Love is in the New Tutor: Part 1 (SsamJin)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

In the halls of Seoul National University, all students came to watch a huge interschool basketball tournament. Upon the crowd, there were two friends. One of them was cheering like crazy while the other waved her tarp while her mind was wondering what cheap food she’ll eat for dinner.

She looked up at the clock and yelped, nudging her friend. “Chaeyeon, I need to go. The book club meeting is at four and I’ve got to see it through.”

“Come on, Chaewon.” Chaeyeon replied. “Can’t that wait?”

“Hell no! I’ve got to go!” Chaewon spat. “It’s my responsibility as the club’s president.”

“Oh, alright.” Chaeyeon sighed. “Fine. Go.”

Chaewon smirked. She nudged a cheering Chaeyeon again, saying. “You should be going too…” Her smirk grew. “…club secretary.”

Chaeyeon was damned. She wasn’t a bibliophile to begin with yet here she was, secretary of the university’s book club. It turned out that she only joined as an extra activity plus Chaewon was there.

“Sorry for my tardiness. Hehet…” Chaeyeon scratched her head. “I’ll catch up later, okay?”

“You better. I’ll drag you in the library if you have to!”

Chaeyeon saluted and Chaewon waved before she left. She walked in the hallways towards the library. Most eyes were on her because of her reputation but she shrugged it off and continued to walk.

She was Kim Chaewon; the top sophomore of South Korea’s most prestigious university. When she is in her ‘student mode’, she’s timid, kind, and was mostly liked by many. Otherwise, she becomes the ‘bad girl’ type through cussing, doing glares, and being apathetic towards anything that wastes her time.

Nonetheless, she got in the library and inside a huge conference room. She greeted six officers and the rest of the members.

“Where’s Secretary Lee?” VP Bae Jinyoung asked.

“She’ll catch up, BaeJin.” Chaewon reasoned.

“It’s almost unbecoming. She has been late for four meetings already,” said Treasurer Yoo Yeunjung. “If our former club President finds out about this, she’ll be furious.” 

“I apologize in her behalf, sunbae.” Chaewon bowed.

“Sunbae, shall we start?” PIO Kang Minhee asked. “Eunsang has a doctor’s appointment and the students are waiting.”

Chaewon agreed as the other officers waited for her to start. She got to the front and started discussing.


In the other side of the city, a tall girl ducked as her mother slammed her report card on the coffee table. She had a disappointed look but her anger was released through her actions. 

“What is this, AhnYu?” Her mother spoke. “You have As in English, Foreign Language, and P.E. but the rest?” She scoffed. “These Cs are in the way.”

“But Eomma – “

“This is a disgrace to my career as a cramp school facilitator. A cramp school facilitator with a daughter that has inconsistent grades is unbecoming. How will you get in a prestigious school with these transcripts?!”

The taller girl couldn’t answer. She yelped as her mother hits a stick on the table, aiming at her report card. 

“I can’t believe you won’t ace your studies when you’re this close to graduating.” Her mother gestured with her fingers. “This won’t do. You need to step up and get As for your final grades.”

“Eomma~ You know I don’t have the potential. Besides, I don’t want to have a big-shot job like yours.” Yujin defended. “I want to be a multimedia professional.”

“I know that, AhnYu…but you have to achieve that in a prestigious school.” Her mother handed her a brochure. “Seoul National University has a course of Media Art; it’s the second best university for multimedia.”

“What’s the first?”

“Sungkyunkwan University with its Film, Television, and Multimedia course.” Her mother showed another brochure. “These two universities have the best offers for multimedia and these are the universities that I want you to get in.”

Yujin wowed. Her mother couldn’t help but adore her. She may be a tough mom but when she goes soft for her only daughter, she goes very soft. As a mother, she would get mad if there’s any wrong because she wanted what’s best for Yujin. She got mad at Yujin for her grades because she believed Yujin could do better.

“You’ll conduct cram school under my supervision this time.” Her mother spoke again. “SNU will send its best students to become tutors. I’ll make sure to pick the best tutor for you.”

Yujin didn’t bat and just went to her room. As she got inside, she felt angry and drained that she slumped on her bed.

She was the best in some subjects but she could never be the best at every subject. Her mother pressuring her was almost unbearable yet she understood her plights.

“Screw it…” Yujin mumbled as she decided to go to sleep.


It was a calm evening in the Lee residence. Chaewon got to sleep over at Chaeyeon’s house to do some book club activities. For now, Chaewon was calling her mother whereas Chaeyeon was stacking papers in the bed. After being tardy for many days, Chaeyeon felt guilty and compensated by helping the club president.

“Goodnight, Eomma. Thank you for letting me sleep over.” Chaewon spoke before hanging up. “What do we got for the student study program, Chaeyeon?”

“Several. Most of our students got selected as tutors for cram schools ran by Ahn Yumi.”

“Most of the book club officers are selected.” Chaewon chuckled. “Former President Lim had to pick ALL of us.”

“The book club has THE top students within SNU to the point where you need to be within the Top 12 to get in. Cram schools would die to have us as tutors. Most prestigious parents would want to send their kids to the most prestigious university.”

