
Heal me (Married to brother-in-law)
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Baekhyun found himself in the almost familiar dark routes, looking around for something or someone so that he won't feel the dreadful loneliness. His temple sweating, and his breathing shallow, due to the exhaustion of running aimlessly for a long time. 

Then the sound of a melodic giggle ringed in his ears, catching his flaring attention, and he saw the familiar looking girl calling him by the gesture of her fingers. "Munhee!" A tired smile formed in his lips seeing her literally shining like glinting stars before his eyes. 

She didn't respond, instead, she turned around while giggling heartily and started running away from him. "Munhee! Wait!" Baekhyun found himself following her, trying to catch up with her since his heart clenched harshly at the sight of her going away, the feeling was keenly similar to watch something utterly precious slipping away from his fingertips. He lastly saw Munhee disappearing inside what seemed like a dark house, but that place immediately lit up with pure luminosity by the help of her blinding brightness.

Among the rows of those dark and highly towering buildings, it was quite easy to find his way to the unknown house. His feet worked on their own, as he found himself gravitated towards the source of luminescence almost blindly, wanting to feel safe from the intensifying darkness around him, wanting to go near to Munhee.  

He had to practically squint his eyes as the brightness of the house was too much for him, yet he continued to emerge in the vacant looking house, which only consisted of beaming white walls. He was on the verge of panicking as suddenly he couldn't find anything but four walls surrounding him, not even the door by which he had entered. "Munhee! Where are you?" He asked, his voice echoed around the hollow corners. She was gone from there just like he had dreaded.

"Baekhyun?" A sweet voice called his name, leading him to be frozen for a split second, before he hastily turned around.

Baekhyun blinked at the girl. She was just as he remembered, ever so beautiful, ever so warm with her kind smile. "M-Myunghee?" He stammered uncontrollably, unable to decipher her sudden presence.  

"Come here.." She called him, giving him a big smile. 

Baekhyun rushed towards her. His hands shook as he reached them to touch her, his vision immediately blurred with salty waters. "Myunghee! I c-can't believe you're here!" He murmured, a relieved sigh left past his trembling lips as she didn't vanish like he had assumed when he finally managed to cup her face. 

"Yes, Baekhyun. I'm here." Myunghee smiled brightly and replied. "Were you searching for Munhee?" She then asked, her warm smile never leaving her face.

"Y-Yeah." Baekhyun murmured albeit with a feeling of familiar guilt. "I've missed you, Myung." He croaked.

"Me too, Baekhyun. But I am happy wherever I am. Are you happy?" She asked, her fingers clasped around his wrists, her thumbs rubbed soothing circles on his tensed skin.

Baekhyun looked away from her momentarily, before casting his eyes at her face, "How can I be h-happy when you're not with me?" He complained halfheartedly.

Myunghee laughed, her eyes fluttering close as she took a few seconds to laugh heartily as if he had said something funny to her. "If I am happy, then why can't you be?" And then her face morphed into a serious smile, "I want you to be happy, Baekhyun." She insisted sincerely. "Tell me, do you love Munhee?" She again asked.

Her question left Baekhyun in a state of mum. He shook his head vigorously, "N-No, no, no. I... I only love you!" He stressed.

Myunghee gave him a reprimanding look, "I know you love me. You have loved me more than I could ever expect from any guy. And I can't thank you enough for giving me so much love." It was her turn to embrace his face with her soft warm palms, "But my question was, do you love Munhee?" 

Baekhyun gulped, his heart pounded with loud beats, "I am supposed to keep loving y-you for the rest of my life, I am supposed to love only one woman." He murmured, his eyes yet again getting blurred due to tears of regret crowding there. He was reminded of the vague dreams he had been randomly and rarely getting from an early age. In those dreams he had always found himself embracing a girl whose face he couldn't see, and the Baekhyun in his dreams would always be saying something akin to this,  "No matter what happens, my heart never stopped beating for you. And I will keep loving you till my last breath. I want to keep loving you for eternity. My happiness lies in loving you and waiting for you."  Or sometimes, the Baekhyun in his dream would also keep saying vague things along with the very familiar line to him,  "I'll still love you." It all started happening, when he had met Myunghee. So he had immediately thought, that the girl in his arms in those vague dreams was Myunghee. But he couldn't be sure about it anymore. 

"No, you're not. You are supposed to listen to your heart." She corrected him, breaking his reverie. "I don't have much time, Baekhyun. So please, answer me honestly. Do you love my sister? Do you love Munhee?" Myunghee insisted, looking quite serious and determined to know the real answer.

