episode 3

in a trance ♦ seven companies make one group ♦ chapter 3 is out!

   Another step


The seven girls stood and straighten up their appearance as two executives and three trainers came into the practice room taking a seat in the chairs infront of one of the mirrored walls. The five holding clipboards with the the girls' information, and training on paper. The seven watched the five as they glanced through the clipboard.

"Alright, let's get started with your first evaluation." The vocal trainer stated, the girls nodding and bowing before getting in their starting positions.


Hyejin waved to the camera as she yawned and stretched, showing her personal camera that both Mingxia and Jaelin were laying in the living room. Mingxia with headphones on laying on her stomach on the floor. Jaelin watching videos on her phone with her earphones in, laying on the couch. 

"It's still early, Chaemin has school in a hour or so. Mingxia and I have been making her breakfast for on her way to school every morning." Hyejin whispered, subtitles below her as the camera was back on her as she tried to set up the camera on the counter, so she could start cooking. "It's my turn today, so I'm gonna make her some snacks too. " hyejin whispered, going to their fridge grabbing eggs and veggies along with other ingredients. 

A time lapse of her cooking, Jaelin popping in veiw every now and then talking to Hyejin below leaving. Mingxia soon migrated into the kitchen assissting Hyejin.

"There we go, Chaemin is in the bathroom getting ready, and Manager Moon is on their way to pick her up. " Hyejin said, showing the time on her phone 6:49 am. "Why are you guys always up before everyone?" Hyejin whispered as Mingxia continued making breakffast for everyone else beside her as Jaelin sat at the table behind them. 

"Can't sleep." Jaelin said, the two looking at Mingxia as she chopped veggies, nodding her head.

Chaemin entered the kitchen greeting the three with a smile and bow, as Hyejin opened her arms for a hug from the youngest whom responded by hugging her. Mingxia smiled and bowed her head in greeting as Jaelin smiled and patted Chaemin's head. 

The girls chatting for a bit, before Chaemin headed out of the dorm to school. Waving to the camera by the entrance of the dorm.



The seven sighed as they watched over the practice video their manager filmed of them.

"Let's have Aika unnie and Hyejin unnie switch parts." Chaemin suggested, the others looking at her with confusion at the role she had just picked up out of nowhere. 

"Is that really fair?" Yebin asked, knowing Hyejin's previous part had less lines.

"It does look awkward and out of place." Aika pointed out, agreeing with the youngest trainee. 

"If everyone agrees?" Hyejin asked, looking at the others, the five nodding. "Alright, then its decided." Hyejin clapped once, the group going back to their positions, Aika and Hyejin switching places.



Yebin smiled at the camera as her and Yayin got out of the van, walking together to the shopping center before them.

"If anyone asks we're youtubers." Yebin joked, Yayin giggled beside her as they walked into a store, looking around.

"We are looking for our upcoming evaluation. We decided on denim, red and white, right?" Yebin asked double checking with Yayin whom was following behind her, the younger nodding in agreement. "Alright, lets get to it." 



The girls all sat in silence as they ate in the practice room, each staring off into space. Chaemin adjusted her ponytail while chewing, Mingxia scrolled on her phone answering text messages , Hyejin slowly chewed staring at the floor. Aika watched over their practice video with the ends of her chopsticks in , Jaelin leaning over and watching it as she ate. Yayin reading over the lyrics again, as Manager Son sat over in the corner eating his dinner as well. 



The girls all took a deep breath, Jaelin high-fiving Chaemin, Hyejin shooting a smile at Aika, Yebin and Yayin sharing a look and a nod, as Mingxia took a deep breath. With a nod to their manager the dance began.

jean jacket, all white- yayin
red jacket, jean shorts- jaelin
white jacket, all red- aika
red top, white pants - chaemin
jean jacket + shorts - hyejin
red jacket+top - Yebin
white top, red pants- Mingxia


The seven panted as they wrapped up their first evaluation, the trainers nodding in acknowledgment of their performance. The girls held their ending pose for a few seconds before bowing and going back to standing in a line. 

"Not bad, for your first performance as a group." The vocal trainer stated, making some notes on the clipboard. "I can see why you girls were chosen."

"There are a few points of improvement dance wise, but considering this was your first time working together, well done." The dance trainer complimented, the girls bowed politely.

"What was the hardest part, Lee Chaemin?" One of the executives asked, looking at the clipboard before them. The youngest going wide-eyed on being called on. 

"Uh, finding what worked for each of us. We don't know each others that well yet, so we aren't sure how each person thrives when learning choreography." Chaemin explained, her hands wringing together in nervousness, of being stared down the executives.

"Hmm." They all nodded making notes before bdiding the girls a good rest of the day, as they all left leaving the girls and Manager Son in the room.

The seven seemingly to pass out as all of their nerves left they bodies, the seven somehow all laying ont he floor.


A Few Days Later


The girls sat in the meeting room, their managers and a few staff members at in the room.

"To promote team building, we are sending you girls on a MT to Jeju Island." A company rep said as the girls sat before her in shock. "We really are, it'll be for a two days, one night. Chaemin will only miss a day of school, but the school has already been informed. You will leave tomorrow morning, so go ahead and get packed once you get home."

