
Secret Life



A white cat with orange and black splotches and green eyes crept through the grass of a backyard behind a very luxurious house. The windows were glowing with light and one was conveniently left open near a plant shelf that was thriving with flowers. 

She padded up the steps and jumped onto the shelf with ease before peeking into the open window. 

A pretty girl with beautiful black locks sat with her mother and father at a table where they were gathered for dinner. The young cat lay down on the plant shelf and waited patiently for the dinner to finish. 

“Mom, Dad...I’ve been wanting to tell you something,” she heard the girl say after dinner was over. 

“Oh? A surprise?” Mrs. bae said suggestively. 

“Not really. I met a friend.” Her voice was drawing closer and the cat sat up, ears tall. 

“I’m so glad. I was afraid you were getting too quiet for your own good.”

The girl’s familiar scent reached the cat’s nostrils. The window pushed open further and the cat purred instantly when she saw the girl sitting at the chair. 

But before the cat could jump into the girl’s arms, Mrs. Bae screeched in horror, scaring the cat and causing the poor animal to skid off the sill, while also accidentally breaking some of the flower pots before racing away into the night. 

“Irene! Stray animals are never allowed in here!” Mr. Bae scolded her. “We don’t know what kind of diseases it has! How long have you been letting that animal in?”

Irene was afraid and shocked. She didn’t expect this sort of reaction from her parents. “N-not Long...”

“Never bring any cats in the house! They're dirty!” 

“I’m sorry, mom...dad,” Irene said quietly. 

Wendy propped her chin in one hand while trying to focus in class. Creative writing could be quite boring at times. The only thing that was keeping her from completely slacking off was the presence of a certain senior named Irene Bae, who always sat at the front of class. 

“Wendy!” The teacher called her out sharply. 

Oh . 

The girl was always getting called out for daydreaming in class. The teacher wasn’t wrong, however, because she was, in fact, daydreaming about Irene, whose side profile looked even prettier today. 

“Care to share with us your written assignment?” The tone from the teacher was dripping with irritation because this was the umpteenth time that Wendy had been caught spacing out. 

Wendy froze because she wasn’t very open about sharing her writing—even if this was a creative writing course where it was supposed to be an open place to share ideas and whatnot. 

She gulped nervously and flipped through her notebook to the newest short story she had written. 

It was about a girl who woke up one day as a cat. Of course her parents had no idea and couldn’t understand the cat’s constant meowing and so they kicked out the poor animal, who eventually was rescued. The story went back and forth as the girl-turned-cat forgot about being human and at the end remained cat. The parents of the girl-turned-cat never found her again. 

The only good part was the cat had a good home. 

“Interesting theme, Wendy. Thank you for sharing.”

Wendy nodded and other students were chosen to share their work. Why does everyone else’s ideas feel so much more better than mine? She thought sullenly. 


“Hey, are you a furry?” Sehun and his band of friends caught up to her after class let out for the day. 

“What the ? No,” she replied tartly. 

“Your story—“

“It’s a ing story!” She snapped. “Don’t you know what fiction is?”

“Geez, calm your ,” Sehun held his hands up defensively. 

Wendy glared at them and stalked away to head home. 


The full moon was bright in the sky as Wendy sat outside on the patio. Her adoptive mother, Tiffany, appeared beside her with a green concoction, which she downed quickly because the taste was awful. 

Wendy wasn’t like the other girls here. She was a shifter, a human  that had the ability to become a powerful beast such as the wolf, bear, and other animals. 

For Wendy, she could turn into a cat. But because she was untrained and mainly suppressing her abilities, she took on the form of a friendly calico house cat. With the concoction, she could still keep her sanity and human reasoning even in her cat form.  

Tiffany was the only other shifter she knew. Her adoptive mother found her abandoned in a small box as a malnourished baby and took her in. but as the months progressed, the baby inconsistently switched from baby to kitten.

Luckily, Tiffany had the expertise passed down from generations of her shifter family and used her knowledge to protect them from the outside world. Shifters were supposed to be ancient lore to scare the children from staying past curfew. They were evil creatures that took on the form of humans to murder other humans in cold blood. 

