Love Means Business: Part 5 (KkuChaen ft. 2Kim and KangBi)

365 with ZOZI [HIATUS]

Eleven months. At least that’s what Chaeyeon marked in her calendar.

She been of service of M Corporate (formerly Miyawaki Corp and M&O Enterprise) for eleven months; now one month in the production team. Chaeyeon had an intriguing expression after listening to a senior employee’s story about their company, leaving her to think about the mishaps Sakura must’ve faced throughout those years.

With that in mind, it left her to think about Sakura. She remembered how Sakura begged for forgiveness – from their break-up until now – and realized too late that it was all true. Chaeyeon herself felt guilty for shutting Sakura out without realizing that the cherry blossom just needed her to be sane after facing all those ty things. 

All of that had to stop. Sakura got to their area, getting greetings as she watched them skedaddle back to their cubicles. Chaeyeon returned to her cubicle to edit the designs when Sakura held her shoulders. 

She would usually shoo it away but now, she lets her be. “What is it, Sajangnim?”

“Can we have lunch together?”

Chaeyeon checked the clock. It was already 12 noon. “Sure, Sajangnim.”

Sakura was shocked yet Chaeyeon waited for her to go ahead. She couldn’t contain her happiness and walked side by side with Chaeyeon. They arrived at the canteen with great timing since there were less employees. They got their servings of food and got to a table. Chaeyeon and Sakura thanked their meals and dug in.

“That’s it, Sajangnim?” Chaeyeon asked about Sakura’s portions. “That’s too less. Let me get you more food.”

Chaeyeon excused herself and ordered two more portions. She got back and scooted them to Sakura’s side. Chaeyeon returned to eating, leaving Sakura frozen.

Chaeyeon sensed something was wrong. Sure it was too sudden for her to act like she was accepting her again but all of those were true. She may have a cold heart but that can be thawed by true love.

“Mind me, Sajangnim. I know you’re used to being ignored by me. But I’m trying…” Chaeyeon began. “If you eat properly today, we can talk after work. Will that be okay?”

Of course, it was okay. Sakura wanted it for so long. It was then Sakura nodded and ate wholeheartedly, just like Chaeyeon wanted her to do.

For the first time in a while, Sakura had a great lunch and a great afternoon at work.


“You’re doing overtime again, Chaeyeon-nim?”

“I need to, Youngin.” Chaeyeon said as she made the final touches of the logo. “You can go ahead.”

Youngin bowed at her senior and left the station. Chaeyeon whistled of the darkness and the liberty she had because she was the only person left in their station…

…but not for long.

The doors of the office opened and Sakura got out with her bag in hand. She was relieved that Chaeyeon was still around, her sad face turning into a happy one as she drew closer. “Jjaeyeon?”

Chaeyeon finished just in time. She saved her work, turned off the PC, and met with the CEO’s gaze. “Just a minute, Sajangnim – “

“I missed you calling my name.” Sakura spoke. “Please call me that when it’s just the two of us.”

“Just a minute…Kkura.” Chaeyeon spoke again as she got her bag. “Let’s go?”

The two employees went out. To maintain formalities, Chaeyeon tailed whereat Sakura walked in front. They got to Sakura’s car and the owner opens the passenger’s seat for Chaeyeon. Once Chaeyeon noticed that no one was around, she got inside.

“We’re going to your place?”

“Can we talk at yours?” Sakura asked.

Chaeyeon nodded and Sakura drove them there. That memory alone was never forgotten, leaving Chaeyeon to be impressed. Nonetheless, Sakura parked the car and Chaeyeon lets her come inside. 

It was still the small apartment she used to visit during high school. The slight difference was that it was half-empty, mainly because Chaewon was now a married woman settling down with Minju. 

“Why don’t you sit down for a bit, Kkura?” Chaeyeon spoke. “I’ll heat up dinner for us.”

Sakura wanted to help yet Chaeyeon insisted, leaving her to sit down the couch. Her eyes wandered around until her gaze was at the picture frame that was placed down. She grabbed the picture and it brought her to tears.

It was their picture during their first anniversary.

Chaeyeon froze holding two bowls of creamy pasta. Sakura apologized as she returned the picture while wiping her tears away. Chaeyeon shrugged it off and offered a bowl with a larger share. Sakura thanked and they ate.