"You're next eval is at the end of the month again, you can choose the song again." Another rep said, the girls nodding knowing they were going to discuss it at once.



Yayin waved at the camera she had proped up on her bed, as Aika and Hyejin sat ont he floor in the background, putting away stuff in their suitcases. A time lapse of the three packing, and chatting every now and then.


Chaemin laughed as Mingxia just stared at Jaelin whom accidently spilled her drink on Mingxia's blanket. Jaelin just holding Mingxia's eyes in shock, Yebin laughing with Chaemin as the two packed accross from the other two. Jaelin awkwardly smiled, as Mingxia sighed. 


The Next Morning

Mingxi held the camera as Chaemin waved and smiled at the camera, moving side to side beside the other. The Chinese girl shaking her head, as Jaelin peeked over their seats to look at them. As Yayin sat beside the other reading a book, Hyejin sat before the youngest beside Manager Moon the two listening to music. Aika posed beside Yebin as they took photos together. After the plane landed the seven crammed into a van with their two managers in the front seats, the girls mostly sat in silence watching the scenery as the van went on its way to where they were staying. 

Once at the small house the girls entered looking around a bit, Hyejin noting there were two rooms with two beds each. The seven meeting back up in the common room.

"There's only two rooms with two beds, so the other three would sleep out here. Should we do the ladder game or something to decide fairly." Hyejin suggested, Aika nodding beside her as Jaelin and Mingxia raised their hands.

"We both are often up late, we'll take the common room, right?" Jaelin said, not sure with Mingxia was also volunteering, the girl nodded in response.

"Okay, so only one person needs to be out here." Hyejin said, looking around for a piece of paper or something to write on.

"Hyejin unnie, I'll sleep out here." Yayin offered, in between Mingxia and Chaemin. 

"Oh. Okay. That was easy." Hyejin stated, chuckling to herself.


The seven were cut to the beach where Chaemin posed before Yayin whom took pictures on her camera, Hyejin and Yebin took pictures together on their phones, Aika and Jaelin croached by the water looking at the sea shells. Mingxia was taking pictures of them, as she sat down the solo camera before before sitting down in the sand just watching the ocean.


COOKING TEAM: Mingxia, Hyejin, Chaemin

PARTY TEAM: Yebin, Yayin, Aika, Jaelin

'Cooking Team' were busy looking around a market for ingredients for dinner for the day. Hyejin scrolling through her phone for good recipies while Cahemin filmed behind them, moving side to side.

"Chaemin, walk beside me." Hyejin said, linking arms with the youngest. "We can't have you get lost."

"I'm not a kid unnie." Chaemin pouted only recieving smiles from the other two, as they shook their heads. 


'Party Team' were in charge of cleaning and setting up the small patio area, with chairs and a table. The staff having already set up cameras along one side, and a few inside as well. Yebin was snacking on a small bag of chips as Jaelin sat in one of the chairs outside, scrolling on her phone. Yayin a few chairs down on her phone as well.  Aika sprawled out on the couch, on her phone as well.


When the cooking team returned the sun was beginning to set, the girls all buzzing around the kitchen area as Hyejin shooed them to let Mingxia and her prep without the five breathing down their throats. Aika rounding them up and moving them back outside, Yebin and Jaelin putting up some fairy lights Yayin had brought. Aika setting out cups while Chaemin washed vegtables and Yayin set out the different drinks teh others had bought. 

After almost an hour of cooking, and hovering of the party team members. Grilled meat and veggies, ramen, rice and some fruit were displayed on the table. The members soon digging in telling the two they did a good job. Hyejin getting up and handing a plate of some meat and veggies to their managers inside, as Jaelin fed the staff members behind the cameras.

"I feel like, this is a once in a lifetime chance." Yebin said, they had finished eating and were just sipping on their drinks. "I don't know about you guys but, I want this to work."

"I do too. I've been cut from line ups and I don't want of you to feel how I felt." Jaelin stated honestly, the girls looking at her sadly.

"We have to try our hardest to make this work. It's not just saying it but, putting in the effort." Aika pointed out, the other six nodding.

"We see groups in our companies and see how close they are. I want that. I want to feel more sad about not seeing you guys everyday than my contract for this group ending." Chaemin said, Hyejin nodding patting her hand that rested on the table.

"How about we start sharing more things about ourselves?" Hyejin suggested, the others looking at her confused. "I grew up in Canada, and am the oldest of three. Aika unnie?"

"I love horror/gore movies." Aika said, the others looking at her in shock for a second as she smiled. "Jaelin?"

"Both of my parents work in the industry. behind the scenes." Jaelin stated casually, the girls nodding in understanding. "Chaemin?"

"I have two older sisters, and have only trained in JYP for six months." She said, Hyejin's mouth agape as the others stared at her.

"S-s-six months?" Yebin stuttered out, Chaemin nodding before motioning to the older signaling her to go next. "Uh, I have a twin brother whom is also trainning to be an idol." The girls snapping out of their shock from Chaemin to nod in aknowledgment.  "Uh, Yayin." 

"I'm afarid of heights." She said, the others taking a mental note of it. "Mingxia?"

