Mess 08

What A Life
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More than often, we know it's bad to consume too much alcohol and overestimate our alcohol tolerance and we know the consequences we have to face the next morning but we still do it anyway. That's the thing about humans, which is something we can't explain. Okay, I am not trying to be philosophical early in the morning, especially not when my head is pounding like mad, but I just want to say I am regretting my actions from last night. It was terrible idea to drink for almost every round of Never Have I Ever game, alcohol causes me to lose rationality and I honestly have no idea what are other embarrassing behaviour I have displayed beside getting caught for having with my ex-fling by my fiance and puking all over Oh Sehun because I out afterwards. And I have no clue how I got home last night but thankfully, I didn't wake up next to a stranger. Then again, there is no way that would happen anyway. Neither Baekhyun nor Jongin will let a stranger take me away, not under their watch.

It's already 12noon when I wake up and I look like a complete havoc when I walked past the mirror. My makeup is smudged and there are traces of dried lipstick patches on my lips. There are bruises on my kneecaps and- ! Is that a hickey on my neck? I almost scream as I take a stride towards my mirror to take a better look of that reddish-purple mark on my skin. It's a freaking hickey! Immediately, I rush to my bag to grab my concealer. I need to cover this hickey up in case my parents see it and bomb me with endless questions. They wouldn't be pleased to know that some other guy beside my fiance did that to me.

"Mum, my head hurts..."

I shouldn't have drank so much on an impulse last night. The hangover is real. I think I should take a pill to relieve the headache before going back to sleep. 

"Someone has finally decided to wake up from her beauty sleep."

My lethargy vanishes and I halt my steps upon hearing that familiar teasing voice. When my eyes shoot open, four pairs of eyes - my mother, Jongin, Oh Sehun, and Mrs Oh - were already on me and I got conscious of my dressing suddenly. Crap, I am wearing an oversized tee without any bra underneath and that's definitely not a mother-in-law-approved outfit, but my future mother-in-law didn't take any offence in my inappropriate outfit.

My mother rushes towards me and smacks my shoulder, "Yah! What are you wearing?" She chides.

"I didn't know we have guests." To be fair, I wasn't informed in advance of their arrival. If I knew there would be guests around, never would I present myself in such sloppy manner, not in front of that Oh Sehun. Speaking of him, I found his icy glare scanning me from head to toe again and I got reminded of the shameful incident from last night. How am I going to face him from now onwards? 

Mrs Oh glides and walks towards my mother and me graciously and elegantly. For someone as sophisticated as Mrs Oh, I am surprised that she hasn't showed signs of disapproval at how messy I am and she is still perfectly fine with me marrying to Sehun. Maybe she is just that desperate to get Sehun to tie the knot because she knows no one can handle that self-centered, aloof, and snobbish personality of his.

"It's okay, Sooyoung," Mrs Oh held my hands, "I like seeing Areum like this. Carefree and not pretentious, she is just so adorable! Come, you must be hungry!" And she drags me to the dining table, making me sit directly opposite of Sehun. 

"Are you feeling okay? You drank a lot last night."

Feels like I just gain myself another mother from the way Mrs Oh shows her concern to me and that's probably the best thing out of that stupid arranged marriage. Mrs Oh is caring and gentle, I pity her for having a son who behaves like an ill-brat. She must have a hard time bringing a robot up.

"Of course she is, she had a great time last night," A wicked grin formed on Jongin's face.

I kick Jongin's leg with mine and scowl at him for opening his mouth unnecessarily. It is because of him, catastrophe happened. He was the one who told Sehun to look for Baekhyun in the washroom. Jongin had done it on purpose, he knew Baekhyun and I went missing to have our secret rendezvous and he wanted Sehun to find out about our relationship. How can he just betray me just like that? I am his best friend, for goodness' sake! It's not even funny anymore. I wonder what Sehun thinks of me now. Last night is a nightmare that I want to erase from my memory.

"Glad you had fun, Areum! Young people should go out, have fun, and socialise while they are still young! Look at Sehun, he doesn't even hang out with his friends during his free time. He is such a boring person."

While Mrs Oh supports my social life, my mother begs to differ. 

"Yuna, don't spoil the kid! She only knows how to play! Sehun is different, he is mature and sensible."

I would roll my eyes all the way to Mars if I could but I decided not to be impolite in front of Mrs Oh. Afterall, Sehun is her son. My mum needs to understand that Sehun and I are at different stages of life. He is 30 while I am only 23, I am still at the age to play but Sehun is at the age where he should settle down and start a family, how can she compare me to that old man? Plus, Sehun is mature? That's the biggest joke ever because he is so freaking childish and petty when he wouldn't stop terrorising me for calling him an . 

"Sehun doesn't know how to have fun. He has been missing out in life. Plus, he is too rigid and he is always so distant from people."

See what I meant last night. Sehun lacks EQ and he doesn't understand human relationships, that's a serious problem, and even his mother notices it. Glad that we are all on the same page, because that means Sehun really needs to work on character development. 

"But with Areum around, I can rest my mind," She turns me and grasps onto my hands, "Areum, you are pretty, kind, optimistic, and cheerful and I am sure you can help to change Sehun for the better. Sehun needs someone like you to balance his life out and spice up his life. He is always too solemn, like a 50 years-old old man. But you are different! Opposites attract and I know for sure, you and Sehun are the perfect match."