Sakura could cry of the food. It was her favorite pasta and judging from the taste, Chaeyeon cooked it. But no. She had to continue eating because it was the most delicious dish she has ever eaten. For Chaeyeon, seeing Sakura eat her heart out brings a smile to her face.

Oh, how she missed it…

How she missed her

“Thank you for the meal.” Sakura emptied her bowl.

“Are you still hungry?” Chaeyeon asked as she still has three forkfuls left. “You can have mine.”

Sakura nodded lightly. Chaeyeon removed her own fork and replaced it with Sakura’s. She watched Sakura eat those forkfuls and she ended up waiting shorter than expected. She got their utensils and bowls to wash them before returning to the spot.

With the atmosphere, it was about time they talk.

“Jjaeyeon…” Sakura started. “Are you still mad at me?”

“A little…but it’s starting to fade. I can’t hold that grudge forever.” Chaeyeon answered. “I could ask you the same question. I left without saying goodbye.”

Sakura already knew the story of Chaeyeon staying with her family and studying in New York. Chaeyeon also spared that her return was for the purpose of work experience, leaving Sakura to have low hopes again.

“You must be mad. You have the right to be mad, Kkura.” 

“No…m-maybe a little…maybe a lot…” Sakura babbled out as she puts her hands on her face. “I should never have the right to be mad after all I put you through yet… I’m mad because you left.” She started to sniffle. “You left me, Jjaeyeon…”

Chaeyeon shuts her eyes. There was some truth to that but she left because Sakura had hurt her through her dishonesty. She didn’t want a reconnection yet she saw Sakura’s sincerity. She was already sorry for her sins. Surely, she needed to be forgiven.

“I’m sorry too, Kkura.” Chaeyeon voiced out. “I’m sorry I left you. I’m sorry for giving you the cold shoulder. I’m sorry for leaving you to fight and struggle alone.”

Chaeyeon met Sakura’s pitiful state; knees crouched close to her face as her hands covered it. It was then that Chaeyeon got closer and slowly wrapped Sakura in her embrace. She heard Sakura crying her struggles – from her father’s death to the ups and downs of being a CEO.

But what hit Chaeyeon’s heartstrings was Sakura crying out for her after all those years; that she was sorry, that she wanted her back, and that she just wanted her hug and her words of assurance.

Both of them couldn’t deny their feelings anymore. Chaeyeon patted Sakura’s back and lets the latter straddle her lap. “It’s okay now. I’m here…”

Chaeyeon meant every word and lets her inner desire take over. Even if she had been hurt by her true love, it was true love that made her believe and stay for she can never forget her and she can always let her return whenever she needed to.

But most of all, she will still love her.

Chaeyeon and Sakura faced each other, showing their tears of deep longing. Chaeyeon reached to wipe Sakura’s tears away while the latter felt that hand and lets it touch her face. Chaeyeon inched closer to kiss her forehead and Sakura held her face, inching for a passionate kiss.

No words needed; just actions and proper reactions. Their shared kiss was a sign of a reconnection and none of them were regretting it.


Morning came like the shake of a lamb’s tail. Sakura was the first to wake up, her mind fuzzy from the wake but slowly processing to return to reality. She saw herself in Chaeyeon’s bed.

But where’s Chaeyeon?

She rushed outside, only to stop as Chaeyeon was in front of her, holding a cart of food. 

“Calm down and good morning, Kkura.” Chaeyeon began as she skidded the cart close to the bed. “I thought you’d still be asleep so I decided that we’ll have breakfast in bed.”

Sakura thought it was a wonderful. The smell of mini pancakes filled her senses that she rushed to eat a piece. Chaeyeon chuckled of her antic and got a piece of her own.

“You outdid yourself again. This is delicious.” Sakura munched as she got another. “Where did you sleep last night?”

“Couch.” Chaeyeon answered. “You were so comfortable and you had all the bed to yourself. I couldn’t disturb you.”

“We could’ve cuddled.”

Chaeyeon coughed through that sentence, chugging it down with orange juice. She wiped her face and hands before facing Sakura. “I couldn’t do that, Kkura. You’re married.”

Idiot, Sakura thought. As she finished a piece, she wiped her hands and cupped Chaeyeon’s face, forcing her to look into her eyes.

