she will be loved


Wendy Son. How do I even start with Wendy Son?


She’s the person I hate the most. Why? First, her goddamn smile. The smile that makes her shine among the others, and that leads us to the second reason. The number of people who likes her. I mean, it’s a good thing there are a lot of customers because of her, but the thing is, they are so desperate to get her number that it causes us troubles. There is even one time that someone proposed to her even they just met and when she said no, the man broke all the tables here and threatened her. Of course, I casted a spell to him so that he can shut the up. Third, she gave me a ing chicken burger. If I ate that I could’ve gotten a bad stomachache! And Lastly, I don’t like the way she speaks my name. It’s like….. Loving? I don’t know, It’s weird. I just don’t like her.


And now, is the final straw.


I bought my friend, Joy to McDonald’s because she told me she needed a job. And because I am the greatest woman of the generation, I will tell our manager to hire her in exchange for a purple bed sheet.


Making her meet Wendy Son was the last one in my list.


You see, Wendy Son is a big flirt. She sometimes winks at me and tells greasy stuff.


“Irene-ssi may I ask a question?” Wendy asked as she sat beside Irene who is in the lounge are of the employees.


Irene rolled her eyes, “What is it?”


“I am sorry but, Is your father a thief?”


“WHAT?!” Irene was fuming. Is this mere human insulting her father? The greatest wizard of all?!


Opposite to Irene, Wendy is smiling, “Sorry, it just seems like someone stole the stars in the sky and put them in your eyes.


Irene's mouth twitched, pretty sure she’s fighting a smile.


Wendy Son ran away, escaping from the older girl's wrath.


“How dare she ran away with my heart.” Irene huffed as she put her hands to her wildly beating heart.


“What are you doing here?” I said as I stand in front of Joy. She laughed at me, “Did you forget that I work here Bae?” I rolled my eyes, “Yeah I kinda forgot since all you do here is flirt. And stop calling me Bae.” I said as I lightly shoved her with my shoulder. I must protect my friends from people like her. “Why not? Does it make your heart flutter?” She smirked, I wished I could remove that smirk by punching the daylight out of her.


“No. It just make me want to punch you.” I said as I smiled sarcastically at her. She faked being hurt and clutched her heart, “Ouch. It hurts right here.”


What a dork.


 Sooyoung laughed, making Seungwan notice her, “Wow, who is this beautiful lady right here?” She asked as she get closer to Sooyoung, “My name is Sooyoung, but you can also call me Joy.” Seungwan offered her hand and Sooyoung accepted it, “A beautiful name for a beautiful lady. My name is Wendy, but you can call me anytime” she winked and laughed.


Few minutes have passed, they are both flirting right in front of me. They kept on saying greasy things that makes me want to puke. Maybe I should’ve put a spell on them so they can shut the hell up.


“So you are going to work here soon? Cool! I can’t wait to get closer to you.” Wendy Son said as she looked at Sooyoung right into her eyes. What if Sooyoung will fall for Wendy? It’s not like I’m jealous, It’s just what if Wendy won’t take my best friend seriously and will just break her heart? That’s it. I had enough.


“Get lost creep, she isn’t going to work in this branch. Don’t even try to bother us anymore.” I said as I glared hard on her. Wendy gasped, obviously offended about what I have said, “You bet I will.” She bid her goodbye to Sooyoung and walked out.


I watched her back, contemplating whether if I should say sorry.


I felt an eye stared at me so I looked back, “What? To harsh?” I asked. She nodded, “Don’t worry. Wendy Son doesn’t get mad for too long, she will just go back to annoy me again.” I confidently said.


Well, I was wrong. Wendy Son has been ignoring me for exactly two weeks. Two weeks since she looked at me in the eye. Two weeks since she have talked to me.


In my defense, I thought that wasn’t too harsh. I spat harsher words than before.


“Wendy, do you want to join us? We’ll drink.” I asked trying to talk to her.


She looked at me, “Are you going to come?”




“ Then I'd rather stay at my home Irene-ssi” she said not even looking at me in the eye.


I couldn’t deny the fact that I felt a hard pinch on my heart after Wendy addressed me as Irene-ssi.


And out of pride, I avoided her too.


“I’ll just wait for you here Irene unnie while you do your job.” Sooyoung smiled. I nodded in agreement and went back to work. Suddenly, a living chicken just flew that made me almost had a heart attack. I think I just lost 10 years from my life.


I heard cackling. Someone is really testing my patience. Then I saw her, Wendy Son. So she was the one cackling earlier. Wendy Son laughed again, yelling her apologies to me. I turned red because of rage. I threw the nearest thing next to me to her. It was a cup of a soda with a little bit left of it. Clearly her apologies weren’t accepted.


Her laughing stopped, eyes glaring at me. She walked towards me. Of course I didn’t back down. I also walked towards her, yelling strings of profanities like her, not caring about our co-workers staring at us at the kitchen.


“What the hell is wrong with you?!” Wendy shouted. I have never seen her mad like this. Wendy is a type of person who doesn’t get mad easily. “You threw that ing chicken at me!” I shouted back.


She looked at me as if I grew another head. She was about to say something but she exhaled to calm herself.

