Meeting the family

A vampire comes to lunch
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A/n: Hi and happy Seulrene Day. I wanted to maybe do the oneshot in this series, where Seulrene move in together. But I felt like maybe it should be where Seulgi finally meets her human girlfriend’s family. I know it’s anticipated, sort of? Lol, so let’s see how this goes. I am excited.



The talks about moving in together had been put on hold. Not because she and her vampire didn’t want to proceed with their newly discussed living arrangement. Seulgi had come to her with a very simple, yet sweet reason as to why they should wait.


“I’d  like to meet your family first, Joohyun.” The musician reached over for her hand as they sat together in Joohyun’s apartment. The vampire had come over as soon as she was finished with work, and Joohyun knew it had to be important from her serious tone. She just didn’t know it would be this, and yet there is something quite sweet, and traditional about Seulgi wanting to meet her family. Joohyun wants the same thing. The human has honestly never brought anyone home to meet them. As there has never been anyone special or important to her in that romantic way. In many ways, Kang Seulgi is just as much her first love as the vampire says the human is hers. This would be a first for them both, in the sense that there’s family to meet.


“Honey…” The human whispers affectionately and grabs a hold of pale cheeks. “I think it’s sweet you want to meet my family first. Before we move in together. I never wanted to keep you from doing that. But…” Joohyun can’t help that she is worried. Especially with her supernaturally-sensitive grandmother who will probably freak out if she brings a vampire home. And that is the least dramatic possible scenario Joohyun has run in her mind. She has thought of everything possible, like her grandmother leading a prayer of some kind, throwing garlic, and preparing stakes to be shoved into Seulgi’s chest. 


“I’m worried about how that could go, particularly with my grandmother.”


Seulgi knows. She has heard enough about her girlfriend’s grandmother in particular to know that the woman would probably indeed lose her , in a manner of speaking. That’s why Seulgi has a plan, a plan she hadn’t fully disclosed to Joohyun.


“I know, Hyun. I can’t exactly change the fact that I am a vampire, and your grandmother might try and banish me since she’s probably an ex-vampire hunter.”


Realizing that her vampire is making a joke, it does make Joohyun laugh, despite herself. As she truly doesn’t want anything happening to the woman she is in love with. 


“That’s not funny.” The brunette chuckles anyway, and then proceeds to hug Seulgi around the waist, leaning into her. She mumbles something that the vampire pretends not to hear.


“What did you say, you love me and…”


The human lifts her head up, and Seulgi is met with those pretty chocolate brown eyes of hers, and that genuine concern in her girlfriend’s eyes. Seulgi gently pats her head and runs her fingers through her brown locks to help calm her.


“I said I love you and I don’t want you to be hurt. And my grandmother is not a vampire hunter, you’ve been watching too many late night movies.”

Seulgi nods with a smile. “You just added the late night movie part in, that’s not originally what you said.”


“Damn…” The human sighs, what good is it when you have a girlfriend who has very sensitive hearing and could hear exactly what you say, without any hesitation. Still, Joohyun makes herself comfortable on that couch with her arms around Seulgi’s waist. An arm goes around Joohyun too, bringing her human closer to her. 


“I know you’re worried, and with good reason. I am honestly very nervous too, as I’ve never met anyone’s family before. I still think this is an important first step before we move in together. You understand right, Hyun?”


“I do. I think it makes sense that you meet my family first, even if I’m a bit disappointed that we aren’t moving in together right now.”


“We will, nothing will stop that from happening. If you want, I’ll even bring a box of your things over to our place when I leave here. That way it’s a show of good faith and how serious I am about you, our future.”


Joohyun smiles so hard as not only does Seulgi call her place as ours. The vampire speaks so seriously about them and their future, and it brings not only relief, but genuine happiness. Then there’s also the gesture of bringing a box of her things over, it’s meaningful, and that matters very much to Joohyun. 


“I love you, you know.”


“I love you as well, Joohyun. Does this make a good compromise, at least we won’t have anything stopping us from moving in together after I meet your family.”


“Yeah, it will work. Now, I have no idea what I should pack.” She chuckles and looks suddenly adorable to the vampire. Then again, her girlfriend is extremely adorable to her. Whether it’s how she looks when the light hits her face, or how Joohyun gets a cute focused look whenever she’s reading, or about to win a game. The crimson-eyed woman really didn’t understand how someone as obviously gorgeous as she, could also be the cutest most adorable thing ever. Even though, it is Joohyun who always teases her that she is actually the cute one in their relationship.


