Chapter 3: Anticipation

Sweet Pea

After two weeks, Baekhyun was sitting in his office waiting for Mr.Wong’s phone call. During the weekend, while he was at the park with Chanyeol and Byul, he received an update about Mr. Wong’s nephew arrival. He is currently waiting for Mr. Wong’ and his nephew to arrive to the company. It was past noon now and the waiting was making him more nervous than he was supposed to be. Honestly, he had no idea why he is was nervous, maybe it is the fact that he will be in charge and will have full responsibility of his boss’s nephew. And he cannot afford to mess up and lose his job. This job is too important to him, it has always been his dream to work at this company, therefore, he cannot afford to up.


Baekhyun groaned, as he laid his head on top of his desk “aughh…why did I accept this offer in the first place”


Startled by the sudden ringing of his office phone, he quickly sat up straight and looked at the incoming recipient. It was Mr. Wong’s secretary, Eunbu.


“Hi Baekhyun, Mr. Wong and his nephew just arrived. Mr. Wong, requests for your presence.”


“Thank you Eunbi, I will be their momentarily.”


After hanging up the phone, Baekhyun left his office to take the elevator to Mr. Wong’s office, up to the11th floor. Then right after getting off the elevator he received a text message from Chanyeol, so he stopped to answer it, and his whole face lit up at the never-ending sweet messages that always makes his heart quiver.  


Yeol <3

Don’t forget I’m picking you up from work after I pick up Byul from day care and head straight to Kyungoo’s and Jongin’s. 

Love you & miss you <3



To Yeol <3

Of course, I didn’t forget *eye roll emoji

Love you & miss you too <3


After replying to Chanyeol, he started walking to the direction of Mr. Wong’s office. As he got closer to Mr.Wong’s office, loud laughter’s resonated throughout the hall but once he reached to the front of the door the laughter had lowered down. Although it was difficult to decipher the conversation, he could clearly hear Mr. Wong’s voice accompanied by an unknown low-baritone voice.


Before knocking on the door, Baekhyun took a deep breath and gave himself a half-smile for reassurance. After calming himself down he knocked on the door, and patiently waited for a response to tell him it was okay to enter. It took him by surprise when the door was suddenly opened by a tall stranger in a white turtleneck, black trouser and white & black trench coat. The tall stranger, whom he recognized from the file that was sent to him, was no other than Mr. Wong’s nephew.


“Ah, you must be Byun Baekhyun. Nice to meet you, I am Lucas, Wong Lucas.”


 “Yes, I am Byun Baekhyun. It’s a pleasure to meet you” Baekhyun greeted back


“Baekhyun, please come in” Mr. Wong finally spoke up, as Lucas stepped to the side and held the door open to let Baekhyun in.


“Baekhyun here, is the head of the Designing department. He oversees the productions and designs submitted by the team and is also the sole star in the production behind of our most popular garments. Since this year’s show is taking place in a month, Baekhyun has been very busy making sure that everything is well prepared for the upcoming show. You will be shadowing him until the show is over. I know you’re no expert in the art fields Lucas, but as a future leader of this company it is essential to not just understand the business side of it, but it is also important to understand the creativity and hard work that makes this company”


Lucas stood up straight full of confidence and gave his gave his uncle large grin


“Ay ay,sir! I will do my best uncle!”


“I am glad to hear that” Mr. Wong smiled at his nephew’s enthusiastic response, then he walked up to Lucas and patted his shoulders. “And please do not give Baekhyun a hard time, he is already busy enough to deal with your playful tactics. Understood?” 


Lucas turned to look at Baekhyun and gave him a soft smile. Baekhyun not expecting the soft glare, quickly turned to look outside the window as he suddenly felt a rush of heat run to his cheeks.


“Understood” Lucas confirmed as he couldn’t move his eyes from Baekhyun. Baekhyun turned to look at Mr. Wong to ignore the intense glare he was receiving and also to ignore the strange feeling that he felt in his stomach, ‘must be since I have not eaten lunch’  


“I’m glad to hear that and Baekhyun, do not hesitate to inform me if he is causing you any form of trouble”


“Yes, sir.” Baekhyun replied with a smile


The elevator ride to the 4th floor, was quite awkward, as silence filled the room of the elevator. Baekhyun kept on tugging the sleeves of his cardigan to distract himself from the awkwardness that revolved around the two. Baekhyun actually wanted to get to now Lucas since they will be working together for the next following weeks, however, he somewhat felt intimidated by him. Was it the height? No, he is almost as tall as Chanyeol. Maybe it’s because his family practically own the company, he works for…but he seemed like a friendly person earlier…


At the end, Baekhyun gathered his courage and decided to take the risk, but it seems that Lucas beat him to it.