Tiffany taught Wendy how to survive and suppress her natural born cat instinct. She brewed concoctions to help keep her abilities under control 24/7. Tiffany did not want her to practice much of her supernatural abilities, thinking that lack of use would make Wendy act more human and rely less on her inborn instinct.

the only exception was the full moon. She needed to at least let her body give in to the torture of toning down her powers. And with Tiffany's medicine it would be safely done.

Wendy always looked forward to this night. 

She had so many plans before sunrise. 

She felt herself changing, her bones shifting as her physical form keeled over and became a cute little calico cat with large green eyes. 


Irene was alone yet again for dinner. Her parents were gone for a business trip leaving her to her own devices. She glanced at the clock and then to the window, which she had left open. It was a cold evening but she didn’t want to miss anything. 

Any second now, she thought worriedly. 

Irene went to her room and took out a cat bowl, cat food, and some treats from her backpack. 

Sure enough, a small familiar meow reached her ears, and she eagerly went to the open window, where a small calico cat was perched on. Its greenl eyes shone with happiness as she called it over. 

The cat rubbed against her leg and leaned against her hand when Irene pressed her hand against the animal’s soft pelt. 

“I missed you so much, Seungwan,” Irene murmured. The cat did not wear a collar and she took the liberty to give her a special name. 

She usually wasn’t an animal person because of a run-in she’d had when she was younger. It was a silly story, but one that made her wary of animals. She had been chased by a dog down the street. The large dog was so excited, it knocked her from her feet by accident—but enough to scare her for a while. 

But this cat was different. She was gentle and very affectionate, never bit her or used claws. 

Irene poured some food into the cat dish, and set it down for the cat to eat. Now that her friend was here, she could eat in peace as well. 


Irene didn’t really remember how long it had been since this cat appeared at her window. Since her parents weren’t home all the time, she had the liberty to let the cat in to hang out a little with. 

It must have been at least almost a year by now. 

The first time they met, Irene's grandmother had just died (which was a year ago) and she had moved in with her paretns for the first time since she had nowhere to go. Her grandmother took care of her all her life until then because her parents were busy with work and their own life in the business circle. So it made sense that custody would go to her parents.

She still had to be thankful that at least they gave her a roof over her head isntead of handing her over to an orphanage while she was still a minor.

Her parents didn’t like the cat though and even scared the poor scrap away one time. 

 Seungwan, the cat, seemed to know that the Bae parents disliked her and she did not show up on the full moon nights when they were home. Instead, she would scratch on Irene’s bedroom window late at night and Irene would let her in secretly. 

“I wish you would stay,” Irene said when they were cuddling in the bed. Seungwan always left in the night when Irene was sleeping. 

But it wouldn’t be possible. Her parents didn’t want stray cats in the house. 

Seungwan mewled and purred while rubbing cheeks with Irene.  

“Why are you so cute?” Irene kissed the cat’s head. 

Cats were generally given a bad rap, and seemingly less affectionate than dogs, but Seungwan was different. This cat was so sweet and never harmed a hair on Irene's body. 

Seungwan was a cat from heaven.

Soft rhythmic purring lulled Irene to sleep and the last thing she remembered was Seungwan’s little tongue lapping affectionately against her face.


The next morning, Irene awoke alone and the sun rays dancing through the curtains. 

Wendy hated the morning after. 

The morning after the full moon transformation that is. 

Her body, despite the numerous times she shifted, felt sore and tender from her rapid bone changes. She also almost got caught by the sunrise and she’s raced out of Irene’s house. The window had luckily been kept open. 

Wendy usually left before Irene went to bed but it made her so sad to hear the latter beg her to stay. 

Irene was lonely a lot of the time. Despite her status as the most beautiful girl at school; and the amount of attention she got from her peers, she didn’t have the lavish social life one might expect of her. 

She was quiet and didn’t like people pointing out her beauty so much. 

Irene had told her once, when Wendy was cat Seungwan. “I feel like there is no value to me except my looks. No one acknowledges me for talent. I’m just a trophy...”