Baekhyun couldn't hold it any longer. His b tears slipped, as well as his tongue. "Yes! Yes! I love her. I love Munhee. I love her s-so much! I've been dying every day ever since I let her go! I feel like I know her and have been loving her for a long long time, even though we haven't been together for that long!" He almost yelled the truth out. It felt so right as he finally uttered those deeply buried words aloud. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me! I... I tried so hard.. But I c-couldn't stop this... stupid organ!" He jabbed his shaky fingers at his own chest, while letting out the most honest words that he had been dreading to accept even to himself. "It goes rushing towards her as if she is a bright flame and it's a ing moth! I am sorry. Please forgive me, I fell in love with your s-sister. If it was possible, I would've never let this happen! B-But she is..she.." He kept apologizing and lastly she interrupted his blabbers. 

"Hey, look at me." Her serene voice called for him, gaining his attention immediately. "You don't have to apologize. I love you both so much. I want you both to be happy. You two were meant to be together from a long time ago. Don't you feel so?" Her voice had become low and seriously deep at this sentence.  "So don't be guilty of listening to your heart, ever." She beamed, her eyes shining with proud and contentment.

"I... " Baekhyun couldn't find any words what he wanted to say. So he only managed a notable nod.

"I have to go. Thank you for making me the happiest woman alive, Baekhyun. Thank you for loving me. And thank you for being honest to yourself. Stay happy, always." She murmured, hands leaving his face.

"Myunghee.." Baekhyun could only take her name sadly yet lovingly. His still trembling lips gave her a lingering peck on her temple. "I will always remember you. Thank you for everything." He croaked in his broken voice.

Myunghee nodded, giving him one last bright smile, she started to fade into the whiteness of the sparkling wall behind her.  

Baekhyun silently cried with a strange mix of sadness and contentment, while watching her till she completely got blended in the air.






Baekhyun woke up in a jiffy, thin layer of sweat and tears covering his face. He was stunned at the nightmare he had just gotten. Actually it didn't feel like a nightmare, because he strangely felt like the invisible weight clawing onto his chest for all this time had finally melted away. He was soundlessly crying, but his tears weren't of agony. The tears were of contentment and freedom. 

It was quite surprising of a dream to him; since he had been getting nightmares of Munhee slipping away from his vision, from his life - every single night after he had forced her to leave his house as well as his life. So seeing Myunghee in place of Munhee was obviously bewildering for him, but in a good way.

He didn't know why had he gotten this unusual dream, but it felt like this was what he needed the most, this was what he was waiting eagerly for. He buried his face into his palms, sobbed due to the overwhelming feelings of finally accepting his honest feelings through his own mouth, as well as finally being ready to let Myunghee and the feelings of repentance go. "Thank you so much." He murmured gratefully while staring at the picture frame hanging by the wall before him, it was a single picture of Myunghee. 

And then he had to momentarily froze again, when he remembered why was he sitting on the cold floor by his bed. His heart clenched at the cruel but crucial reminder of hearing the news of Munhee leaving the country forever. Stupidly enough, he had fallen asleep while fighting the most intense inner battle between his heart and mind. He wasted no more time, as he was up on his feet, eyes searching for the wall clock. He hastily took his cellphone, jacket and car keys after seeing the time. It was seven thirty in the morning already.

"Oh god! Please don't let her go!" He begged and hoped that the said God would listen to him this time. "Wait, I don't even know the time of her flight! !" His feet stopped before his car as he remembered that Sehun had only mentioned her flight being in the morning, but he didn't mention any exact time. "Sehun, yes, I should call him!" He sat himself down on the driver's seat and dialed the younger male's number. His heart pumped near his throat at sheer nervousness. 

Much to his dismay, Sehun told him that Munhee didn't mention the exact time of her flight to him as well. Finding no other way, he then dialed his mother-in-law's number. However, the only thing he got in reply was, "Munhee doesn't want any outsider to know any personal information about her." 

Baekhyun didn't let it dim down his surging will to stop her. He started driving towards the airport without thinking much. The last thread that had been holding him back, had freed him itself, so he won't be backing away from her anymore. He knew it wouldn't be easy to win her back after everything he had done, but he would make sure to try his best, he would make sure to give their relationship millions of tries, because it was worth it, she was worth of trying even after numerous fails, she was worth of putting effort until his last breath. She had questioned him about her worth in his life, and now he finally got the courage to show her how much she actually meant to him.

