So Close, Yet So Far

No Stage Like Ours
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A/N: Hi everyone! i hope you are doing well. i want to thank you for voting/subscribing/leaving comments. they keep me writing happily. Shoutout to "Bly Manor" for a part of this chapter!




Joohyun hated waiting tables.

Or more accurately, she hated waiting tables when there were a bunch of drunk, grown men sprawling all around the said tables.

It was barely 7 PM on a Friday evening, but already, the small eatery she worked at was overflowing with inebriated patrons who had had too much alcohol to drink.

Joohyun sighed when a table of loud construction workers waved her over, forcing a polite smile onto her face as she walked to them.

They were regulars of the restaurant, she noted, and therefore, she already knew what was going to happen to her even before she arrived at their table.

It was just such a shame that she would have to deal with their leering and inappropriate teasing with a congenial smile instead of a cold splash of soju to their faces.

“Hi. What can I help you with?” She tried to keep her voice neutral, putting all her patience to use and smiling just enough so she wouldn’t get fired.

Her boss – god cursed her mean soul – had nearly done so when she had snapped at a stubborn patron who had insisted on getting her number before.

Joohyun also disliked her with passion.

“Can you grill these meats for us, please?” One of the men slurred, clearly trashed by the alcohol as his mouth stretched into an overly wide grin. “We keep burning them, it seems.”

Joohyun glanced down at the charred pork belly on their gridiron and frowned. She lifted her gaze back up to them and was met with sly, lopsided smirks.

Those up-to-no-good smirks could only mean one thing.

“I’m sorry. Do you perhaps need me to just bring a new serving so you can try again? All of you are regulars here and I’m sure you are much better at grilling these than I am at this point.” She tried to keep her tone light and playful, even though her fingers were tightening around the edges of her order pad.

These jerks, really...

All three of them looked like they were over 10 years older than her and should be thrown to jail for even attempting to do something like this to a high-schooler.

They only gave each other a look at her response and broke into a unified laugh.

“What did I tell you? This one is ballsy, isn’t she?”

“Oh, I love ballsy girls. They get me so hot and bothered.”

“Yeah, especially at night, right?”

They kept laughing boisterously and incoherently among themselves, leaving her to stand there with a reddened face. That was, until Kibum, her older coworker, came over with a voice much sterner than she had ever heard from him. “Hey, Joohyun, can you please check the soju supply in the storage? I think we are running low on it.”

He gave her a pointed look and tilted his head towards the direction of the storage, and Joohyun realized that he was trying to save her from the drunken mess.

“Thank you.” She muttered quietly and then slipped out of the dining area in hurry.

Once she was inside the kitchen and away from the crowd, she threw her order pad away and sighed heavily. “Oh, those scumbags.” She cursed under her breath, glaring at the direction of the drunk men.

This wasn’t the first time something like this had happened to her.

The eatery was located at a roadside near a construction site, so most of the patrons she had to serve were intoxicated construction workers or truck drivers who seemed intent on drinking their livers to deaths at the end of their every work day.

Joohyun had wanted to change workplace for a long, long time, but in a small town like Sokcho, there weren’t many options. And she really needed the money, sadly, so she had to stick to it despite everything.

Even now, after receiving the best news of her life a few hours ago, she still needed the money – needed it even more now – because it would be her literal ticket to get out of Sokcho for good and run after her goal.

A goal that had finally, goddamn finally, come one step closer to her.

Joohyun smiled as she recalled the good news she had received earlier in the afternoon, and suddenly, all the exhaustion and frustration she felt about her ty job melted away like they were nothing.

She had gotten the role.

Kim Taeyeon, the casting director of the movie she had auditioned for a few weeks ago, had finally called her this afternoon and told her that she had made it.

After countless failures and rejections over the past two years; after countless auditions and countless days of working herself to exhaustion for something that only seemed to get further and further away; she had finally earned a role.

A role in a solid movie with a big name actor on top of that.

Joohyun had screamed with glee once the call was ended, and even just thinking about it now made her want to run around the small, dirty kitchen again with her hands thrown over her head like a crazy girl.

Never mind that her coworkers would look at her like she was possessed again.

Never mind anything, really, because she was going to start working as a real actress in less than a month! Finally!

Granted, her role was minor and would probably only give her 15 minutes screen time out of the supposedly 2-hour long movie, but she would still be acting for real.

She would be acting in front of actual cameras and professional crew and not just in front of her cracked mirror in her bedroom or in front of her bored, jaded acting coach.

The realization filled her with excitement again and she fished her phone out of her pocket to fire a text to Seulgi.

Hey, where are you now? I’ve got good news to share!

She had meant to relay the happy news immediately to Seulgi, but she had been swarmed with work and hadn’t gotten the chance earlier. Now, though, with her shift coming to an end soon, she couldn’t wait to tell her about it, preferably face to face.

Because if anyone deserved to hear the good news in person, it would be no other than Seulgi who had been there with her through everything since day 1.

Her phone beeped and flashed with a reply not a minute later.

Hey, I’m just chilling at home. What’s up? Did you win a lottery?

