twenty nine.

When Roses Kiss
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Mari found it funny how what seemed like a few days had actually been a few weeks. One moment her heart soared out of her chest as the man she adored told her he felt the same way, and now—she was faced with reality. Her face had been prepped and powdered to perfection that not even a single pore could be seen, while her lashes were bold and accentuated that made her eyes look fiercer. Her lips were painted a deep shade of red with her nose contoured to give off a much stronger, sharper look to angles in her face she didn’t even know she had.


The woman who stared back at her in her reflection was the epitome of wealth. Her skin glowed with such radiance that could only be obtained through several visits to a skin clinic and a regular session at Pilates. Ever since her Mother died, Mrs. Park took it upon herself to prepare Mari every single day for their wedding, and Mari nearly failed to recognize the woman she saw.


Although she stood tall and proud, she felt uncomfortable with the gold jewelry adorned around her neck and the thousand dollar antique earrings Chanyeol got her from London—auctioned from one of the Queen’s collections. From what she heard, several ministers and even other government officials, along with celebrities and heirs like them were even invited. At least more than a hundred million was spent for this so-called “wedding of the century” that Mari didn’t have time to blink.


Back and forth they visited designer boutiques by designer boutiques, then hopped into another clinic where they lasered every hair away from Mari’s body. She would’ve felt relaxed with every threaded brow and tattooed lip for a permanent pinkness to it, but the more flawless she looked, the less human she felt.


Every day they met with reporters and had fancy dinners on skyscrapers and penthouses with people she’d never even met, but had the obligation to dine and wine with them as if they were old friends. Chanyeol called it “establishing connections.” The pair of them always went home with a parched throat and red eyes from too many photoshoots that they no longer found the energy to complain or find another alternative to escape this situation.


In another second, Mari was sitting on a throne-like chair in the bridal preparation room. Two lady servants curled and pinned her hair while she stared at herself from the mirror, wondering where her smile went, or why she felt nothing at all.


The door opened and a head peeked in, a small gasp falling from her lips as she entered the room. “Mari. You look absolutely beautiful,” gushed Mrs. Park. The lady servants bowed before walking away to give her some space, and Mari stood—amazed that she no longer wobbled in four inch heels—to greet her. A tinge of sadness flashed in her eyes as she took Mari’s gloved hand in hers. “I really wish your Mother was here to see you. She would’ve been so proud of you.”


“Thank you, Mrs. Park.”


“Please, call me Mom now. You’re family too,” she beamed at her, although there was still a hint of regret on her face. Mrs.Park—or Mom—opened to speak when three steady knocks came from the door. A tall figure entered the room, all power, dominance, and a cool suave from each step he took. If he wasn’t frowning and looking highly uncomfortable, Mari would’ve swooned at his classic handsomeness.


Mrs. Park’s eyes lit up. “My son. Look at how you’ve grown up. I couldn’t be any prouder at this moment,” she shook her head to herself, walking to the door. “Well, anyways. I best give you both some privacy and talk things out.”


The silence stretched into an uncomfortable one. Chanyeol shifted his weight from one foot to another while Mari emptily eyed her gaudy wristwatch. “Can I really not back out of this?” he finally said, his deep voice reverberating into the room, followed by a clearing of a throat. “I don’t really want to be here.”


Mari resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Neither of us wants to be here, but we don’t have a choice,” she sighed, picking her bouquet of roses from the desk. “Now, come on. We’ve got a world to fool.”


Chanyeol silently followed her through the hallways and out the door. He was supposed to enter the double doors first before the music played, a cue for the bride’s iconic walk. Mari didn’t feel the least bit nervous even as cameramen flashed cameras their way. She’d practiced this a hundred times before. She just wanted to get this over with.


Too focused on gritting her teeth with the edges of her gown clutched in her hands, Mari accidentally stepped on her dress, nearly falling face first. Chanyeol caught her arm before she fell, the mintiness of his breath fanning against her cheeks. “Watch your step.”


“I can take care of myself,” she bit back with a glare, ripping her arm away from his hold. From what the others could see, it was a sweet banter with the humor in his eyes and the flush of pink from her cheeks, but really, Mari only felt frustration.


“I was just saying,” was the last thing he said before he disappeared through the doors. Two minutes passed and a collective gasp could be heard inside, probably from astonishment at his handsomeness. Mari had to admit, there was something undeniably attractive about a successful, hardworking man who finally committed to a woman.


Had it been a few weeks ago, Mari would’ve swooned. Now she only hardened her grip around the bouquet, eyes searching for a certain head of red hair, only to come up empty. Then, the first keys of the piano played, and like a snake controlled by the hypnotizing sound of its flute, Mari felt each muscle in her body tense up. When she moved at the same time the double doors opened, where she was greeted by a blinding white light and equally familiar faces of officials and celebrities, her body didn’t even feel like it was hers.


Mari began to descend down the aisle.


“She’s so beautiful!”


“Sir Chanyeol just keeps getting more and more handsome these days,” another woman gushed, matching the rhythm of Mari’s steps. “His wife is really lucky with him.”


