Love is in the New Tutor: Part 3 (SsamJin)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Yujin was chilling in the lobby during her vacant period. She had her own table as her fingers got busy scrolling through her gallery, stopping at a photo that made her happy.

It was a picture of her and Chaewon during the recent tutorial.

It was almost the end of the year, three months before the CSAT. Yujin had been doing great with her studies and was even close to becoming the Top 2 of their whole batch; a rank next to Wonyoung. Although she was happy to finally unleash her potential as a student, she was happier with her tutorials.

That wasn’t it. She was the happiest when she was with Chaewon.

“Is that the unnie, AhnYu?”

Yujin quickly hid her phone as soon as Wonyoung sat next to her. She nodded lightly, adding. “She’s taken.”

“By you?” Wonyoung raised as Yujin nodded. “Quite risqué, AhnYu. If Aunt Yumi finds out – “

“Eomma would be happier.” Yujin disrupted her. “She treats Chaewon better than me plus she would want Chaewon and I to be together. We’re top students, after all.”

“Not until the end of the school year, AhnYu. And even if we take the CSAT and pass, we won’t get to SNU if our grades so we need to maintain them.”

Yujin nodded. She returned to looking at the picture and Wonyoung couldn’t help a smirk. “Someone’s whipped.”

“How can I not? She’s the top student in her batch and she’s pretty.” Yujin mumbled. “I’m very eager to get to SNU this time. I’ll take Media Art and finally get to be in the same university as her.”

“Very good.” Wonyoung liked her goal and waved a brochure in front of Yujin. “Don’t forget to come to our cram class later.”

“Huh? What cram class?!” Yujin was shocked as she checked it.

“Oh, my…I guess Aunt Yumi’s going to tell you at the last minute.” Wonyoung clicked her tongue.

Yujin read that it was a cram class AND a review exam for the CSAT. What made it worst was that she was going to join with Wonyoung and the rest of the Top 10 in their school.

“Well, you’re 5th place this grading, AhnYu. Your mother would let you come to increase your competitiveness.”

“Tch. First she doesn’t want me to be tutored with all of you and now she changes her mind.” Yujin ranted, almost crumpling the brochure. “Nevermind. I won’t come and be tutored by Chaewon-unnie.”

“More importantly, it’s a must to come, AhnYu. Your mother will be mad AND there might be a bigger chance that Chaewon-unnie will be affected by your rash decision. Don’t come and your mother won’t let you study at SSK and you won’t get tutored by Chaewon-unnie again – let alone see her ever again.” Wonyoung spoke as she drank tea from her flask. “You know your mother’s capability, AhnYu. If you want to be with Chaewon-unnie longer and if you want to reach that goal to be in SNU, then be rational and go to the cram class later.”

The bell rang and the duo had to return to class. Wonyoung walked ahead whereas Yujin followed,, her mind flooded with her own decision and Wonyoung’s advice.

She shouldn’t be affected. It was only for this day and they can resume the next day. However, Yujin’s heart clenched about the feeling that she won’t get to see Chaewon. A missed day feels too big for her to bear.

“Unnie…” She could only mumble by herself before she caught up to Wonyoung.


Chaewon was in SNU’s library, searching for a book in Advanced Mathematics. Yujin’s History subjects and Science subject were already aced so Chaewon wanted her to focus on her least aced subject. She wanted her to increase her retention in Math by letting her solve advanced equations and problems. If Yujin can ace this tutorial, she’ll have the confidence to ace her Math subject.

“A book on General Knowledge.” Chaewon got the book. “I want to teach this to Yujin next.”

Chaewon’s mind flooded everything about the blue-haired high school student. Knowing that she was an ace in her studies and was a varsity player on athletics, she was so honored to tutor her. In fact, knowledge wasn’t the only thing she gained in tutoring Yujin.

She also gained love.

“Yujin-ah~” Chaewon hugged the books closer while she blushed and smiled.

“Pft. You look stupid, Chaewon.”

Chaewon returned to her “bad girl” mode as she saw a cackling Chaeyeon. She would’ve slammed the books on Chaeyeon’s head when the head librarian shushed them because of Chaeyeon’s laugh.

“Sorry, Mrs. Kim.” Chaewon made a peace sign. “What the junk, Lee Chaeyeon?!”

“Hey! I rushed here to share something.” Chaeyeon spoke. “There’s word of a SOPA student here in SNU. She’s tall, has blue hair, and – “

“Where?!” Chaewon snapped, getting a shush from the head librarian again.

“Minju saw her sitting at the lobby and – “ Chaeyeon gasped. “Was that Yujin?!”

Chaewon left her stupidly wise friend, settled in borrowing the books quickly, and rushed to the lobby. She saw Yujin sitting in one of the chairs, looking around. Some students were also looking at her because they never thought a high school student could visit their university.

“Unnie~” Yujin waved at Chaewon.

Chaewon couldn’t hold her smile as she got closer sat across Yujin. “Y-Yujin-ah, hi! When did you arrive? What brings you here in SNU?”

“You ran quite fast, unnie. I came a few minutes ago. One of your classmates saw me and I asked where you were. I decided to wait here, hoping I could see you.”