He still had some leftover self doubts, but he reminded himself of Munhee's mother's words as well as Munhee's. He might not be the most perfect man out there, but one thing he could guarantee that he loved her, and would keep loving her with the whole of him.

He had been fearing until yesterday, that his leftover guilt towards Myunghee would unintentionally make Munhee his second priority sometimes, but now he would be able to give Munhee what was rightfully hers, what she truly deserved. He was also terrified that his bad luck would cause something similar to Munhee like it had done to Myunghee. But lately, he had been realizing that, living without the person one loved so much was worse than death. Now he realized that, uncertainties and risks were the inseparable parts of life, so he would have to stop letting them overpower him. Now he would be bravely loving Munhee openly, and will do anything to protect her even with his life. He believed that their love was worth all the risks. "I'm sorry, Mun, I'm sorry for being so late. But I'll try my best to earn your forgiveness and bring us back. I'm coming, love." He whispered to himself, a small but hopeful smile gracing his lips.


Baekhyun cursed out loudly as the highway to airport seemed be occupied with heavy traffic. If he at least knew the supposed country she was flying to, he could've gotten hold of the time of her flight by his sources. By the mention of sources, he suddenly remembered Jongin. He immediately fished out his phone, and his eyes bulged out seeing so many missed calls and messages from the very younger male. He might've accidentally silenced his phone before starting to drive his car. Cursing, he immediately tapped on the message notifications. His heart dropped reading that Munhee's flight was supposed to be at eight thirty in the morning, and Jongin was somehow at the airport with her, to see her off.

He only had ten to fifteen minutes to reach the airport and stop her. Seeing the traffic being cleared, he drove off as fast as possible, at the same time calling Jongin to tell him stop Munhee, he frankly didn't care about breaking traffic rules at this moment. 

"Hyung, where are you!" Jongin hissed, it sounded like he was talking while hiding somewhere.

"I.. I am on the way. Jongin, listen to me, stop her right away. Please! We need to talk! Please do anything but stop her, I beg you!" Baekhyun yelled through the phone and disconnected the call to put his whole concentration on driving faster.


Baekhyun ran inside the airport, pushing people away while apologizing, while his insides were busy chanting prayers for Munhee to stay back. He prepared himself for a good run like they showed in movies, because he had to dodge the security officers. Though before he reached near the officers, someone had tugged him by his arm, making him stop abruptly. 

"Hyung, stop." It was Jongin. 

"Where is she, Jongin? Is she outside? You have stopped h-her, right? Tell me something, damn it!" Baekhyun shook the male by his shoulders when he was taking too time in answering, while giving him pitiful eyes. 

"I'm sorry, Hyung. Before I could even manage to tell her that you're coming, she told me that she doesn't want to.. uhh hear your name. And she made me promise that I'd support her. So... she left. Her flight has already taken off." Jongin murmured with sad eyes.

Baekhyun's face fell along with his heart. His nostrils clogged at the impact, she was gone, she had left him behind, all the chances they had seemed to be drowning. He wiped his moistened eyes with the back of his hand, while dragging himself towards the nearest waiting seats. 

Jongin witnessed the male sitting down with a visible broken exterior, visible broken heart. If he had any advance idea about Munhee's sudden early visit at his place, he would've done something in advance as well. This morning, Munhee showed up at his apartment, and told him that she didn't want anyone to know about her flight time or whereabouts,   but since she considered Jongin as her brother, she had gone to meet him before leaving. Jongin offered her to drive towards the airport and see her off. Meanwhile he sneakily tried to contact with Baekhyun, as he knew Munhee wouldn't appreciate him trying to call the very male because of whom she was leaving the country. Lastly, when he had tried to tell her about Baekhyun, she immediately shut him up, and bound him with the shackles of promise. 

Jongin heaved a huge sigh and walked near the lost looking male. Sitting beside Baekhyun he patted his Hyung's back sympathetically. "Hyung, I'm sorry, I couldn't help." He sighed yet again. 

Baekhyun woke up from his miserable reverie and sat up straight,  "Don't apologize. I am the root of every problem anyway." He mumbled while sniffling. Jongin opened his mouth probably to say some words of encouragement, but Baekhyun stopped him by giving him a newfound smile, "But since I am the one responsible for creating the mess, then I will have to be the one clearing it."