Well, I guess that didn’t work.


“What the hell? Do you really think I purposely threw that damn chicken to you?! I’m sorry to break it up to you but I’m not evil like you!” She huffed. There was a hint of regret in her eyes. To be honest, that hurts.


“Wow! Coming from a sensitive like you. You ignored me for days because I just told you not to bother us with your flirtatious -“ She gasped, “Excuse me? Me flirting at you? I don’t even like you!” Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes, but I stopped them. My heart says I should say sorry because it’s my fault anyways. But my brain filled with rage took over “Well guess what? I don’t like you too!” I said as I ran away.


I’ve reached home angry and dejected. After a few hours of crying, sadness became anger. How dare she not know what I feel about her and just casually say that she doesn’t like me. I grab a few drinks. I opened my Photos and browsed for Wendy’s photos (It’s not like I am a stalker or something! I just accidentally pressed the save button) Feeling drunk, I absent mindedly cursed her.




The first rays of sunlight lit up my room. The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in. I immediately woke up and prepared for work. I don’t think I’m ready to see Wendy Son right now. We just had our heated argument yesterday and now I have to see her. The ride from home to work wasn’t stressful at all. I entered McDonald’s and there she was.


I stopped looking at her and was about to go to the kitchen when someone grabbed my wrist. “Can we talk?” I nodded in agreement and she led us to the back door.


My skin tingled where Wendy touched me and my heart beat erratically in my chest so hard that I thought it might fly out. There were butterflies – no, lions – in my chest, but it felt good. I finally admitted to myself what I knew all along, but was too afraid to admit it: I liked Wendy Son. A lot. And I wanted to be with her.


The question is does she feel the same way?


She released her grip from my wrists and hugged me, catching me off guard, “I am sorry for what happened yesterday, I was just… just upset that I spat words I didn’t mean. I’m really sorry Irene.” She looked at me with those eyes. God, I can’t even stay mad at her. I hugged her back, “ I’m sorry too. I know I’m sometimes mean to you-“ She raised her eyebrows that made me chuckle, “-Fine… Always mean to you.”


“So… Friends?” Wendy looked at me, eyes full of anticipation. “Yes of course.” She took her hand out and I shook it, Those hands were beautiful, precise, elegant. That night I can’t even sleep, caressing the hand that was shook by Wendy like a mad woman. I closed my eyes and remembered about the curse.




I opened my eyes and immediately sat up, “ no… . What should I do? Should I just tell her I cursed her? What if I steal a kiss from her? No this couldn’t be happening.” My parade of thoughts came to a halt when my phone rang, “ it’s Wendy. Should I answer it or-“ Her finger, who she thinks has a brain on its own, pressed accept.


“W-wendy! Hi!” I stuttered.


All the reasons not to do this come flooding in, as if my body chemistry just sent them a blanket invitation. I feel the soft panic that can grow or fade depending on what I do next. It will fade if I don’t tell her now, but then I have to do this all again another time. It will grow if I let these thoughts swirl into a vortex of stupidity, eating their own tail. Or I can breathe real slow, let the thoughts leak into the ether and be the real boss of me, “Irene, are you okay?” I slowly breathe, calming myself in the process.


“Yes I’m fine. So why did you call me?” I can hear her breathe, mumbling something like, “I can do this” to herself. “So I was wondering If I, I mean we, can go eat breakfast together?”


I daren’t move, I daren’t even breathe, I’m frozen to the spot. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest…dug dug dug dug. Deep heavy breathes sound nearby. The hairs on my arms stand to attention, as a militia of chills march down my spine. Is there something there or is it just my imagination? “Of course. I would love to.”


We’ve talked for hours when I suddenly yawned. Wendy, being the sweetheart that she is, told me, “Alright Let’s sleep Irene. I know you’re sleepy.” She said with her oh-so-caring voice that made my heart flutter.


“Goodnight Irene. Sleep well.” I closed my eyes and said, “You too.” Before I can press the end button, she said something “Wait Irene, I have something to tell you.” I didn’t say anything signaling her to go on, “I’ll pick you up at 6. Wait, there’s more.” silence “Dream of me.” She said as she ended the call. I stared at the ceiling in disbelief. For the nth time, I smiled.


“Wendy Son, the things you do to me and my heart.” I said as I closed my eyes, eventually dreaming about her.


It’s been two months.


Two months since they became closer.

Two months of them walking together hand in hand.

Two months of unplanned “friendly dates”

Two months of looking (Irene’s dictionary: staring) at the younger and the younger looking at her back.

Two months of their co-workers saying they look a little too long to be just friends.

And two months since her ing cough.


I don’t understand. What powerful object in this world more than magic can make me sick? For Pete’s sake, I even visited a doctor. A freaking witch who knows magic visited a damn doctor for a cure. I even drink those disgusting medicines.


“Hey, you good?” Wendy said as she placed her hand on my forehead, trying to check if I’m having a fever or not. “ I feel like .” I heard her mutter a curse, “This won’t do. Let’s go to your home now.” She didn’t gave me a chance to talk when she grabbed me and led me to her car. The ride was filled with comfortable silence. Along with Wendy’s driving and the silence, I fell asleep.


