Scars that reminded me of you

Scars that reminded me of you

"chaewon-ah wake up already youre gonna be late again at school hurry up!" as my mother shouts, i quickly get up on my bed i really don't want to go to school i really hate it but i need to do some council ling stuff. im not really into study i just have a high iq and then they invited me to run for president or they told me to join the voting for upcoming president in school and then many of them vote me so i just manage the school as the principal says. i stood up on my bed and walk to the bathroom. i notice my scar on my arm when im checking my face in the bathroom mirror, my scar is on the upper of my elbow and attached on my arm ( i don't know how to explain this, it can be seen quickly and the scar is too long so it exceed on chaewon's cuff/ shirt) 






"mommy we have a new neighbor! i want to be friend with her" Chaewon who is looking outside window, she saw a family it's look like their gonns be the new owner of the house. "Chaewona-ah come with me let's meet them" The kid run into her mother and they go to their neighbor. The new neighbor is arranging their things inside house and there's a little kid playing outside, chaewon and her mother knock into the door and they open it with a smile on their faces, the kid who is playing outside is their neighbor too so the kid run into her mother who just open the door she hid on the back of her mother legs( you know they were still liitle kid so they can hid on the back of the legs)  as the two mothers who are having a small talk the kid keep stealing a glance toward chaewon and then the latter notice it she waved her hand but the kid got shy, the mother of the kid noticed chaewon who is waving to her daughter" oh she is kim minjoo my daughter im sorry she is introvert" the mother of minjoo push her lightly so she can't hide on her legs anymore she got shy and she just look down and fidgeting her hands, Chaewon who is friendly she raise her hand and minjoo quickly turned her head to chaewon's hand " Hi minjoo, im kim chaewon can we be friends?" it takes a minute to answer it                 




Months had passed they are still growing their relationship of being friendship. They rode the school bus since they started to go to school they are classmates by the way they always eat together and play together they look like they glued to each other as they entered the school Chaewon's parents left and Chaewon is crying now because her parents left and she is not used to it you know it's normal to cry when your parents left you on school. Minjoo who is now hugging her and comforting her" shh don't cry chaewon you will used to it" the teacher saw them, she approach thr kids and she led them to their classroom. The cycles repeat eat,play,study. When the bestfriends is eating someone approach them they sre the bullies. The bullies steal chaewon's sandwich " haha loser this is mine now" Chaewon who is still a kid and don't know how to fight back and she let them steal her sandwich and she was about to cry Minjoo got mad and she stood up from her seat and snatched the sandwich from the bullies " don't steal. this is for my ssamu" she gave the sandwich back to chaewon. Luckily the teacher notice them and the bullies left Minjoo grab a tissue and gave it to Chaewon and hug her. She always do that whenever Chaewon is crying because she is a crybaby. And they have the cute nickname to each other it's ssamu for chaewon and minmin for minjoo.


It's sunday so they have no classes they are playing outside. After playing the two went on the sink to wash their hands the both of them can't reach the sink so they used the small chair there's a knife sitting beside the sink and Chaewon is waiting beside minjoo too so the knife is on Chaewon's upper side. Minjoo is finished watching and because she is a clumsy person she hit the knife and the knife fell onto Chaewon's arm. Chaewon is now crying it has a wound on her arm and the blood keep flowing, Minjoo doesn't know what to do. She saw Chaewon crying and she just hug her as always " im sorry ssamu". She didn't stop crying and Chaewon's mother quickly approached them, she is shocked when she saw a blood everywhere. There's a blood stained on Minjoo's shirt too. The two kim's family talk about what happen and they got an argument Chaewon's mom thought that Minjoo stabbed Chaewon but Minjoo's mother claiming that she will not do that until they decided to not let them meet again.







​​​​​​Chaewon is just staring outside window and she can still remember from what happened on the past "Kim Minjoo" she can still remembered the latter's name whenever she look on her scar she remember minjoo her childhood friend and her first love. You heard it right she fell inlove to Minjoo back then and until now. The professor came in and she started the discussion. Hours had passed someone barged into the door and that interrupt us. When the door opens, She saw Kim minjoo. The smile is forming on her face " i guess she is my classmate" she tought. Minjoo walk like there's no teacher in the front She sit on the the vacant seat. As soon as she sit her friends hit her and teasing her. The professor got mad with her action "meet me on my office ms. kim" ​​​​​




The bell rung so obviously it signalling that it's lunch time already. She stood up from my seat and leave. She is now waiting to her friends on the lunch table. Minutes of waiting they came. " yo chaewon" her friend Wonyoung  says. They are all sitting now and talking about their summer. Chaewon notice Minjoo who is staring at her with her chin resting on her hand  when Chaewon stared back, the latter's eyes didn't even move. Chaewon got shy and she just avoid Minjoo who is looking at her. She stole a gaze and she saw minjoo received a smacked from her friend and that made Minjoo back into reality.