Jongin gaped with a dumbfounded face, not believing to witness something almost opposite of what he was expecting. "W-What?" He blinked and waited for the male to reply. He needed to hear it again, so that he could confirm that he wasn't hallucinating things.

"Yes, Jongin. I am the reason that she has left the country, so I will be the one bringing her back. I am the one who has b-broken her heart, so I will be the one to gather those broken pieces together and glue those pieces in a way that they won't ever break again." Baekhyun breathed, his heart hammering painfully just by recalling the hurtful actions he had pulled off with her.  "I am not afraid anymore, Jongin. I love her." He stopped in the middle, just for chuckling in contentment. It surely felt so surreal to declare his love for her openly. "And I am going to try to give her every happiness on my own, without hoping for her to get it from someone else." Baekhyun spoke, slowly a confident and hopeful smile lifted the corners of his lips, eyes shining with determination.

"Wow!" Jongin breathed or huffed in relief, he didn't know. But he was definitely surprised seeing this newer version of his beloved Hyung. Honestly, after yesterday night, he had lost every bit of hope for this couple. But right now, he could see glimpses of hope for them again. "That's quite unexpected of you. You've changed, Hyung!" He exclaimed, his face also morphed into a bright grin.

 Baekhyun nodded agreeing. "I've learned my lessons really well. Now all I can hope that she would be willing enough to give us another chance." He murmured with a hint of hope surging in his chest, making his heart beat faster. "I'll try my best to bring my wife back. If I have to go through both heaven and hell for it, I won't hesitate at all. This Mr. Byun is nothing without his Mrs. Byun." 

"Now that's quite cheesy! Noona would've thrown up at your greasiness." Jongin faked a gagging face, earning a light punch and a small glare from the seemingly flustered male.

"Yah! W-What's so greasy about it!" Baekhyun protested, but both male ended up laughing like idiots after exchanging a short look. "It's your Noona's fault, she is responsible for making me a cheesy dude in her love. Now bear with it." He sassed and then got up. "I should book my tickets as well. Tell me the country's name." He asked Jongin.

The smile was immediately wiped off Jongin's face. He nervously scratched the back of his head. "Uhh, Hyung... I.. Noona didn't tell me about it." He let the news break upon Baekhyun. 

Despite feeling moderately hopeless about the situation, Baekhyun didn't let his spirit die. "It's okay. I will find it out on my own. I have to." He stated after exhaling loudly, giving the tensed male a reassuring smile.  





A few days later....


 Baekhyun practically dragged his defeated form towards his car. He had lost count how many times he had been returned with empty hands. His firm determination to get Munhee's whereabouts from her parents now started to waver, especially after today. He could clearly see how reluctant Munhee's father had been, as well as her mother. Holding onto his car's door, he heaved a few heavy sighs. "It's okay. They'll consider your sincerity one day. Keep trying." He told himself to boost his faltering inner strength.  

He was about to enter his car when someone had stopped him by holding onto his shoulder from behind. Turning around, he was faced with Munhee's mother. "So you really love Munhee?" She asked.

Baekhyun nodded firmly,  "Yes, Mom. I have been telling the truth only. I love Munhee." he stated without any hesitation.

"What if Munhee has finally moved on from you?" Then she asked.

Baekhyun gave her a small smile, it's not like he hadn't thought of this alternative.  "That I will find out when I will be able to meet her?"  He offered.  "Although my heart is telling me that she has never stopped loving me, even after everything. But if by any chance, she has m-moved on, then I will have to work my way to her heart again?"  He added, with a mixture of confidence and nervousness.

Munhee's mother seemed slightly amused at his reply.  "I seriously thought you will say something about sacrificing and s. As much as I appreciate you for prioritizing her happiness, we both know she will be the happiest with the man whom she truly loves." She coolly added, though she tried her best to not show her smile, trying to be the strict mother. 

Baekhyun slightly winced at the first sentence from his mother-in-law. He was glad that the older lady didn't sound as disappointed as she had been sounding these past few days. Maybe he was slowly gaining her trust back,  " Mom, I really want to make it up to her!" He sincerely spoke while kneeling down in respect and hope. "I really love her, s-so much. Please trust me this once!" He breathed out a pleading.

Baekhyun could swear he felt a soft pat on his head before he was held by his shoulders, Munhee's mother had gestured him to stand up. "You're not our enemy, Baekhyun. We have always loved you like our own son. It's not easy for us to treat you badly and turn you down every time. But it's also not easy for us to forgive you for hurting our daughter. However, I am giving you this one last chance, because... somehow I still have a little faith in both of you. I have seen her suffer since she couldn't stop loving you. And I can see sincerity in your eyes. So here, take it. And please, don't let me down this time." The elder lady said almost strictly, and shoved a piece of paper into his fist.

