
The Elzard

‘’I knew I would find you here’’


Chaeyoung kept quiet and just stared at the well with blank eyes


’What are you doing here?’’ She finally spoke up though a bit quietly though but the question is well-received


‘’You always go here when you have problems you’re hiding’’ She smiled ‘’Care to tell me about it Chaeyoungie?’’


‘’I just…I just don’t know why these bad things happens to us’’ Chaeyoung spoke out and looked at her, her eyes showing vulnerability ‘’Did we do anything wrong to the world Jichu? Is it not right to feel resentment to the world around us?’’ She whispered


‘’Because honestly?’’ Chaeyoung chuckled before spatting out angrily ‘’I’m getting ing tired of it’’


Jisoo slowly reached out and grabbed Chaeyoung’s hand ‘’Yet we get stronger every time we overcome them right?’’


Chaeyoung tensed a bit before relaxing, loving the feeling of warmth that Jisoo is giving to her at this moment. Though most of the time she always feels the warm cold sensation but right now?


All she feels is the warmth that is in the form of Kim Jisoo, as if her energy is wrapping around her like a cocoon and a promise to always protect her from anyone who dares to hurt her.


‘’Where would I be right now without you?’’ Chaeyoung let out a small tear but a grateful smile is on her face, directing it to the older girl


‘’Probably running away from your promise and finding your precious unnie’’ Jisoo winked at her ‘’Which is obviously me’’


Chaeyoung giggled and hugged her tightly ‘’I promise Jichu…I will never let them hurt you. I’ll always protect you’’


Jisoo hugged her back ‘’I know you will’’ She whispered before letting go of the hug and giving her an encouraging smile


‘’Because I know you never break your promises no matter what’’

‘’Lisa you ready?’’

Lisa hummed while putting on her earrings ‘’Almost done unnie!’’ She yelled before looking at herself to the mirror with a nod of satisfaction. She’s wearing a simple denim shorts paired with an oversized white shirt and white shoes. Light make up and few accessories and still Lalisa Manoban effortlessly looks like a model that came out from a magazine.

Lisa opened her door and greeted a well-dressed Jennie with a grin ‘’Yah Nini! Going to a cemetery?’’ She joked but Jennie still looked really good in what she’s wearing despite only wearing one color. How Jennie still looks good in it is a wonder for Lisa but what did she expect from the fashionista herself?

Jennie Kim is also wearing shorts but with her favorite color which is black, pairing her short is her plain black sweater that looks really cute but also y to her. Finishing off her look is her black shoes as well as her light makeup that makes her striking cat eyes even more noticeable.

‘’Want me to cut off your bangs?’’ Jennie smiled sweetly that made Lisa zip shut again.


Damn she really needs to have a comeback for that if she wants to keep on teasing Jennie


‘’Oh Jisoo honey! You’re leaving already?’’

A happy voice exclaimed making the two looked at source running to catch up with Jisoo who is already walking out of the house

Jisoo looked at the bright smile of her mother that made her regret for calling her mom because now the two girls that despise her is looking at them with hawk eyes, and it made Hyuna even more confident to come closer to her. Nevertheless, she still answered to her

‘’Yeah, just going outside and wait for Chaeyoung there.’’

Hyuna smiled and gave her a brown jacket ‘’You’ll catch a cold out there. I’ve noticed what you were wearing and night time is quite cold in our world’’ She chuckled.

Jisoo is wearing a plain black shirt and shorts, almost like Jennie’s but hers are more laidback looking. Her shoes are white though so there’s the difference between her and Jennie, not to mention her shirt is not that thick so Jisoo might need that jacket than she thought.

Besides, it pairs well with her outfit so why not?

Jisoo awkwardly accepted the jacket and said ‘’Y-yeah, thank you’’ She felt Hyuna’s hope getting up again and can’t help but whisper the next thing she said ‘’…mom’’

Hyuna felt extremely happy and never regretted telling them the secret library much earlier. Hearing her eldest calling her mom again makes her feel like the happiest mother in the elzard world

‘’You’re welcome honey’’ She said sweetly before hugging her tightly.

Jisoo tensed feeling curious eyes looking at them and briefly locked eyes with Jenlisa. She couldn’t decipher the look on Jennie and Lisa’s face ‘’But is that…’’ Jisoo thought ‘’longing?’’