“Wait…” Chaewon spoke. “…y-you came here…to see me?”

Yujin nodded. Chaewon gulped as her heartbeat got quicker than usual.

“Yeah…and I came here to tell you something.”

“What is it?” Chaewon asked.

“Listen, unnie…” Yujin scratched her head. “…we won’t be having the tutorials today.”

Chaewon didn’t expect it. She didn’t get a message from Mrs. Ahn and she put an effort to look books, hoping for a better day in teaching Yujin more knowledge and helping her hone those learnings into application.

She couldn’t help but feel down.

“I’m sorry if it’s last minute, unnie.” Yujin spoke. “Eomma had got me into a cram class as review for the CSAT so I can’t meet you tonight.”

Chaewon’s disappointed look remained and she had no intention of sugarcoating her true emotions. She nodded her okay but judging from her shivering hands holding those borrowed books, Yujin couldn’t help but notice.

“Advanced Math?” Yujin saw the books. “Is that for tonight’s tutorials, unnie?”

“Oh, this?” Chaewon patted the leathered cover. “Yeah. I borrowed them…so we could discuss them later. I know you have a hard time with Math so I made a contingency plan and integrate it with Advanced Math. I believe that if you can ace this tutorial, you’ll ace your Math subject easily.”

Yujin was speechless. She knew Chaewon put a lot of effort in tutoring her but she never thought she would put more effort everyday. She was touched that Chaewon had to juggle her time as an excelling college sophomore while tutoring her every evening for the past months as every effort was always up to excellent par.

She then realized that saying those words wasn’t the right choice. Seeing Chaewon fall silent made her slap herself of that reality.

“Unnie, about what I said – forget it.” Yujin spoke. “I’ll just be later than usual. It’s just something to do with applying our learnings in a review.”

“Really?” Chaewon asked. “But what about Mrs. Ahn?”

“I’ll explain to Eomma when I get home. I’ll make sure to convince her. So, please…” Yujin reached for her hand. “…wait for me.”

Chaewon was shocked again. Yujin hated seeing her disappointed and sad. She realized Chaewon valued their tutorials because of her dedication and effort. She could never ignore them.

She could never ignore her.

“So…will you wait for me, unnie?”

“I will, Yujin.” Chaewon answered with a smile.

Yujin was relieved but it was short-lived as she checked her watch. She had to bid her farewell while running. “Unnie! I’ll call you when I get home!!”

“Okay! Be careful! Watch your step!!” Chaewon yelled back.

Yujin almost tripped but she nodded and waved goodbye again. Chaewon chuckled while she waved and decided to return home and prepare for later. 

She was relieved. The tutorials were still on set.


Yujin slumped her head on her chin as the class was underway. Wonyoung would nudge her to sit properly as her other hand got busy jotting down notes. Yujin tried to be attentive but she was mostly thinking about Chaewon waiting for her.

It was almost 8 PM and they were still discussing. Yujin was getting worried with every second. Wonyoung passed a note and Yujin read.

Focus, AhnYu! Do it for Chaewon-unnie!

Yujin folded the paper and returned her focus. With that, she got through the whole class and review like nothing. In fact, they were seated in separate desks according to rank and conducted a mock exam. Wonyoung and Yujin managed to finish first and got their scores immediately.

Wonyoung got perfect. Yujin was almost there as she got one mistake.

“Ma’am, can we go?” Yujin asked.

“Ask your mom, first. AhnYu.” The instructor whispered.

The duo went out towards the neighboring office where Yumi was sitting. She saw them and asked, “Are you two through?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Wonyoung, you can go home. I have to talk with my daughter first.” Yumi spoke again.

Wonyoung patted Yujin’s back as good luck and left. Yujin hastily got to her mother’s side and pleaded. “Eomma, can we go home now?”

“Why? I texted Chaewon just now that we don’t have to do the tutorials today.”

“Eomma, I still want to do tutorials, even at this late hour.” Yujin reasoned. 

“Stop making a fuss. Chaewon would be studying by now. She can’t be distracted and she deserves a break.”

“Eomma, I came to her school after my class. Chaewon-unnie and I talked about the tutorials later.” Yujin confessed, shocking Yumi. “It’s not nice to break promises, Eomma…and I promised Chaewon-unnie that I’ll be tutored later.”

Yumi closed her book, looking intently at Yujin. Unlike in the past where Yujin lowered her head out of fear, the present Yujin stood strong and didn’t look away. Yumi saw her determination and twitched to a little smile.

“Okay. I’ll inform Ranhee that you’ll do the tutorials at her place. Be thankful that it’s the weekends tomorrow so you can have a sleepover.” Yumi added. “Return home to get important stuff and be respectful when you’re in the Kim’s residence. Focus on the tutorials and DON’T become a nuisance to Chaewon and Ranhee. Understand?”

Yujin didn’t say anything. Instead, she went to hug her mom tight and say her gratitude many times. Yumi was unmoved but she was still a mother that loved her daughter so much through a hug back.

“Go now. You can’t let Chaewon wait.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Yujin saluted before running off.