Baekhyun went out of the surprising moment at that, her words registering into his head. He blinked and looked down at the paper, there was an address neatly scribbled there. His heart burst with gratefulness and his faltering strength filled to the brim. "T-Thank you, Mom. Thank you so much! You don't know how much it means to me! I promise, I won't disappoint neither you nor your daughter anymore." Baekhyun gave the older lady a tight grateful hug.

"You better not. Now go. It's getting late." Munhee's mother grumbled after Baekhyun broke the hug, it seemed like she was holding back her smile. 

"Okay. Bye, Mom. Thank you once again." Saying that, Baekhyun sat inside his car. He held the fragile piece of paper securedly to his chest, where his heart was supposed to be. It felt like a golden ticket to the place where his heart had fled to. It was definitely a golden ticket towards Munhee, his love, his ultimate destination. 




Next day....


"Are you sure you're going to take only this bag?" Jongin asked while eyeing the duffel backpack Baekhyun had prepared for his journey and probable stay at his destination.

"Yeah. I don't need much clothes. And we'd return as soon as possible. So I don't think I'd need anything more than this." Baekhyun shrugged while combing his freshly cut hair. Since Munhee had said she liked his undercut, he had gotten his hair done earlier this morning, wanting to be fully prepared and confident - since he needed these traits the most. 

"You're all set, bro?" Junmyeon entered Baekhyun's bedroom and asked cheerfully. 

Baekhyun took a look at his reflection in the mirror, taking a huge breath he nodded. "Yes." He spoke confidently, or at least tried to. Inside him, he was getting way too nervous yet anticipated just thinking about meeting her. He probably wasn't this nervous even at the day he had proposed to Myunghee for marriage. He sometimes couldn't help but be surprised at the intensity of effects Munhee had on him. Just a mention of her name could make him go malfunctioned within a mere second.

"Great. You could've just used our private jet though." Junmyeon plopped himself down on the bed and relied. 

It's not that Baekhyun hadn't considered it. He could've used Kims' private jet like that one time and he would've already been in Japan instead of waiting for his late afternoon flight. But he didn't. Amongst this passage of time, he had tried mending his unpleasant traits bit by bit, working on himself diligently. So even if he had felt the rush of panic and restlessness to go to Munhee as soon as possible, he still managed to calm down and waited patienty, then booked a flight after reaching home.  "I want to do everything on my own. This is my journey, so I will walk it on my own." Baekhyun told his awaiting friends.

"You were right, Jongin. He really has changed!" Junmyeon said with an amused smile. Then he handed the small paper bag in his hands towards Baekhyun. "Here, take these, you might need it." He said with a wink, that definitely was gross and suggestive.

Baekhyun raised a questioning brow and peeked inside the bag. He immediately closed the bag and threw it to the annoying male he called his friend. "Yah! W-Why would I need condoms! What the hell!" He splattered. 

Jongin snickered and exchanged a high five with Junmyeon. Then Junmyeon playfully rolled his eyes, "Look, I am a doctor and a foresighted person. So I am guessing that since you are going to make up with your wife, things might get a little spicy, you know like leading to make up and well... I am just helping you in advance!" He justified hastily.

"He's right, Hyung! What if you two patch up, and things get mmmh mmmh...." Jongin sang in a sensual voice, trying very hard to not laugh out.  "...then you'd definitely need it! Women like men who are always prepared!" 

"Shut up.. you two!"  Baekhyun glowered at his mischievous friends, while continuously clearing his throat. Then he turned to Junmyeon,  "And stop giving me the free condoms you get from companies for promotion!" Baekhyun returned his doctor friend an eyeroll. "For your information, the previous box you had given me, it's also left untouched. So don't waste them by giving them to me!" He murmured with annoyance. "And as for the uhh... mmmh stuffs, we will handle it if that situation somehow occurs." Baekhyun let his friends know after clearing his throat for the nth time, feeling his ears stupidly warming up. 

"Hyung, can I keep it?" Jongin cheekily asked Junmyeon and snatched the paper bag away. "From next time, do give me these free condoms. I will make sure to utilize them unlike someone!" He stressed on the last part, snickering yet again.

"Okay, you two, get up and get out of my house. I have to head to airport now. I will miss my flight if I stand here and keep listening to your stupid conversation." Baekhyun shooed the males and took his baggage and other necessary things. 