‘’Let’s go Jisoo-unnie’’

Jisoo looked at Chaeyoung and smiled brightly; It’s been a while since Chaeyoung dressed up for events like this and Jisoo got to say,

She loves that she’s also wearing black like her making them look like couples wearing the same shirt. Well, Jennie is also wearing black but Jisoo is confident that within the whole night, they won’t be in close proximity with them.

Chaeyoung raised an eyebrow seeing Hyuna and her Jisoo-unnie hugging. She wants to be happy that Jisoo and her mother is putting on some bandages to their broken bond, but another side of her is still conscious and careful especially since Hyuna is pretty much running the council with Jisung being one of the professors of the academy.

Hyuna let go of the hug and also gave Chaeyoung a bright smile ‘’Oh Chaeyoung dear!’’ In her element of happiness, she was about to hug Chaeyoung as well and tell her she’s so beautiful but like a fly, Chaeyoung quickly got out of her way and gave her a warning stare

‘’Please don’t’’ Chaeyoung said with a stoic voice ‘’I don’t like being touched.’’

Hyuna’s smile faltered a bit but it’s still there, giving Chaeyoung an understanding nod. Then she looked behind her and saw her other two daughters looking at them with surprised eyes

‘’Oh! Jennie! Lisa! Come here come here!’’ Hyuna squealed, realizing her daughters are looking like true sisters by what they're wearing as she had a bright idea on what to do to remember this moment.

Chaeyoung glanced at them and already saw them cautiously walking towards them, not having enough time to tell Hyuna that they better get going ‘’I got a bad feeling about this.’’

Chaeyoung quickly moved next to Jisoo’s side, just in time to hear Hyuna telling Jennie to stand next to Jisoo.

‘’What!? What for mom!?’’ Jennie exclaimed

‘’Just do it!’’ Hyuna glared ‘’Or I’ll cut off your allowance!’’

Jennie looks horrified at that and huffed, stomping angrily next to Jisoo with puffed cheeks. Chaeyoung saw that and almost wants to chuckle.

‘’If she wasn’t so bad, I would have thought she looks totally cute right now’’  Chaeyoung thought, her eyes sparkling in amusement at the pouting Jennie and a chuckling Jisoo.

Jisoo still felt angry at Jennie’s prank during the potion-making class, but she can’t help herself; Her sister is just too cute to tease, and maybe if their bond is fixed, she would have been teasing her right now.


‘’What’s so funny?!’’ Jennie snarked at Jisoo


‘’Your face’’ Jisoo said smugly


‘’Excuse me?!’’ Jennie could swore she hear steams coming out from her ears ‘’This face is very much a 10 out of 10 compared to yours!’’


Chaeyoung snorted quietly ‘’Because her visuals are more than 10 if you ask me’’ She muttered making Jisoo blush at her compliment.


‘’Mom, can you hurry up before Jennie-unnie kills Jisoo-unnie?’’ Lisa said ‘’We’re also getting late to the party.’’


Hyuna squealed again ‘’My God! The four of you look so gorgeous! I swear I could put some of you to the modelling companies that I know!’’


‘’Please don’t…’’ Chaeyoung groaned


‘’If you’re planning that, please refer Chaeyoungie’’ Jisoo smirked


‘’I’m going to kill you Kim Jisoo’’


‘’I’m with Chaeyoung on this one’’ Jennie growled


‘’Can we please just get this over with?’’ Lisa crossed her arms childishly ‘’You guys are making this way too long!’’


‘’Oh as long as your monkey legs?”’ Jisoo smirked


‘’At least my height is not the height of dwarves!’’


Jennie and Jisoo glared at the giant which made her sweat nervously because one Jennie Kim glaring at you is tolerant for Lisa…


But two sisters who almost looks like each other?


That’s scarier than Sandara, her coach…


Okay maybe not scarier than Sandara, but almost the same level if you get what Lisa means.


What they didn’t know that Hyuna was already taking pictures of them but the sound is silenced. ‘’Okay girls, look to the camera and let out a small smile for me!’’




Hyuna frowned and glared at them with her light aura flaring ‘’I…said…’’ The four girls gulped




Chaeyoung is silently killing herself inside ‘’How could she expect I can smile genuinely when those two are with us?!’’ Chaeyoung thought. Heck it’s not quite often that she smiles wide for a camera! Most of her pictures are from Jisoo who always steal a picture of her….which means a lot of them are stolen ones and not she actively participated in.


