XXI. Explosion

Distant Torment
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“What the hell, Baekhyun?” Haeun hissed, snatching her arm away from the man. She looked down at her arm to find her forearm’s skin to be slightly red. Looking at Baekhyun’s face, she forgot all about how she had been freaking out at the possibility of him being soulmate, and she felt her own anger rising. “What do you think you’re doing?!”

“Me? What about you?” he stressed, pointing his index finger at her. Eunji, Chanyeol, and Minho looked between the two of them, shock clearly written on their faces. She supposed that they didn’t really think he was going to blow up on her like that.

Haeun bit her lip forcefully trying to stop herself from cursing him out, and she guessed that Eunji noticed because she stopped forwards slightly. 

“Haeun, wait—” Eunji started, but Haeun cut her off by raising her hand up to indicate Eunji to stop talking. People were walking around them, and Haeun knew very well that if she caused a scene here, it would reflect badly on her client. She was pissed, but she wasn’t going to ruin her client’s life because she got into a public argument. 

Glaring at Baekhyun, she stepped slightly closer to him, enough that she could smell his cologne. It smelled vaguely familiar, and she had flashbacks of when Jeonghan went through a cologne phase. Sniffing discreetly, she realized it smelled like Armani Pour Homme, and she realized that Baekhyun was not just a jackass, he was a rich jackass.  “I have a job that I am responsible for. Just because you don’t give a about basic public etiquette, doesn’t mean others have to suffer for what you do,” she spoke to him in a low no-nonsense tone. Baekhyun’s eyes darkened even more, and he bit out a “fine” before grabbing a hold of her arm again. 

“Baekhyun!” Haeun yelled, trying to pull her arm back out of his grasp, but he was relentless and wouldn’t let her go. She turned back to look at Eunji and the other two, but they simply stared back helplessly. “Baekhyun, seriously, stop.” 

He dragged her into an empty room down the hall, and she spun around to look at him as he closed the door behind him. Haeun had never felt so angry before, and she wanted to resort to kicking him where the sun didn’t shine, but she also knew that she had to act in a better way than him. She had no reasons to drop down to his level and act the way he was acting. She was a lawyer, and if she resorted to violence, she’d be disrespecting the entire court system.

Closing her eyes, she fisted her hands, and she resisted simply punching him in the face. She counted backwards from 10, and when she was done, she found Baekhyun leaning against the door, his eyes boring into her. His left hand was playing with the zipper on his leather jacket. She couldn’t see his badge on him, so she guessed that he wasn’t on duty today.

“What?” she snapped.

“You done meditating?”

Haeun felt her right eye twitching. “Yes, I’m done. If I didn’t meditate, I would’ve already punched you in the face. I should sue you for harassment.” 

“Oh, that’s rich. Save the people who deserve punishment, and then dole it out to the innocent,” he scoffed.

“You just dragged me here! Without my permission! And to think,” she scoffed, turning her back to him and walking farther into the room, “I actually let you near Kai.” Baekhyun had dragged her into one of the rooms that were used for settlement purposes. There was a big desk in the middle of the room surrounded by rolling chairs, and there was a computer set up in one of the corners. Haeun’s eyes glanced at the clock really quickly; she only had 25 minutes before she had to return.

“For you information, he was the one who climbed on me first.”

“He wouldn’t have climbed on you if I hadn’t let you in my house,” Haeun hissed, turning back to look at him. “I can’t believe I thought we could get along.”

“I can’t believe you would push to let a guilty man go like that!” he retorted, flinging his arm out to the side, as if he were pointing to her client.

“I’m not letting him go!”

“What else are you doing? You’re trying to get the murder charges dropped!”

“Did you even hear my opening statement? He’s pleading guilty to the robbery! I’m not going to let him plead guilty to something he didn’t even do.”

“Haeun, there is evidence against him to show that he committed the murder.”

Haeun barked out a bitter laugh. “As if you’ve never heard of false imprisonments. Better finding out before the person goes to jail than twenty years later, Baekhyun.”

“Chanyeol and Minho made the arrest! They have the right guy.”