“Eunbae and I are divorced. Our parents are dead and I have all the say to the decisions because it’s in my father’s will, even mine.” Sakura explained. “Besides, I only want to love you, Jjaeyeon.”

Sakura hugged her. Chaeyeon hugged back and mumbled her apologies for being too harsh with her words.

“Don’t be.” Sakura held her face again. “We can fix this little by little.” She leaned their foreheads against each other. “We’ll make this relationship work again.”

Chaeyeon agreed to it and pecked her forehead. “Okay…”

“I love you.” Sakura mumbled.

“I love you too, Kkura.” Chaeyeon spoke back before she was given a passionate kiss again.


The future days were great. Chaeyeon and Sakura regained their relationship and their working days became happier and more fruitful than the last. They kept it confidential yet the chief officers and department heads were trusted with that secret. Weekdays were work and weekends were their dates, short-lived yet worthwhile all the same. Because to them, being together, being in love, and being there for each other were the things that mattered.

This day was different, though. Chaeyeon was working when her phone buzzed. She excused herself and answered it. “Eomma?”

Chaeyeon-ah…it’s time.

Chaeyeon didn’t need an explanation for that. Things had gotten so well and today was just a wrong timing. “Eomma, I haven’t finished a year here. Can I complete the working experience first before I return?”

I’ll try talking to your father about it. I’ll give the word later.

Chaeyeon nodded and hung up. As she returned to her cubicle, she felt disappointed. 

Sakura and her had gotten along but now, she has to let her go again? Her thought cannot bear it all over again and neither will Sakura.


Eunbi ducked as Sakura threw a tantrum on her desk. She noticed her getting a call and the aftermath wasn’t lovely.

“Who was that?” She asked.

“CEO Lee of LMC.” Sakura spoke then snapped. “He talked about exchanging employees for this year.”

“Isn’t that a good thing? Isn’t it good for our employees to gain working experience at thhe best company in the world?”

“No! It’s not good, especially when he included Chaeyeon!”

Eunbi could only cuss. Sakura was really dismayed yet she became eager. “I’ll talk about it again. He can’t let Chaeyeon transfer.”

Sakura called him again. Eunbi could see the will in her eyes. It was undeniable that Chaeyeon was the best employee their company had but it was also undeniable that Sakura had no power against LMC, no matter what decisions she will impose. They were LMC’s pawns, after all.

Sakura puts her phone down and became emotional. Eunbi got closer to her and patted her back. “Shall I call Chaeyeon?”

“She…she won’t like it.”

“So you’re going to lie to her again, just like what you did six years ago?”

Sakura froze. Eunbi knew their company needed to stand so she talks some sense into her. “The least you could do for Chaeyeon is be honest, Kkura. Talk to her about this. She needs to know.”

“Know about what?” Chaeyeon got inside and greeted the two.

Eunbi greeted back and excused herself. Sakura gulped again as Chaeyeon delivered a stack of papers. “It’s from Head Kang. It’s the documents for the alpha version of the game. She said you need to check it.”

Sakura nodded and sets them aside. “I’ll check on it later.”

“Kkura.” Chaeyeon spoke. “Is there something else you want to tell me?”

Sakura felt tensed. She would want to hurt her through lying again because she never wanted Chaeyeon to leave again. But with the relationship, she could not do that hurtful thing again.

Eunbi was right. She had to be honest.

Sakura lets her sit by her side. Chaeyeon obeyed and noticed Sakura’s hold on her hand; soft yet strong. She also noticed Sakura close to crying.

“As far as you know, M Corporate is now a subsidiary company of Lee Manufacturing Corporation and every year, our work forces exchange for the purpose of working experience. Our selected employees will be chosen to work at LMC in New York. And…” Sakura’s tears dropped. “…you’re one of the selected employees.”

Chaeyeon got to her side and Sakura was quick to stand up and hug her. Chaeyeon heard Sakura’s cries about her. She was worried of what could happen after that year because Chaeyeon had a large possibility of being a permanent employee because of her potential. What worried her most was the fact they’ll be apart again despite reconnecting.

Chaeyeon was strong. She eased Sakura’s cries, saying. “Hey…our work is not going to become a hindrance of our love. Not again.”

“But what if, Jjaeyeon…” Sakura sniffled. “.. what if I won’t see you again?”