Joohyun chuckled at her banter, because somehow, she did feel like she had just won a lottery, alright. She typed back a reply just as quickly.

Maybe ;)

And maybe I’m heading to your house now with the riches. Prepare the red carpet for me.

She shoved her phone back into her pocket and took off her apron, hurling it carelessly over the pile of other dirty aprons in the corner of the kitchen.

If everything went well and people liked her acting in this movie, it probably wouldn’t be long before she could leave this godforsaken place filled with nothing but drunkards who seemed to think that downing alcohol and catcalling women were skills to be proud of.

She marched ahead with that thought in mind, grinning and feeling ridiculously invigorated just by imagining the many, better possibilities her life could possibly take turn to.

Her journey to success was still long, but at least, she was one step closer.





Seulgi’s room always smelled like the ocean, Joohyun thought.

It smelled of a cool, refreshing breeze that was almost as soothing as being around Seulgi herself.

She still felt a little awestruck whenever she entered the place – never mind that she had been there many, many times before – because really, everything about Seulgi’s house looked like it had come straight out of a magazine.

Her room was painted in white and decorated with navy blue furniture, perfectly matching the white sand outside the beach house and the blue sea stretching beyond it.

To the right side of her bed, hung a clear, 2-meter wide window, and Joohyun honestly could just sit there forever and stare at the breathtaking coastal view outside without doing anything else ever again.

Well, anything except for acting, maybe, because she loved that one too much.

“Hey, you, Miss Theatrical. Dramatic much?” Seulgi laughed at her when she sighed at the stunning view, placing a hand on her chest dramatically.

Her friend was wrapped in a blanket on her bed, looking like she was in the middle of typing something – probably another story – on her laptop that was sitting on her lap.

Joohyun closed the door behind her and hurled her backpack away, still dramatically. “I live for the dramatics, please. It’s pretty much the law for an actress. ‘Breathe dramatically or die a failure’ is written on an actress’ guidebook somewhere, I’m sure.”

Seulgi chuckled at her. “There is no such thing, silly.”

“There isn’t, but your house does deserve a dramatic appreciation. I will sell my soul to the devils to have one of these fancy beach houses one day. I swear.”

Seulgi took off her glasses and mused. “You don’t need to get involved with demons, crazy. You can always come and play here whenever you want. This is practically your second house already.”

“True.” Joohyun grinned and tilted her head. “Why did you take off your glasses? I like it when you wear them. And they help you see things, which is important. I don’t understand why you like being blind.”

Seulgi shrugged, putting her laptop away from her lap with a slightly colored face. “I just don’t like how I look with them so I don’t want anyone to see me with them either.”

“That’s ridiculous. You look good with glasses. Really good, in fact.” Joohyun actually thought it would be impossible for Seulgi to look bad in anything, but the girl never seemed to believe her on that front – glasses or not.

Seulgi waved her off. “Enough about me. What is up with you? You have been sounding really giddy today.”

At the mention of her good mood, Joohyun’s eyes shone again. She clasped her hands in front of her chest and took in a deep breath, preparing to let out the good news.

“I got it.” She breathed it out, feeling it in her every bone and shaking with excitement all over again. “I got it. I finally got the role, Seulgi.”

It took Seulgi a moment to register what she was saying, but the second she did, she squealed out loudly – much louder than any noise Joohyun had ever heard from her – and leapt out of her bed.

So hasty was her leap, she nearly took a nosedive to the floor when one of her feet got caught in her twisted blanket.

“You did it!” She cheered, ignoring her near catastrophic fall and seizing her hands. “You finally did it! What did I told you, silly? I told you that you would get it!”

Joohyun laughed and let her sway her hands excitedly, eventually jumping around and spinning with her like maniacs.

It was only when they accidentally bumped into Seulgi’s study desk and Seulgi yelped a loud “Ow!” did they stop twirling and start laughing again.

“Oh my god. When are you going to start shooting? Will you stay in Seoul for it? I’m so excited for you!”

Joohyun grinned, feeling her heart swell with joy. “It starts next month in Seoul. My role is minor, so I will only need to stay there for two weeks. I’m meeting the casting director, Ms. Kim Taeyeon, next week to finalize the paperwork.”

Seulgi’s hands, still holding hers tightly, clenched even tighter as her eyes shone with genuine happiness for her. “That’s really, really good, Joohyun. I’m so happy for you. You deserve this so much after everything you’ve gone through.”

Joohyun’s chest filled with warmth because she had, truthfully, gone through so many hardships to get this chance. And the fact that Seulgi thought she deserved this made her that much more emotional.

Her eyes threatened to tear up a bit. “Thank you, Seulgi. I probably wouldn’t have made it without you…and especially, without your lucky charm.” She grinned and blinked away her tears, pulling out the four-leaf clover brooch from her pocket. “You really should have given me this sooner.”

Seulgi chuckled. “I really should, huh? Apparently, a little clover leaf is all we need in life.”

“Apparently, yeah.” Joohyun smiled and stared up at her best friend with all the love she could feel in the world. “Hey, thank you, for real. I just – I don’t know how I would have done all of these without you. You are the only person who’s always taking me seriously and cheering me on no matter what. Your support means a lot to me.”

