Love Means Business: Part 4 (KkuChaen ft. 2Kim and KangBi)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Chaeyeon was the employee of the month again. She had taken the title since she started working, leaving the rest to employees to admire her and despise her for her success. Chaeyeon never sought that as her opportunity. What mattered to her was working hard and smart. She also wanted to experience working in every department if she had a chance of becoming the heir of their family’s company.

“Miss Lee.”

Sometimes, Chaeyeon lost that momentum. Their department head and CEO constantly checked on her – mostly for work yet sometimes, she inserted personal matters when it was just the two of them. This predicament tormented Sakura but she cannot be affected. For her, work was work.

“Sajangnim, I’m not finished with the layout.” Chaeyeon spoke while she edited. “I need to re-edit it and save it in proper formats because the previous graphic artist who handled this didn’t do it properly.”

“Kodama, please take over Lee’s work. She and I need to talk.” 

Kodama Haruka agreed. Chaeyeon sighed and followed, closing the door behind her. “What do you want again, Sakura?”

“Must you give me the cold shoulder every day?” Sakura looked with sad eyes.

Chaeyeon sighed. The past may have scarred her but she realized that it was time to move on. She will forgive Sakura someday but she stuck in her mind and heart not to reconnect with her.

Fall for Sakura once and it was the cherry blossom’s fault. Fall for Sakura twice and it’ll be her own fault.

“Isn’t this enough, Kkura?” Chaeyeon asked. “I’m gradually forgiving you for that incident but don’t get a reconnection in your head.”

Sakura sighed for another failed attempt. Even if she was married to someone because of such matters, her love for Chaeyeon never ceased. 

“Is that all, Sakura?” Chaeyeon asked. 

“Hey…stay for a bit.” Sakura answered, pointing at a seat next to her desk. “Let’s talk.”

“But I need to work – “

“You need to rest once in a while. You’ve been working hard for almost a year.” Sakura added. “Can we talk like the usual? Please?”

Chaeyeon wanted to stay cold. But there was something in Sakura that made her sit close to her desk; like the times she would do as a child when her father was working. As Chaeyeon sat down, Sakura held her hand. Chaeyeon froze but she realized that she needed to lose her cool, if ever she wanted to move on.

But with these actions, it was going to get harder.

“How are you?” Sakura initiated. “Where were you all this time?”

“I’ve been fine. I studied college in New York. My family was there so I decided to settle there. I returned here for working experience.” Chaeyeon began. “M Corporate was the best company in this country so I chose to work here. Even if it was a larger company, its world was small.”

“How come?”

“The department heads are our friends. And you…” Chaeyeon somehow grimaced. “…you’re a department head and CEO.”

“Are you not happy with it?” Sakura asked, eyes almost losing hope.

“I can’t say. I can never dictate my feelings when it comes to work.” Chaeyeon added. “I loved the experience, though.”

“Is that all you expect, Chaeyeon?”

“It’s what I need to expect in order to stay here.”

Sakura held her hand tighter, leaving Charyeon confused on what she really felt. Her mind wanted her to forget and never connect again but her heart says otherwise. A part of her missed Sakura while another wanted her away, fearing that she’ll be hurt all over again.

“Kkura, I don’t have the heart to want us back.” Chaeyeon finally spoke as she lets go of Sakura’s hand.

“Are you really sending me away, Jjaeyeon?”

Chaeyeon nodded as she excused herself back to work. Sakura wasn’t stopping as she got closer to her and hugged her again. Chaeyeon wanted her off but Sakura was strong, holding her in her arms for as long as she could.

“Look at me.” Sakura spoke. “Look at me and tell me that you still love me.”

Chaeyeon scoffed. She did look back but she was mad. “How could I love someone who lied to me?”

“Jjaeyeon…” Sakura hugged her still. “Can I have a second chance?”

“I just did, Kkura. I can forgive you but I can’t love you again!” Chaeyeon spat, losing her patience. “Why do you insist?!”

“Because I love you!”

Chaeyeon drove herself away and casually went out of the office. Sakura returned to her seat as she got mad, throwing her stuff and a tantrum. 

“Karma bit you in the , huh?”