(fast forward sa uwian hehe) They are walking out of the school and Yuri beside her. Yuri is one of her friend And she is one of the group too. Yuri's house is near school and they stopped on Yuri's house so Yuri bid her goodbye and go inside their house. Chaewon is walking alone now she saw a group of friends while walking and she saw minjoo smoking and her friend is laughing. Minjoo is leaning her back into the wall and their eyes met. Chaewon found that they are scary so she walk quickly

what happen to you?






Its their p.e time. some are wearing sleeveless and chaewon is one of them. She is wearing sleeveless showing her arm with scar. Chaewon and her friend is sitting and watching the other to play. Well yes Chaewon's friends is on different section but they have the same time of p.e so they can meet there they are not complete just some of chaewon's friends. Minjoo is playing archery and her classmate just watching them. She is good at it. The p.e ended they are all dressing up with their casual uniform and the teacher call chaewon she came near to them and they just have a small talk about managing the students its because Chaewon is a president of school. She go to the lockers and the other just leave. She is alone now but she feels like she is not. Well she is really not alone when Minjoo showed up she is dressing too as well oh and by the way they are on the room with full of lockers where you can change you shirts. " It's been a long time you know" Minjoo look at the latter while her back is leaning on the lockers. And then she notice Chaewon's scar on her arms. Minjoo know that she is the cause of that scars " i still remember that scar, ssamu" Chaewon got flustered and hid her red face on the door of the locker. She cant see what minjoo is doing she can just hear Minjoo's sweet voice. " Will you be my friend again? Are your parents is still mad to me?" Minjoo says. " Well it's okay if you forgot what happen in the past or what friendship we have back then" she continued they didn't meet for a long time because their parents won't allow them. " seriously, what happened to you? i saw you smoking around and you aren't respecting the teachers" she the close the door and turned her head to Minjoo they stared for a second " You are not the minmin who is shy that i know before, Mind to tell me?" Minjoo dont know what to do she just fidget her hands and her head is facing downward " you can open up- "        " nothing, i just living on my best. we can talk again in the next time we met the bell is ringing ms president" she walk while messing chaewon's hair " you still look like a radish" She then left. She left a tomato there in the locker she quickly pack up all her things and leave 



( guys im sorry if the scenes are all in the school )







