Part 1 of Wenrene Soulmate AU

i just wanna take you home
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A long endless highway, you're silent beside me 

Drivin' a nightmare I can't escape from 

Helplessly praying, the light isn't fadin' 

Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones 


Hold On - Chord Overstreet


In a world filled with believers of coincidences and destinies, she only hopes that at least one of them could be of great help for her. Another helping hand can raise the probability of her experiment to become successful and hopefully, help millions of people in the world. Money is not the reason for why she’s desperate to finish her job, it’s the idea of changing lives and giving a lot of people a second shot in life. 


The first time she saw those beautiful hazel eyes was in a coffee shop, how cliche right? The pair of eyes struck her like lightning and sent a shockwave all throughout her body. 


She never found the courage to say hi to the girl that day.


“One caramel macchiato, to go please” she orders, sweetly.


Looking for an empty seat around the busy cafe is as rare as a raindrop in a desert, so she settled on standing beside the waiting counter. 


She can feel eyes boring into the back of her head, watching news helps in warning her that this might be a new modus operandi and endanger her life—she kept her gaze on the countertop.



Wendy realized staring won’t do but she’s not brave enough to approach the alluring girl. She slumped back in her seat and finished her hot choco.



The second time she saw the same pair of eyes was in a restaurant. She was out with a colleague who insisted that his dinner treat is friendly—although he’s acting differently from his words. 


“How’s the steak? I personally think it’s exquisite” his attempt at being fancy made him cringeworthy in her eyes instead, however, all she can focus on is the girl sitting at the table on the right corner.


“By the way, what’s the progress on your new project?” he tried getting her attention again and failing miserably


She keeps on craning her neck subtly to sneak a glance at the girl, the number of times she did this could be the cause of her incoming stiff neck but she finds it worth it. 


“The board asked for a report.” that caught her attention, he smiled triumphantly


She furrowed her brows, “The board?”


“Yes, they wanna know if it is still worth it to pursue a dead end experiment. The company’s losing a lot of money”


“It is worth it!” she replied harshly, “I gave them an ultimatum, either they let me work on my project or I’ll leave the company.”


He raised his hands up, “Hey, I’m not the enemy here. They just asked me to rely the message since we’re a bit close.”


“No, we’re not”


“Ouch” he put his hand on his chest


“Stop being a drama queen,” she rolled her eyes, “Will you excuse me? I’ll go to the ladies’ room”


“Okay but if that’s your way of ditching me then please warn me so I can get the bill and avoid the humiliation,” the boy in a navy blue suit said, cheekily.


“You’re an idiot”


She walked towards the bathroom, planning on touching up her makeup but got surprised instead. 






“I think I’ve seen you before”


“From the cafe? 2 weeks ago?”


“No, I probably saw you in my future. You look a lot like my future girlfriend”


She burst out laughing while covering . The other girl looked amused by the loudness of her laugh.


“I’m sorry,” her laughter dying down, “It’s the corniest line I’ve heard all night”


“Corniest? Well, is it corny enough to get you to tell me your name?” the blonde’s attempt at being charming is failing badly.


“Joohyun, Bae Joohyun” she extended her arms


“Pretty name for a lovely girl, I’m Wendy Son.”



Wendy was on a high for a minute before slapping herself for forgetting to get the pretty girl’s number.



So it started in that restaurant bathroom. 


They’ve been seeing each other in the cafe more frequently, almost like they have an unspoken rule that at exactly 7:30 A.M they’ll enter the cafe and wait for the other to finish ordering their usuals. Caramel Macchiato for her if she’s not too sleepy, 2 shots of espresso if she is, and a signature hot chocolate for Wendy, fitting for her child like personality. Then they’ll meet up again at 5:30 pm, after her shift in the laboratory.


Some days, she’ll manage to spare enough time in between her busy work schedule to entertain a few liners from Wendy and other days she can only say a small hi before leaving. Content with seeing the blonde’s wide smile as soon as she spots her.


Slowly but surely, Wendy managed to break through the walls she built around herself and became a big part of her happiness. It must be Wendy’s corny lines or her charming smile that got her to put down her walls one by one and welcome the other with open arms.



Wendy noticed the changes in her life, her smiles became brighter and her days became lighter. A part of her believes that Irene has a huge impact on turning her world upside down.


She hopes for the best now.



“Hey! Before you leave, can I ask you something?” Wendy asked, nervousness creeping in her.


“Sure, what’s up?” she replied while fixing the contents of her leather messenger bag. 


