episode 1

in a trance ♦ seven companies make one group ♦ chapter 3 is out!

   the Beginning


A spilt screen showing seven stools, filled the screen. Each soon being filled with a girl, looking around and readying themselves.

June 2020

Introduce yourself.

A girl bowed her head politely, before looking into the main camera. The screen shifting from a spilt screen to a single shot of her.

“Hello, I’m a RBW Entertainment trainee, Xu Mingxia or Xia.”

What was your initial reaction to being told you were selected for the project group?

“Shocked and yet proud.” Mingxia stated, “I did cry at first.”


May 2019

Groups of girls walked into a sound stage, each with name tags attached to their left leg or hip. They all looked around in amazement, as a staff member stood before them.

“Welcome trainees. You were handpicked by your training teams to be here in the groups your in. This is another audition, not one to make sure you can stay in the company but one to join a project group. Only one of you from each team will be selected by our panel of executives. Whom will have a clipboard filled with your headshots along with your name. But, no ages. Here they can write any notes they have.” They read off the paper they were holding.

“Each group will come up on the stage, introduce yourselves individually then perform what you have prepared for the panel. After all of the performances, each group will return to the waiting rooms you were just in while the panel discusses their choices.” The staff looked up and smiled at the obviously nervous girls. “As for now, start warming up. RBW, your up first.”

The group of five girls awkwardly smiled before going into a corner to touch up their appearance and warm up. Executives began entering and taking a seat a couple rows behind where the other girls sat warming up. When the doors opened again the girls were in awe at the senior idols walking in.








The idols taking seats a bit behind the executives, the trainees becoming even more nervous. The girls of RBW finished stretching and setting up their mics, being lead by a staff member up and onto the stage. The five standing in a line, waiting patiently. Bowing they started their introductions, getting to Mingxia whom looked out into the audience, tapping her right hand on her leg her left holding her mic.

“Hello I’m RBW Trainee, Xu Mingxia.” She introduces herself with a bow. Wheein and Moonbyul clapping enthusiastically for the group as they went and got in their positions.

(Seolhyun/ black hair)

The girls bowed again before leaving the stage.

"SM Entertainment group is up next." A staff member stated, the six trainees standing and walking to the stage as the RBW trainees went to sit down.

June 2020

Introduce yourself.

"Hello," A girl with a bright smile said waving her hands and bowing her head. "I'm SM trainee, Park Hyejin, or Hannah."

There was a mishap onstage during your groups audition. What happened?

"I made a mistake in the choreo, and it was pretty noticable. I was suprised to have been chosen at all." Hyejin said with a small smile.

May 2019

The six adjusted their spacing as they stood in a line, going down the line to introduce themselves. Taeyong and Wendy cheering for each of them, after they introduced themselves. Hyejin smiled brighter once it got to her turn, adjusting her in-ear piece. 

"Hello I'm Park Hyejin, our group's main vocalist." She said, bowing politely, the group heading to their positions. The SM artist clapping and cheering them on.

(Yuju/ bangs and long hair)

The six exited the stage with a final bow, as the staff member stood before the trainees again.

"Pledis Entertainment trainees, are up next." Seven girls stood up from their seats as Seventeen cheered, the seven shyly walking up onto the stage. Once in a line they began introducing themselves.

June 2020

Introduce yourself.

"Hello, I'm Pledis Trainee, Hayashi Aika or Aika." She smiled at the producer, whom remained silent.

How long were you a trainee?

"Before the project, I think 5 years. I was passed up for debut a few years ago." Aika pointed out, her smile lessening.

May 2019

As it became Aika's turn she smiled at her teammates before turning towards the audience, taking a deep breath.

"Hello I'm Hayashi Aika, please look forward to our performance." She stated, bowing more than 90 degrees. Seventeen cheering from the back row, the seven getting into position.

(yooa/ bangs long hair)

The seven bowed before leaving the stage removing ear pieces, and mic packs.

"YG Black Label, you're up." Three girls carrying a very YG style stood up, earning cheers from Bobby and Jay as they headed to the stage. A few of the trainees that sat around them, cheered as well.


June 2020

I ntroduce yourself.

"Hello, I'm YG Black Label trainee, Min Yebin." The girl smiled, her eyes turning into crescents. 

You were cheered by some other trainees. Did you know them?

Yebin shook her head in disagreement. "I don't like prolonged silence, so I started to talk to a few of them while we were waiting for our turns and to begin." She explained.


May 2019

The three stood in the center stage in a small line, much smaller than the other groups that were on the stage before them. The other two introduced themselves leaving Yebin whom was smiling at everyone, almost blinding them.

"Hello I'm Min Yebin, look kindly upon us." She said, before they stepped away to get in their positions, once the music started, Yein's smile was gone.

(Haeun/ blonde, pontytail)

The three left the stage with a bow, as executives and idols wrote down some notes.