“We can look together before I leave. Now, I don’t want you to worry too much about the meeting with your family. You just call them and ask them when a good time to meet is, and I’ll make sure I have a clear schedule. Don’t worry, I have a plan.”


This alleged plan of hers. This isn’t even the first time that Seulgi has told her she did indeed have a plan. A way for meeting Joohyun’s family safely, though Joohyun has absolutely no idea what that could actually be. 


“And when do I get to hear about this plan of yours, hm?”


“Soon.” Seulgi smiles in that charming way of hers. The smile that makes Joohyun’s cheeks go red, and heart pound loudly. 


“Alright, alright. If you are sure, I’ll call them tomorrow and see when we can meet, it’ll probably be at my grandmother’s house. We always have family gatherings there. I hope she doesn’t throw holy water on you or something.” Joohyun sighs worriedly and settles against Seulgi again. Holding her like she is afraid to let go and that makes Seulgi frown in concern. All teasing aside, Seulgi doesn’t want to be separated from Joohyun either, and so she hopes her plan will work.


“If she’s going to use holy water, tell her to fill it with garlic.”


“S-Stop, that’s not funny.” Joohyun taps her in the shoulder. “If you keep this joking up, I’ll tell her to do that, I’m not kidding.”


“I just wanted you to relax, and not think too much about it. We’ll be fine, Joohyun. Now I have an important question for you?”




“When you use the toothpaste, do you take it from the bottom or top? Because if you take it from the top, then we will have a serious house rules talk.”


“W-What!” The human has no idea if Seulgi is messing with her or not, and when she sees a hint of teasing in those gorgeous crimson-eyes. Joohyun knows that Seulgi is kidding.


“I can’t believe you.” She does indeed laugh though, how could Joohyun not when Seulgi looked as if she was trying her best not to start cracking up too. 


“It made you laugh, didn’t it?”


“Yeah, it made me laugh, baby. I hope you aren’t the type to stare mindlessly in the refrigerator, close it, and open it only to still not take anything out.” Now it was her human’s turn to .

“How did you know my morning ritual?” Seulgi whispers in a voice that sounds like she is scandalized. Joohyun laughs again before kissing her softly on the lips.


“You are ridiculous.”


The musician looks proud at that. “But that’s why you love me?”


The human nods and tilts Seulgi’s chin toward her for a kiss.


“That’s why I love you.”


And though Joohyun asks again to know what Seulgi’s plan is in meeting her family. The vampire again tells her all will be revealed in due time. Seulgi does share her plans with Sooyoung and Yerim though, the next time she’s visiting the two at their house. Yerim is already frowning and looking displeased, though it’s not unusual or anything.


“Idiot.” The honey-eyed vampire is the first to speak.


“Idiot?” Seulgi blinks curiously. She thinks her plan is honestly brilliant, so she doesn’t appreciate being called an idiot.


“Yerimie, stop it, that’s not nice. I don’t think there’s anything necessarily wrong with Seul’s plan.” Sooyoung takes a long pause to sip her wine. Seulgi doesn’t miss how her friend is looking at her, though.


“What’s so wrong with my plan?”


“I mean, nothing, technically.” Sooyoung shrugs. “But if Joohyun’s grandmother is really so intune with the supernatural, there’s a good chance we might not see you again, just saying.”


“Can I have your violin? In case you are gone for real,” Yerim asks, now with a smile. “I am sure I can sell it online for a ton of money.”


“Seriously…” The blonde sighs and leans back against the armchair. Leave it to her friends to always be this way. Yerim assures she’s kidding.


“I think it’s risky, Seul.” Yerim admits. “I mean, I like Joohyun too. I think she’s great for you, but putting yourself in a potentially dangerous situation, with humans. I don’t know.”


“Silly,” Sooyoung affectionately taps her wife’s cheek. “Seul’s in love, she doesn’t care if she ends up possibly murdered by humans, right?”


“I can do without the possibly murdered part. It’s just important to me that I meet her family. This is probably the safest way that I can do it, so I would appreciate it if my best friends are supportive.”


