

Historical doppelgangers are not true. They are just vampires reappearing to the public eye once again.

But, Irene and Minjoo are of a different case. Both are new to the industry since they are young vampires. Yes, Irene just reached the peak of her youth. This means her appearance will be frozen as it is for all the years to come while Minjoo is one of those underaged royal vampires that the King was talking about.

“I can’t believe that you are really getting married already, Unnie.” Minjoo who was lying on her stomach commented. The two are in Minjoo's room. They had to leave their group dormitories for the night for the wedding that will be held tomorrow. Couldn’t sleep, Irene went to the younger girl’s room to hang out before she gets married with someone she never really expected.

“I don’t know, Minjoo.” Irene sighed. She’s sitting by the carpet, leaning on Minjoo’s bed. “You know how much I am excited to be married but not for this wedding.”

“Yeah, yeah…” Minjoo sighed. “It isn’t the prince that you were longing for, right?”

Irene wasn’t able to answer and Minjoo already knows what that means.

“I really can’t believe the King’s decision though… Look, your supposed-to-be-groom was like the top of his class, one of the most powerful of their race to ever exist but he was killed just like that. He is so powerful but he got murdered!” Minjoo emphasized. “And now the King is marrying you to a no-spec, no-ability, no-power girl like her? What is going to happen to you now? The King is aware that you are being targeted by the rebels too, right?”

Irene shrugged her shoulders. “The promise between the kingdoms is important to both Kings. I still trust my father with all his decisions. I believe he and the Shaman King have a plan. Also, I know Kang Seulgi is a good person.”

“But she can never protect you, Unnie. I know in a sense we are immortal; we don't die of diseases or because of aging but we are not invincible. We can be killed.” Minjoo then moved closer to where Irene is and gave her a light tap on her head. “And, to add one more thing, that Seulgi girl was exiled from her home for about seven years now, right? She isn’t the same girl that we played with before. People change through time and situations. Who knows what she has become after all these years?”

Irene let out a smirk. “Don’t call her that Seulgi girl, she’s your unnie too in the first place.”

“Unnie~~ I will show you a magic~”

The voice of young  Seulgi suddenly echoed on  Irene’s head. Seulgi is two years younger than her and they used to play a lot when they were kids. The kings gave their children time to be together to show vampires and humans that both can get along really well just like their kids.

Then the face of  Seulgi she met earlier flashed before her eyes. The girl has really changed a lot. When they separated ways because of the persistent opposition of the supremacists, Irene wasn’t able to see Seulgi after that. She then just heard the news that Seulgi was exiled from Sakura. She can clearly remember how her heart broke for the said girl.

She’s sure that Seulgi is definitely taller than her now. She was wearing heels earlier but they are still of the same height when she stood beside Seulgi. She still has those cute cheeks but her overall aura has changed. She isn’t just cute now… She’s…


“Are you saying something, Joohyun-unnie?” Minjoo asked. Irene frantically shook her head after realizing her dumbness. What’s on her mind just literally slipped out of her tongue.

“N-Nothing!” She wanted to say that Seulgi is cool because she has the courage to tell her father about what she really feels. She expressed her frustration and desperation for justice for her brother’s death. She has kept her stance about the marriage even if the king doesn’t listen to her at all. One can see how firm her outlook is in life.

“You better go and sleep now, Unnie.” The other red burgundy-haired girl said. “It’s better to still look beautiful even if you are going to be wed to someone you don’t really like.”

“Alright~~” Irene lazily stood up. “See you tomorrow, Minjoo~”

“W-Wait!” Irene was about to get out when Minjoo suddenly stopped her.

“Yes?” Irene almost snickered because the other girl almost fell off of her bed just to call her back.

“I am just curious…



…Will you mark her?”





“WHERE do you think you are going?”

Seulgi froze on the spot after hearing that voice. She thought that she had already managed to escape the guards but then she didn’t expect that someone would be there by the lake. She then exhaustedly turned to the owner of the voice.

“Why on earth are you here?” She asked Sakura while looking at her with those sharp eyes. The vampire then jumped from the tree where she was sitting and faced Seulgi properly.

“The King has told me to stay here to see how things are going. He has a hunch that you would try to escape. The wedding should take place by hook or by crook.”

Seulgi rolled her eyes. She then sat on the ground with her legs crossed as well as her arms. Her cheeks felt like exploding with her extreme puffing. “Why do I have to be married to someone I don’t like? Why do I have to do this for the clan who exiled me? Do you understand where I am coming from, Old Lady?”

A knot appeared on Sakura’s forehead but she tried to control herself. She might be hundreds of years old but calling her ‘Old Lady’ is a grave offense. If only Seulgi wasn’t the bride of her princess then she would have already ripped her neck apart.

“The King has already told you the very reason for the marriage. This way you can find who killed your brother.” Sakura then sat on the ground following what Seulgi did. “And are you sure with your first question?”

Sakura watched how everything on Seulgi’s face widened with her question. “O-O-Of course! W-Why do you think that I-I like Rusty!?”

Keeping up her poker face, Sakura answered. “I remember you picking up flowers just to give it to—”

“SHHH!!!”  Seulgi violently reacted looking at her right and left. “Past is past! We don’t bring out things like that at times like this! I want my freedom back. Please help me!”

“You are now asking for my help?” Sakura smirked at her. She’s pertaining to all the accusations that  Seulgi threw to her clan earlier.

Seulgi gave out a sigh and leaned forward. She wanted to bury herself six feet below the ground at that very moment. “I want to know who killed my brother but not in this way. I don’t want to be married yet. I never wanted this kind of marriage. I don't want to be married to Rusty knowing that she has someone in her heart already...”

Sakura just watched her then looked at the gibbous moon. “I know you are not asking my opinion but I am also against this marriage.”

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Chapter 32: the incredible story implies representation and detail, thank u for sharing this masterpiece authornim🫶🏻
Chapter 32: I was just bored and out of seulrene reading when I typed 'arrangedmarriage' and 'seulrene'. Then this story came up. I'm not the type who likes unique themes especially royalty. I prefer the lives of normal people with simple yet romantic love stories. Therefore, I had no expectations. But hey, I guess not having expectations made me really enjoy this story! You wrote all the plot twists quite neatly. It left me confused but excited. The love story is also very tragic and romantic. However, now I'm very confused about their genealogy. But I don't care, the point is that seulrene is united and they are adorable!
Chapter 30: Oh gosh, this is so complicated 🥲
Chapter 29: :)
Chapter 28: 🖕🖕🖕 Matthew
Chapter 20: What the heck happened with their brother 😃 like, everything fine if they don't exist 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 15: What happened here 😭😭😭😭 I was so confusedd
Chapter 14: What the fox????
Chapter 12: Oh my god, there's a lot of entity 🥲
Chapter 11: Their love story are all complicated