“I’m happy you have such trust in your friend, but they’re human. They can make mistakes. Besides, I have the evidence that shows that Kang Shiwoo didn’t murder Yoon Hyungmin. What the hell is your problem?” Baekhyun pushed himself off the door, and he walked closer to her. She instinctively knew that he wouldn’t hurt her, but she was still nervously backing up by taking small steps. 

“My problem is that people like you,” he growled, “ruin all the hard work that detectives and police do by freeing people. How many people have been freed because lawyers got them acquitted, only for them to turn out to be the criminal? How many people have gotten hurt because of that?” 

Hearing those words lit a fire within Haeun, and she placed her palms flat on Baekhyun’s chest and pushed once he got close enough. “How dare you,” she seethed. “How dare you say that to me. Do you know how many mistakes the police have made? Do you know how many innocents have died because they arrested the wrong person? Do you even understand the corruption that runs through your department? The law system isn’t much better, but at least we have a chance at fixing your goddamn mistakes.”

“You’re unbelievable. When people die, it’s out of our control. It’s not an easy job to find someone guilty.”

“It’s not an easy job to prove that either,” Haeun mimicked Baekhyun's tone. What was wrong with this man? “There’s a reason why my job exists, and there’s a reason why your job exists. I’m not out here questioning your job, even though there are several reasons to. I don’t get why you’re constantly coming after my job.”

Baekhyun scoffed and started pacing around the room, although there wasn’t much room for him to do so. Glancing at the clock again, she had 15 minutes till she had to go back. She had to calm herself down otherwise she wasn’t going to be able to give her best in court. She could feel her face heating up as the minutes passed, and her heart was thundering in her chest. 

“You know,” he spoke up after a minute of silence, “because of someone like you, a murderer was let loose. Because of someone like you, he went on to murder three more people before they finally found new evidence they could submit for his arrest warrant.” Haeun wanted to scream, but she couldn’t let herself go. 

Taking a deep breath, she spoke, “Well, guess what? Because of someone like you, a man was released after 37 years in America. Because of someone like you, a man is about to go to jail for 20 extra years than he deserves to, and I have to go protect him.”

Baekhyun opened his mouth to respond when there was a tentative knock on the door. “Guys?” She recognized the voice to be Chanyeol’s. “We could hear you screaming at each other down the hall, and you both need to get out.”

Baekhyun was still glaring at her as he responded. “We’ll be out in a second, Chanyeol.” 

“I have a lighter, and I’m not afraid to use it,” he threatened from outside the door. Haeun rolled her eyes as she moved to the door. 

“Speak for yourself. I have a job to get back to. And one day, if Chanyeol keeps up with his pyromania, I’ll have to do my job to protect him. So, how about you go do yours.” She pulled open the door to find herself staring back at Eunji, Chanyeol, and Minho. She would have felt bad for Minho for dealing with Baekhyun and her screaming, but she honestly couldn’t care less. 

“Actually,” she started, turning back to look at Baekhyun before looking back at the other two detectives, “how about you three just leave? It’s not like you’ll be needed for the rest of the trial. You’re only going to make matters worse by freaking out when the jury announce their decision if he’s guilty on the murder charges or not. Oh, and Baekhyun?” she asked, sparing him a glance. “Get a life.”


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192 streak #1
Chapter 48: Loved it again!👍
192 streak #2
Chapter 41: 💜
192 streak #3
Chapter 37: 🥰
192 streak #4
Chapter 31: 👍
192 streak #5
Chapter 29: 🌹
965 streak #6
Chapter 57: Chapter 57: I reread this chapter.
I love how Haeun thought about Kai and having a kid with a pet. I would say that it is quite typical for a person with a pet. When I had to put our cat to sleep because of his cancer last year, I felt that I couldn't have another cat again. I still haven't taken another cat yet.
Thank you so much for this bonus. I wouldn't mind more bonus chapters with time skips. Hehehe!
Alisa290 #7
Chapter 57: Wow I just read this whole story and its amazing!! Love the bonus chapters as well 🥰
The plot is so interesting and different and even the way you presented the soulmate bond is really different compared to other soulmate stories I've read. It made for an awesome read and I will definitely be coming back to read it again sometime 💕💕💕
Chapter 57: ^^
Chapter 57: Ahh very sweet hihi thank you for the bonus chapters authornim!
Chapter 56: Haha yes I thought it’d first date with baek but ah now it explained the beginning hihi