“That won’t happen. I vow to work with you, no matter what happens.” Chaeyeon began. “It’ll only be for a year. After that, I’ll return here.” She wiped her tears away. “I’ll return to you.”

“Promise me…” Sakura hugged her, her head on her chest. “Please promise me that you’ll return.”

Chaeyeon smiled through the hug. “I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.”


Chaeyeon’s year as an employee and being in six departments was complete. It was also the time for the employee transfer that Sakura proposed a party for the company and a private one for the chief officers and department heads for Chaeyeon. The twelve friends celebrated with a simple dinner and Chaeyeon loved the moment. It was just like in high school.

But what made her the happiest was Sakura. After the party, the two celebrated in Chaeyeon’s apartment with simple cream pasta and mini pancakes. They ate, shared stories, and even shared emotions about their separation.

“You’re crying again…” Chaeyeon hugged her tight. “It won’t be long. A year will come fast and I’ll be by your side again.”

“I’m sorry.” Sakura looked up. “I just love you so much. I kept thinking about you every day and the nightmare I had was that I don’t get to see you anymore.”

“Me too.” Chaeyeon kissed her hand. “But we’ll try to video-call every day so that you won’t miss me.”

“Why are you hyped about this?” Sakura asked as she squinted.

“Just trust me.” Chaeyeon squished the tears away, leaving Sakura to laugh.

They resumed their moments until Chaeyeon had to go to the airport. Sakura drove to send her off. They got to the entrance and Sakura was teary again.

“Don’t cry~” Chaeyeon rocked her like a baby. “I’m not going to leave you again. I promise.”

Sakura laughed through her tears. She hugged Chaeyeon for as long as she could. “Okay. Take care of yourself.”

Chaeyeon nodded as she kissed Sakura. “I love you, Kkura.”

“I love you too, Jjaeyeon…”

Chaeyeon pecked her forehead and lets go slowly. She waved at Sakura as she got to the check-in stations. She waved again as she got to the gates and Sakura was left to smile all through that. She went back to her car and drove home, starting another year without Chaeyeon by her side.

Little did she know, Chaeyeon cried as she turned away.


A year passed quickly because work was busy. M Corporate will be visited by CEO Lee for a business conference plus their employees will return after their year working at LMC Corp. For the first day, the department heads and chief officers will meet CEO Lee for a short meeting. They were earlier than the CEO that as they slowly got to their seats, they were relieved.

Sakura had a different plan. She was texting Chaeyeon about her arrival and insisted on skipping the conference just to be with her. Yet, she got a nagging text telling her to be present and just like an obedient pet, Sakura complied.

CEO Lee arrived at the conference room and they bowed at him. He lets them sit after that and they got settled. He started off with a greeting and even asked them about their day, just like a father.

“We’ve been well, Sajangnim. Were our employees doing well?” Wonyoung spoke.

“They did. Your employees are wonderful people. Despite being the largest corporate in the world, we could use people like yours.” He added. “The next thing will be an announcement. I have said this to your sister companies and I’ll also say it here.”

They were eager to listen. Sakura wanted this over with for Chaeyeon’s sake.

“I’ll be retiring after the conference.” He began, sending reactions to the others. “It’s not that I’m not capable. I want to loosen the reins and let another take over. As I said to our previous meeting, being our subsidiary won’t be a regret, especially if my daughter will take over.”

He called for his secretary to call her daughter. Minutes later, the departments heads and chief officers were shocked to see CEO Lee’s daughter. Sakura couldn’t believe it the most.

Is it why she was texted to not skip the conference?

She bowed to everyone and took a seat next to her father. CEO Lee thought that the reactions were precious and priceless.

“Everyone, I want you to meet the new CEO of Lee Manufacturing Corp.” He patted her back. “My daughter…Lee Chaeyeon.”

Chaeyeon greeted everyone as his father started to discuss things. Everyone had a hard time listening because they never thought that their best employee was actually the heir of the largest tycoon in the world. Sakura had it differently; she thought Chaeyeon was too awesome and was so hot in a business suit.

Chaeyeon’s serious gaze made everyone flinch and pay attention to the meeting.


The business conference was very successful thanks to Chaeyeon and Sakura’s relationship. Like the rest of the employees, they were really shocked about Chaeyeon’s real identity and saluted her for remaining humble and driven with what’s best for work. 

