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“Don’t you think my name’s really common?”


Sakura fiddles with the brown hair that dangles over the arch of her nose. She’s lying with her head on Minju’s lap, legs hanging over the edge of the two-seater couch. Minju gives a low hum in response. She glances down from her book at the woman who’s twirling her hair with idle fingers, much like a cat playing with a feather toy. Minju doesn’t know if it is an earnest concern, but she’s too engrossed in her reading to give a proper answer.


“There’s probably thousands of ‘Sakura’ in the world,” she continues nonchalantly. “But every time you say my name, it feels like I’m the only one in the universe.”


Now, Minju’s listening. She smiles at Sakura’s verbal thoughts. Her heart melts at the way Sakura makes her feel, they’re special to each other and each other only. She closes her book with a grin and places it on the table.


“Sakura,” Minju cups the face on her lap with loving hands. “Sakura, Sakura, Sakura.” She brushes away the silver strands that get in the way of beautiful features.


Sakura laughs at the repetition of the three-syllable word that becomes unique with every breath released from the girl before her.


“You’re the cherry blossom that’s one of its kind in the millions and millions,” Minju says, brown orbs shimmering. She leaves a quick peck on Sakura’s forehead and leans her own against it, the innocent contact blooming warmth.


“Did you just improvise a quote from that book you’re reading?” Sakura huffs. “How original, Little Prince,” she rolls her eyes, arms crossing over her chest.


“Hey, I tried!” Minju whines, moving backwards, offended by Sakura’s head that shirked away.


The latter cracks a smile, Minju’s reaction is too cute for her to feign annoyance. Her hands reach up to circle the brunette’s neck and bring the pouty face back down towards her own.


“And you’re the fox that I have tamed, just as I’m the only cherry blossom for you,” Sakura whispers, loud enough for Minju to hear, soft enough for the words to be kept solely between them.


Minju stares back at the glistening onyxes that are mere inches away, her exhalations in sync with Sakura’s every intake. She can drown in them; she probably already has, a long time ago. The moment between them drags on, and It feels like the perfect timing for a kiss, but Minju decides to be a tease when she sees the obvious darting of those lucid wanting eyes towards her lips.



“Excuse me! I’m returning your favor!”


Sakura snaps from her reverie, she slaps Minju’s arm when the latter pretends to inch closer to seal the gap but fakes a gag instead. Giggles bubble among them, but they can clearly feel the affection through the cheesiness that made their fingers and toes curl. Small random talks like these get them past the weekends, it didn’t matter what they’re doing or talking about. As long as they are together, it feels right, it feels great. Sakura loves these interactions that seem insignificant, they didn’t need anything else to show that they carried each other in their hearts.


“How about…” Minju puts a finger to her lips and ponders. “Sakura… Sakura, Kkura.” Her eyes sparkle. “Kkura! That sounds cute.”


“What’s that?” Sakura tilts her face towards the beaming girl.


“From now on, I’ll call you Kkura, the only one in the whole world, my Kkura.”





“Minju…?” Sakura gasps breathlessly.


Hearts thump and eyes widen – for vastly different reasons. Over the deafening music and thundering crowd, it’s not a surprise that Minju isn’t able to hear the melancholic calls of the devil. All she can see is her target moving closer, mouthing what seems to be her name.


“It’s me, Kkura…” Sakura says, eyes b with hope.


Her hand reaches out hesitantly towards the girl who has been the bane of her existence. Ever since she left, there was not a day where the memories of her brought back painful yet fulfilling memories. Kim Minju was the brightest moments of her life, she brought meaning to Sakura’s life, and so Sakura gave her everything. Thus, when that light was spent, there was nothing, not even shadows. She’s been waiting for the day where they cross paths again, and finally, they do.


“Is this really you?” She whispers. “Am I imagining things?”


Sakura’s trembling fingers manage to touch Minju’s skin briefly, but the angel backs away instinctively, retreating a few steps back. The harsh movement unintentionally inflicts a torment reflected through Sakura’s visible flinch, and her hand freezes mid-air.


Yena immediately pulls Minju behind her cautiously, moving forward defensively while backing away from the devil’s reach. Minju mistakes her palpitation as anxiousness. A sense of familiarity stirs within, but the strangeness of it scares her. She shuffles towards Yena, her fingers clutching onto the cloth that now clings to Yena’s skin.


“What is going on?” She grits under her breath. “How does this human know my name!”


Yena guffaws. She tilts her head towards Minju. “Human? That is Sakura!” She half-whispers, half-screams. “How the hell do I know why! Why would they send you down if your target can recognize you so easily?”


The hunters had become the hunted. Fifteen minutes ago, this wasn’t what they were expecting.




Minju wipes the corner of her ketchup stained mouth with a napkin after indulging in a fulfilling chili cheese hotdog.


“Where shall we be going now that we’re done with our meals?” Minju asks, a satisfactory tone in her voice.


“Cherry Blossom,” Yena replies with a burp. “Right down a few streets.”


“And that is?”

“A nightclub.”

“Why should be going there?”


Yena frowns. Does Minju know nothing about her target at all? She wonders if Eunbi had told her anything at all.


“What do you know about our target?” Yena prompts inquiringly, leaning forward to the angel across her attentively.


