Unexpected aid

My cat from... where?
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The old woman leads them through a small path and to a modest wooden house. There is a hedge of trees around the front yard and extending into the back garden. Nothing suspicious. Chaeyoung tries to sniff the air, but the old woman doesn’t smell anything strange, like the tanuki that like to play tricks on human or the smell of mud and blood belonging to the goblins. Usually they can cast spells that cover human eyes, but they cannot mask their distinctive scent. On the old woman's body, there was a faint floral scent, not of any particular flower, but a mixture of the exquisite floral scents from deep forest, the smell of crows, and bamboo. Indeed, on the porch, there are a bunch of bamboo strips and a half-woven basket.


"I'm weaving basket to pick some fruit before winter comes. Had to leave it there to look for this little crow. She tends to get herself into trouble often." The old woman says when she sees Chaeyoung's gaze, "Please come in, it's a small house but I believe it can host all of us."


The old woman's house is made of wood and straw, not very big, but full of light and well-ventilated. Right at the entrance is a small set of rattan table and chairs. It’s quite low, with seats almost touching the ground. A tea cabinet is neatly located inside. To the right is a rocking chair and a bamboo cot. To the left was a room, separated from the outer room by a curtain. Chaeyoung guesses it is the old woman's bedroom. Still no special smell other than the flower, except for green tea and some herbs.


"Let's see. You did a pretty good job of bandaging, so I won't touch it. Rest here, Budou-chan."


She gently places the crow on a small cushion next to a chair.

"You can rest on this bamboo cot or go to the inner room to lie down." She points to the room behind the curtain. "I'll get start with the cooking. It's almost dark."

"I'll help you cook." Chaeyoung speaks quickly. They should be careful, not knowing what the old woman will put in the food.

"Oh, that's really nice of you." She beams before turning to Mina. "You can take a shower if you want, the bathroom is in the back."


The bathroom and kitchen are at the back, separate from the house. As soon as she entered the kitchen, Chaeyoung feels like crying, this one looks exactly like the kitchen in her mother’s house. Except for the pots hanging here and there. The kitchen is quite simple. There is an open fire hearth with two holes for cooking, a small pile of firewood, a wooden table, and a cabinet. The pots and dried ingredients are hung all over the wall. In the past, Chaeyoung and her mother also had a kitchen like this, small, but cozy and sufficient. Chaeyoung often spent all afternoon hanging out with Dahyun and Tzuyu until her mother called her home for dinner. On rainy days, they would sit next to the fire, Chaeyoung snuggled into her mother's lap when the latter used chopsticks to stop the rice pot from bubbling over. After her mother died, she hid in the kitchen, tried cooking for herself, but even the fire could not warm the loneliness that her mother left behind. So, most of the time she eats at Jihyo's house, and the older always welcomes her like home.


"Dear?" The old woman's voice snaps Chaeyoung out of her reverie.


"I tried to call you just now. What's your name?"

"My name is Chaeyoung."

"Chaeyoung? Can you help me peel these potatoes? I'll make a fire to cook rice."

"Ah... yes. All right."


Chaeyoung sits on a stool to peel potatoes and reminds herself to keep an eye on the old woman. Nothing out of the ordinary, the old woman focuses on the cooking and didn't say much, other than asking for Mina's name and if they couldn't eat anything. It appears the old woman is used to cooking by herself.


Mina joins them a bit later, looking fresh and happy, finally able to finish the interrupted shower earlier. They set the table together and Chaeyoung has to stop herself from inhaling all the potato and carrot soup. The food is delicious, and it reminds her of home. Besides, being able to eat at a house with proper table and chairs and dishes also plays a big part in her emotional state. Everything is so simple but so cozy.


The old woman is elated to see that the cooked food is all gone, including the plate of Budou. She excitedly talks about her memories of living with the crow.


"You can't imagine how shabby she was when I first found her. Bald, feathers not completely grown, still, she climbed out of her nest to fly. Inevitably, she fell and broke her wings. Fortunately, I found her just in time. She was small so she can heal quickly."


A few minutes later, the story has revolved around Budou and Chaengie’s embarrassing memories from when they were found. The other two can’t do anything but huff and grunt.

They ask for her name, but the lady just laughs it off.

“Name? I was called so many names in my life, by different groups of people. I think they all forget it by now. I don’t meet many people now, you get that from living in a forbidden forest, so I don’t use name anymore.”

“So how long have you been living here?”

“Quite a while. I don’t keep track of time. I’m old.” She chuckles “I’m not waiting for anything except death. Why should I keep track of time?”

“Yeah.” Chaeyoung smiles awkwardly, looking at Mina, wondering if the older counted the days “But do you encounter people in this forest?”

“People? What kind of people? Not a lot, I might say. Not many people dare to enter here.”

“I heard there’s still smuggler around in this wood.”


