The Fallen (pt.1) (Baekhyun fic)

Exo Oneshots



‘I was your cure And you were my disease. I was saving you, But you were killing me’









They say that history has a way of repeating itself, Baekhyun didn’t understand at the time just how true those words would come to be. How he desperately wishes he had seen the warning signs, because maybe then he would have been able to save them, to save her.








Baekhyun found himself walking along the corridors of the Jedi temple, the moonlight shining his way through the quiet halls. He along with several other Jedi has just gotten back from a particularly difficult mission that left him feeling unsettled…almost doubting certain things and he knew that could lead himself down a dangerous path.

After hours of trying to meditate he just wasn’t able to focus and so that’s how he found himself at his current attempt to clear and ease his mind. The blue-eyed male was so lost in his thoughts he failed to hear the footsteps approaching him, until a hand suddenly clasped onto his shoulder causing him to shriek in surprise.

Laughter filled his ears as he whirled around trying-and failing- to look angry. “No matter how many times I do this, you always freak out” the female replied, voice filled with mirth, her long auburn hair swaying as she shook her head. Baekhyun’s lip twitched in amusement, rolling his eyes at her antics.

“Ember, you’ve done this since we were younglings, don’t you grow tired of your pranks?” He asked, though he didn’t want to admit, he loved her childlike humor- despite all they had since during their time training and becoming Jedi, she still had a kind and loving heart. Finding joy in the simplest of things.

“I couldn’t help it, you looked so forlorn…I saw the others when they got back but you had disappeared…I was worried” She admitted quietly, voice becoming somber as she scanned his gaze, He had to turn away, feeling much to vulnerable with her searching eyes boring into his own. Slowly the usually energetic male shrugged numbly, gaze distant as he thought about what he, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo had witnessed, it shouldn’t have affected him so much- it wasn’t something they hadn’t seen before- but he wore his heart on his sleeve and more times than not it came back to bite him in the .

The pair found themselves in the courtyard of the temple, wordlessly sitting under the large tree that sat in the middle. For a few moments, neither of them spoke, simply enjoying the peaceful quiet that the night usually offered.

“We failed them” He suddenly gritted out; voice easily carried away by the soft wind hid pain drifting along with it. Ember glanced at him, his posture defeated and pained.

“when we got to the outpost, it had been too late, all of the younglings there had already been…” his voice trailed off, unable to bring himself to finish his train of thought. “I know we see this- even worse things- I know we aren’t supposed to harbor the feelings it brings with it but I…” He breathed in sharply, rubbing at his eyes roughly to keep the tears that threaten to fall at bay. “We’re not supposed to have attachment, yet we’re supposed to be compassionate…How does that work, Ember? Things like love and joy, aren’t those good things to hold onto? Even grief is apart of life, is it not?”

He was rambling, but he didn’t care, he couldn’t hold it in anymore and he knew out of everyone, Ember would never judge him of wave off his emotions as invalid. He trusted her and she him.

The emerald-eyed girl simply let him vent, crying out the hurt and confusion he felt but felt he couldn’t share without people questioning if he was fit for the Jedi. She stared out into the dark sky that was illuminated with bright stars and the alluring moon, deep in thought as she processed her friend’s words.

“Though we are given a code to follow for as a Jedi, I personally believe each person has to find the path of the Jedi- and what it means- for themselves. While yes, certain emotions can lead us down a dangerous path such as Anger, vengeance, greed… I also believe holding onto the pure emotions- Love, Happiness, belonging- Shouldn’t be forced out along with the rest…” She paused, pondering her thoughts sighing as she turned to face the puppy-like Jedi who has quieted down and was listening to his friend intensely,

She offered him a quiet somber smile, her hand reaching for his, clasping them together. “I think Baekhyun, being a Jedi isn’t so cookie-cutter as most would have us believe. We must choose for ourselves between what is right and what is easy” she finished quietly.