“I believe he’s luckier with her. She’s the heiress of practically a kingdom in Japan. She comes from old money,” said the other, and she could feel perceptive eyes on each of her movements. “She’s stunning, too. You can tell she really was bred for a throne.”


Mari held back a snicker. Bred for a throne sounded hilarious when she was raised in captivity without any knowledge of the world. These people had no idea what she’d been through, yet they believed they could read her all because of a facade she had perfected. The event of the wedding was breathtaking as well, with golden chandeliers hanging perfectly from the ceiling in diamond shaped lights, falling like star drops from the sky. Everything sparkled and glittered. Even the roses that decorated the whole hall brought out an image of passion and dedication from the couple that was to wed—in short, it was the best wedding to fool everyone.


“Those two are going to be the next power couple, I guarantee it.”


“Their wedding is already top trending in eighteen countries. Rumor has it it’s just as relevant as an actual royal wedding.”


“I can’t imagine the power their future child will have, born from two influential people like that,” a man spoke to his colleague. The sound was almost faint as it came from the edges, probably from where the cameramen stood. “Now those kinds of people...they’ll always be far from our reach. We can never be like them.”


Chanyeol was just a few feet away from her now. Had she not known better, she’d be deceived by the adoration in his eyes, the way they glittered and how his smile grew wider with each step she took closer to him. His pearly white teeth glistened under the harsh lights of the hall, his handsomeness and charisma waving off of him delectably that for a little while, Mari was star struck by his presence.


Her life would be completely different starting from now on. A life that was far from the picture perfect one she’d always dreamt of.


“I know,” another man huffed, “It’s unfair they’re living such perfect lives.”


“Settle down, ladies and gentlemen,” the officiator announced, and the crowd fell into a quiet hush. The officiator beamed at the obedience, basking in the attention that was now solely his. “We are gathered today amongst our friends, families, and colleagues —all to witness the union of these two lovebirds; Park Chanyeol and Fujiwara Mariko.”


“This day has been long awaited by many, but most of all by these two young lovers themselves,” he nodded to them both. Expertly, Chanyeol looked down at her with a small smile on face, while Mari forced herself to mirror the expression. “Bound by their trust and profound love for each other, their relationship has flourished and then blossomed into something magical, a miracle that we only experience once in our lives. And to meet the other half of our soul and heart that we have always been looking for—nothing could be a greater blessing. And now for the exchange of vows, I hereby give the right to the groom himself, Sir Park Chanyeol.”


At the mention of his name, he didn’t even falter. As smooth as glass and as clear as the sky, Chanyeol shifted his body until he faced her, kissing her gloved hand that elicited an audible ‘aww’ from the crowd. “I still remember the first day I was blessed enough to witness your beauty,” Mari half-grimaced. “From the form of a Polaroid and love letter written from when you were still studying in Japan, yet I felt that there could be no distance between our hearts. I knew I cherished you greatly from how you understood me and never judged me, but nothing could compare to what I felt when you finally came to Seoul, and that’s when I knew —I had completely fallen in love with you,”


“I knew then and there that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, that you and I were meant to be together. It’s as if the stars didn’t want to write my name without yours so they put the galaxy in your eyes and made you mine,” he breathed out dreamily. “I promise to be loyal to you and to love you as fiercely as I always have. If you’ll have me as I want you, then you’d make me the happiest man on Earth, and I hereby vow to treat you like a Queen for the rest of my life.”


“Aww!” cooed the crowd. “They’re so cute!”


“And now for the exchanging of vows from the beautiful bride, Fujiwara Mariko.”


Mari gladly took the mic from Chanyeol’s hand, shivering when his skin brushed her gloved ones. “Even after such a long time, you still manage to make my heart flutter,” she lied through gritted teeth, and continuous snapping of cameras could be heard. After all, she came out of nowhere and managed to snag the most desired bachelor in South Korea. It only made sense people were eager to know more about what she had to say. However, she also had to keep up to the aloof, mysterious confidence of her family name, so she had to keep this formal and brief.


“I can’t imagine a life without you, Chanyeol. You’ve taught me how to become a better person, and in turn I have taught you how to embrace yourself. You and I are like the yin to each other’s yang, and I love you just the same on your rainy days because you are always my sunshine,” she spoke in a honeyed voice. “You’re the strength that keeps me upright and the joy that brightened up my blue days. I love you to the moon and back, from the galaxy and farther beyond—I would love nothing more to be yours.”


The crowd erupted into cheers and even flowers were thrown their way. Mari flinched when a rose hit her shoulder, making Chanyeol shield her with his bicep as he turned her away from the crowd. She couldn’t resist but find comfort in his touch, not because she liked him, but because he was the only one there. A part of her wanted to turn back and look for Baekhyun again, when the officiator beamed at them.


“Park Chanyeol, do you take Fujiwara Mariko as your lawfully wedded wife?”


“Yes, I do.”


“And Fujiwara Mariko, do you take Park Chanyeol as your lawfully wedded husband?”