‘’If the four of you don’t smile right now, I won’t let you go out to that freshmen party’’ Hyuna’s eyes glowed white and said threateningly




‘’Hyuna my love help! I think I accidentally broke the show-‘’


Lisa laughed out loud


Jennie snickered


Jisoo chuckled


Chaeyoung snorted




Hyuna finally turned around and what she saw made her laugh like Lisa


Because there she saw her husband, one of the most powerful masters in the elzard world, who probably slipped and his whole form wet while holding his injured head which probably hit the staircase when he’s running down.

‘’What the heck Jisung?’’ Hyuna laughed ‘’You’re embarrassing yourselves in front of our daughters!’’

Jisung groaned and stood up ‘’At least I’m fully clothed!’’ He fought back to cover his embarrassment but what he said only added it more. 

That made Jennie finally laugh along with Lisa while Jisoo is sputtering laughs but definitely keeping it inside her. She glanced at Chaeyoung who was also shaking her head but an amused smile is on her face.


‘’This feels nice…’’ Jisoo thought


It felt like they’re family again


‘’So can we go now?’’ Jennie chuckled before turning her lips to a savage smirk ‘’I loved that dad; helps me get over my distaste being next to someone like them’’ She pointed to Chaeyoung and Jisoo


And just like that, the atmosphere is gone; Chaeyoung’s smile off like it’s been wiped while Jisoo calmed herself down.


Jisung looked surprised ‘’Chaeyoung? Jisoo? You two are going to the party?’’


Now this is the confrontation that the two of them don’t want because they always decline going to parties since they don’t like mingling with people they don’t know especially if their faces are one of those who bullied them.

Jisoo shrugged ‘’Yeah, Wendy forced us to go since we didn’t went last year.’’

Hyuna looked interested ‘’Wendy? Irene’s girlfriend am I right?’’

Lisa nodded ‘’Yeah mom, did you know she’s also a light user?’’

‘’What?!’’ Hyuna said in surprised ‘’No, I just knew that right now. Why didn’t you tell me?’’

‘’We just knew during potion-making’’ Jennie answered ‘’She’s mostly friends with elementless girls here’’

‘’Jisoo? Chaeyoung?’’ Hyuna said, waiting for an answer

‘’It’s not like we need to tell you everything’’ Chaeyoung said coldly wanting to get this over with. The longer they talk here, the later they would be able to go home tonight.

‘’Come on already Jichu’’

Chaeyoung grabbed Jisoo’s hand and together they went out of the house. Jisoo just gave them a wave goodbye and let herself be dragged by the girl who has been making her feel butterflies from the small touches they give to each other. She has never felt happy and contented always having these moments with the younger girl as Jisoo smiled happily;

Even if the world against them, as long as Jisoo has Park Chaeyoung, she can live her life to the fullest.

Jennie frowned at that action before also deciding to also go on ahead ‘’We’ll also go now mom. Don’t want to let Irene and the others wait for us more.’’

‘’Don’t get too drunk girls!’’ Hyuna gave them a warning glare

‘’Oooohh Jennie-unnie be careful’’ Lisa said smugly

‘’Especially you Lalisa’’

Lisa gave Hyuna a betrayed look and sulked ‘’Yes mom…’’

Jennie snickered and together with Lisa, they also went out of the house to go to the academy where the party is held at the cafeteria.

‘’Now what are you smiling like an idiot right there when you just finished threatening them’’ Jisung said in amusement

‘’Look at these Jisung…’’ Hyuna said, her smile so precious that made Jisung fall in love with her even more. Her eyes letting out a few stray tears

‘’They look like true family…like they’re truly happy’’

Jisung looked at the pictures in Hyuna’s hands and his eyes softened.


The first picture is them looking tense to each other


The second picture however, is Jennie and Jisoo being like true sisters with Jennie glaring at the smug Jisoo who probably  while Chaeyoung and Lisa are just looking at them but their eyes are gaining a bit of life.


The third picture is them teasing each other with Jensoo glaring at a sweating Lisa because of her height remark while Chaeyoung is giving them an amused smirk


The fourth picture however…is what made Hyuna let out those tears because there in that picture is the girls’ real happiness. Maybe not full-blown happiness because they’re together, but the joy is still there. Lisa’s happy laugh, Jennie’s twinkling smile, Jisoo’s chuckle, and even Chaeyoung’s smile is captivating to the two parent who has been taking care of them since children.