As im walking on the hall way i saw chaewon sitting on the floor and some group of friends bullying her. They get me into my nerves but i just watched them bully Chaewon. I saw them snatching the president's notes and throwing some hate to Chaewon. And when they finished i ran to chaewon and i crouch in front of her i saw her crying and i hug her as i always do. this the first time i hug her again it's been so long when i feel her body against to me again i love her so much " shh there there cry baby, want me to beat them up for you?" i received no response, i patted her back and comforting her. She stop crying and i walk her on their classroom she just thanked me and i lend her my handkerchief. As soon as she got into her classroom i find the people who bullied her. I manage to beat them all i threaten them to not hurt my ssamu again. I skipped class and go to the infarmy to heal my wounds, it's not that large wound i only have cut on my lips and on my eyebrow. The nurse put a bandaid on my eyebrow and cure my lips i leave the infarmy and just wait Chaewon to go out. I am now on the rooftop and by the way im holding chaewon's notes. i know she is hardworking student. i pick my cigarettes and i just decided to smoke while waiting for her. i don't know why am i doing some bad things just a friend is a bad influince lol Yena taught me so nevermind as if someone is worrying for me, my parents are busy in the company and they left me alone and say that i can leave by my own well it's okay i don't care anyway. The bell rung i threw the cigarettes and step on it and leave the rooftop. I waited for chaewon in our classroom since we are classmate. I saw her packing up all her things i entered the classroom and come near to her, i placed the notes on her table and she looked at me with a confused forming on her face" little ssamu it's your notes. don't worry they won't bully you again, i beat them for you" i say while grinning "minjoo you shouldn't let yourself hurt" she says in a calming tone. Oh i forgot there's someone who worry at me im glad." it's okay, want me to walk you home?" she nodded her head and we leave. We are walking now and there's none of us decide to break the silence i saw a ice cream truck" ssamu, you want ice cream?" i said and she nodded her head " wait for me ok?" i said and leave, i bought her favorite ice cream mint choco. I pay to the ice cream and brought the ice cream with me i gave it to Chaewon "oh you still remember that i like mint choco"well i will not gonna forget it because you love it the most. We continued to walk " You still have a soft side even you have a scary face and im glad" if it's you well i have a soft spot for you i thought. When we reached her house i want to talk to her parents and im gonna ask permission if i can be Chaewon's friend again if it is not well im gonna be her girlfriend char. From what happened on the past i hope they will let me. She knocked on the door and it reveals her mom. Im nervous right now what if they are still mad at me? oh god please not now. "Oh chaewon! mind to tell who is she?" Her mother says. Did she forgot me? well that's nice. She can forget too  for what  i have done on the past lol kidding. " She is Minjoo" Her mother happily looked at me isn't she mad at me? " Oh minjoo! nice to meet you again" She then hugged me. Wait you aren't mad? i thought, she is not mad yay!! " You're grown up now" she continued to hugged me and Chaewon is looking at me with a smile on her face " Uhm Mrs. Kim, im sorry for what have i done on the past" she let go of me and looked at me " Oh it's okay my dear, im glad you're grown up now. On the last time i see you is you are still a little kid hiding on her mothers leg" she pulled out of the hug, she then laughed and Chaewon too. I got embarrassed and just laugh along  with them " Come inside Minjoo!" Chaewon hold my wrist and led me to her room. While she was changing i look at the pictures attached on her wall and there's a small picture of me and her. We look cute together. "Cute right?" i hear her voice and i turned my head into her i smiled " You still have it huh?" i said and then stared at the photo again " Yes, you are my friend afterall"  And then she proceed to sit on her bed i sit on her bed too, i notice a piano there " oh can you play it to me?" i pointed at the piano and she turned her head to where the piano im pointing " oh sure" she sat on the seat of the piano i sit too beside her since there are two seat i rest my chin into my palm and watched her. she played it,  she can sing too! i want to hear it everyday. her voice is calming and soft i love her. The song ended " youre staring again minmin" she then chuckled " youre good at it!" i say i look to her arm where the scar is, and  touched it " does it hurts?" She laughed at me i guess it's not i touched again her scars while looking at it "im sorry for what i've done" i say she look pity with it "nah, it's okay. you know whenever i see this scar it  reminds me of you" 







The two kim's are in the park they decided to go out and play on amusement park. They saw a store with a cute headband on it, they bought it the cub and a fox since they look like them they just enjoyed the ride and the booth. They just play around  (sorry fast forward na e2 huhu) its getting late now and they stay for a while in the park. Minjoo decided to confess her feelings. They sat on the bench as they watch the stars shining " Chaewon" this is the first she called chaewon by her name since she always called her by her nickname ssamu. She received a hum in response from the latter " you know since we were kid i've always admire you and i like you until now" Minjoo looked at the latter but the latter is wide shock " P-pardon?" she says " i like you will you be my girlfriend?" (speed naman ean menjo) "sure" there's a red tint on Chaewon's cheeks "really?" Minjoo stared at the latter " yes my minmin" She quickly hug Minjoo. " i love you. back then you always melt me with your smiles and your hugs. i like it a lot. Maybe im a crybaby but atleast im your baby" As they continued to melt on each others embrace. Minjoo pulled out of the hug and they share  the sweet taste of their lips.









- how it is? i am lazy you know and im sorry lol comment down your thoughts about it :P 


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i want to put a picture every chapter but i Don't knkw how huhu ಥ‿ಥ


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reigngrey #1
Chapter 4: Yes sequel please
Chapter 4: dayyum , this is so cuteee
Chapter 4: Ahh so minjoo like chaewon too? But she wait until chaewon get jealous? Nice story...
Kamishil #4
Chapter 3: Awww this is cute! Minju’s the confident one and it was fun to see.
Chapter 3: Minjoo was so confident, but getting jealous easily lol...
Chapter 2: Sequel :)
Chapter 2: this is good and cute too. yes, a sequel would be great
Kamishil #8
Chapter 1: Awww this is cute!!
Chapter 1: It's cute, luckily chaewon mother didn't angry with minjoo anymore