The other vampires nod. They respect that Seulgi is finally in love with someone for the first time in all of her years. And how this is probably on some level scary for their friend, who has never had to meet anyone’s parents, human or other. That’s why Sooyoung is the first to hug her in support.


“We were mostly messing with you, you know that, Seul. Just don’t get hungry and bite the humans, okay.”


Yerim can be heard chuckling, though she agrees with her wife. “If one of them is a witch, then it’s okay to bite them.”


Poor Yerim. She has such a negative feeling toward any and all witches' thanks to the one who had caused her blindness. Seulgi has also been looking into a way to help reverse her friend’s blindness. Nothing seemed to be the answer so far.


“Honey?” Sooyoung whispers softly. “It’ll be okay. We’re going to find a way to reverse your blindness.”


“Yes, we will, one day, Yerim.” Seulgi promises her friend. The blonde sighs and shakes her head.


“I’m sorry, this wasn’t meant to turn depressing. I want you to meet Joohyun’s family safely, Seul. If you are sure about your plan, then I hope it works.”


“Don’t apologize,Yerim. I know it’s not easy on you or Soo with your current health condition. We’ll figure out a way to help you, but thank you. I’m a bit nervous, since again I’m sure her grandmother is a vampire hunter or was one.”


The married couple laugh and shake their heads at their friend. Though, from how Seulgi has described the woman. Sooyoung and Yerim can’t help but to imagine some badass old woman with prayer beads, and decked out in spirit gear. For Seulgi’s sake they do hope she’s not actually a vampire hunter.


“Just make sure you leave me your Stradivarius if Joohyun’s grandma does end your existence.”


The three vampires share laughs over that, and Seulgi does feel a lot less nervous thanks to her friends. The musician hopes her girlfriend is having an easier time talking to her family.


The short answer was, Joohyun was too busy being teased, relentlessly. It was a strange mix of everyone being happy and excited she’s finally bringing someone special home. As well as being teased for finally bringing her special someone home.


“Oh, finally, Hyun. We were worried your girlfriend was made up.” Her mother speaks on the call. There’s laughter from other family members in the back ground.


“No, no, don’t tease our Joohyun.” An uncle can be heard. “We are thrilled you’re finally bringing your girlfriend to meet us. We promise we won’t bite.”


“How ironic..” Joohyun sighs, thinking how technically it is them who should be worried about Seulgi biting someone. Though her vampire wouldn’t actually do such a thing.


“Thank you, uncle. At least someone isn’t teasing me relentlessly.”


“Hyun, Hyun.” She hears her grandma trying to grab the phone from someone, and Joohyun can really imagine her small grandmother reaching up, or smacking someone away to grab said phone.


“Yes, grandma.”


“Tell me, dear. What does this girlfriend of yours like to eat? We’ll make the most wonderful lunch.”


“Oh…” Now how the heck is she supposed to answer such a question. She has no idea, and certainly can’t say something like ‘Blood, she enjoys blood’. Thankfully, her mom starts talking about certain family dishes that everyone enjoys, like the famous family stew, and rice and grilled octopus, for example. Joohyun was saved. 


“Anyway, we are excited to meet your mystery woman. Truthfully, I was starting to doubt her existence, but then you seemed much too happy for someone with an invisible lover.”


“Oh my god!” Joohyun facepalms and practically falls off her bed. At least, her family are having a good time at her expense. How wonderful. And for a moment, as she is assuring her family that she will indeed bring her girlfriend. Joohyun forgets for a moment that she has a vampire girlfriend. That is until she gets off the phone and it all comes back to her.


“Just how are we going to do this…”


She also had to tell Seulgi how it went and when her family wants to meet. They do talk about this that evening over the phone. Joohyun notices how Seulgi doesn’t seem nervous at all, and that should help Joohyun feel better. Still, she can’t help the worry in the back of her mind.


“So, this weekend?” Seulgi asks. “Are you ready?”


“I’m ready, I’m nervous, Seul. I won’t lie to you, but you said you had a plan.”


“I have a plan. All you have to do is meet me on Saturday before we drive out to your grandmother’s house. It’ll be fine, Hyun, I promise you. Oh, and if you want, why don’t you bring another box of your things over.”