‘’I just hope in the future…we’ll all be happy together’’ Hyuna whispered and hugged the pictures ‘’I want more happy moments like this especially…’’

Jisung nodded gravely ‘’Yeah, I know…’’ Jisung said and hugged his wife

‘’And we’ll make sure  they’ll be strong enough to fight with us or even protect themselves…that’s why I agreed on your suggestion in letting Chaeyoung and Jisoo know about the secret library earlier than Jennie and Lisa especially since they’re elementless.’’

Jisung and Hyuna sighed as Jisung whispered

 ‘’They’ll need all the help that they can get.’’

‘’Chaeyoung?! Jisoo?!’’

Wendy’s comical shock face made Jisoo laugh at her and that made the hamster girl launched at them with a hug

‘’I can’t believe you guys came! Like wow! I tried to force you last year but the both of you are so hard-willed!’’ She pouted ‘’I didn’t try again this year because I don’t want to get my hopes us but here you guys are!’’ Wendy then gasped and gave them an accusing point using her finger

‘’Or is this your way of pranking me?! Because it’s not funny you two!’’

Chaeyoung sighed ‘’Chill out Wendy, this is just us uh…coming to the party yeah…willingly’’ She grumbled the last part

‘’Still, if I knew not forcing you to come will make you come, I would have done it last year too’’ Wendy said making the two snort at her remark.

‘’Well here we are so Wen,’’ Jisoo grinned ‘’Show us the ropes how a party works’’

Wendy shook her head and looked at the not so bashful Jisoo and bored Chaeyoung ‘’Be thankful that I’m such a kind friend and here I am, showing two girls who are already freshmen how to party’’ She teased ‘’Geez, at least look a little bit embarrassed because you guys don’t know how to enjoy a party’’

‘’Can we hurry this up?’’ Chaeyoung grumbled ‘’I hate crowded place’’

‘’Lesson number 1,’’ Wendy said before pointing to Chaeyoung ‘’Don’t be a party-pooper like this girl here’’

Jisoo laughed and nudged an annoyed Chaeyoung ‘’You sure are a great example Chaeyoungie’’ She teased

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes ‘’Please, you just enjoy making fun of me’’

‘’Speaking of making fun,’’ Wendy grinned deviously ‘’Be thankful that Joy hasn’t seen you yet.’’

That made Chaeyoung pale; If classroom Joy is already getting on her nerves, what more of party-goer Joy?


That might as well be Chaeyoung’s cause of death


‘’Yeah’’ Chaeyoung looked around and sighed in relief ‘’Good thing Joy doesn’t see me ye-‘’


‘’Oh Rosieeee~ Looking for me already? I knew you missed me just like how I always miss you’’ A voice purred to Chaeyoung’s ear


Chaeyoung shivered at that and felt goosebumps, not from excitement, but from a bit of fear and nervousness.




With that, the familiar feeling of Joy clinging to her arm and snuggling to her is back once again…and for the sixth time this week.

‘’And I thought I could get some rest away from you on weekends’’ Chaeyoung said stoically, not showing her inner fear of whatever Joy is planning again this time

‘’This is the first time I’ve seen you on a party my rosieee~’’ Joy smirked ily and whistled looking at Chaeyoung’s legs ‘’And damn girl, you could beat even me in the legs department.’’

‘’How did you even know we’re here anyways?’’ Jisoo said, a bit agitated on why the hell is Chaeyoung just giving up on not pushing Joy away.

‘’Don’t tell me she’s really given up on telling her off?!’’ Jisoo thought a bit horrified at the thought.

Chaeyoung looked at Jisoo, a bit confused on why she’s acting stiff all of a sudden since Joy appeared…not to mention Wendy’s knowing smirk is setting alarms on her head.

‘’Why am I being punished like this?’’ Chaeyoung sighed in her mind

‘’My Rosie’s senses are tingling and immediately searched for Wendy because she’s the only person the two of you will approach’’ Joy grinned then trailed a hand on Chaeyoung’s arm ‘’You should be thankful Rosie’’ She pouted ‘’I’ve suddenly left my beer pong game for you’’


‘’Then go back for it. I won’t wait’’


‘’But you’re here now!’’


‘’And I’ll be gone like I wasn’t even here’’


‘’Oh no no,’’ Joy smiled, a devious plan on her head already.


Ladies and gentleman, Park Joy the devil spawn will now be putting her plan in action.


