Chapter twenty-one

Hooligans Paradise.
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  Walking out of the bathroom, with a bathrobe wrapped around his body, Jimin was startled to find another person in his room. He instinctively reached for his handgun that was sat on the chest of drawers close to the bathroom, aiming it at the person. "Hey, hey don't shoot me. It's just me." Though the room was dark, but a familiar scent wafted into his nose and Jimin dropped the gun back before flicking the lights on. They just got back from the hell house mission, he was tired and decided to call it a night sooner than his original bedtime. But he didn't expect to see Jungkook clad in his pyjamas sat on his bed, hugging one of Jimin's plushies. Jungkook raised his head to look at him, a small smile on his demonic handsome face. "Hey!" "Hey!" Jimin said, unsure what to do or what this sudden visit was about. He slowly walked over. "I knocked a few times, but no one answered. Sorry I invited myself in." Jungkook said, his gaze roaming across Jimin's body. "It's fine." The Omega said, trying not let Jungkook's gaze get to him. "Something wrong?" He asked taking his seat next to the other. Though they could be considered friends but this was the first time Jungkook was in Jimin's room. It was usually the Omega that took the initiative to visit the Alpha. So he was genuinely surprised seeing Jungkook here. What was even more surprising was the half demon didn't seem okay. As though something was bothering him. Jimin could tell because he always pay attention to Jungkook's every move. That's what you do when you're hopelessly In love with someone. He knew almost everything about Jungkook, from his personality to his every features on his body. Jungkook was slender, yet muscular, his fair skin flawless. His face held so much beauty, he seemed sculpted by a divine hand. And his eyes, the enchanting silver hue, Jimin had become captivated the very first time he’d looked into them. He thought Jungkook couldn’t be any more stunning, until Jungkook showed Jimin his demonic form, that Jimin usually think of when . Jungkook's hair had grown longer to hang down his back. Horns, thick and curled like a ram’s, emerged from the sides of Jungkook's head. His height increased, his body’s frame and muscle thickened. From two smoking slits that opened in Jungkook's back, great leathery black wings emerged. Fangs that put to shame any vampire dropped down from his canines. And those eyes…they glowed with that stunning silver color, the round pupils becoming slits. Just the thought was enough to arouse the Omega. Jungkook's sire was one of the great nobles. And Jungkook's true form showed it in his powerful body and massive wings, in his strength and his beauty. Jungkook let out a deep breath, his earthly scent mixed with his hellish taint, spreading out, causing another sense of arousal to course through Jimin's body. Being trained as a military officer, Jimin was able to resist a lot of his things, just like now, how he quickly hide it before the Alpha could take a notice. "I just don't want to be alone, so I thought to come find you." Jungkook said, hands tightening around the big plushie. "Didn't know you like these things!" He gestured at the plushie. It was something that could hardly be associated with Jimin, considering his tough temperament. But only a few knew Jimin was a softy when it came to fluffy things. He shrugged. "I like soft things." "I can see that." Jungkook said. "So?" Jimin asked. "I hope I am not taking up your time." "Don't worry kook. You're not." He said, offering what he hoped was a friendly smile. "What's really up with you. I mean if you wanna talk about it." Jungkook lowered his head, bottom lip tapped against his pearly white teeth and the action naturally attracted Jimin's gaze. "Do you wanna hear?" Jimin hummed, averting his eyes from Jungkook's lips. "If you're willing to share." He didn't want to pressure the alpha. The Alpha was silent as if he was pondering how to say it. Jimin let him take his time. And it didn't take long before Jungkook spoke."It's about earlier, at that mansion." He began and Jimin gave an encouraging nod. " Meeting my dad's minions made me feel sudden rush of emotions." He sighed. "I was caught off guard, but still–" Jimin didn't Interrupt, it was rare to see the seemingly strong Alpha showing a different side of him that Jimin didn't know much about. "I that moment, I realized even though I never let it bother me, I still missed having My dad in my life for the two centuries I spent without him. I know he probably didn't care about me or care to know how I've grown to be, but for some reason I wish I could send him a postcard– a picture of myself maybe?." He laughed, but there was no humor in it. Jimin didn't know how it was supposed to feel when someone missed their parents. He had lost his useless, alcoholic parents when he was relatively young, at the age of thirteen, and it had been just him and his brother. Their parents didn't leave anything for them save for a shabby apartment, it had all been spent on gambling and alcohol, which caused Jimin to resent them. Not wanting Jimin's education to get cut off, Chanyeol had joined the gangsters that year in other to provide for them and for Jimin to continue his education. Jimin could still remember how his brother would come home most nights with bruises or injuries all over his body and it pained Jimin, more than he could admit. The military pay was good, but the main reason Jimin joined was because he wanted to be able to provide for and protect his brother, he hated seeing Chanyeol suffering and enduring because of him. Maybe if Jungkook had talked about missing a sibling, he would have understood. The truth was, he really didn't. But Jungkook didn't need to know that. "Do want to see