“There’s this movie that I want to watch and I was hoping that you’ll accompany me?” Wendy flashed her sweetest smile while clasping her two hands together in a pleading manner


“When is it? Maybe I can get a day off”


“This Saturday?”




Wendy was about to cheer but she continued her sentence.


“This is not a date”


“Psh, it’s a date!”



“Just 2 more years, Seungwan-ah”


Wendy nodded, the happiness she felt awhile ago fades away.



“The movie you wanted to see is Avengers?” She said in disbelief. She did not peg Wendy as an avid fan of comics.


“Hey! I like Scarlett Witch okay?” Wendy, distracted with reaching for her wallet, defended herself.


“I can see” she teased the younger one before walking towards the popcorn stand to buy a large bucket of butter popcorn.


“You have such boring taste in popcorn, caramel is a god-tier flavor”


“I like mine plain okay?” she rolled her eyes and ordered a caramel one for the whiny child beside her.


She’s been so caught up with work that she forgot how it felt like to have someone make her heart leap, she forgot how it feels like to fall in love. Maybe, just maybe, she can let herself fall for this girl who puts up a badass front yet failing to hide her dorky side. 


“Earth to Bae Joohyun” Wendy snaps her finger in front of her, trying to bring her back to reality.


She grabbed Wendy’s hand and intertwined it with hers, as predicted the other one stiffened from the sudden act of bravery. She walked hand-in-hand with Wendy until they found their seats inside the theatre.


She was about to let go when Wendy tightened her grip.


“Leave it, I like holding your hand.”


Realizing what she’s done, she came to the conclusion that she liked holding Wendy’s hand too. It fits her own.


It might be fast but Wendy can feel it at the back of , waiting for the time she spills the four-letter word. 



A frustrated scientist is often a product of perfectionism. She’s been working on this for almost 2 years now and she’s not moving forward, the only thing increasing is her frustration and the pressure from her colleagues and bosses. Yet, she holds on to her belief that she can perfect this. She can still salvage all her failed experiments now that she found her inspiration.


“You look tired” her co-worker commented, pulling out a compact mirror and putting it directly to her face.


“I look ugly, I know that already”


“No, you never looked ugly. You look tired, have you been resting?” she can sense the concern in the tone, she doesn’t need concern right now.


“I’m busy” she replied.


“Too busy to sleep?”


“I have to finish this okay?” her voice on the edge


“I get that and we’re all trying here but you can’t possibly think that skipping meals and losing sleep will help you, right?” 


She kept her head down, writing a new equation, and coming up with a new approach.


“Okay, I’ll leave you be. Just know that I’m willing to accompany you when you decide to grab lunch”


Her obsession with her project was becoming unhealthy but she can’t give it up now. Not when she’s almost there, just a few pushes and she’ll achieve what she’s been dreaming of since she became a victim of this traumatizing curse.


Her thoughts about her project are slowly drowning, getting replaced by a certain blonde girl. Still, she tries to put up her wall, remembering how smooth of a talker Wendy is and she can easily get any girl she wants.


“You sure you can still do this?”


“Of course I can! I have to court her and make her mine!”


Wendy’s still as bright as the sun but her insides are getting darker like the night sky.


“It’s a little late to stay here, you know?”


She jerked her head up, surprised with Wendy’s presence behind her.


“Can’t you say hi like a normal person?”


Wendy chuckled, “Where’s the fun in that?”


She surged to her feet when she heard the barista call her name out loud. Grabbing her cup of coffee, she returned to her seat and opened her work notebook.


“Why are you here at this hour anyway?”


“Work,” she said.


“Just work? You don’t have a date?”


“I don’t have time for dates.”


“Funny, I remember you going out with me to the movies a week ago” the blonde girl , a smile forming on her face.


“And I remembered telling you that it’s not a date.”


“Still a date,” Wendy smugly said, “Let me accompany you, is that alright?”


“Do I have a choice to say no?”


“Nope, I’m about to buy hot choco now. I will be quiet, I promise.” Wendy raised her right hand to prove her point.


She went back to reviewing her notes from her session earlier today. She keeps on forgetting one chemical component to finish the product. 


“I know I said I won’t pry but I’m curious, what do you do?” Wendy asked as soon as she sat back down.


“I’m a pharmaceutical scientist”


“Sounds fancy, are you cooking up new medicines to cure cancer?” 


She moved closer to the table, “I am actually, I’m trying to come up with a cure for leukemia.”