The old woman scoffs

"Yes. Some still hang around the forest. In the past, very few came to this forest, this is a forbidden place. There are many mysterious creatures and dangerous ancient forces here. It is the reason this place is called the Ancient Forest. But now, when the poachers have exhausted the resources and killed precious creatures in other forests, they come here more and more. The death rate is so high, ten people go in, only four can return."

"Is this forest that dangerous?" Chaeyoung exclaims in disbelieve.


They have been here for almost two weeks and the most dangerous threat they encountered was a human, not some other mysterious creatures.


"For those who have ambition to exploit it. They say that this forest is an ancient living entity, I think that's right. That said, if you want to live or travel peacefully in this forest, don't harm it, and keep away from poachers. They're barbaric and will stop at nothing."

The old woman pauses to catch her breath and continues.

"I've seen them hunt unicorns. It's a sacred animal, not to mention that they will be executed if caught. Just harming unicorns will earn themselves a lifelong curse.

She huffs, leans back in her chair, and shuts her eyes. Apparently, the mention of poachers has upset her. The girls exchange a look and silently agree to drop this topic. At least now they know this lady is not one of the poachers.



When the night comes, the old woman wants to give them the inner room, but they both refuses, saying that they can sleep on bamboo cot. They also have blankets. But the old woman is adamant.

"I can sleep anywhere, really. But I want you two to have your own private space."

"Private space?"

"Isn't that so? Young couple like you. It must be hard sleeping in the woods for days. Don't worry. Although the room is covered with curtains, it’s indeed sound-proof."


Both girls blush profusely when they hear the old woman's words.


"No no. It's not. We're not..."

“Oh, what was I thinking? It's not very tactful of me. I have no filter sometimes. But don't be shy, I know you girls are young and have a lot of energy. I used to be young too. Those were the days.”


The old woman looks far away, as if remembering the glorious youth with passionate love affairs. But they definitely don't want to go in detail on this. They try to explain that they aren’t a couple, but the old woman brushes it off, "It’s fine. Don’t be shy." After a while, they have finally convinced the old lady that it's fine for them to sleep out here. The old woman relents. But before pulling the curtain, she says:


"I can't hear you in here either! The soundproof works both ways!"


Both stands rooted to the spot, face beet red, avoiding each other's eyes.


"She truly--"

"--has no filter." Mina finishes.



"Do you want to go to bed now?"

"Huh?" Chaeyoung says absentmindedly, thinking which form she should sleep tonight. She doesn't feel any threat from the lady, but they can never know. Suddenly, a pair of arms circles around her waist and Mina puts her head on Chaeyoung's shoulder.


"Or do you wanna do something noisy instead?"


Chaeyoung stiffens immediately and although her instinct tells her to run, her legs don't comply. Maybe she's been hexed. What else can turn her legs to jelly like that? There's sound coming from , which is embarrassingly similar to a whimper. (It's not!! She did not whimper like that!). For a moment, all she can hear is Mina's breath next to her ear and the drumming of her own heart. And then... giggle fills the room. She wonders if it's the siren's song that lures sailors to their death. If that is, she would understand how they choose to dive in. But the song doesn't last, together with the hold on her waist.


"You are so cute when you blush, Chaeyoungie."

"I... I don't blush."

"Sure you don't. You just have high blood pressure with occasional red face."

"Let's sleep, kitty."


Chaeyoung scoffs. Kitty? It's the second time Mina calls her kitty today. Excuse you, she's a grown-up cat. Her kitty time is over long time ago.


"Come cuddle me Chaengie."


"I'll scratch your hair."



She swears she tried to keep her composure, but cuddle and hair scratch is too good of a deal.




"Hmm?" Chaeyoung responds dreamily. Hair scratch from Mina is always the best, but it also makes her fall asleep real fast.

“Do you think this lady is the one that scared the smuggler?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. But she doesn’t look that intimidating.”

“I was so scared.”

“Of the lady?”

“No. Yesterday, when you fought him.”

“It’s fine. He can’t hurt you anymore.”

“It’s not that!”

Mina whispers loudly, hand pulling back from Chaeyoung’s head, which makes the younger turns back and frowns.


“You almost died, Chaeyoung. I saw him hit you and you fell, and he almost… He almost got you. If Dahyun and Nayeon hadn’t come in time, you could have...”


Mina hesitates. She doesn’t want to say the word out loud, fearing it would somehow become true if she does. She didn’t think much about it yesterday, still fresh from the event, and with Nayeon and Dahyun shared the tent. But now, with only two of them, it has dawned on her how serious the situation was, how close she was to losing Chaeyoung. She’s never been so scared in her life. Unconsciously, she pulls the girl closer, desperately to feel the warmness of Chaeyoung in her arms, to reassure herself that Chaeyoung is safe here with her. She almost whines when Chaeyoung pulls the hand out of her hold but stops immediately as that same hand reaches out and wipes away the tears on her cheeks. Mina doesn’t realise she is crying until now.