“Wendy!” Tiffany grabbed her like a rag doll and gave her a new concoction to take. One of the problems with the full moon transformation was that Wendy did not completely lose her attributes. Her greenl eyes tended to remain even as a human and they had to make sure it changed back to docile brown before going outside.

Tiffany practically shoved the cup of nasty black liquid down the girl’s throat and then shoved a piece of bread into .


Wendy was already late to school. Her green eyes would not go away no matter how many times she blinked and willed them to turn brown. After almost a half hour, her irises returned to their normal shade of brown and she hightailed it out of her house. 

At least it wasn’t creative writing. She didn’t want to embarrass herself anymore in front of her crush. 

“Irene!” Joy and Seulgi flanked their friend on both sides as they walked down the hall during lunch. 

“Oh hey!” She greeted them. She had hardly heard them while she wondered where it could be that her cat was disappearing to until the full moon of each month. That was a damn long time!

Was she safe? How was she eating? Where was she sleeping? Did she visit other houses?

“Sehun asked us to give this to you,” Seulgi said and handed her a note. 

“Oh...thanks.” Irene looked over the nestle sealed envelope. 

“Aren’t you gonna open it?” Joy asked, her eyes wide with interest. 

“Maybe later.”

“Awww, come on! It can’t be a bad thing. There’s even a purple heart sticker here! Purple is your favorite color!”

After some more convincing, Irene finally agreed to open the letter and her slender fingers carefully unsealed the note inside. 


Irene stared at the one-word note.

Prom was the night of the full moon. 


Wendy yawned from where she had dozed off in the library. She blinked her eyes open and checked her watch. 

! It was almost time for creative writing! She grabbed her backpack and sped to class, barely making it in time as class started. 

Wendy was usually early because she preferred a seat in the mid or back rows, which were the most popular seats for many students. Unfortunately, the only open seats were in the front and one right next to Irene. 

She gulped—swallowed down her nervousness—and stiffly asked Irene if she could sit next to her. 

Irene glanced at her coldly and nodded. 

Seungwan placed her backpack on the desk and did her best to pay attention today because she was right in the line of fire on both sides. Her teacher was petty and Irene was right next to her. 

Luckily, nothing happened to her in particular, but she was feeling pretty sleepy in class the whole time. 

At the end of the day, Wendy stuffed her things into her backpack and headed out without saying anything to Irene . 

However, she stopped when she heard Sehun loudly exclaim to Irene. “Did you get my card?”

“Yes,@ Irene replied. 

“So...have you decided?”

“No. Sorry Sehun, I already have plans.”

Seungwan stepped to the side and pretended to text someone so she would be undetected while eavesdropping.

“Irene, your parents want this!” He protested. 

“I don’t.” 

“Where have you been going when you transform?” Tiffany asked Wendy one day over dinner. 

The girl’s mouth was watering from the delicious array of meat and other foods on the table. She couldn’t wait to sink her teeth into a piece of savory chicken. 

She quickly shook herself and straightened up at the table. “Just exploring the neighborhood.”

That’s right. Irene only lived a couple blocks away from her home. 

“I’ve noticed that you smell like cat food when you come back,” Tiffany said. “Are you visiting homes?”

Wendy had taken a huge mouthful of chicken and was enjoying it so much she hardly heard Tiffany’s question. 

“Wendy, focus!” Tiffany said a little sharply. 

“What? Sorry. I was just enjoying my food,” the younger grumbled irritably. “I’v3 just been walking around. Nothing serious.”

The latter gave her a serious look. “Be careful. We don’t want trouble.”

“I know.” 

Tiffany was always scolding her and it was getting a bit annoying. But Wendy tried not to feel impatient with her constant nagging because their true identity as animal shifters could cause a big unneeded mess. 

Irene’s parents came back home by surprise tonight and they had invited over some friends for dinner. Irene didn’t really like weekday get togethers because she would have to entertain the guests with some piano playing and also help serve them little snacks and drinks before dinner. 

Unfortunately, it was Sehun who came over. 

And dinner was the worst. 

Their parents seemed to have been scheming together. Sure, she’d known Sehun all their lives but she didn’t think that was a good reason to get into a relationship. She didn’t even like him. 