The rest of that night the two spent, simply enjoying each other’s presence while staring off into the abyss of the sky and all it had to offer. Their hands firmly clasped the entire time and Baekhyun had to ignore the jolt in his heart he felt as her warmth spread into his own. His mind processing her words. While one problem had seemed to quiet down and fade to the back of his mind, another reared its head as he found himself watching Ember more then anything else that night.











Several years had passed since that night, He had thought back to those moment’s more times than he’d ever like to admit as did his feelings for her grow. Lately, so much darkness surrounded the Jedi, as they continued to witness the cruelty of others, especially as the Empire continued their merciless tirade, killing all those that refused to stand by their side.

‘If you aren’t for us, then you are-by definition-against us”

He, along with his fellow Jedi remember his harrowing message clear as day. Storm troopers increased as well as those rising within the darkness, not to mention the former chosen one himself as he was feared by all. Anytime he thought of this former Master his heart felt heavy to see how far he had fallen and what it had cost him.

“I can here the chaos all the way from the landing platform” A voice suddenly chimed in; he turned his gaze to find several of his friends watching him with mixed gazes. Slowly he pulled himself up from the sitting position he had been in for who knows how long, stretching his sore limbs.

“Did you guys just get back, Chanyeol?” he avoided his previous question altogether. He was happy to see the happy virus, Kyungsoo and Yixing back home in one piece. The only one missing from their group was Ember, she had been gone for a few days on a solo mission and it worried him to no end. He knew she was more then capable of handling anything that was thrown at her- She had also been Skywalker’s padawan and was a truly gifted jedi- but nonetheless his heart ached for her.

The four of of them decided to head over to the canteen, the others filled Baek in on their mission as they filled their bellies, though for once, Baekhyun wasn’t very hungry, his thoughts constantly drifting. “I know we’re meant to be peacekeepers, but sometimes I feel like we should take matters into our own hands to end this madness” Chanyeol muttered bitterly as he scarfed down the food on his plate,

Yixing frowned slightly “Chanyeol, that’s not the Jedi way…You mustn’t let those kinds of emotions take root in your heart. They can lead you down a dark path my friend” He spoke softly, never judging or scolding, simply speaking his wise words of advice. It was no surprise that someone as calm and serene as him was master Yoda’s padawan. Kyungsoo nodded in agreement with Yixing, causing Chanyeol to groan

“I know, I know…I’m just saying” He mumbled tiredly, no one could blame him, the state of things had left everyone feeling weary both in body and soul. Suddenly Baekhyun’s full attention was pulled away as he felt a familiar warmth through the force, It was Ember, she was back.

Without a moments hesitation the young Jedi abruptly stood from his seat, making haste out of the canteen leaving behind his puzzled- and slightly alarmed- friends. He’d come up with an excuse later, right now the only person that mattered- who consumed his very soul- was Ember and he had to see her, to make sure she was okay.

As he turned sharply towards the entrance of the loading platform he ran smack into Obi-Wan causing both men to stumble towards the ground. The older of the two rose his eyebrow in questioning “Well, hello there” he greeted, Baekhyun felt color rise to his cheeks as he hastily stood and offered a helping hand to him as well.

“What’s the rush?” Obi-wan asked, a small smirk playing along his lips as he eyed the sheepish male, clearing his throat Baekhyun ran a hand through his hair trying to calm his hammering heart. “Oh uh..I heard that Ember was back…so I was just going to see how her mission went” he replied, hoping the other didn’t hear his voice just crack.

“Oh? That was quite fast considering the just docked” the bearded man replied cheekily, though he never out right said anything, Baekhyun knew that he knew about his feeling towards the female Jedi, how their bond was so close they shared a force-bond which was quite rare. Deciding to put the poor blue-eyed boy out of his misery, Obi-wan simply patted his shoulder

“I’m afraid you must wait a bit longer, Master Yoda needed to talk with her and whisked her away as soon as they landed.” He answered, Baekhyun had to fight from showing how his heart just dropped and simply smiled in thanks.

“Alright…Thanks Master” he bowed before leaving, usually he was much better at hiding his emotions in the force- or so he had hoped. How embarrassing.