“Don’t cry for me, Mina. As long as you are safe.”

“But you…”

“I’m fine now, aren’t I? That’s what important. We are here, safe.”

“Can you promise me something?”

“What’s that?”

“Don’t die for me.”

“Don’t worry. We will both be okay.”


Even in the darkness of the room, Mina can feel Chaeyoung’s eyes on her, the same intense and determined eyes she’s seen in Irene’s place. It doesn’t escape her that Chaeyoung didn’t say a promise. But she also knows how stubborn the girl is. She would have to find other way to keep Chaeyoung from going headfirst into danger.


“Hold me.” Mina whispers. This time, she wants to feel Chaeyoung’s arms around her instead.


“Can you? Hold me?”



It’s harder to lull herself to sleep this time, with the fear of losing Chaeyoung running wild in her mind. It’s not until Chaeyoung starts putting kisses on the crown of her head does she feel herself relax and drift to dreamland.








“Thank you for having us stay over. Your home is lovely. We had a great time here. We won’t overstay your welcome anymore and will be on our way after breakfast.”

The old lady smiles at them.

“It’s lovely to have you stay over. Truthfully, I haven’t had guest for a while. And I’m glad I got to meet you. You two makes a lovely couple. It’s sad to say goodbye so soon but I guess you have other things to do than staying around. Well, you saved my Budou-chan, I should give you something too.”


They’re about to say there’s no need to that. The old lady has treated them with really nice food already – the best soup they have tasted in weeks – they can’t ask for more. It seems like they have come to a mutual agreement to not correct on the “couple” misunderstanding. But the lady has already clapped her hands.


“Ah, you said you’re on a quest, right? Is there anything you need?”


Without a word, the two young girls turn to look at each other, silently asking if this cheery old lady can help them find their destination. Maybe. It doesn’t hurt to try, right?


“Yeah, we’re looking for this place, you know the story with the Demigod and Kitsune? They’re staying in this forest and we need to get to their place.”

“Hmm. There’re lots of stories about Demigods and Kitsunes, but I think I know the ones you’re looking for. Are you sure it’s what you need?”


The old lady looks at Chaeyoung’s eyes, and then Mina’s. Her dark brown eyes – the color of deep forest – are staring in Mina’s soul. For a moment, Mina thinks she sees the old lady’s eyes shift, dark brown turns to hazel and green, swirling like waves on the surface of a deep green lake. She feels like the lady just show the tiniest bit of her power, ancient, powerful, but means no harm to them. The look vanishes quickly as it appears, the eyes have usual calm and wise look, making Mina questions her own eyes. Is this just a trick of light? Beside her, Chaeyoung clears , looking a bit uneasy. She wonders what the younger girl sees in those eyes.


“Yes, we really need to get there. Do you by any chance know the way there?”


The old lady chuckles and turns to pet the crow, mumbling something inaudible before turning back to them.


“If that’s what you want. In fact, I do know them. Quite nice guys. But I’ll let you be the judge of it.”


She sighs and takes the fireplace poker, sloppily scribbles on the ground. Mina has a weird feeling their answer is not the one the lady wanted to hear.


“To get to

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So sad to say goodbye.
I'm actually relieved that I can finish this story


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217 streak #1
Chapter 33: Really cute story. It was so interesting that I finished it in one day.

They’re so cuuuute 🥰
JackyLambino #2
Chapter 33: Finished this story in just span of three days, Thank you for the good story author-nim.
Chapter 16: The longer, the better. I reallyyyyy love your story, it just like once i have the chance to read this i read this non-stop. To me, this story is the best.
nanquming #4
Chapter 33: it's difficult for me to read English instead of Chinese.But this story is so fantastic and wonderful and is beyond the language restrictions(I mean my bad reading ability ).What a great writer!love you!
1196 streak #5
Chapter 33: Thank you for the bonus chapter! Even if you don't come back often its great to read something when you do have the time for it ☺️
crackheadis9 #6
Chapter 32: Beautiful story, I love it so much. all the details and explainations you gave in between chapters 👍 looking forward for the extra chapter <3
BobTheBuilderSike #7
Chapter 32: i’ll read the extra chapter! great story.
BobTheBuilderSike #8
Chapter 32: i’ll read the extra chapter! great story.
Chapter 32: Had to postpone reading this coz i am sick. but now i am finally able to finish it. One of the best stories out there that i will certainly remember. Thank you for sharing this!!

If it's fine with you, an extra chapter about Chaeyoung's parents will be awesome. And how that last bit plays out.
Chapter 32: Had to postpone reading this coz i am sick. but now i am finally able to finish it. One of the best stories out there that i will certainly remember. Thank you for sharing this!!

If it's fine with you, an extra chapter about Chaeyoung's parents will be awesome. And how that last bit plays out.