I can't comprehend Mrs Oh's logic actually. Mrs Oh barely knows me and what makes her so sure that Sehun and I are compatible? She is so certain that I am the perfect girl for Sehun, while Sehun and I can write a long thesis paper explaining why we are not a perfect match at all. Heck, we can't even hold a civilised conversation with each other and we despise each other so much! Basically like oil and water, we can't mix well. Does that make us suitable bed partners? I take a quick glance at Sehun but he is eating his food nonchalantly, as if we haven't been talking about him in front of him for the past 30 minutes. After hearing Mrs Oh's heartfelt words, how can I bear to break her heart by cancelling the engagement with Sehun? She has so much hopes in me, hoping that I will be a positive influence in Sehun's life and help him to change for the better. I would be the biggest if I were to tell her that I can't be together with Sehun because he is a rock.

"And you know what, Areum! Sehun's father and I bought a bungalow for you guys! Your parents, Sehun's father and I think that you two should love in together and know each other better before you guys get married. Isn't that exciting?" 

"What?" I exclaim, turning to mother to verify the truth and she mirrors the exact same excitement as Mrs Oh. I shoot Jongin another death glare when I heard him chuckling, trying hard to hold back his laughter.

Nope, this is not exciting at all. The adults want me to live together with Sehun? To understand each other better? Is that a joke or what? And I can't believe my parents think that's a good idea too! Come on, I just came back home and I haven't spent much time with my folks and now they want to move out? To live with that jerk? Let's just pray that none of us is going to set the house on fire or end up in the police station because I can't assure that I can control my temper if Sehun gets on my nerves. 


"Babe, will you stop ignoring me?"

I am pissed. I am feeling frustrated. Anger stirs within me, thrumming through my veins, ready to flare up and explode anytime like a ticking bomb. I feel betrayed by everyone - my parents, Jongin, I feel like a clown getting mocked and played around. Venting my frustration on my clothes by throwing them into my luggage disorderly did not help in cooling down the anger ripping through me. Plus the massive pounding in my head is not making the situation any better.

Jongin approaches me and grips on my shoulder, forcing me to look at him, "Stop being angry, will you?"

"You try being in my position. Why did you ask Sehun to go to the washroom, knowing that Baekhyun and I were inside? Was that the plan you said previously? It's not even funny, Jongin. It's plain dumb!"

I am mad at Jongin but it's not my personality to stay mad at my best friend for long. Compared to the stupid move that Jongin pulled, I am more pissed with my parents for dictating my life and deciding my future spouse for me.

Jongin pulls me into his embrace, "I am sorry, sweetheart. It's not worth the drama when I found out that you passed out in the washroom. I was being a jerk for making you a total embarrassment in front of Sehun. But I swear, I have nothing to do with this all moving in . I didn't expect Sehun's parents and your parents to urge the two of you to stay together. Either you are too likable to be let go or Sehun is too unlikable for any girl to handle him, except for you."

I chortle, "Sounds more like the latter. Sehun's mother seems to like me a lot," I bury my nose in Jongin's sweater and somehow, the smell of his fresh laundry calms me down a little. I snuggle closer to my best friend, resting my throbbing head on his solid chest, "Jongin, do you think Sehun and I are a perfect match?"

"You are angry with aunty and uncle too? For deciding what they think is best for you without considering your feelings and opinions?"

I nod, feeling tears of frustration welling up in my eyes. Jongin combs my hair to the side and tucks my hair behind my ear, then he wipes my tears with his thumb - an action so gentle that would make any girl fall for the guy who provides comfort for her like nobody else can but for Jongin and me, it's purely friendship and kinship, there is no romance between the two of us at all.

"It hurts my heart to see you cry, babe. Your parents love you a lot and I am sure they believe that Sehun will take care of you, which is why they entrust you to Sehun. Aunty and uncle will not set you up with a douche. They must have seen the good in Sehun. So don't ever doubt their love for you. They just want the best for you, albeit using the wrong method," Jongin my hair, like how he would pacify a baby.

"Sehun is not even the best for me," I whine. There is nothing good about that jerk.

"You haven't even tried, sweetheart. Have you given Sehun a chance? Have you given this arranged marriage a chance? Most importantly, have you guys given each other a chance to make things work? You haven't, babe. Sehun is a tough nut to crack, but you are not, yet you stoop to his level to piss him off constantly. I am not saying you are in the wrong because Sehun indeed has a problem with his character, but you have been picking fights with Sehun all the time. Your prejudice against him has clouded your brain and rationality. Of course you would hate getting engaged to him."

Jongin talks crap all the time but when he is not in his usual playful state, Jongin actually gives great advice. This is why I say I can't live without Jongin, he is my anchor, my constant, keeping me afloat and alive. Without Jongin, my life would probably be a disaster, a mess worse than what I am experiencing now.

"If you want to hear my honest opinion, I don't think it's a bad idea to be in an arranged marriage with Sehun. Do you remember what happened after you puked and you lost consciousness?"

I shake my head. How could I possibly remember anything? I was drunk and I fainted. An

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1108 streak #2
Congrats on the feature!
Chapter 42: Congrats on the feature! One of my favorite stories to reread!
Congrats on the feature 🎉
wowiethree #5
nouseridkarina #6
congrats on your feature!! ♡
courexe #7
2074 streak #8
Congrats on the feature!
serenityserein #9
1108 streak #10
Congrats on the feature!