A few restless hours later, he had finally tracked down the person he had been hoping to see the most, She was sitting under their usual tree, he noted that her gaze was distant, lost in deep though that caused her usually soft and kind expression to be replaced with unease and a frown tugging at her lips.

“Hey Ember” the blue-eyed boy greeted quietly, placing himself next to her on the soft ground. As if pulled from a trance she blinked a few times before a small -somewhat sad- smile lifted her lips “Hello Baekhyun, how have you been?”

She was always checking in on him, even when something was obviously bothering her. He tilted his head slightly before answering “I’ve been alright, I’ve missed you” he admitted softly, ignoring the flush of his cheeks as he did so. Her smile was more genuine as she faced him “So did I” she replied easily, he might have imagined It but for a moment he thought he saw her own pale cheeks color slightly.

“Are…are you alright, Ember?” he asked, watching her intently after a few moments of pleasant silence, the girl in return frowned, her gaze shifting away for his searching gaze.

Ember wanted to lie and tell him that she was fine, just tired. But she knew he’d see right through her, just as she saw through him. Sighing softly, she shifted until she was able to rest her head gently on his shoulder, his arm reaching out to wrap around her in natural instinct.

“I was thinking about what Master Yoda and I had talked about earlier…it’s weighing heavily on me” she mumbled, Baekhyun sent her soothing feelings and comfort through their force bond, He was curious about what they could have talked about but didn’t want to pry and force her to tell him.

“Master Yoda…He’s been helping me with some…visions…feelings I’ve been having lately...they’ve been haunting me” she started, searching for the right words “It’s been showing me that a time will come when I fight Ana-…Vader” Baekhyun stiffened, his gaze snapping down towards her, she looked to weary.

“Not only that but…It shows me something so harrowing, it frightens me. Of that future, of myself. I..Baek, I’m terrified what I’ve seen will not only happen but that it will cost me everything- it will cost me the person I love most” her voice trembled, Baekhyun tighten his hold, pulling her in closer as she looked up into his worried blue eyes.

“Ember, what ever you saw will not come to be. I will make sure of it, I will always be by your side” he promised quietly, his fingers reaching up to wipe the few tears that had spilled over. Ember bit her lip, fighting off the wave of despair his words brought her.

‘That’s the problem…I know you will never leave my side’ she thought sadly, Just as Baekhyun had been unable to fight off his ever-growing love for her, she had also fallen for him, they were both in so deep that there was never even a thought of crawling back out.

“Baekhyun…” she called for his attention timidly, closing her eyes for a moment to steel her nerves. “what is it?” he asked, his hand her cheek gently.

When she re-opened her eyes, her eyes held such raw emotion that it sent a shock through Baekhyun’s entire being, his heart hammering in his chest.

“I love you”

He wasn’t sure why he had reacted to frantically, but the moment she uttered those words he had so longed to hear, her had crashed his lip with hers. The pair grasping at each other in a longing and desperate kiss that sent a pleasant shock through their force bond, it felt like it was buzzing with warmth so hot it would burn them alive.

When they had finally been able to pull themselves away from each other, he rested his forehead against hers, his blue eyes boring into her emerald ones. He took a few calming breathes before caressing his face gently.

“I love you too, with my entire soul” He answered, leaning in to kiss her once more.










Calm. He had to remain calm.

Baekhyun silently cursed as he ran hastily down the halls of an Empire outpost, avoiding droids and stormtroopers alike. Somehow, he had gotten separated from Ember and Kyungsoo, so now he was on his own.

It was supposed to be a simple stealth mission, in and out before anyone knew they had been there. However, the moment they had gotten there it was obvious that someone had tipped them up and they walked right into a trap.