Slowly and reluctantly, I uncover my face. I blink, close my eyes, and blink again. Wendy is sitting on the side of the bed, smiling at me and I smiled back. So is this another dream of mine?


Wait what?!


I almost fell down on my bed out of shock. What the hell? When did we enter my apartment? And for goodness sake, did she see our framed pictures?! (It’s not what you think it is! I just framed it because I ACCIDENTALLY bought frames and thought it was cute!)


Waves of heat coursed through my blood, a cold sweat glistened in my features. Wendy upon seeing this, dabbed my face gently with a clean towel.


“I’m gonna show you a trick so that you’ll be okay faster.” I nodded, to weak to say anything, “My mom kisses me whenever I’m sick or hurt.” She awkwardly scratched her nape, “I-I’ll just kiss you T-too” I got up and playfully punched her, I was about to tell her is she crazy or something when I remembered something,




I’m tired of being sick… and maybe I want to kiss Wendy too.


“Okay. You can try it.” I challenged her. To be honest, I am nervous as hell. But there’s no backing down now. I’ll get rid of this sickness and *ehem* Kiss Wendy too.


I was completely unprepared. You would think that after all the hours I’d spent with Wendy – watching her talk, laugh and frown – that I would know all there was to know about her lips. But I hadn’t imagined how warm they would feel pressed up against my own. I pulled away after I felt that I can’t breathe anymore.


She looked at me straight into the eyes. And that’s it. I wanted to be stuck with Wendy all of my life.


Heat rose from both of our cheeks. We both smiled at each other. The feeling of sickness was nowhere felt in my body. I fell in love with someone, who never gets tired of saving me from my own chaos. I fell in love with Wendy Son because of the million things she knew she was doing.


Then realization hit me.


If I cursed Wendy’s most loved thing or person into being sick, does that mean…?


“Irene Bae, I love you.”

“Wendy Son, I love you too.”


“Son Wendy come here in an instant right now!” My wife for 5 years shouted that made me spit my coffee. Without wasting any time I ran to her location. The first thing I saw was my beautiful wife, turning red because of anger and my adorable 3 year old wearing a bunny onesie.


“Oh. My. God! My baby! You look so cute.” I tried to approach my daughter but my wife stopped me from getting closer, “First of all, You’re greasiness isn’t gonna work this time. You think you’re gonna be saved because you called me cute?!” Irene huffed. Adorable- yet so scary. “Aww. It’s funny to think you think I’m talking about you.” I got Yeri from her and baby talked her. Of course I wouldn’t neglect my wife, “And. You. Are. So Gorgeous. As. Ever.” I pronounced every word with a kiss on her cheek.


My wife smiled but suddenly frowned. She started hitting me playfully, “What did I tell you earlier?” I gulped. Yep, another episode of Trying to Escape from Irene Bae. “To relax…?” I hesitantly answered.


“Idiot! I told you to clean Yerim's mess then after that you can relax!” She smirked. “Now, for your punishment. You have to listen to my story.


This is going to be a long, long night.


“I want you to just listen and never talk. Understand?” I nodded as I put my child on my lap.


“Remember when I told you I am a witch? Yeah, I cursed you.” I choked on my water. How can she say that so casually? “You are the person I hated the most. Especially when you are flirting…” Yeah. I can agree to that. I’m a big flirt. “…You’re flirtatious lead us to fight and spat words we didn’t really mean. “Well I didn’t really curse you directly, I cursed your most loved person or thing-“ I pressed my finger to .


“Let me guess. Turns out you’re the one who got sick?” She nodded, cheeks filled with red hue. “You being naïve is really adorable, Love.” I pulled her closer to me, side hugging her, “All the times I annoyed you just to get you talk to me. All the food that I gave you. All the women I flirted to make you jealous. All the fights we’ve been through.” I felt tears as I kissed her on her cheek.


“… Yet no problem made me stop from loving you.”


“I love you Irene Bae, and that’s the beginning and end of everything.”


If you told Irene that she’ll fall for Wendy from 8 years ago then you’ll either hear her laugh or curse at you then will continue on her day.


They didn’t find love. Love found them. It’s got a little bit to do with destiny, fate, and what’s written in the stars.


It’s just that Wendy Son suddenly came into her life, offered her the entire galaxy when she was expecting a single planet.


Irene stared at Wendy, playing with her daughter. Irene mumbled, “May the way I look at you, the way I speak to you, and the way I treated you reflected the truth that I have loved you since forever…” 




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Chapter 1: FLUFF WE RISE
Chapter 1: 💙💙💙
hangryeats #3
Chapter 1: i knew this would be great when it starts with she is a witch that works at mc donalds
Chapter 1: Omg thank you so much i literally die at ZIMZALABIM ZIM ZIMZALABIM ZIM ZIMZALABIM ZIM ZIM cursing Wendy LMAO
1731 streak #5
Chapter 1: sksksk this is cute
Chapter 1: I AM CRYING
Chapter 1: oh that was so gorgeous, i love it xD <3
1696 streak #8
Chapter 1: You are whipped for her, Bae