“Really?” The human whispers softly. “This is your last chance to back out of having me move in with you, you know. Once I’m there, I’m not going anywhere.”

“Joohyun,” the vampire speaks in that soft but firm tone that always reassures her. “I would not ever want you going anywhere, that I can’t go with you too.”


Now Joohyun felt like she was going to cry. How did she end up with this wonderful and amazing woman again? She is sure she will never know, and as cheesy as it sounds. She and Seulgi were simply meant to be together. Joohyun hopes her family will see that, particularly her grandmother. Should the worst come to pass and they are unaccepting of her vampire girlfriend. Joohyun tries to keep in mind that Seulgi seems to be sure about her plan. She trusts Seulgi completely.


“You can’t just say sweet things like that and not expect me to feel some sort of way.”

There’s a soft chuckle of sorts on the other end of the line. “Everything I said was true. We’ll see each other soon, try not to worry about meeting with your family, alright?”


“Alright, I’ll try. I’ll see you soon, Seul.”


The couple say goodnight to each other and Joohyun proceeds to start putting together another box of her things to bring over to her girlfriend’s place. Similar to the first box that was packed. The human places things that she doesn’t necessarily need for the time being. Small things, like extra pairs of slippers she has, mugs she’s not using, a few clothing items. It makes it feel all the more real as she does put together these things. Joohyun knows no matter what happens when Seulgi meets her family. That will not stop them proceeding with moving in together. Joohyun even handed over her own figurine, the half of the set they bought while on their trip, and told Seulgi the two should be together. Until Joohyun was soon able to join Seulgi too. It was a symbolic gesture, one that held a lot of meaning for the couple. 


“I’ll be there soon, Seul.” She thinks, while closing up the box and putting it to the side to bring over on Saturday. Joohyun does try to do as Seulgi suggested, and calms herself down. It is after all, no point in stressing out over things that haven’t happened yet. Her vampire did have a plan. A plan that Seulgi was entirely secretive about, right up until that Saturday morning when they met.


Or rather Joohyun waited for Seulgi, who apparently was still in her bedroom, and the poor human was about to freak out soon if she didn’t see any sign of her girlfriend.


“I mean, I appreciate you leaving the door open for me. Though, someone could have tried to rob you, I think.”


“They would be foolish to try.” Seulgi’s voice is heard. “I mean, imagine breaking into a vampire’s home. They’d most likely end up as the meal.”


Joohyun chuckles. She finds it amusing how Seulgi can joke so freely now about what is typically expected or thought of when it comes to vampires. When the woman is the most non-typical vampire she has ever met. Again, not that Joohyun has met very many.


“The only person who

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Chapter 1: Grandma is scary AF!!! Is it weird I hope she has tracked down some vamp that Seul actually wasn't on good terms with back in the day?
Chapter 1: I think my heart almost fell out when grandma Bae did that Seulgi LMAO I was so nervous for her hahah aahh I love them! Thank you for continuing this series!
Chapter 1: I think my heart almost fell out when grandma Bae did that Seulgi LMAO I was so nervous for her hahah aahh I love them! Thank you for continuing this series!
KTRouge #4
Chapter 1: I love this series so muuuuuuch
Taitai84 1233 streak #5
Chapter 1: Appreciate the effort to have humour throughout the story, be it the exaggerated imagination of the grandma or yerim wanting her violin if she dies.

It was fun to read, n glad that you let the grandma be so accepting of the situation.
Chapter 1: I cant get enough of your seulrene supernaturalau. Your mind is truly amazing, always comes with great stories, thank you author!!
jackisfrost #7
Chapter 1: i thought this will turn angst the moment when grandma put that scroll on seulgi's forehead😅. anyway thank you for writing this story author nim<3
Chapter 1: Badass vampire Hunter grandma Bae is a bias wrecker XD

I loved it <3
Happy Seulrene day :)
rish08 #9
Chapter 1: Woah, vampire Seul is back... I'm not sure what is morr interesting between Hyun's relatives teasing her to no end or the talk between Seulgi amd the alleged vampire hunter grandma back in the lake.

I'm relieved that grandma accepted Seulgi even if she is a vampire. I cannot wait for more visits soon. Looking forward to that moving in for real after this meet the family session that they had.

Thank you author-nim for always giving us a wonderful story! :D