Chapter 28 (Part 3)

I Hate Alphas!
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Currently, in the prison waiting room, there are only Sun Woong and Yoo Chun sitting down on the chair and the atmosphere could feel that it’s really cold and gloomy. The guards who are standing at first in the room, could feel the alpha pheromones that Yoo Chun spreads in the small space starts to feel suffocated, even though they are alpha, it still could affect them, as their rank is lower alpha. They immediately press the button that will release the small amount of electricity on the collar that is being placed around Yoochun’s neck.

Yoochun growls as he can feel his body being electrified by the small amount of electricity, but his whole pheromones reduce incredibly as well. “I would like to apologize, guards, but could you leave us for a moment? As there’s only one way to step out from this room and I have nothing here that could unlock the defendant’s handcuffs and collars.” Sun Woong requests the guards, as he needs to step up his game, otherwise, this would be just a losing game as he is facing the top lawyer in this country. The guards do a thorough check one more time and place another handcuff that links towards the wall and also the chair, to ensure that Park Yoochun could not escape. After that, they leave the room and stand on each side of the door to guard.

Sun Woong: Park Yoochun-nim, why have you never mentioned to me that you have gone to a psychiatrist before or even until now?

Yoochun: Are you saying that I am crazy right now?

Sun Woong: No no, that’s not what I mean. As I have mentioned since the beginning to you and also to your parents, I should know everything that relates to you and also the cases that are currently being brought up. If there’s something that is being hidden, or I am not aware of, it could affect greatly on how I could defend you in the court.

Yoochun's eyes are red as he glares at Sun woong, and the cold tone left his lips.

Yoochun: You are being hired to defend me, and it’s your problem if you are not able to gather the right information. And for your information, the psychiatrist thought that something was wrong with me for being in love obsessively with Kim Jaejoong. To be honest, it’s not me who is wrong, but it’s Jaejoong himself. He purposely seduced me by not drinking the pill on time, as he never missed it before. How dare he accused me now and managed to throw me into jail for 15 years?

Sun Woong stays quiet as he realizes that if he says anything right now, it could just add on more oil into the client’s current condition.

Yoochun: Tell me. Why the hell are you not doing what you have been paid for? How the hell do you manage to be a lawyer, when you can’t even protect your own client?

Sun Woong: With all due respect, the first round of the court today was something that I was not expecting, as you, as the client, have failed to disclose to me in regards to your mental health issue. I have checked the report that is being presented and it’s verified. Also, your behavior in the beginning has given the impression to the judge and also the court that you are not well.

Yoochun: What? The laugh? That’s consider that I’m crazy? Hahahahha… That’s hilarious… How about you then? Are you a fake lawyer? What is your next plan, as we only have like … 30 minutes left?

Sun Woong: I want you to be prepared for the next round. I can help you to escape from the acquisition of alcohol and drugs abuse, but as for the human trafficking/illegal ion, I might only be able to ask for lighter sentence, to say that you are not the main person on this, as you are being trapped int…

Yoochun lets out the sarcastic laughter from his lips as he slams both of his cuffed hands on the table hard.

Yoochun: Your competency as a lawyer disgust me. Let me tell you this, I am not involved in any of those, don’t you think it’s funny that I am currently being accused of all these nonsense, whereas I have been living just fine for the past 6 to almost 7 years?

Sun Woong still puts a calm and unaffected expression as he calmly collects all the papers and files and places it in his bag.

Sun Woong: If you want me to be brutally honest, you are indeed in a deep trouble that no one, not even your powerful family could help you now. You are stuck in your own delusion thinking that everything is revolved around you. So if you want me to still continue to help you, do as I say. When we enter the courtroom for the 2nd phase, I want you to act as gloomy as possible. This is to plead the court eyes to say that you are being trapped. And if you follow this simple instruction, I will do my role to defend you as much as possible. Understand?

Yoochun growls as he leans his back to the chair and looks away.

Yoochun: Get out. I want my alone time rather than sitting in the same room with you.

Sun Woong stands up and bows his head slightly before knocking on the door and the guards open it to let him out and leave Yoochun alone in the small prison.

Park Boo Hyun POV

“Yeobo… What time is it now? How about our son?” I turn to look at my wife, who is now laying down on the hospital bed with the IV drip hanging next to her. I let out a deep sigh, “We should not even let him return back to Seoul… I never thought that our son is still so obsessed with that omega. You are one of the reasons why he becomes like this right now.” I glare at my wife, as I always scold and nag him, but my wife always ends up asking me to not nag him, cause he is just a child back then.

Hee Jung can’t believe her ears when she looks at her husband with tears forming on her eyes. “Park Boo Hyun. How dare you say that this is all my fault now? It’s you and your own perception in your own world that you always insist to have pureblood in our family. I already say to you that I don’t mind if our child ends up with an omega, as long as they come from a reputable family. But you… ever since we are getting more fame and wealth, you have changed…” I growl louder as warning and release my pheromones that slowly fill up this room. She immediately glares at me as she emits her own pheromones but not as strong as mine, due to her current shock condition. “Remember this Hee Jung. I am the head of the family here and you are nothing without me. Your fame is possible, as I refer you to many auditions and producers, that’s why you’re more and more famous now. And it’s your main responsibility to keep our child in the right direction and now you have ruined this.”

I walk out and slam the door behind me, as I could hear my wife cry out loud in the room. I take out my phone and press on certain numbers, after a few dials, someone finally picks up. “It’s me, Boo Hyun. Have you managed to capture the psychiatrist before she enters the court area?” I let out a smirk as I entered the car, “Good job. Make sure that she is not able to come to the court today, otherwise, it’s you and your family who will be the one who suffers the consequences.” I end the call and toss my phone to the seat. “Drive me back to the court now, we only have like 15 minutes left.” The driver nods his head as he drives the car out from the h

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Hi All, I would like to give a quick update that I might not be able to update anything this week, as I caught food poisoning and still in the middle of recovering stage (´・_・`) I hope you guys are doing well and stay safe and healthy there! I’ll be back soon :)


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lucyonthesky #1
Chapter 5: Tu historia es muy bella
Chapter 11: I am enjoying your story. Your writing style is nice. TFS. Take care.
2034 streak #3
Chapter 42: Thank you for giving us this story ^^ do take plenty of rest and take care of your health. Nothing is more important than that. Hopefully, see you again in your future endeavours ^^
papadie13 558 streak #4
Chapter 42: Thank you for writing and finishing this story!! I enjoyed reading it! Pls take care of you and hope you will write again <3
faithot5 #5
Chapter 42: thank you for this amazing story.enjoy it lots.
Shubha #6
Chapter 42: Waited waited, and finally an update, sad it ended... But look forward for more yunjae... thanks auther you gave us a beautifulest story
Chapter 42: They wasted no time, perhaps expanding their little family. Very happy this couple is getting their happy ending, very much deserved. Junsu and Baekhyun sure know how to entice an alpha, though with Yunho, everything about Jae drives him crazy.
Thanks for sharing!
meechan35 #8
Chapter 42: Thank you for ending this story.
jjbrownsugga #9
Chapter 42: Lovely ending for a lovely story. Thank you for sticking with it, and completing it.
Chapter 3: The fact that Yoochun is the bad guy also in other story (WonKyu story) goshhh I cannot handle this anymore I want punch you again 👊😭🤧🤧🤣🤣