“The fallen one’s name is Sakura, also known as Miyawaki Sakura on Earth. She’s a devil. She needs to be captured.” Minju brings up the points and folds each of her raised fingers every time one is mentioned.


“That’s it?” Yena brings her fingers to her chin.


It’s definitely weird how Minju knows almost nothing, usually, angels would be briefed in detail regarding their target, such as their occupation, their crimes, or personality. This made them easier to capture or approach undercover. There has to be a reason for the lack of disclosure, but Yena decides to not dwell on it further. She’ll ask Eunbi when she gets back.


“Sakura was a well-respected angel,” Yena elaborates. “She fell, became a devil, and opened a nightclub named Cherry Blossom, where she preys on her victims.”


Minju’s curiosity is piqued by the development. “Do you perhaps have any idea how she fell?”


“I don’t know, but Nako and the Divine should. I wonder why too,” Yena shrugs. She then stands up from their booth seat and grabs her phone. “We should get going.”


“Hold on…” Minju halts when she steps out of the diner after Yena, a late realization kicking in. “We’re heading for the lion’s den like this; no preparations?”


“That’s how I do things, we go in, boom, get her, and leave,” Yena says as a matter-of-factly.




And here they are.


The two angels bicker under their breath, disconcerted and stumped by the unexpected identification. Surprisingly for Yena, Minju can argue when she has to, despite her usual air of composure. Engrossed in their own befuddlement, they forget the figure that stands rooted a few feet away.


Sakura had sped down immediately towards the dance floor when she recognized who it was. She had ignored the clammy bodies that crowded the area like a pack of tunas and pushed past them just to get here, disregarding her usual disgust for sweaty humans. Yet, her hope diminishes almost immediately.


Sakura stares at the floor. The only response to Yena’s menace is the thrum of deep house music in the background. She doesn’t hear anything, other than the fact that Minju doesn’t recognize her. She’s merely a stranger in Minju’s eyes; no longer is the loving gaze present, but one of pure fear and confusion, the past gone without a trace.


And with the Angels?


“Minju, it’s me!” Sakura tries to approach again, hoping it would trigger any form of recollection. “I’m Kkura–”


A hand abruptly grabs Sakura’s shoulder and brings her close, pulling her out of her bewilderment. Her body knocks into a steady one, and its voice spoke with malice.


“What the hell are you doing here,” Hyewon spits, hand circling around Sakura’s shoulder protectively. She had chased after Sakura the moment the latter practically flew down the stairs in a longing frenzy.


“Hyewon…? What are you doing here?” Yena blinks in confusion.


“Is that…?” Yujin gestures between Hyewon and Yena, eyes darting towards the former for a confirmation.


Hyewon nods subtly. It isn’t much of an answer regarding the stranger’s identity, but it clearly satisfies Yujin’s curiosity when the latter backs away with slow head bobs.


“I’m with my friends,” Hyewon emphasizes so Yena would know what she’s dealing with. “What are you doing here? Dropping down from that mighty palace to pay a visit to the lowly peasants?” She growls.


Yena’s brows knit deeply upon the aggressive words. Minju shrinks further behind, uncertain of the development.


“We’re on a task,” Yena says, not bothering to explain further. “We’ll get going.” She takes Minju by her wrist and turns on her heels. There’s no reason for them to stay any longer when their identities are fully exposed. They’ll have to continue the mission at a more suitable time.


The trio doesn’t move as they watch the backs of their guests disappear into the crowd. Hyewon glares at the exit with sharp eyes and Yujin remains mum while she waits for the other two to make a move, or even a sound.


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Leave a comment below and lmk what you think!! Please scream with me about minkkura they are so underrated :((((


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yeonier #1
Chapter 4: Oh nooooo I'm so sorry you lost everything :( this was such a great story!

Thank you for taking your time to make summarize! Really appreciate it! Sincerely hope you'll get your files back!
Oriost #2
Chapter 4: Huhu

Thankyu so much too
U make great story for i read
Chapter 3: Happy to have you back!! (I know I'm late, but oh well, I'm here!)But please, take our time. Everyone has their own lives to deal with and we'll be waiting whenever you're ready to post :D
I smell here a "there's one bed" and I'm totally down for it! I'm really curious about what Sakura's wing's power is, and wonder if it has something to do with Minju being reincarnated with them. Sakura's desperation to see Minju breaks my heart so much ;-; and 10 days might not be much but I can already see a certain someone falling for another certain someone in that time period ;) And also angst, my mind has been trained to always think of angst ;-;
I've never commented before if I remember correctly, so I'd like to say that you write really well and even after all this time your story has always stayed in the back of my head and reading through it again was a great experience. Do keep up the good work! You're doing great <3
danjyuan #4
Chapter 3: Thank you so much for updating this!!
feltsons #5
Chapter 2: wow! this is such an interesting plotline i love love love with you’re doing with it!!!! can’t wait :)
kyngsQQ #6
Chapter 2: this was amazing! ill come back for a better comment ;;
violentsushi #7
Chapter 2: Hmm, I wonder what Eunbi is planning by not telling Minju about her mission. It definitely not coincidence that she picked her to go after sakura, with the history they had. But why though? 🤔
Chapter 2: Yessss its update! Thanks. Minju was a human?? Uhhh kkura is so longing for her
yeonier #9

So I guess Minju gonna forget about kkura once she woke up? Is it how it gonna works for them :(