Sakura looked up as she saw her chief officer. She got inside after Chaeyeon got out and sat by her desk. 

“Get the out, Eunbi.” 

“This is my office too.” Eunbi raised. “Why do you insist, Kkura? Do you want to hurt Chaeyeon again?”

“I want to love her again.” Sakura spat. “I just want her back to me.”

“What about the COO? She’s your wife.”

“Who cares about Eunbae? She is deemed useless plus we filed a divorce in which I already talked about, remember? And besides, our parents are already dead.” Sakura spat again, clenching her ring. “She forced me to go on unexpected dates, she exposed ourselves to Chaeyeon six years ago, and she made a mistake for this company by selling us out to Lee Manufacturing Corp!” 

Eunbi gulped about that incident; an incident that changed their lives forever, especially Sakura’s.


Sakura was in New York for a business meeting with American investors. Eunbi was by her left as Eunbae was on her right, holding her hand. Sakura lets go as the investors arrived. One of them was utterly familiar.

It was the CEO of Lee Manufacturing Corp. Sakura couldn’t help the feeling that he looked like someone she used to know. 

Excuse me. Sakura got up. You may start without me. I need some air.

The investors didn’t mind, leaving Eunbi and Eunbae to start the meeting. Eunbae excused herself to comfort her wife.

“Eunbae, go and start the meeting with the investors.” Sakura spat. “I don’t need the comfort.”

“But – “

“It’s the least you could do after the ty things you did to me.”

Eunbae was stunned yet her body went back for the meeting. Sakura went to the lobby and rested…

…until she saw a familiar face.


Sakura texted Eunbi that she won’t be meeting the investors and let Eunbae have the final say. She was willing to risk an important meeting for someone she just saw.

For seeing someone she still loved…

Sakura couldn’t count the time. Call her a delusional wreck but Sakura swore to herself that she saw Chaeyeon. Her once dead heart gained life the moment she saw her long hair, her beautiful face, and her precious smile. With that, she was eager to make amends; she wanted to court her again, she wanted to ask for her forgiveness, and she wanted to forget their past and start over for a better future with her.


Sakura was at the station and called the person to stop. She gulped as the woman turned, only to be disrupted by a sea of people. Sakura cussed and excused herself, only to be free next to a train without the person around. 

She cussed at herself. Her sight was just a delusion after all.

A phone ring made her return to reality. She answered the call and was greeted by a string of curses.

“Eunbi, you alright?”

How can I be alright, Kkura!? You missed the meeting and something happened!


Your sick father of a CEO also called. He needs us to return immediately.

Sakura hung up and decided to return to the venue.


The journey back to Korea became urgent. All department heads and chief officers were called back from their international meetings for a company meeting. Sakura, Eunbi, and Eunbae got to the conference room, seeing the five department heads, four chief officers, and the CEO himself.

“Dad.” Eunbae and Sakura sat by his side.

Eunbi joined with the other chief officers. Once all of them settled, the CEO stood up, hands shaking from holding his cane and his body. Sakura rushed to help him and stood by his side.

“I apologize for the sudden meeting. There are some things we need to discuss.” He began. “We will talk about our international investments…and a new set of officers for the company.”


The old Miyawaki Shouji patted her daughter’s back, causing Sakura to grow confused. 

“I’ll be direct.” Shouji began. “Due to my old age, running this company will be a huge challenge. Even if my will to serve the company remains, my health will never cooperate. In order not to compromise our company, I decided the officers. And I’m sure the late COO Oh Eunwoo will support this decision.”

Eunbae nodded as the rest joined her. Sakura was nervous about her father’s health and the fate of the company. If a man of his excellent caliber can’t lead anymore, who will?

“Yabuki Nako and Kim Minju, your positions for department heads will remain. You’ll also be given to choose your chief officers. The ones uncalled will be demoted for their bad behavior.”

Shouji presented proof of misconduct done by the uncalled department heads. They were found guilty and for them, it was more acceptable to be demoted than to get fired from their job. 

“Chief officers Honda Hitomi and Kim Chaewon are promoted to department heads. They will get the same benefit and will fill in the positions within their respective departments.” Shouji continued. “Kwon Eunbi, Choi Yena, and Jo Yuri will remain as chief officers. The rest are fired.”