Wendy looked stunned, she looked caught off guard from her answer. 


“Oh, I did not expect that. I was joking but….are you close to finding a cure?” Wendy asks, her breathing became heavier.


She looked at her questioningly, “Not yet, are you this interested?”


“Oh haha, no I’m just shocked that’s all.”


The tension was forming around them, she can feel it as Wendy went back to sipping on her hot chocolate and scrolling through her phone. She’d confront her about it but she’s too preoccupied with her work.



Wendy looked at Irene like she puts the stars in the sky. She’s too beautiful, too perfect for her, and maybe this is her last blessing.



It was a hot afternoon when she felt something shifted inside her, specifically her heart, when she saw Wendy sitting on her usual spot inside the cafe.


She stood still for a couple of minutes before taking a step. Wendy noticed her presence and turned her body to welcome her.


“Hey, you’re here. I was about to leave”


“Just a little busy in the lab, people are on a hectic schedule because of the outbreak.” Weariness and stress are evident in her tone.


“Glad I ordered the right drink for you, 2 shots of espresso,” Wendy said while pushing the small cup in her direction.


She almost kissed Wendy as a thank you gesture but she decided against it. One, it will look weird to other people, and Two, she might embarrass herself in public.


“How’s work?” 


“As you can see, very hectic. I haven’t washed my hair for a day now and all I want to do is go home and lie down on my soft bed.” she complained


“You still look beautiful, Irene.”


“Of course you’d say that you flirt!”


“I’m serious!” Wendy raised her white tissue paper and waved it, an act of surrender.


She grumbled, “You must say that to a lot of girls”


“I am offended, really,” Wendy mumbles, “I’m not a playgirl you know?”


“Playgirls say that all the time”


“Is that why you’re so wary of me? You think I’ll play you?”


She stayed silent, looking for an exit path but everything’s blocked. She can only look at Wendy with vulnerability.


“Haven’t I proved myself enough these past few weeks? I’m unemployed and I keep on racing past the workers to save us a seat when you’re on your way to work and before you leave your office. What kind of idiot do I have to be to stay in a cafe, doing nothing, and drink 2 cups of hot chocolate.”


She sees the sincerity in Wendy’s eyes—sincerity and frustration— and felt herself falling deeper for the girl. How did this even happen? Last month, she was getting coffee and going back to the laboratory, no stopovers, and a 5-minute break. And then enter Wendy, her schedule became less suffocating knowing she’s about to see the charming 26-year-old in their spot at the cafe. To say her life changed drastically within a month is an understatement, her life turned upside down because of Wendy and she’s terrified.


“Is it crazy to say that I’m falling in love with you?” Wendy breaks the silence, her voice filled with uneasiness.






“No.” She said with finality.


Wendy plays with her thumb, “Why is that?” afraid to look at Irene directly in her eyes.


“Because I think I’m falling in love with you too” she whispers


“Uh….what?? You—what???” Wendy looked taken aback. Her wide eyes and O shaped mouth supports her claim.


“You heard me” she rolled her eyes, blushing from her sudden confession.


She saw the sparks in Wendy’s eyes, fully aware that she has the same one in her eyes. Wendy reached out to hold her hand, almost knocking her empty espresso glass.


“Thank you for making me the happiest girl in the world.”


Wendy’s heart is finally at peace, accepting the path that’s already built for her.



“So do I call you my girlfriend now?” Wendy teased the serious-looking girl beside her.


“You think I’m that easy?” she raised her brow, “Let me tell you something, even if I admitted how I feel for you doesn’t mean you’re off the hook.”


Wendy can feel the sweat forming on her forehead, her hands are shaking from the fear the older instilled on her. 


Her eyes can really express her emotions even without saying words.


“Then let me court you, Madam,” Wendy said and held her hand like a knight in shining armor.


This, this is the feeling that she missed. Being chased by someone who has pure intentions of winning her heart and who’s willing to go through great lengths just to prove that they are worthy. Wendy doesn’t have to put in much effort though, she already has her heart but to see how much effort she puts into winning her will surely amuse her.


“I’ll be leaving now, make sure you get home safely okay?” were the words she’s used to saying, she’s been saying it for a month now.


“Yes, I’ll go home after I walk you to your office”




“You told me to try harder right? As your official suitor, I should accompany you and protect you from the dangers of the world.” Wendy said proudly.


