
More Than Words
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Chorong and Hayoung were on Chobom's apartment, they decided to pick up some clothes for Bomi to wear after her heart operation.

After packing up, Chorong decided to put some books since she might be sleeping on the hospital while waiting for Bomi to wake up.

Chorong charged her phone. It's been dead battery eversince she rushed to the hospital. Now's the only time she managed to charge it.

"Did you ever wonder why Bomi chose this apartment?"

Chorong's brows furrowed in confusion before she answered it. "She said this is perfect for us. And it's kinda cheap for a 3 roomed apartment."

Hayoung smiled bitterly. "It's because she wanted you to live near me incase she won't be able to make it. She knew most of my relatives live here."

Chorong's eyes suddenly blurred with tears. "I know you have your family nearby. But I can't understand... Does Bomi..."

"Yes. She wanted to make sure that someone will take care of you when she's no longer around." Hayoung tried so hard to suppress the tears.

Then both Chorong and Hayoung's phone suddenly beeped, indicating that they both received a text message.

It was Hayoung who checked it first. She suddenly froze and a sudden stillness descended.

No. Before Chorong could even check hers. She dropped her phone.

"Hayoung please stay with Rong unnie, Bomi didn't respond to medicine... She didn't make it."

And if Chorong checked her phone?


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Chapter 6: cuuuute!!!! I didn't know what to expect, and it turns out this one's a short reality bender :> and with our chobom practicing~ ahhh~ love all the callbacks you gave to their previous experiences, this is really chobom's journey as a (performance) unit! We indeed skipped to the good part.. Speaking of skipping to the good part, I don't remember what angsty ones was in this short story collection, but here I am, skipped to the good part hehe >.<
Chapter 4: I was prepared to read some angsty chapter, never been this glad that I was wrong
Chapter 3: Wait a minute.. heol. I- I didn’t realise I sign up for these angsts! T.T
Chapter 3: 10/10 recommend you to change the title to 'a series of heartbreaks' eye-
Chapter 1: you really went there and put 8.13 as her TOD, idk what to feel sjsksjsksjsk
Chapter 2: Welp these pieces of yours got me broken again mmm.. The first one would be more emotional with their backstory and how they met.. Heartbreaking potential. And the second one..ack... I can’t. Nope. You already succeed with flying colours when it comes to that angst ;A; it’s the one that ruins me. hurts in a gut feeling kinda way.
Angst- 2
Me- 0