Not Yet

How I Met Your Mother
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There a micro M scene here



“Hahahahaha Daddy it tickles. Stop it. Hahahahahaha” Yujin squirmed and laughed.

The child’s laughter echoed through the whole house. 

Eunbi just shakes her head while trying to make Nako asleep. The girl had been latching to her like a baby koala.




Yujin’s tummy still got tickled by Sakura. Apparently it’s a punishment for losing the game. It’s another game night for the two boys.

“Daddy..When Yuding starts school, will you send me and then pick me up at school?” Yujin asked. Out of sudden.


This kid seriously got so many random questions.


Sakura smiles. Stopping his tickles attack answering his question.

“Yes of course. Unless you want to ride your bicycle to school”

Yujin’s eyes shines “Can Yuding ride bike to school?” he swings on his feet.

“NO!” both his parents said.

Yujin pouted. “Fine!”


His parents had been against him riding bike to school and he doesn’t know why. He can defend himself though.

He got his sword and cloak. He can take over the world.






Sakura have to go outstation for seminar at London. And Eunbi seriously don’t like this. Pouting every single moment and making cute action. Trying to make Sakura stay.

Demm Sakura sure melt at cute Eun-chan. So he kissed her. A lot.

Sakura video called his wife. A daily routine whenever he’s outstation.


“Can you... can you let the kids play in the background?”

“Why?” Eunbi curious.

“I need to ask you something”

Eunbi steps further away from the living room.

“Ask now. Hall is clear” she said. Lingering around the hallway.


“Do you miss me?” Sakura asked. Starting off slow.

“You think? Hahaha” Eunbi laughs. Then wiped her few tears. Sakura watches as he cupped his chin on his palms.

“You are extremely emotional lately”

“I do?” Eunbi pretended oblivious.

“Yes you do. Don’t you think it’s a sign?”

“What sign? Sign of the times?” there, Eunbi put up her defense. Cackling out jokes. She clearly wants to avoid the topic. It’s okay then.

“Wait for a while” Sakura told her.



Eunbi’s eyes wide open. She gasped “Where are you going? It’s only few minutes. Baby don’t hang up on me” Eunbi called out as Sakura vanished from the screen.


“Baby!!” she called out again.

“I’m here!!” Sakura faint voice heard. And he entered the screen with eyes squinted.



Sakura fixed his phone and dragged his luggage.

Taking out a red bra that’s laced black.

Complete with a matching .



“Miyawaki Sakura!! Are you cheating on me?” Eunbi asked upon seeing the knickers.

“I strongly believe these belongs to you” Sakura smirk. Putting the bra on his head.

“Eh?? It’s surely is not!!” Eunbi fumed.

“Sure? Because I remember biting onto this when i took them off last few weeks.

“I...urm...must have accidentally put them there” Eunbi fidgets.

“AcCiDeNtAlLy on purpose” Sakura emphasised. Hint of pink rose up to Eunbi’s cheeks.


“What’s the occasion?”

“Urm.. I told you it’s accidental” Eunbi defended.

“Sure sure.. your favourite underwears missing but you’re not even aware?” Sakura smirked.

“Fine! I put it in your luggage so you’ll remember your y irresistible cute wife at home”

“Oh Eun.. no one would ever come close to you” Sakura reaffirms.

“Not even Wang Yiren?” Eunbi asked.


Sakura went speechless. “Well.. that.. let’s put her aside shall we?”

“Eee you just said no one can ever come close to me. It’s true, all men are crocodile”

“Holup Mrs Miyawaki! All men are crocodile except me and Yujin. And your dad and my dad and my brother. Assuming he’s a good kid”

“Hmphhh!!” Eunbi crossed her arms.

Sakura chuckles.

“You're cute”

“I won’t buy” Eunbi huffed. Turning away from the screen.

“I don’t sell”

Eunbi remain shifting her eyes away from the screen.

“It’s this possesive Eunchan that makes me want to come home running right this time”

“Then do it!” Eunbi quickly turned back to the screen.



Sakura was about to argue when Nako’s tip of her bobbing fairy headband comes into the frame.

“Mummy!! Ding bit Pingu!” she whined.

Yujin comes running. His face can be seen on the screen. “No Mummy. Pingu bit Yuding!”

And all comes next was the two kids bickering.

They have arrived to the world of bickering now. Guess the fond era is over.


“But Ding eat Cho food!” Nacho whined again. Sakura could only see the fairy bobbing at the bottom of the screen.

“Nacho eat Yuding’s cookies! And cereals!”

“Kidssss!!!” Sakura called out. Few times.

“Daddy!! Look at Nacho!! Nacho bit my finger!” it’s Yujin’s turn to whine.