"I-I practiced ballet for over 10 years." Mingxia said, Yebin and Aika smiling and nodding enthusiastically. Chaemin in awe as she nodded.

"I feel like we should at least talk every night about our worries, concerns and problems along with solutions." Hyejin added, the others nodding. 

The production team had agreed to let the girls stay the next day until their flight, camera free. 



Mingxia sat at the desk in the recording studio, nodding along as the male producer beside her spoke. She had her laptop hooked up to the other computers, typing on it as Aika entered with a knock on the door. 

"Hello," Aika greeted the producer before looking Mingxia. "We're about to start practice." She said, the CHinese girl nodding and disconnecting her computer. Following the older out of the room.

"Alright!" Chaemin clapped her hands as the others stood before her. "Since we have gone over the basics of the choreo lets start working with positions." She instructed the others nodding.

First month in, how was it?

"Quiet. We hadn't really gotten to know each other just yet." Yayin said, playing with a ring she was wearing.

"Optimistic. We had so much ahead of us." Hyejin said, smiling at the camera.



Yayin waved to the camera set up in the recording studio, putting the headphones on, adjusting the mic a bit before nodding to signal she was ready.

"This is just a demo, it won't be perfect but, try your best." The technician pointed out, Yayin nodded as Mingxia sat beside him with lyric sheets befor eher and a pen in hand. 



Chaemin yawned as she sat on the couch doing some of her homework, Jaelin helping her when asked while she was working on reading over some papers before her. Aika and Hyejin were cooking in the kitchen as Yayin and Mingxia were huddled by her computer listening to music. Yebin laying on the floor watching over their practice footage from their last rehearsal.



Hyejin linked arms with Jaelin the two walking through Hongdae, Jaelin holding the camera as they looked around. Hyejin greeting an employee as they entered another store.

"I feel like Myungsa will like our idea, of all black." Jaelin said as they exited the same store with two bags in hand.



Mingxia, in a black long sleeve crop top with a black skirt with a chain across it, smiled as Jaelin wearing a crop top tank with faux leather pants, touched up the younger's makeup. Chaemin, in a lace long sleeve shirt with a skirt, and Hyejin,in a black short sleeve dress,  stretched together. Yebin, long sleeve crop top with a cutout on the shoulder and a pair of shorts, and Yayin, in a crop top blazzer and a pair of pants, warmed up their voices. Aika, wearing a lace top with a dress layered on top, adjusting her outfit.

The trainers and executives stepping into the practice room, the seven girls getting back into a line before them. The trainers giving them a smile, as the executives read through the clipboards they had. 

"2,3." Hyejin counted, the other six following suit and bowing with her. 

"What song did you choose this month?" The dance trainer asked, Yebin smiled and nodded.

"We chose 'Fancy' by Twice sunbaenim." Yebin stated, the judges nodding their heads, motioning them to get into their positions. 


The trainers and executives nodded and clapped respectfully as the girls stood before them again. They huddled closley discussing the results, the vocal trainer nodding in agreement as she moved back to her chair.

"Alright." She said, smiling at the girls. "Vocal standards are good, its never going to be perfect, but it already seems you're all getting more familiar with each other's strengths."

"I would love to see Yebin, and Jaelin rap more. Since those were part of their strengths before joining us." The rap trainer pointed out, the the two nodding. 

"It was a good cover, I think we can agree we want something we haven't seen before." One of the executives added, the girls nodding.

"So for the next evaluation, we would like to see either a song not covered before." Another said, the girls nodding in understanding.

The girls bowing as the executives and trainers left the room, the girls relaxing a bit after they closed the door behind them. 

"A song that hasn't been covered alot?" Chaemin whined, Hyejin patting her bck in condolence for the research they were all about to have to do.



"Myungsa and Yinnie, have been sneaking around and hiding something from us." Aika said as her and Yebin ate lunch together in a small resturant.


"What do you mean no?!" Hyejin asked in geniune shock.


"Everything seemed to make us more on edge." Jaelin said, sitting infront of the camera looking at her olded hands in her lap.





author's note.  I hope everyone enjoyed this (long) chapter!! Anyways, stay safe everyone!

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Chapter 25: Thanks for the new chapter! I haven't been on here for a while so I didn't comment last time. Can't wait to read more!
11 streak #2
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update, I’ll try to post a proper comment another time.
11 streak #3
Chapter 25: I love BEcause! Looking forward to see how trance will execute it
11 streak #4
Chapter 23: Thank you for the update! Chaemin teasing aika about her crush was really nice hehe
Chapter 21: Yay for another chapter!
11 streak #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for the chapter! I’ll try to comment properly soon but I’m really looking forward to what happens with Hyejin.
Chapter 19: thank you so much for the update.
they debuted and the showcase is so good. the fact the idols who chose them were in a different room and monitoring them. i hope they liked it!
i can't wait to see what happens throughout their time together <3
11 streak #8
Chapter 19: Thank you for the update! Trance has finally debuted and I’m so happy for them, can’t wait to see their journey unfold!
11 streak #9
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update! The mafia game was really cute hehe
Chapter 16: Glad to see an update :)