“Would you like more tea?” Irene offered Mrs. Oh. 

“Yes thank you!” 

“What about me? I’d like some,” Sehun offered his cup. 

Irene stared at his cup, feeling like he was taking advantage of this opportunity to make it seem like they would be the perfect couple. She did pour a cup for him to keep from shaking her family. 

Irene knew their parents were exchanging approving glances. 

“So, you kids are going to prom right?” Mrs. Bae said. 

“Actually, I was planning to stay home,” Irene replied. “I need to practice piano more.” She hoped they would buy that excuse. 

“such a hard working talented girl,” Mr. oh commented. “Very good. But you should take a break every once in a while.”

“Shes shy,” Mrs. Bae said quickly. “Maybe if you go with Sehun it will be better. Someone you know right honey?”

Irene looked away. “I’ll think about it.”


That night, Irene gazed out the window in hopes to find green eyes glowing in the darkness. 

But it wasn’t the full moon yet. She’d have to wait a while before seeing her cat again. 

Irene wished that Seungwan could stay and then they would never be apart. Despite th e obvious language barrier, Irene always felt like Seungwan really listened. The brilliant green eyes that gazed at her thoughtfully whenever she told the cat about her day. 

Sighing heavily, she closed the window and pulled the curtains before going to sleep. 


"Irene, I'm sorry to pester you, but have you decided?" Sehun asked when creative writing class was over.

"Yes," Irene said, and Sehun immediately brightened up.

But his excitement was shortlived when Irene continued coldly. "I am not interested in prom. I'm sorry."


A month later...

"Irene, prom is coming up in a couple weeks. Have you told Sehun your answer?" Mrs. Bae asked Irene as she got ready for school that morning. "he's been waiting a while."

Right. Sehun had asked her a month in advance - most likely so that he would have time to get preparations done if she agreed. The school offered a limo ride to the venue, and the prom nights at this particular school were pretty costly and fancy.

"Mom, I've decided I won't go," Irene told her. "I just want to stay home and rest. I don't like parties."

"But dear, it's high school! You should enjoy it while you still can. That poor boy worked up his courage to ask you!"

Irene shook her head. "I'll see you later, mom. I'm heading to school now."

She was feeling pretty badly now that her mother brought up the whole prom subject and Sehun again. She really didn't want to go to prom, but she began wondering if perhaps she did hurt his feelings.

This could make her parents look bad considering how close they were to Sehun's parents.

Also, they had known each other a while, so it would make sense for her to say yes...

Irene was crossing the street, but did not notice that a car had run a red light adn was speeding towards her. It was too late when she heard screeching tires and loud honking coming from the right. She froze in horror, eyes wide as a deer in headlights.

Everything happened in a blur - 

A heavy weight hit her side. She thought it was the car...maybe this was the end. She was going to see her grandmother very soon...

The car crashed into another car comign from the opposite direction, and the impact was lod enough to set off other car alarms parked on curb. Someone screamed from across the street.

When she opened her eyes, another person was on top of her and she stared into glowing green eyes.



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Chapter 7: Thanks for the update we'll wait for your next one
1692 streak #2
Chapter 7: Thank you for update! May I ask what happen to your other story? Agent wolf? Agent shifter protecting idol, I love bodyguard au so I'm quite sad you discontinued that one....

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WluvsBaetokki #4
Chapter 6: Could it be Sica..? Hmmm... Thank you for updating
109 streak #5
Chapter 6: an update 😭😭😭
1692 streak #6
Chapter 6: Thank you for update! I think they capture sica?
Chapter 6: Who’s DNA?

Thank you for update 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 4: Please update 🥺🙏
sicaddict #9
Chapter 7: Ah I've missed this story. I'm glad you updated, I had upvoted but not subscribed, so it was a nice surprise stumbling on this again and rereading.

I'm torn with the new Irene - I hope she's still a quiet homebody for Wendy's sake! There would be no progress between these two if Irene was as forward as she has been, but the whole Tiffany & Jessica plus the Oh family flashback means there is good reason for Tiffany conditioning Wendy to lay low.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes!
Chapter 7: Oh gosh so cute hahaha