Seulgi’s gaze softened. “You don’t have to thank me, Joohyun. It’s what –”

“Friends are for, yeah.” Joohyun smiled and tilted her head. “Don’t you go preaching my own line to me again. I was the one who told you that in third grade elementary when you were still acting all shy and overly proper.”

Seulgi laughed slowly and walked back to her bed. “You speak like I’m only talking in sailor’s curses to you now. Oh, and I still have that roll of paper by the way. The one you scribbled those words on with your messy handwriting and questionable bunny doodle.”

Joohyun blinked. “You still have that? Really?”

“I do, yeah. What’s with the look?”

“Well, this is my look that says you are the biggest softie in the world.” Joohyun pointed at her own face and then pointed at her. “And if there is an Oscar for being one, you would have won it.”

That earned a chortle from Seulgi. “Thanks for your vote of confidence, but that is not the competition I’m trying to win now.” She gestured at the laptop that was sitting forlornly on her bed. “I’m trying to rewrite some of my old screenplays and see which one is best to submit to that screenwriting competition held by Hanyang. So far, I’m not liking any.”

Joohyun padded over to sit with her on the bed. “I’m sure they are all great and you are just being pessimistic. Send them to me if you would like some feedback. As we know, I have excellent taste in picking storylines.”

Seulgi snorted. “Sure, I will give you that one. Even though I wish your great taste in plots can extend to your taste in everything else. Especially in drawing. God knows you need help after constantly seeing you draw nostrils the size of basketballs.”

“Hey!” Joohyun shoved her on the arm and they both laughed as Seulgi fell to the bed.

“When’s the deadline again? You’ll get a scholarship to their program next year if you win this competition, right?”

“Yep.” Seulgi breathed out, her voice excited but shaky. Joohyun knew that she was feeling hopeful but also incredibly nervous. Seulgi had always sold herself short on her skills – and everything. She could do it, Joohyun knew.

“I should submit it in 3 weeks maximum. At least, that’s what Lay sunbaenim told me.”


The Lay sunbaenim.

Joohyun had almost forgotten about him.


“Now, what’s with that look?” Seulgi watched her with amusement. “You look constipated just now.”

Joohyun whacked her away with a pillow. “My digestive system is fine.” She hurled the pillow away and brainstormed with herself, trying to put her fingers on what exactly had been bothering her about The Lay sunbaenim.

And yes, she liked to spell the guy’s name with capitalized ‘The’ in her mind because he had been bothering her inner peace that much.

“I just think that he has an ulterior motive or something, seeing that he tried to contact you personally after that day in the studio. I mean, what kind of university representative is so kind as to personally seek out a prospective student with their personal phone number? Usually, most of them don’t even care enough to answer professional inquiries properly.”

Okay, maybe she was exaggerating a bit, but Joohyun honestly couldn’t think of any other reason for her odd wariness – or displeasure? – about the guy contacting Seulgi.

Seulgi was always so innocent, so Joohyun probably only wanted to protect her from the possible bad boys, who came from colleges in Seoul on top of that.

That must be the reason for her wariness.

“Uh…what ulterior motive exactly? He’s been very kind to me.” Seulgi scratched the back of her head, face filled with genuine confusion.

Joohyun rolled her eyes. “I mean, he’s probably into you or something.”

Now Seulgi looked at her as if she had just said that rabbits could fly. “That’s impossible. Why would he –”

“Like you?” Joohyun sighed tiredly, angling her body so she could face her clueless friend properly. “Seulgi, I don’t know how many times I should say this so you can believe me, but you are a catch. You are pretty, smart, and kind, and you are funny too if people know where to look at for your subtle humor.”

Seulgi lips stretched into a slow grin as she tried to evade her compliment. “So, you are saying that I’m only funny when people look for my humor?”

“I’ve just called you pretty, smart, and kind, but that’s all you latch on to?”

Seulgi laughed slowly, cheeks coloring red. Joohyun didn’t know how she could still blush around her when they had been friends for so many years.

But that was Seulgi, her friend, who was never quite adept at taking praises.

“Thanks, but I don’t think he means anything personal. So far, we’ve only talked about the campus and its programs.”

Joohyun hummed, not fully believing it just yet but deciding to let it go. “Just be careful. Guys, especially the older ones, can be tricky. You shouldn’t trust them so easily.”

“Well, you trust Suho, thou

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69 streak #1
Slow burn? Damn....
69 streak #2
Slow burn? Damn....
69 streak #3
Slow burn? Damn....
Winkle #4
Chapter 10: I miss them 😭
eunxiaoxlove #5
Miss thissss
Luvylynn #6
Chapter 10: Authornim! Where are you? Please. Please save me from this heartache and give us some update. You cant just leave me hanging authornim. This story hurts so good. Please come back.
reveluv316 810 streak #7
please give us an update
Chapter 10: please comeback authornim TT
It hurts me so much that this story isn't finished and stopped at this crucial moment 😭
Chapter 10: Please comeback 🥺