him?" He asked the most possible thing anyone would ask. Jungkook nodded earnestly. "I do." "Can you?" He wondered, genuinely curious. "I don't know. He lives in the third hell. The one person that made it possible for him to come to the mortal realm was my mom. But as you know she's dead centuries ago." "How was your mom able to do that?" "He was using her life force to anchor himself in the mortal realm, and without that he probably wouldn't be able to come." Jimin nodded. "Was that the reason she died?" "One of the many." Jungkook said and he had a vacant look on his face. "You can summon him if want. I am right? He can use your life force just like how he used your mom's." Jimin suddenly said, he had an intuition that he was right, sure enough Jungkook nodded albeit a bit hesitantly. "Yes I can but I am not sure what the consequences might be." "But you want to!" "I do." The Alpha admitted. " But What If he didn't want to see me or have anything to do with me? I am sure he has lots of other children in hell. Or in worst case, he refused to go back and instead cause harm to people?" "Those are a lot of what ifs." Jimin smiled. "But you'll never know until you try." "Are you saying I should summon him?" "If that's what you want. Kook." He said. "And besides, If he turns out to be bad for the world then we can easily banish him back to hell." "It won't be so easily. He's a prince of hell, a very powerful one at that." "It doesn't matter. We have a Sehun." "Uhg you just wanna die for the guy" Jungkook joked. "is that leadership or brainwashing or something?" "No that's Oh Sehun's charms." Jimin laughed. Jungkook joined in. "Yeah, Oh Sehun's charms." The two stared at each other for a while. And Jimin realized this was the first time Jungkook was opening up to him and Jimin liked it. It felt really nice to know more about the Alpha. "So what have you decided?" He asked after snapping out of their staring contest. "I am not gonna summon him. I believe if fate wills it, then we shall meet someday." Jungkook said, and now he seemed lighter than he was the moment Jimin saw him, as though a heavy burden had been lifted off his shoulders. "How about I spend the night with you– hey I mean just to sleep. I can sleep on the floor if– I just don't want to be alone." Jimin's heart was beating wildly inside his chest. This was a pleasant surprise. Jungkook wanted to sleep in his room? Though he didn't think it would suddenly lead to something more, but Jimin was more than happy to let him. To mask his excitement, he chuckled softly with a nod. "You're welcome to sleep here Kook. And there's no need to sleep on the floor, my bed is big enough for the two of us." He paused, wanting to make sure Jungkook was on board with the idea. The Alpha nodded. "Yeah, i will like that– to share your bed with you." Laughing once more, Jimin made his way to his closet to get himself something to wear. "Thanks Jimin." He heard Jungkook said from behind, and the smile in his tone was evident. "Always welcome. Kook." Jimin found himself smiling as well. **** Slowly opening his eyes, Sehun was startled by three pairs of eyes watching him intensely. It took a few seconds to fully wake up and regain his senses, just to realize those eyes of different shades belonged to his cubs. He moved to stretch his body, only to note that he was prevented from doing so due to an arm wrapping around his middle. Turning to the side, he was met with a pair of smiling golden grey eyes.
"Good morning!" Kai greeted, leaning to kiss Sehun's forehead. His voice was clear, it seemed he had been awake for while. "Morning!" Sehun greeted back, then turned to his cubs that were situated at the other side of the bed, watching the two adults. "So he's your boyfriend now?" Dae'in asked with smile. Sehun let out a sigh, pushed himself into a sitting position before he spoke. "Yeah, I think?" He looked at Kai slightly, but the Alpha didn't deny nor agree with him, he only watched Sehun as he also sat up. "Really?" Jae was the one that spoke and the excitement in his tone wasn't hard to detect even though he was obviously trying not to let it show. "We just found out somethings and planning to take things slow." Kai said, gesturing at Dae to come over. "How are you feeling today?" He held the boy in his arms, rubbing his hair gently. "I am okay." Dae said, a little shyly. "Finding out things like what?" Aurora asked, squinting her eyes at her brother that got to be in Kai's arms. "Can we not talk about it now? Aren't you kids supposed to be in your rooms or the classroom or something?" Sehun glanced at the alarm clock and realized it was still early for classes. "No, Dae woke us up and said you two have something to tell us." Jae said, shifting closer to Sehun, eyes expectant. "Dae did?" Sehun looked to his youngest son and the boy nodded. "Did you know?" There was only one thing that Sehun intended to let his cubs know. "I do." Dae admitted. "How?" "Umh last night, I pretended to be asleep, and overheard you two talking." "You pretended to be asleep?" "Yeah, I was sleeping lightly, and woke up when uncle Kai put me on the couch." Sehun knew the boy must have been shaken by yesterday's event which was why he couldn't sleep deeply. "I wanted to let you know I was awake but then you two started talking, I realized it was important, so didn't Interrupt you. Then after a while you two disappeared, I couldn't see nor hear you." Sehun coughed slightly after hearing the last sentence. "Why did you suddenly disappear papa?" The boy seemed genuinely puzzled. "We didn't, I just used an invisible spell." "Oh, I thought as much." "So what is it you're gonna tell us?" Aurora was looking between the two adults, and Sehun could already see the gears turning, as she tired to figure what it could be. After sharing a look with Kai, Sehun glanced at the two