"Cube Entertainment trainees, you're up next." Five girls in leather and metallic jackets stood up, Hui and Minnie cheering for them as the got on the stage. The five bowing and looking to the first one on the right to introduce herself.


June 2020

A girl with short blonde hair smiled and bowed her head.

"Hello, I'm Cube Entertainment trainee, Kwon Jaelin or Lin." She stated with a wave at the camera.

How long were you a trainee?

Jaelin took in a deep breath, while thinking. "Almost six years. I was planned to be in two groups but wasn't in the final line up when time came." She played with her hand.

May 2019

"Hello I'm Kwon Jaelin, please take care of us." She stated and watched her other teammates introduce themselves. The five going to get in position as The CUBE artists cheered them on. 

(yoojung/ short hair)

The five bowed, and took their leave off the stage. 

"JYP Entertainment trainees, you're up next." Five girls stood, in very flashy and distinctive clothing waking to the stage as the JYP artists cheered for them (mostly Yugyeom and Jihyo). The five stood in a line, and bowed before introducing themselves.


June 2020

A girl with an addictive smile sat before the camera, as she bowed her head politlely in greeting.

"Hello I'm JYP Entertainment trainee, Lee Chaemin." She greeted.

What were you feeling the day of the audition?

"I was fairly nervous since I hadn't trained very long. But, it's no suprise I was selected, since I was acting main vocal and main dancer." CHaemin said, winking at the camera, proud of herself.


May 2019

"Hello I'm Lee Chaemin." She smiled, before the group went to their positions, as the JYP artists cheered, and other trainees clapped for them.

(yeji/ ponytail)

The five bowed one last time, heading off the stage.

"Big Hit Entertainment trainees, are our final group." The girls standing and heading to the stage as Yeonjun and RM cheered them on a bit shyly. Once standing in a line, they began their introductions.


June 2020

Introduce yourself.

"Hello." A girl bowed her head in greeting, "I'm Big Hit Entertainment trainee, Wei Yayin." She smiled and waved into the camera.

Do you feel any pressure coming from Big Hit?

"Not from the company itself. I think internlly I felt pressure, since the company produces such amazing artists." Yayin explained, nodding her head.

May 2019

"Hello, I'm Wei Yayin, please look over us kindly." She stated with a smile, bowing before going to their positions, with one last cheer from the artists in their label and the trainees watching them. 

(sejeong/ yellow)

The three bowed politely leaving the stage as the the idols casted their votes for each company and executives began discussing their choices. The trainees heading back into the waiting rooms, an hour later a staff member entered each waiting room.

"Xu Mingxia, congratulations." MIngxia, held onto one of the other trainees as they all hugged her.

"Park Hyejin, congratulations." Hyejin covered in shock, as her teammates cheered for her.

"Hayashi Aika, congratulations." Aika stared in shock as her teammates smiled and patted her back and arms.

"Min Yebin, congratulations." Yebin looked sadly at  her teammates whom returned the look with smiles, proud of her. 

"Kwan Jaelin, congratulations." Jaelin smiled brightly, her team hugging her, and cheering.

"Lee Chaemin, congratulations." Chaemin smiled and jumped excitedly, as her teammates half-smiled and congratulated her.

"Wei Yayin, congratulations." The three were holding hand sand soon turned into a hug.





The seven sat in the new dorm room in silence, all glancing around and avoiding eye contact. They each had their cameras on the table along with their name cards. 

"We should start dividing things like cleaning and make a grocery list." Hyejin stated, the others nodding, familiar with what works best in dorms.



author's note.  Thank you to everyone who has applied! I had such a hard time choosing the ones I want, it went down to a random name picker hahaha, becaus eI couldn't choose. I hope everyone stick aorund, as not only ya'll gave great ideas but, I also have so many ideas in place for this.  The strusture of chapters will be the show episode one chapter and an off camera chapter (with family/friends, love interests etc.)There is no certain order to how they are revealed, I just put 1 - 7 in a number generator and went that way. THANK YOU ALL AGAIN!

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Chapter 25: Thanks for the new chapter! I haven't been on here for a while so I didn't comment last time. Can't wait to read more!
11 streak #2
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update, I’ll try to post a proper comment another time.
11 streak #3
Chapter 25: I love BEcause! Looking forward to see how trance will execute it
11 streak #4
Chapter 23: Thank you for the update! Chaemin teasing aika about her crush was really nice hehe
Chapter 21: Yay for another chapter!
11 streak #6
Chapter 21: Thanks for the chapter! I’ll try to comment properly soon but I’m really looking forward to what happens with Hyejin.
Chapter 19: thank you so much for the update.
they debuted and the showcase is so good. the fact the idols who chose them were in a different room and monitoring them. i hope they liked it!
i can't wait to see what happens throughout their time together <3
11 streak #8
Chapter 19: Thank you for the update! Trance has finally debuted and I’m so happy for them, can’t wait to see their journey unfold!
11 streak #9
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update! The mafia game was really cute hehe
Chapter 16: Glad to see an update :)