“And you’re really right.” Chaewon spoke. “You might be tardy but you’re not the Top 3 sophomore for nothing.”

“Touché.” Chaeyeon spoke as she handed a file. “And this is your share.”

Chaewon got her share and checked the list of students and their grades. One caught her attention and she wowed of her grades.

“Woah~ you got the cream of the crop.” Chaeyeon clapped. “Ahn Yujin is supposedly the gifted one there. She’s actually Ahn Yumi’s daughter.”

Chaewon nodded and checked her grades. “She got As and Cs. These are decent grades already so why would she bother taking cram school?”

“Maybe her mother wants excellent grades for her daughter, just like yours,” said Chaeyeon.

Chaewon knew Chaeyeon had a point. She continued to check her grades and Chaeyeon couldn’t help but join.

“The kid’s probably a busy idiot to set aside time in the subjects she at.” Chaeyeon spoke.

“She has As in Foreign Language, Korean Language, English, Art, and Music.” Chaewon spoke. “Almost perfect, if I count the Cs and the good looks.”

“Math, Science, and History are her biggest hurdles, I must say.” Chaeyeon spoke then smirked. “And OMG, Kim Chaewon! You like someone who’s younger than you~!!”

“Aish! Stop that, Chaeyeon!”

“Psh. No wonder Mrs. Ahn puts her daughter’s documents in your share.” Chaeyeon spoke. “You’re not the book club president and the top sophomore of SNU for nothing.”

Chaewon rolled her eyes, saying. “Check your own share, Chaeyeon.”

Chaeyeon chuckled and did her task. Chaewon continued to check on the subjects she will tutor when she saw a letter hidden in the grades.

“Excuse me.” Chaewon got the letter and went out of the veranda.

Once she was fully undisturbed, Chaewon opened the letter. She was shocked to read it as it was from Ahn Yumi herself.

Dear, Miss Kim Chaewon,

Good day. I am Mrs. Ahn Yumi; the cram school facilitator. I have written this letter to you to inform you with regards to being the tutor for my daughter, Ahn Yujin.

She won’t be doing cram school in our facility but in our residence. You will visit her every evening to tutor her Mathematics, Science, and History – both Korean and World – and help her maintain her aced subjects. I’ve considered this modality in hopes that Yujin won’t be distracted by her peers and that she’ll have assurance in taking the CSAT with good transcripts and take her preferred course in your university. Hearing thar you’re the top student in your batch, a private tutor of your caliber would be the best choice for my daughter.

Your pay will be quadrupled to the normal pay I’m giving to your fellow tutors. I reckoned you’ll need the extra income. I will send our home address to you in your university e-mail.

Hoping for your kind consideration.

Respectfully yours,
Ahn Yumi

Chaewon couldn’t believe what she was reading. There was some truth to it, especially needing extra money for her daily needs. However, the special treatment was unlikely.

Then again, she decided to grab the chance.


“Heard from my mom that you’re getting a private tutor, AhnYu.”

Yujin stops eating her food as she looked at the other student eating her wrap.

“Yes…and what about it, Jang Wonyoung?” Yujin asked. “I heard she’s a top student from SNU.”

“So you’ll be with that person every evening.” Wonyoung asked, getting an nod. “In your room. Alone.”

“Uhh…yes?” Yujin asked.

Wonyoung laughed crazily. Yujin huffed. “What’s funny, Wonyoung?”

“Psh. Don’t deny that inner gay.” Wonyoung pointed her fork at her. “You might get screwed by Aunt Yumi if you don’t improve your grades before we graduate. What if you’ll have a gorgeous unnie for a tutor? You’ll only get distracted.”

“Aish! Have faith in me, Won.” Yujin spoke. “I know I have a nick for chicks but I won’t let this pass. I want to study Media Art in SNU and I’ll make sure to ace the CSAT.”

“You better. It’s lonely being the top student.” Wonyoung pointed her fork again. “We need to make a friendship pact. We must go to SNU together.”

Yujin clunked her fork with Wonyoung’s, creating the pact. They chuckled and resumed their meals.


Yujin was relieved as the day ended well. She finally got to her house and would’ve welcomed a good dinner…

…when she saw her mother and a VERY beautiful student.

“Yujin-ah, good thing you’re here.” Her mother went to kiss her cheek. “How’s school?”

“Good.” Yujin spoke while eyeing the gorgeous student. “Is she…”

“Hello.” She bowed. “I’m Kim Chaewon from SNU. I’ll be your tutor.”

Yujin’s conscience yelped. Wonyoung wasn’t eating her words that she was having gorgeous unnie for a tutor.

She was very gorgeous.

“The two of you will have dinner before the tutorials.” Yumi escorted them to the dining table. “Don’t be shy, Chaewon-ssi. Make yourself at home.”

Chaewon nodded and got a seat. Yujin sat across her as her eyes couldn’t leave Chaewon.

One thing is for sure. Her tutorials were going to be lovely.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1752 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1752 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.