little Alphas. "I want you to know something. Remember when you asked me about your other parent and I said he had no idea where he could be?" The kids nodded. Sehun had told them so, and the three said they understand, and never asked about him again after that. "Well it turns out he's been close to us all for the past few months. Kai is your Dad." He closed his eyes momentarily only to open them to see the two looking at him with shock on their faces. "You're not kidding?" Jae squeaked. "And if that's the case then it explains a lot, why we were so attached to you the moment we saw you." "Yes, Jae I am your dad." Kai said, a smile on his face, but Sehun could see he was tensed, probably from fear of being rejected or hated by his kids for not being in their lives. "Where have you been all those years?" Aurora asked, a hard set to her jaw, and that confused Sehun. He thought the girl would be the most excited. "I didn't know. I am sorry." Kai said. "I didn't ask you for an apology. I just wanna understand how you never knew about us." "My first meeting with Sehun's complicated. And after that, I lost myself. That you already know." She nodded. "I guess complicated has everything to do with abandoning your kids." "I am sorry. I had know idea you exist until recently." "Is that suppose to make me feel better?" She snapped. "Aurora that's not a way to talk to your father." Sehun scolded. "No papa, he's no father to me. The only dad I have is you, that's been there all my life." Saying so, she stood from the bed and ran to the exit. "Aurora come back here." Sehun called but the girl ignored him. "Rora?" Jae called in low voice. Kai made a move to chase after her but Sehun held his hand shaking his head. "Don't. Let her cool, take it all in on her own pace." He knew his daughter well enough to know now wasn't the time to approach her. Though he was lost to why she suddenly snapped. He thought she'd be happy, because out of the three, she seemed to be the one more fond of Kai even without knowing he was her Dad. How her brain works was a mystery to Sehun. Sometimes. He also understood how sudden it might be to her. She only had one parent and all her life. It must be hard to take in. Luckily the two boys accepted it without a hitch. After taking a shower and eating breakfast along with Kai and the two boys, Sehun left the boys to spend time with Kai, for once allowing them to skip classes. He checked on his daughter, that he found in the training section with a teenager helping her train– more like she was beating the crap out of the guy. It was at times like this that he was reminded how strong his little girl was. She was angry and  channeling that anger to beat the poor guy to oblivion. With a fond shake of his head, Sehun turned away intending to get the team for the mission at hand. He would have plenty of time with Aurora later. Now some other little shifters needed his help and Sehun was going make sure they stayed safe. **** Prior to Sehun's instructions, the team were geared up with an arsenal of weapons both lethal and nonlethal, similar to that of military-police. Doing so would enable them to blend in to mislead the people into thinking they belonged to the law enforcement. It wasn't the first time Sehun and his team were dressed this way. Sometimes they dressed like ordinary uniformed police officers and they even carried fake badges with them. Other times was like military or NIS,  it depend on the type of mission and who they were likely to come in contact with. The authorities knew about it, but they had turned a blind eye, because Sehun and his pack had been of great help to them on numerous occasions. "I hope things won't get ugly." Jimin sighed, walking up to Sehun, beside Jimin was a strangely smiling Jungkook. "We'll take care of it like we always did." Jungkook said, slinging an arm around Jimin's shoulder and the omega blushed slightly– which was unusual– Jimin didn't blush, Sehun had never seen him doing so. That was how thick skinned he was. Sehun looked at the two for some time. He notice something was different about them, but he couldn't tell what exactly. But whatever it was that changed looked promising. With a secret smile, Sehun proceeded into the car. The ride over was filled with tension, and no one uttered a word, not even Kris that was a smartass, because even he knew when to shut his mouth. The large flat screen over the console showed
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747 streak #1
Chapter 45: What a wonderful ending, I enjoyed this story as much as the others. It was also great to revisit Pirate Sehun and the little dragon whelps - even though I have read out of order. I can’t begin to figure out what your outlines and story boards look like, to be able able to keep all the characters, places, and timelines straight. Great work!
XiaoShixun #2
Chapter 4: Sehunnie and the triplets <3
Mariah_94 #3
Chapter 44: Only in your stories I could read a detailed labor 😸😸
Mariah_94 #4
Chapter 43: I like donghae and eunhyuk meeting
I like fluffy chapters more kkkk
Mariah_94 #5
Chapter 38: Just good thing I've read all your stories before
Didn't expect the demon king to take over Kai
You write it so well
Mariah_94 #6
Chapter 37: I know Daniel 😁 must be the culprit or something. Always the weak one is so suspicious
Mariah_94 #7
Chapter 36: My head was spinning to remember all your stories 🤣🤣 while moving from one dimension to anther except there's that one with twins Sehun kkkk I like fantasia the most
Thanks for writing it well
Your fan
Mariah_94 #8
Chapter 35: Thanks god that I read wei ying and lan zhan before cause it makes me understand your story better
Well written chapter
Mariah_94 #9
Chapter 31: Best romantic chapter ever
Mariah_94 #10
Chapter 28: Wooow wangji and weiying ... This seems as a parallel universe story
Nice Shot