Yumi took some time to return to her usual task. Seeing Yujin’s determination made her proud. It goes to show that Chaewon’s tutorials changed Yujin into a better and driven person.

Be good to Chaewon, AhnYu. She’s a keeper.


Chaewon looked at the time. It was almost 9 in the evening and she didn’t get a text from Yujin. Her mind was conflicted about cancelling the tutorials or not. After all, Yujin did promise her.

She was about to give up when Ranhee got to her room with a cheeky smile. 

“Eomma – “

“Ssamu, have an extra bed prepared.” Ranhee instructed. “Mrs. Ahn called me just now. She said Yujin will sleep over and have the tutorials here.”

Chaewon did the task but her mind was suddenly overwhelmed. She never thought Yumi would let her daughter do that!

“Ssamu, why don’t you wait for her outside? I’ll take care of the rest.”

Chaewon obeyed, wearing a jacket as she got out in the cold night. She went to the gate and waited outside, eyes looking around for any sign of the younger. She got one minutes later but she got worried, rummaging her hand inside her pocket as Yujin got to her, panting and sweating.

Chaewon thanked whatever was up there as she still had her hanky in one of the pockets.

“H-Hey, unnie…” Yujin huffed. “I’m…here…”

“What happened, Yujin? Goodness…” Chaewon wiped Yujin’s sweat off. “…you’re sweating like crazy.”

“Oh…I couldn’t hitch a taxi or a bus within fifteen minutes so I ran…” Yujin continued to pant. “…so you wouldn’t wait much longer.”

Despite being sweaty and tired, Yujin’s smile radiated Chaewon whole being, making her blush and smile. She had to distract herself by wiping more of Yujin’s sweat and letting her inside the house.

“Good evening, Mrs. Kim.” Yujin bowed at Ranhee.

“Yujin-ah~ nice of you to come here.” Ranhee helped in wiping her sweat off. “Aigoo…you had to run here. The transports take longer to get here and they do not usually come at this hour.”

“It’s okay, Mrs. Kim.“

“No need to be formal. Just call me Imo. Any friend of Chaewon is very welcome in this house.” Ranhee patted her shoulders. “Why don’t you freshen up first? I’ll have a good batch of kimchi fried rice ready.” She pushed Chaewon closer. “Now make our guest feel at home, Ssamu.”

Chaewon nodded as Ranhee went to the kitchen. The two went upstairs to Chaewon’s bedroom and Yujin wowed of the area. 

It was larger compared to her own room. It had a little living room, two beds, and her workstation where she studies and where she does her projects. Yujin thought it was a peaceful sanctity of learning.

“The bathroom is next to this bedroom. Your bed is right there.”

“Thanks, unnie.” Yujin grinned and got her towel and her bag of hygienic products. “You’re wondering how Eomma agreed to this.”

“Yeah. Your mother is usually strict,” said Chaewon.

“I convinced her. I also promised you and I never want to break it.” Yujin added. “And unnie…”


“Thank you. You really did wait for me.”

Chaewon remained in her spot as Yujin excused herself for a bath. As the door closed, Chaewon placed a hand on her chest, feeling tingly because of Yujin’s words.

But all of that had to cease. She needed to be serious for this tutorial.


After Yujin took a bath and ate, she committed to listen to Chaewon as she tutors Physics. She was discussing Newton’s Laws of Motion when Yujin nodded and yawned.

“Is it boring?” Chaewon asked.

“No, unnie…” Yujin rubbed her eyes. “I feel sleepy, that’s all.”

“Maybe we should go to sleep.” Chaewon spoke and checked the time. “It’s almost midnight.”

Yujin agreed, saying. “Unnie, can we have tutorials this weekend?”

“Only for tomorrow evening, Yujin. I need to do a project later plus it’s a Sunday afterward.”

“And would you mind if I sleep here later this evening?”

“Only if your mother agrees. Ask her later.” Chaewon added as she turned off the light, leaving the nightlight on.

The two fixed the small living room and went to their respective beds. Chaewon would’ve slept directly when Yujin called her again.

“What is it?” Chaewon asked.

“Unnie…can you read me a bedtime story?”

Chaewon never thought Yujin still had that innocent preference. She couldn’t blame the taller. She was still a kid, after all. Nonetheless, she nodded and got a book close to her bed.

“It’s what Eomma read to me when I was a kid.” Chaewon spoke as she began to read.

Yujin was still sprawled on her bed as Chaewon read while lying down. Chaewon’s voice soothed Yujin, making her smile as she listened. The story was nice and wholesome to the point Yujin slowly shuts her eyes to sleep, just in time for Chaewon to finish reading.

“The end…” Chaewon mumbled as she closed the book.

Chaewon got herself ready for bed and faced the sleeping puppy. She returned to adoring her – from her radiating beauty to her dedication in maximizing her potential in the academe – and she had no point in stopping. Even if Yujin was younger, Chaewon couldn’t deny her feelings towards her.

The tutorials weren’t just for knowledge. It was for love and the two of them developed it for each other and in their own way.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
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Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1761 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.