Again, Shouji showed evidence of misconduct worse than the first group. All of them were guilty and in tears. One of them pleaded yet Shouji snapped at her to get out. The said ex-employee ran with tears on her eyes, leaving the rest shocked.

“For Miyawaki Sakura and Oh Eunbae – as my daughters and heirs – you two will be promoted.” Shouji patted their shoulders. “Like her father, Eunbae will be the new COO. And for Sakura, she’ll remain as the department head of the production department and is now the new CEO of M&O Enterprise.”

Most of them applauded yet the unfortunate ones were jealous. Sakura couldn’t believe herself as she finally got the responsibility. Eunbae was just as proud as her that she raised her hand. “I’d like to make an announcement – “

“Wait!” Eunbi raised. “I have something to say to you, Miyawaki-san.”

Eunbae spat at her for interrupting yet Sakura reprimanded her and lets Eunbi talk. Eunbi went to the new CEO, whispering something that made Sakura’s insides fume.

Then gaain, she remained her cool. “Go on, Eunbae.”

Eunbae took the floor and spoke about their international investment. Eunbae sugarcoated the words but knowing Eunbi, Sakura thought it was despicable. 

“M&O Enterprise will work with the best company of the whole world. Our company will be the subsidiary partners for future business matters.” Eunbae said. “That company is no other than Lee Manufacturing Corp.”

Shouji felt his blood pressure rise, even the staff were shocked. Eunbae wondered about their reactions when Shouji had a heart attack. Sakura called for an ambulance as the staff asked others for help. Paramedics came to send Shouji to safety, leaving the staff to worry.

“Get back to work!” Sakura spat. “As your new CEO, you will not speak of this again or else ALL of you will be fired!”

Employees ran back to their cubicles like rats. The department heads and the chief officers remained, leaving the demoted ones to return to work as Sakura instructed. Once everyone settled down, Sakura took matters into her hands.

She wasn’t supposed to stay. Her father was in danger and as his only family, she had to be there for him. But knowing her father, he never wanted to unsettle business matters. They need to be finished first before returning to the usual activities.

And that’s what Sakura did. She remained her cool for this meeting and for the fate of their company.

“I should’ve had stayed in that meeting.” Sakura cussed then spat at Eunbae. “Do you realize what you’ve done?!”

“Come on, Sakura. LMC is THE company in the planet. This partnership is a must for our company to stand.”

“It’s not about the company’s standing. It’s about keeping our work culture in our own hands.” Sakura explained. “Partnering with a very large company will toll us in our work culture. Rules will be changed, employees will be replaced, and our ownership will be stolen by them.” She spat at Eunbae again. “Do you realize that you sold the company our grandparents worked for?!”

“But it’s in my name – “

“Bull!” Sakura slammed her fist. “That’s worse! How could you put it on your name and not mine?! You’re not the CEO!”

“You can still get the share, Kkura. We’re married.”

“Cheap bastard…” Nako cussed under her breath.

“How dare you – “

“Everyone. Return to your stations. We’ll have another meeting next week.” Sakura stopped the tension. “You’re staying here, Eunbae.”

Everyone obeyed. Eunbi wanted to remain but Sakura signaled that she will be alright. As the door closed, Sakura got to Eunbae and slapped her face. “You ruined everything again! Why did you sell our company to LMC without my consent?!”

“Kkura, you told me that I have the final say and I’ll take over the meeting so I did what I did.”

Another slap greets Eunbae’s face. Sakura was getting pissed of her cockiness and stupidity. Eunbae thought her jaw was going to break.

“We agreed to find business partners from small companies, not the large corporates! You know we can’t do that because we will become a subsidiary!” Sakura snapped. “Out of all the companies, you chose Lee Manufacturing Corp; a large tycoon that owned the world! And knowing you chose them and sold out company to them, you’re an idiot for making us their pawns!”

Eunbae face-palmed and apologized. Sakura got more pissed and choked her. 

“You think a mere apology will reclaim the company and save you from disgrace?!” Sakura clutched harder. “If your father was alive, he’d spit on you for being useless!”

Eunbae was offended. She would’ve hit Sakura back but she was frozen by her smirk.