‘’Come on Rosie, I’ll show you how to play elzard beer pong’’ Joy said innocently ‘’It’s one of the well-known party games. I’ll teach you that while Wendy-unnie here will be showing Jisoo some other tricks to the party’’

Before Jisoo could protest, Joy is already dragging Chaeyoung away in a burst of speed. ‘’What the heck? Are fire users fast like that?’’ Jisoo said, a bit dumbfounded at Joy’s speed

‘’Well, she and Seulgi did place 2nd in our P.E’’ Wendy chuckled

‘’I’ve just thought Seulgi carried her through the race because she’s a Thief’s player’’

‘’Oh Jisoo’’ Wendy giggled before placing an arm around her ‘’You really need to get to know Joy well.’’

‘’Shut up you hamster,’’ Jisoo growled already feeling agitated now that Chaeyoung’s presence is not next to her

‘’And take off your arm around me, I could already feel your girlfriend’s eyes staring daggers to me’’

‘’What’s got you glaring like that?’’ Jennie said with amusement, drinking from her red cup and she wants to sigh in relief tasting gas in her drink.

She’s a fire user, don’t judge

‘’My girlfriend being such a flirt to your sister’’ Irene huffed

Jennie’s eyes turned towards Irene’s line of sight and there she saw a panicking Wendy already taking off her arm around Jisoo who is unusually seems to be bothered

‘’Joy’s at it again’’ Yeri snickered

‘’What is it?’’ Lisa asked, finally coming back to the group after having a dance off with Seulgi, who is still at the dancefloor. ‘’Man your best friend really is a dance machine’’ Lisa chuckled

‘’As if you’re not like that Lalisa’’ Jennie scoffed, watching Lisa grab a drink and just grinned at Jennie's remark. 

‘’So what are you talking about again Yeri?’’ Irene asked

‘’Joy’s at it again’’ Yeri said before cackling ‘’I think she’s finally getting into a certain someone’s heart…’’

Lisa spat out her drink while Jennie killed the cup she’s been holding ‘’What the hell do you mean by that?’’ Jennie raised her eyebrow but the others could see the signs of flames in her hands.

‘’Oh come with me’’ Yeri grinned ‘’This will be a fun show…especially if Chaeyoung will embarrass herself’’ She cackled before motioning the others in following her.

‘’Why the should I play?!’’

Chaeyoung hissed  at Joy who has already told the others that she and Chaeyoung would be playing. A large crowd already surrounding them because Chaeyoung is playing in it.

‘’Probably because they want me to embarrass myself’’ Chaeyoung thought bitterly. She gripped Joy’s arm tightly ‘’Joy, I swear I’m not holding myself back. Stop this at once’’ Her eyes glowed a bit but Joy is too busy talking to others but she turned to Chaeyoung with a smirk

‘’Don’t worry Rosie,’’ She said, wrapping a hand on Chaeyoung’s arm ‘’With arms like this? I’m sure you would do amazing’’

‘’Besides,’’ Joy said smugly ‘’If you don’t play, you won’t be able to get out of this.’’

‘’And why the hell is that?’’ Chaeyoung whispered furiously

Joy giggled and pointed to Chaeyoung’s arm where a seal is placed. Chaeyoung’s eyes widened and was about to cut off Joy’s head with a massive whirl of insults and words that children probably wouldn’t want to her.

‘’Oh my dear Rosie, you are so gullible’’ Joy pinched Chaeyoung’s cheek, interrupting her incoming scolding from the chipmunk girl ‘’Don’t worry though, it’s a temporary seal…’’ She grinned deviously

‘’That will only disappear when you finish this game. Party-poopers aren't allowed here you know’’

Chaeyoung snatched her arm away from Joy’s grip and glared at her, before quickly walking out of the area.


Then suddenly…


Chaeyoung held her arm in pain when she’s trying to get out of the sea of people who keep snickering at her pained state.


‘’W-what the hell?’’


Chaeyoung whispered in pain and shouted in pain again feeling something burning her arm inside out. A hand quickly pulled her back in and the pain receded.

‘’I told you so.’’

Chaeyoung took a deep breath and looked at Joy with a death stare ‘’I’m going to ing kill you Park Joy’’ She said darkly 

Joy felt a bit of fear at that and gulped before quickly masking it away with her usual flirty smile ‘’So here are the rules. It’s actually really simple’’ Joy pointed at a table with different colored cups are placed ‘’So these are special kind of cups. You know the basic elements and their weaknesses right?’’