“Cho no!” Nako struggles to see her Daddy.

“Cho no see Daddy!” she wailed. Eunbi picked her up and put Nako on her lap.

“Daddy!!” Nako waved her hands. Giving a toothy smile.


Sounds of chair being dragged on tiles echoes. And Yujin’s crooked smile came in next. His broken tooth seems to be growing a bit after months now. But it could be the camera trick. 

“Daddy!! When is Daddy coming home?” 

“Whenever you want to buddy” he smiles.

“Right now!” 

“Maybe next week”

The little boy pouted. Seeing her brother pouting, Nako joins in.

Eunbi? She’s already choking on her tears.


Sakura is convinced now. Yeap, he knows he got to work harder now. Someone is coming.

All he needed to do is making Eunbi take the test. But how? Eunbi doesn’t invest in it.

Sakura ended the phone call half an hour later. 






‘ Team7’ groupchat



🌸 - Sakura

🦊 - Naruto

👁 - Sasuke




🌸 - Ayye everyone! Skype now!

🦊 - What’s the urgency?

👁 - Wait a sec. Imma climb trees searching for coverage.

🌸 - WTF Sasuke Where tf are you now?!

👁 - Home

🦊 - Don’t lie bro. If you’re home why the need to climb trees?

👁 - For better coverage...

🦊 - I...You know what, be where you want to be. Skura need us.

👁 - Skkkkkuuuuurrrrrrrrrr...rrraaa!! What’s the urgency?

🌸 - I need some consultancy and.. advices.

👁 - Ah sure, you come to the right place. Right people.

🦊 - Skype bruh!

🌸 - Alright!

👁 - Hang on there!

🌸🦊 - What??

👁 - I’m talking to these tree branches. Okay line clear. Skype!


Sakura waits until Naruto and Sasuke pick up the video call.

“Yoo bro! Long time no see. Almost a day now huh?” Naruto said.

“A day?? I thought it’s a month?!” Sasuke interrupt.

“You should get out of the jungle and live normally bro. Stop with your mystery ninja mission whatever. Just go home” Naruto shakes his head.

Sasuke had been going to lots of ninja missions that both Sakura and Naruto don’t know what for. But it’s his job anyway.

(Naruto stans might get this. Non Naruto stans? STAN Naruto now!)


Back to Skype...


“Shut up! Ayye Skurrrr...raaaaa! What’s wrong bro?” Sasuke asked.

“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just curious”

“I’m curious about you!” Sasuke chimed cutely. (WOW)


Sakura and Naruto rolled their eyes.

“What are you curious about? About me?” Naruto smirked.

Sakura rolled his eyes again “Shut up.. I think... I think.. Eunbi is pregnant”

“Holy Konoha! We’re gonna get another pup!!” Sasuke got overly excited he almost fell of the tree.

“Not WE. It’s ME” Sakura corrected him.

Naruto chuckles seeing how Sasuke screen went shaking being overly excited “Okay so what’s the problem with Eunbi being pregnant?” 


Sakura sighs. “I don’t think Eunbi is in for new child. She had been thinking a lot and concluded she just want two. No more addition. But Yujin seems to be over the ‘No-Baby’ syndrome. It’s just.. Eunbi don’t want to do a test. She don’t really want it I think”

Naruto leaned his back on a chair “This is complicated. You should talk it out with her. We can’t really help”

Sasuke puckered his lips and nodded. “Yeah, it’s true. But I think you called us to help you giving ideas on how to make Eunbi do the test. I guess?”


The trio talked for almost an hour when the Hokage got his weekly meeting coming up.








Both kids shouted when they saw Sakura on Eunbi’s computer screen. 

“When will Daddy come home?” Yujin asked. Not looking at the screen as his eyes on his Gundam.


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Wait till you hear me speak - Miyawaki Wonyoung


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226 streak #1
Chapter 75: The ghost omg 🤣
1761 streak #2
Chapter 75: omg the muffin!!! XD
akrr1997 #3
Chapter 75: Something wouldn’t be right without the trouble makers and ghosts! I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for updating :)
226 streak #4
Chapter 74: Good job ddaeng daeng 🤣
1761 streak #5
Chapter 74: oh man, they got you again Kid!
Chapter 74: Stay strong kid-sshi.. hwaiting..
akrr1997 #7
Chapter 74: Oh no, they got Kid again! How’s Kid holding up? Thank you for updating :)
akrr1997 #8
Chapter 73: Cute! Haha ikea? You want Kid to suffer from the instructions XD
1761 streak #9
Chapter 73: haha oh ding
Chapter 73: Hahaha this is so cute!