No. “Yes,” she whispered, body freezing when he finally slipped the ring through her fingers, claiming her as his. She didn’t want to be. “I do.”


“You may now kiss your wife.”


Mari’s fingers trembled as she faced Chanyeol. A smile was there on his face, although his eyes mirrored the same fear she held. Since he was the man, it was expected he initiated things when it came to a traditional woman like Mari. Chanyeol bent down until their noses brushed, their lips touching for a miniscule moment. She was brought back to that night on the cruise where she gave him her first kiss, only this time she felt anything but love for him. She felt fear, regret, contempt, perhaps even hatred—and she remained still when his lips moved against hers.


The crowd around them took thousands of photos along with hollers echoing. But when Chanyeol pulled away, Mari saw how his eyes glossed over with tears.




If maneuvering through the crowd and making it into the limousine was difficult enough whatnot with the cameras shoved in their faces, nothing could compare to the reception. Chanyeol and his Mom took care of most of the event planning, simply because Mari couldn’t be bothered to pitch in for a wedding she didn’t even want to be in. If anything, it felt more like the event had been catered for Chanyeol’s wishes. Not that she minded, since Mari couldn’t care less.


She wasn’t surprised when they arrived in a place that resembled a castle. The day was glorious for a wedding, with the sun a little shy behind the clouds and a cool breeze of air that slightly ruffled their clothes. Glasses of wine clinked against one another as everyone chatted amongst themselves, dulcet jazz music playing in the background.


Thankfully the outdoor reception had a stable ground to walk on, and her heels didn’t dig into the grass. At least half a thousand people milled around with elegant smiles and a graceful poise of their fingers as they nibbled on caviar, the day feeling much too old when the night remained young.


“Mari, congratulations!” a familiar voice greeted, making her ears perk up at the sound. Her brother stalked towards her with a half-empty champagne flute in his hands, looking handsome and pristine in his bow tie and suit. Mari couldn’t help but smile at the same time her brother grinned. “You look absolutely beautiful.”


“I missed you. How’ve you been doing?” she wrapped her arms around him in an embrace, breathing in the comforting scent and presence of her brother.


She felt Kyo shrug. “Eh, got fired, but I can still go out for a drink but it’s not so bad,” he laughed to himself as they pulled away. Kyo scratched the back of his neck, his eyes casting downwards and his drink lowered. He sighed, “I still don’t have anything new though. I know you got me that new apartment just so I can stay here but—”


“Brother. It’s okay. Today is supposed to be a joyous ceremony,” she held back a snort at her own words. Nothing about this occasion felt joyous at all. But the people enjoyed it and had the time of their lives socializing with their fellow heirs and probably establishing connections, so what else could she say? As long as the people believed they lived a fairytale, Mari had nothing else to worry about. She lifted one shoulder nonchalantly, “Let’s not think too much about it.”


“Yeah, but…” his words trailed off when he squinted at someone behind Mari. Then, her brother frowned, malice evident in his eyes. “He’s here.”

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2021.24.01 — we got advertised! thank you so much!💕

Are you team Baekhyun or Team Chanyeol?

And who do you think she's gonna end up with and why? I would love to hear your theories!


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Its an amazing ff😭😭😭😭❤️❤️i love it
40 streak #2
Chapter 41: Seems interesting. I've already subscribed and I'm so excited to read LIMA 🥺🥰😍🤗
40 streak #3
Chapter 40: Omg.. so nari is mari and baekhyun's daughter 😭😭😭😭😭
Bt their reunion made me cry😭😭😭😭 . The last part 🤧🤧🤧😭😭😭 makes me so emotional. Bt mari ,chanyeol and their little family... 🥺🥺🥺🥺 it's like I want to know more about them 🥺🥺😖😖😖 . It was really an amazing journey. Really enjoyed reading this whole story. Loved it so much authornim. Idk bt I'm so emotional rn. I'm going to miss this story. Thank u so much authornim for writing such an amazing story. It was not an typical ending. From beginning to end it was awesome. Everything about it 👏👏😍❣🥺😖😭🤧❣❤😍🙆‍♀️🤩🥰
40 streak #4
Chapter 39: The whole chapter makes me so emotional. For a sec I thought something happened to baek😔😪🥺 bt he moved on and finally happy with his family. Even though I thought mari maybe will end up with baek. Plot twist 🥺🤔 i just couldn't stop thinking about what will happen next with thumping heart. 🤧🤧
40 streak #5
Chapter 38: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
40 streak #6
Chapter 37: 🥺🥺😭😭😭🤧🤧💔💔💔
40 streak #7
Chapter 36: Such Plot twist and finally revelation. Total psychopath. Feeling sad for yui .
40 streak #8
Chapter 35: Oh no 🥺🥺😖😖💔💔😪😪
40 streak #9
Chapter 34: Haru is totally a psychotic person nope worst person and the main reason for this all 😡😡😡
40 streak #10
Chapter 33: Omg.. so my guess was right. It's kyo and tana Kim 😖😖😖😶😶 poor Mari 🥺🥺🥺🤧🤧😭😭😭 now what will happen 😢