Chaeyoung grumbled but nodded

‘’So each color has its own representative element. It’s pretty basic like red is for fire like that, green for grass and even blue for water. These balls,’’ Joy held white balls on her one hand

‘’Are a special kind of balls. You have to input certain elements and hit it at the cup. For example if there’s a fire cup, you have to input a small energy of water and throw it to the opponent’s side of cups. Simple as that right?’’ Joy winked at her ‘’and make sure it hits the fire cup. If you hit it, the fire cup will automatically float towards the opposing team and they will need to drink it. If they don’t, the seal will act up once again and you’ll know what happens.’’

Chaeyoung grabbed her arm ‘’This is more like a survival game than a party game…especially for elementless’’

‘’What if we don’t have an element for that certain element?’’ Chaeyoung said coldly ‘’You know my situation Joy, or is this your way of embarrassing me again?’’

‘’Oh Rosie you know I wouldn’t do that~’’ Joy leaned in closer to her face ‘’I love you too much for that.’’

‘’You haven’t answered my question’’

Joy leaned back with a laugh ‘’Of course we have thought of that. I’m only a fire user you know’’ She then grabbed a potion which is actually at the table as well

‘’What is that?’’

‘’It’s a harmless potion that lets us access to the basic elements’’ Joy grinned ‘’And it’s up to us if we know how to control each element since they have different characteristics.’’

Chaeyoung eyed the potion ‘’Then?’’

‘’Then its effect will go away once the game ends’’ Joy said ‘’This is actually created by one of the council members you know? Our potion-making professor.’’

Chaeyoung’s eyes darkened ‘’No, I am not drinking that potion’’

Joy laughed out loud once again ‘’You know you have to right? Or you won’t be going home early’’ She smirked ‘’You’ll have to stay here until the party ends…which is actually a lot of hours before it ends.’’

Joy caressed an angry chipmunk’s cheek ‘’And I absolutely know that you want to go home already…’’ She said smugly ‘’Unless you want to spend the rest of the party with me?’’




Chaeyoung clenched her fist, looking at the rainbow-colored potion. ‘’It’s ironic that its color is created by one of the ing council’’


Ladies and gentleman, this is why she hates party with passion


Especially if she’s surrounded by people who distaste her as much as she distastes them for not even doing anything to them.




Joy smirked and watched Chaeyoung drank the potion, her face crunching as she finished drinking it.

‘’What the heck is in there?’’


Chaeyoung destroyed the potion with ease and looked at Joy angrily ‘’I swear Joy, this is going to be the last time you’ll be dragging me into some kind of ’’ She said, her face a bit red already.

‘’Oh Rosie I didn’t know you’re such a light drinker’’ Joy giggled and drank the potion as well ‘’Oh by the way, we’re facing against Suzy and Hyeri’’

‘’I don’t ing care, let’s get this over with’’

I don't know whether to put warnings for language but I'm pretty sure that all of us are adults here right? Well if you're not uhm, don't forget to not use bad languages to your elders okay! Anyways, I hoped you guys liked this chapter! Posted in celebration of 100M views of LSG! This month of October will be a blast! We'll be getting so many Blackpink contents this month and I feel like I'm on cloud nine because of that. The downside of this month is that Midterms are starting this week and Finals are starting by the end of October. I'll try update as much as I can but I can't promise weekly or daily updates. Thank you all for you understanding and I hope you're excited for the next chapter!

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dianawalker0204 #1
Chapter 38: Seeing this update brightened my day! This is one of the few fics that I'm waiting on and looking forward to read every time. The world building is great and I really like how Chaeyoung's relationship with each member develops
Winter_02 #2
Chapter 38: I hope it will be chaesoo end game, cause they have each other like no one else like their bond was stronger. If chaennie or chaelisa it is something wrong like maybe consider the way they treat chaeyoung in the past like no elements but now they like puufff they like her?? Ahuh so yeah i hope it chaesoo bec. Jisoo she did not leave rosé behind or what. They trained together to be strong and protect each other.
This is like blades of light and shadow from the choices game
Intersting , gonna read it and find out
Chapter 37: tô sentindo que a revelação do elemento escuro da chae está vindo
Chapter 37: Still wanting chaesoo ending!!! Hahhaa gaaaad, i miss this story!
Chapter 37: Omg!!!!!! Welcome back!
reader555 #7
Chapter 36: im here still waiting for ud😔
Afkm_07 #8
Chapter 36: Quand est la suite ?!?! 😭❤
bety_liz #9
Chapter 36: I really enjoy how you write the story :) but I wonder what happened to jisoo and chaeyoung 🤔