“Mr. Park, my uncle told me you studied for a while in France”


“Yeah, I actually did an internship there during college”


“That’s amazing, I don’t know if you know but I lived there, and I loved it. Did you like it?” Lucas sounded delighted to talk and hear about his experience in France.


Just as Baekhyun was about to answer, the elevator came to a stop and opened. And as soon as they stepped out of the elevator, Baekhyun started with an office tour. As they started walking down the white hallway, Baekhyun pointed to a tinted glass office

“That is my office” then he pointed to the office across from his “you will also have your own personal office to use, which is across from mines. If you have any concerns or if you need anything you can always come right in.”  



Both Baekhyun and Lucas continued to walk down the hallway in silence


“All of these other offices are occupied by the other designing staff, whom I’ll introduce you in a moment” by the quietness and empty rooms, Baekhyun presumed that everyone was already in the studio.   


Lucas excitedly nodded


Baekhyun continued to walk down the hallway, with Lucas following behind him like a puppy. They came to a halt as they reached the end of the hallway, in front of a frosted glass door, then Baekhyun slid the door to reveal a large room occupied by at least seven other people who were cornered at one table quietly arguing.


Everyone in the room froze as soon as they turned their heads to the entrance of the door, gasping like fish as soon as they noticed Baekhyun coming in the room with a total stranger. Baekhyun and Lucas brows knitted in confusion, feeling like they just caught a group of delinquents. Lucas tilted his head as soon as he spotted a male with red hair scooting closer to the table, trying to hide something with his body as the girl sitting adjacent from him was passing him something. He looked down to his side to see the same confusion face on Baekhyun’s.  


Baekhyun on the other hand, after questioning his teammates actions in his head, spotted the reflection of a stack of black cards with large bolden words that worded…UNO-BTS.


Caught red handed, everyone scurried away from the singular table and started to pluck on the clothes of the mannequins and on the large tables that occupied the middle of the room. Baekhyun was too dazed to form his words, its certainty not the first time to find them like this.

He was not infatuated by it, since he sometimes joins in-of course to soothe their stress from sowing and drawing the whole day and certainly not fan boy over RM. But it is certainly not right time to find them like this, especially when Mr. Wong’s nephew is standing next to him.


‘Ohh, noo, what if he tells Mr.Wong ’ he tried his best to hold his sigh



Lucas snickered at the scene that unfolded in front of him but covered it by clearing his throat when he noticed Baekhyun’s scowling eyes piercing straight at him. ‘He looks like an angry puppy, how cute’ he was tempted to , but it would probably lead to a more annoyed Baekhyun…and he didn’t want that. He didn’t want Baekhyun to be angry at him, especially since they just met.


He was miraculously saved from the annoyed gaze when the same red headed hopped to Baekhyun’s side and tugged on this cardigan. He was petite, shorter than Baekhyun, dainty nose, honey-like cat eyes and peachy cheeks. From the looks of it, he was probably the youngest among the group.   


“Hyunggg…we’re sorry. We were just tired from doing fittings the whole day, so we just wanted to take a small, tiny” he emphasized “break. Pleassee forgive us” the petite male pleaded with teary eyes as he continued to hold onto Baekhyun’s cardigan.


He already felt defeated by the whole situation, since there is no way to hide it from the bystander eyes. He looked up at the other, all trying to busy themselves and ignore the unpleasant atmosphere.


“It’s okay, Jihun. Let’s just make sure it doesn’t happen again, okay-everyone” strictly announced, although deep down he was kind of dejected with his decision though it was for the best. After that, the awkward tension was gone, and everyone started to surround Lucas to introduce themselves.


From aside, Baekhyun can see the determination through Lucas scrunched face, trying his best to remember all of their names and trying to listen to all the bickering at the same time. His eyes widened when he noticed that Lucas caught him staring, he thought he would be weirded out but instead he beamed at him with sparkling eyes. And in return he replied back with his beloved boxed smile.

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 5: This is very good - you do a good job describing family dynamics, and how lack of communication leads to all kinds of trouble - looking forward to reading more👍