"Hyung, don't you think it would be much better if you take the kids with you? I mean, we all know how much Noona loves them. She can never say no to her babies." Jongin asked for one last time while they walked out of the house. 

Baekhyun strictly shook his head. "No, Jongin. I don't want to manipulate her by using the kids. I want to set things alright between us, but I'm gonna do it on my own. I want to win her back with my love only."  He rendered. Both male nodded their heads in agreement with him.

After a short farewell, and some best wishes, Baekhyun finally left for his destination, Munhee. 






Munhee peered through the closed glass windows of the room she was currently staying at. There was nothing much but expanded whiteness of snow to look at, but it was still really eye-catching. It would be fun to play with the snow out there. She imagined playing there her babies, and a certain someone, but shoved that thought at the back of her mind.  

"Knock knock!" Mina's voice interrupted Munhee's thoughts. "Hot chocolate before dinner is here!" The girl cheered and entered the room with two steaming mugs of the sweet liquid.   

"Thanks." Munhee smiled and took the mug in her hands before taking a whiff of the rich smell from there.  

"Did you like today's visit?" Mina asked while sipping her steaming drink, referring to their visit to the nearest old-age home from earlier. 

Munhee nodded a few times. "I loved it! Thank you so much for bringing me here."  She was being honest. Her decision of coming here with Mina and her small group of people was absolutely helpful. Munhee used to be confused about her life goals throughout her educational life. Something about the regular time bound jobs or even businesses didn't appear to her as a suitable work for herself. But after she had moved back to her hometown and started visiting different old-age home or orphanages with Mina and her group, and specially after arriving here, she could feel her passion for helping people in need grow. Her mother, Baekhyun and some other people had told her a few times that she was too kind, somehow they saw her kindness as an obstacle for her. But now, she could tell that she was probably provided with too much kindness to be able to do what she was doing now, kind of like a social service. It was really satisfying for her, and she hoped to do much more to help needy people around her. She had finally found what she wanted to do in life, and it's really a big deal for her. 

"It's no biggy! The more the merrier for us. Kyungsoo is super happy for having an extra pair of helpful hands." Mina assured her, smiling like a lovestruck puppy just at the mention of her boyfriend's name. "Anyway, tomorrow we'll be going to a special place. We will get the opportunity to serve both children and older people at the same time!"

Munhee's eyes lit up hearing it. "Oh that would be so nice!" She exclaimed, excited for the visit. 

"Girls! Here you two are! Come, dinner is ready!" The owner of the house they're staying at, Kyungsoo's mother, called them from the door. 

"Coming, umm.. M-Mom!" Mina slightly blushed after calling the elder lady as 'Mom.' Apparently, Do Kyungsoo, the founder of their small unofficial organization for helping needy people, and Mina had been dating for more than two years now. And his family, more precisely his mother and grandparents lived here in Japan. So this winter, his mother had forced Kyungsoo to bring his girlfriend with him. And Kyungsoo thought it would be a great opportunity to bring his whole group along, and stay at their town-house rather than their city-house. Since this small town had more unattended needy people than the city, so it was a win-win for him. And his mother had liked Mina for him,  got too excited since she was the first girl to ever manage to get into his heart. So the elder lady had requested Mina to not call her 'Auntie' anymore. She wanted her son to get married soon, and it seemed like Kyungsoo and Mina also shared same idea. Their marriage was probably just a proposal away.

"You're so cute!" Kyungsoo's mother cooed at the blushing Mina and gestured them to h

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Thanks to all for this wonderful journey!
Please give this story a lotta love even tho it has ended! ♥️♥️♥️


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31 streak #1
It's still and will always be my favorite story ❤️
njhjcw_lovejinam #2
Chapter 1: I am here again to reread this beautiful story 🥰❤️
I’m back for round 3 I’ll never get over this feeling this fic gives😮‍💨
Chapter 78: im so saddd that this story has come to an end 😭😭😭😭 thankyou for this amazing and beautiful story thankyou and thankyou!!! both baekhyun and munhee growth so much they deserve so much happiness in their life after so much they have been through
Chapter 75: im not ready for the end.. 😭
Chapter 74: finally aaaaa
Chapter 68: new beginning for baekhyun and munhee!! im rooting for them!!
Chapter 67: CUTEE cant stop giggling
Chapter 64: yes baek go get munhee!!
Chapter 62: baek…. :///