She felt the corner of turned upward, Wendy knows her way to her heart. The fact that Wendy’s willing to protect her despite her height being a little over 5’0 is endearing to her. It’s adorable, really, it hasn’t even been a day yet and she’s over here blushing about Wendy being a darling.


“Okay then, my bodyguard, I’m running late so shall we leave now?”


“Not a bodyguard! A knight in shining armor!” Wendy whined like a little kid, a sight she’ll never get tired of seeing.


“My mistake, let’s go now my knight in shining armor”


“That’s more like it, let’s go now my princess” extending her arms for the other girl to take, Wendy initiated on leading them en route to her office.


The sun was out, reminding her that no one shines brighter than Wendy Son.


Wendy believes in the inevitable, she knows how everything will end between the two of them but for now, she cherishes the moment she has with Bae Joohyun.


“Your suitor’s here again, she’s waiting for you in the lobby” her co-worker announced which made her frantic. She hasn’t had any proper sleep since last night and her hair’s a mess, she also forgot her lipstick at home, in short, she looks far from presentable.


“Here, I can see you panicking internally” the same co-worker handed her a lip gloss and a similar compact mirror she used before to prove her point that Irene looked restless.


“You’re a lifesaver” she praised her while applying lip gloss all at once.


“Yeah yeah, I have a good feeling about her so make sure you give that girl a chance okay?”


“I’ll keep that in mind”


She said her goodbyes to her other colleagues, swiping her card to sign out, and she’s off to see Wendy Son in the lobby. 


She is a sight to see, sporting a V-neck white tee and washed-out blue jeans with a baseball cap. She is always a sight to see, no matter what style she decides to wear on a particular day.


“Hey,” Wendy greeted her brightly, “I hope you’re not too tired”


“Hmm I have a little bit of energy left for dinner”


“I wasn’t talking about getting dinner”


She tilted her head to the side, “Oh? What are you planning then?”


Wendy fished out her car keys and dangled it in front of her, “Roadtrip?”


When Wendy said road trip, she did not think of going to a 3-hour car ride from Seoul to Busan. She’s tired but not as tired as the designated driver of the luxurious car. A thought crossed her mind, she’s not really familiar with Wendy’s life but the latter is familiar with hers.


“Wendy, can I ask you a few questions?” She asked


“Sure, is there a problem?”


“No no, I’m just curious about your life. You seem to know mine but I’m still a bit clueless with yours.”


“Okay ask away” Wendy spared her a glance with a smile on her face, signature Wendy look.


“What do your parents do?”


“My father has a law firm and my mother owns a hospital in Myeongdong.”


She confirms that the girl she’s with is worth millions of Won, hella loaded.


“Okay uh where did you study when you were in Elementary and High School?”


“Canada, my parents sent me there to finish my studies but I went back due to...uhm...circumstances?” She saw how Wendy stiffened mid-sentence but she shrugged it off, it must be her tension in the shoulder area from driving for too long.


“I won’t dig that deep, it sounds like it’s personal. Do you have a bestfriend?”


“Yes, I do. Her name’s Kang Seulgi but she lives in Busan”


She lit up at the thought of meeting someone close to Wendy, “Ah! Maybe we can meet her when we arrive in Busan!”


“I’ll send her a message when we stop at the next gas station”


“Do you plan on going back to Canada?”


Wendy looked at her, “Do you want me to go back to Canada?”


“Yah! I’m the one asking you, why are you answering with a question?!” 


Wendy chuckled at her reaction, “No, I won’t go back to Canada. I’d miss you too much”


“Are you always this flirty?”


“No, you just bring out my flirty side I guess,” Wendy said nonchalantly.


She was abou

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Chapter 1: I'm sorry I'm only reading this now, it's such a good story that it makes me cry just thinking about it. Thank you for the beautiful story authornim 😭🩵🩷
aRedBerry #2
Chapter 1: Well---f,,,;-;.... i want more fluff now..
Chapter 1: This is so ing painful and sad!! </3 Btw it's 3am in the morning and here I am sobbing my heart out!! T.T
Chapter 1: You make me cry in the morning ㅠ. ㅠ
Chapter 1: Oh my goodness! This is really a beautiful written and I really love it.
I though Wendy will stay until Irene finish her cure but too bad she can't :( this is so good yet hurting my feeling too :(
-WenRene15- #6
Chapter 1: Such a sad ending. I thought it'll be a fluff WenRene. The story is great though
1701 streak #7
Chapter 1: hi! I see you on ao3.. Please do write on here.
This story is amazing yet so sad T_T