That wasn’t all. M Corporate was very blessed as they were declared as a sister tycoon – LMC’s sister company. M Corporate even has a new name (ENOZI Enterprise) that will be a manufacturing company for gadgets and a developer of games. The positions were the same, with Chaeyeon playing more roles: she was the CEO of LMC, the COO of ENOZI Enterprise, and the chief officer of its research and development department. Her family was very proud of her and will always pray and support her throughout that endeavor.

It was the last day of the conference and it was a party for the employees. Chaeyeon got to meet with her fellow employees again and shared laughter with the department heads and chief officers.

“You’ve done it, cousin!” Chaewon nudged her. “I never thought Uncle would let you take over so soon!”

“You knew?!” The rest snapped.

“Duh. I’m her cousin.” Chaewon shrugged. “I promised Chaeyeon and her family not to tell you guys that she’s the heir. Chaeyeon likes to keep it low-profile.”

“But we did know that Chaeyeon studied college in New York before Kkura did.” Minju said and they laughed.

“Wait. You guys were told first and not me?” Sakura asked.

“It’s how the tables are meant to turn, Kkura~” Hyewon chanted as Eunbi hugged her.

“And I thank you, Ssamu for keeping your promise. Thank you also to everyone.” Chaeyeon raised a glass and they cheered. “But now, I have some explaining to do.”

They all cooed and left their high-ranking officers to talk. Sakura gave Chaeyeon a pout for keeping secrets and for looking so hot.

“Shall we head home?” Chaeyeon asked, lending a hand. 

Sakura was very whipped that she nodded and lets Chaeyeon hold her again.


Chaeyeon offered to drive this time and they arrived at her apartment. She led Sakura inside, only to be tackled through a passionate kiss. Sakura closed the door behind Chaeyeon, locking it before she held her close to herself, feeling her short hair and her bigger and finer build. They broke breathless and eager for explanations – mostly Sakura wanted them.

“I missed you…” Sakura kissed and bit Chaeyeon’s bottom lip. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I wanted to surprise you.” Chaeyeon spoke. “All of those things discussed in the conference were also a surprise for you.”

Sakura understood. She was shocked that her company regained the greatest standing ever expected yet Chaeyeon planned all of those things for her and for their future. She stuck to her promise that they’ll work together and they’ll never be apart ever again.

“Random question. What will happen to Eunbae?”

“ her. She can live at the house.” Sakura mumbled. “I’ll get my stuff and move here with you.”

“The apartment’s crammed – “

“Then we’ll have a new house together.” Sakura spat and kissed her neck. “We’ll work together, get married, have lots of and babies, and be together until we grow old.”

“Sounds like a lifetime proposition.” Chaeyeon spoke. “Does that mean we’re in business?”

“Love means business, Jjaeyeon.” Sakura smirked as her hands try to Chaeyeon’s shirt. “You don’t how I’m dying to do this.”

“Was I too hot for you, my love?”

Chaeyeon’s grin was sealed with a hot kiss. Sakura’s hands got to Chaeyeon’s skin as the latter carried her to their bed.

It was going to be a long night but it was a love meant to last.

It was a love that meant business.

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Hello, everyone. How have y'all been? I hope wherever you are, you're okay.

I just wanna pass by and thank everyone for still anticipating to this collection. I also want to share that Our Love was a favourite prompt to write. The recent chapter made me cry while writing. How about y'all?


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rynrkz #1
Chapter 78: ❤️
mycoral #2
Chapter 197: Love it so much <3
1752 streak #3
Chapter 197: oh this is so wholesome!!!!!!!
Chapter 197: baby yul🥺
Leechaeyeon11 #5
Chapter 85: hot hot
1752 streak #6
Chapter 196: i love love love this!!!!!!!! can't wait for the next chapter!!!
Chapter 196: aaaaaa my request! finally! thank you😭 and looking forward for the next chapters
Chapter 196: My Ssamyul heart❤️
Finally there is a Ssamyul story
reigngrey #9
Chapter 196: Kangbi…. What fate lies ahead. Im excited
hhhhhhhhh #10
Chapter 194: OMG. THIS STORY HAS FINISHED?! I am happy for four of them. I don't know what to comment, I just love this story. I like how you potray the characters, + the storyline is not cliche and I love the drama. THANK YOU AUTHORNIM FOR THE STORY. Stay safe and stay healthy.