“Are you going to hit your wife, Eunbae?” She raised. “Don’t make me hesitate to file a divorce.”

“You can’t do that!” Eunbae spat. “What will our family think - ?”

“How can they even think, you idiot?! They’re dead! And with the stunt you pulled, my father will disapprove you as much as I did ever since you exposed us to Chaeyeon!”

Eunbae would’ve been guilty but her laugh says otherwise. “You can’t divorce me, Kkura. I practically own the company because I sold it under my name. If you do, you won’t get a share and your precious employees will be replaced by my system.”

Sakura cussed. She was in the losing streak but with her determination, she wasn’t going to back down.

She’ll regain the company back to its feet.


A funeral became mad as Eunbae ranted inside a conference room. Sakura, CEO Lee (of Lee Manufacturing Corp), and their family lawyer witnessed her rants as the lawyer read a will.

It was Miyawaki Shouji’s will. It turns out the news of their company being sold was too much for him to handle, hence it caused his life. The company had to shut down for a week to pay respect to the former CEO. Sakura had it worst because her father was dead, because she was left with a huge responsibility, and she had regrets for fooling her true love and marrying a .

The will contained his apology letter and his regrets for Sakura; that she was forced to run their business and was forced to marry Eunbae. It also contained the division of possessions, his future wishes for Sakura, and screenshot conversations with CEO Lee about the company, hence to why he was present.

One, Sakura was free to divorce Eunbae and have all decisions of everything – from the company to their possessions. Two, M&O Enterprise will become a subsidiary company for LCM after a one-year adjustment period. And three, the company’s name was now under Sakura’s name.

“This can’t be happening!” Eunbae spat. “Come on, CEO Lee. We had a deal!”

“Your deal was unwise, Miss Oh. Your father had great timing, Miss Miyawaki.” CEO Lee started. “Before he died, he managed to contact me and told his sentiments about your company. Upon hearing that Miss Oh here did something against your company’s will, I had to agree to his request.” He patted the paper the lawyer held. “It’s all stated in his will. No one can alter it and it shall never be questioned. If Miss Oh will do something against it, she’ll be violating that will and you can file a lawsuit against her.”

Eunbae finally stopped her tantrums. The lawyer and CEO Lee asked Sakura of her decisions. Sakura had a look at Eunbae and spoke her decisions.

“In terms of possessions, what’s mine belongs to me and what belongs to her is hers. In terms of divorce, I won’t sign it and wait for her to sign it herself. In terms of the company, I agree with the terms and conditions of LCM and both our positions will remain.”

The lawyer jotted them down as Sakura’s own will. Eunbae had no share in it because Sakura deemed it as her own.

“Oh Eunbae will still by my wife and the COO of the company under these conditions: I will not let her report in the office, I will not let her attend meetings, and I will not let her have a share of the profits. And if she were, I will be responsible for them.”

CEO Lee was impressed as much as the lawyer. They agreed to it and it was imprinted in Sakura’s will. The documents were processed and will be in Sakura’s hands. Sakura shook hands with the two; her shake was longer when she faced CEO Lee.

“You won’t regret this partnership, Miss Miyawaki…” He smiled. “….especially if my daughter will become the next CEO.”

Sakura was shocked yet the two bid their condolences and farewells. Now, she and Eunbae were left inside the room. Sakura found the atmosphere sick that she had to leave.

“I’m sorry, Sakura…”

Sakura looked back as Eunbae knelt and begged for her to change her mind. She recalled herself being Eunbae as Chaeyeon was her recent persona. Fate came to bite back as Sakura got to Eunbae’s level.

“You may have been a good friend from the beginning but you’re now my enemy in the end.” Sakura began. “My loved ones, the company, and Chaeyeon were all that meant everything to me…and you robbed me of them.” She clutched her collar. “If it came to a point that I lost everything, my face will be the last thing you see before I take you with your father.”

Sakura lets go and exited the room, rushing towards the bathroom. She got inside one of the cubicles and poured her sorrow out. 

All that has happened has taken a toll on her system. She lost her family, lost the pride of her company. But most of all, she still lost Chaeyeon.

All she needed now was for Chaeyeon to hug her and tell her that everything will be okay.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1760 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1760 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.