He closed his eyes focusing on his force bond, he wasn’t able to tell where she was but he knew that at least she was safe- for the moment. “Baekhyun!” A hurried voice whispered-yelled, he came skidding to a halt, turning to see Kyungsoo quickly running up beside him “I was able to contact Obi-Wan, we have to find Ember and get to the Emergency landing platform as quickly as we can”

Nodding, the pair began to run towards the destination. Just as they turned sharply into another hall, a group of Stormtroopers spotted them, Baekhyun groaned in irritation, both igniting their sabers, so much for making a quick exit.










Ember was a very patient person, so she’d like to think, but even she had her limits. No matter where she ran, stormtroopers and droids came out of the woodwork. With both of her sabers ignited, Pure white blades cutting through droids swiftly. Using the force, she sent stormtroopers flying or simply knocking them out.

They may have been the enemy, but she didn’t want to be the cause of ending lives. She had gotten the transmission from Obi-Wan, praying that the others had gotten it as well. Just as she had finally gotten through the last of her current onslaught- finally hoping she’d be enemy free until reaching the emergency dock- she froze

Her head felt like it was being crushed with the something pulling at her through the force- it wasn’t Baekhyun or Kyungsoo- that much she knew. Gritting her teeth she pushed forward, ignoring the heaviness shrouding her entire being.

“So, the padawan has now become a Jedi” a distorted voice spoke from behind, The feeling she had been felt now felt as if it was burning her alive. Slowly the redhead turned towards the figure, there he was dressed in all black, the heavy sounds of air circulating from his mask breaking the silence around them. She felt her heart clench painfully at the sight of him.

There was no getting out of this, she only hoped that Kyungsoo and Baekhyun would get out of here safely even if it meant leaving her behind. ‘I’m sorry, Baekhyun…’she passed the solemn thoughts through their force bond, hoping it would reach him.

Whether it was out of habit or because the young jedi refused to address him by ‘Darth Vader’ the name that spread fear throughout the galaxy, she called out his name-


Everything that she had been fighting so hard to prevent, was already hunting her down before her eyes- trying to seal in her fate and those she cherished most. She wasn’t going to allow it without a fight.
















Author's Note:

Hey lovelies! this is part 1 of this Baekhyun one-shot, it was getting to long so I decided to break it up. it should be wrapped up in part 2 though. This doesn't follow any set timeline in Star Wars, so anything that happens in this is non-canon, lol. I've been re-watching alot of Star Wars plus I watched Lightsaber by Exo again the other day and just wanted to make a Star Wars story for Baekhyun, lol.

I hope everyone is doing well and that you have a lovely and safe Holiday!🖤🖤🖤🖤

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736 streak #1
Chapter 5: Chanyeol's fic was one of my favorites, don't get me wrong, I loved the previous ones as well, but Chanyeol is my bias! *chuckles* I loved the whole concept of it!
736 streak #2
Chapter 4: A lovely story with a lovely ending! I loved it! <3
736 streak #3
Chapter 3: This was really emotional and it literally brought tears to my eyes. It does have a personal feeling and I just loved it!

Thank you for sharing this one!
736 streak #4
Chapter 2: 🌹💗🌹💗🌹

Another great chapter! I really love the emotions that were put into this especially Baekhyun's part. The ending though got me on my edge!

736 streak #5
Chapter 1: 🌹💗🌹💗🌹

Aww, this was a truly adorable part! Kyungsoo is really supportive and nice and I love how he showed it toward the latter! Ah, it's not easy being an idol and there are a lot of worries going on in their mind, especially when it comes to fans. But in the end, everything turned out well!

Thank you for this one! Can't wait to read the others!

woww ive just had a skim though some of them and they sound really good!!! looking forward to reading them properly :D
Mistycal #7
Hii not sure if u'll see this soon, but i'd like to request a suho-kyungsoo hurt/comfort fic. Just them listening to each other and talking about their lives. In the feels for a deep story. Thank you if you consider this :)
Mistycal #8
Chapter 1: I didn't even dare to finish reading this cuz I didn't feel like crying while thinking about our boys again. But good work here, keep it up!! :)
Chapter 4: This took me for a ride. I usually dont have so many emotions reading series let alone one shots. My heart was racing towards the end so good!