
lost in you

Joohyun decides she needs another drawer for this. 

Well, she didn't really have to, but she thinks keeping all her soulmate's lost things would be a great first anniversary present for them once they start officially dating. 

Joohyun has kept all of it since she was a kid, an idea that came into her when she saw her playmate Seulgi wearing a green scrunchie on her wrist. 

Yellow has always been Seulgi's color--, bright and happy like her. So when she asked her as to why she's got something green for the first time, the other girl shrugged, saying she's keeping all her soulmate's lost things for her to return to them once they're grown up. 

Now she wanted the same thing too, so she started putting all those things that suddenly appears to be in her possession but isn't actually hers in a shoe box tucked safely beneath her bed. 

And it's either her soulmate is just a forgetful person, or they're a klutz for always misplacing things. Joohyun has started to keep their stuff in drawers, and she's on the third drawer now. 

She was busy deciding where to place her clothes that she's going to remove to free the fourth drawer when her phone buzzed. 

Hey gorgeous, we still on tonight? She read. 

Joohyun smiled as she typed Of course pretty, pick you up at six?

Eh, too much for thinking about her soulmate when she's got a hot girl to date tonight. 


Seungwan groaned as she scans her room for the fourth time now. 

This can't be happening, I just got those duplicates last week!


She decided her soulmate probably has her keys now, and she needs to ask her landlord for the originals to get duplicated again. She made a mental note of having three copies created this time in case she lost it again, which she's sure she would. 

She grabs her blue wrist watch from the nightstand and headed for her next class. 


"You're drunk." Joohyun laughed.


"No I'm not, I'm just- I don't know, tipsy?" The girl responds.


Joohyun is not a girl, no, she's not.


Well maybe she is if she's going to agree on Seulgi's definition of it, but hey, it's not entirely her fault pretty girls tend to go out with her whenever she asks.


Joohyun, as Seulgi describes it, is a girl, picking up different girls every night, and leaving them the next morning. Well, that's not entirely true, Joohyun would counter. She actually picks them up every other night. Sometimes she leaves them already  in their clothes.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Joohyun asks her date, glimmer in her eyes.


"Thought you'd never ask." 


"Unnie, thanks for covering my shift, I owe you one!" Sooyoung called out as she's heading outside. 

Seungwan just waves her hand, smiling at the younger girl.


She picks up her apron and notepad, heading outside to take orders. 

This has been Seungwan's life recently, pretty repetitive if you ask her. College, work, apartment, college, work, apartment.


If she's not cramming for an exam or a presentation, you can find Seungwan waiting tables or sleeping soundly in her bed. Sooyoung says it needs to change sooner, but Seungwan thinks she's barely got time for herself to think about going out or "letting out steam" as she's often told. 

"Where is she going this time?" She hears Yeri ask.

"She said she's meeting that girl she had been texting for the past week. She thinks she might be her soulmate."

"And why is that?"

"Sooyoung lost her univ ID and that person had it, called her and told her she wants to meet up as she lives near the campus."

"Might have been someone who actually just picked it up though."

"She's too giddy about it, I have a feeling she's actually it. I was surprised though, didn't know Sooyoungie's into girls."

"Oh she isn't. She's only dated boys in her life. Now I'm excited to see how this goes." Yeri said.


"That's a nice watch." The girl, Joohyun doesn't really remember the name, told her whilst she was buttoning her clothes.


Joohyun stopped in her tracks, stared at the blue watch now engulfing her left wrist. She shook her head and smiled. She moved the wrist watch on her right hand instead. 

She can hear Seulgi's voice in her head saying only psychopaths wear their watch in their right wrist!


"Thanks for last night." She said as she kissed the girl's forehead before heading outside.


She probably needs to stop whatever the hell she's doing and start looking for her soulmate. She never settled for any relationship before, mostly because in the back of her mind, she knows she's eventually going to end up with the one. 

When she was in college, she keeps on delaying the search for her soulmate for any reason she can think of. 

She's busy with school.

She's still young.

She doesn't need a responsibility yet.


But now that she's out of school and has a steady job in a marketing company, she can't think of any other reason why not. 

She decided that yes, now would be the best time.




Seungwan thinks her soulmate is a girl. 

Well, if their purple and pink stuff isn't enough confirmation, she would sometimes get (how the hell is her soulmate losing their ?) and jackets that are quite small and feminine to be a guy's.


And Seungwan's soulmate isn't like her. 

Seungwan's lost things would be keys, wrist watches (she rolled her eyes on the latest things she lost), chemistry notes, chopsticks, and lots of other things she that wouldn't really have value for her soulmate to use.

Her soulmate is different. And she's always confused as how someone would lose something like jackets, shirts, underwear, even shoes!


I mean, how do you lose something that you're probably already wearing?


"Probably sneaking out of someone's bed and can't find the clothes they took off the night before." Yeri said.

"Well at least one of us is having the time of their lives." Seungwan answered.

She clocked out of work and headed to her locker to change, when she noticed her uniform doesnt have her name tag pinned on it anymore. 

Ugh, so much for losing stuff.




Son Seungwan.


Joohyun stared at the name pin sitting on her kitchen counter.



Joohyun never really had an idea if her soulmate is a guy or a girl. 
Mostly because the things she kept in her drawers don't really give her enough proof of whatever they may be. Majority of those things are uni items, so this is the first time she's got something that points to whatever her soulmate's gender is.

She's pretty ing sure "Seungwan" is a guy's name.


She frantically dialled Seulgi's number, her left foot tapping nervously on the floor.


"Joohyun unnie?" Seulgi's voice answered.

"My soulmate's a guy. Seulgi what do I do, my soulmate's a guy!" She said.

"Okay, calm down, calm down. How did you know?" Seulgi said, the background noise indicating she's getting out of bed.

"Uh, they lost their name tag, looks like for a restaurant called Chick N Fillets and their name is Seungwan. That's definitely a guy's name!" 

"Uh, uhm, well if they're really a dude, do you still plan on meeting them?" Seulgi asks.


Joohyun stayed silent. Would she want to meet him? She had never liked a guy in her entire life, her womanizer attitude in the past few years would be a clear indication that she isn't into guys at all. 

"Joohyun unnie?" She hears Seulgi again, pulling her away from her train of thoughts.

"I don't know, I mean, what if I see him and I don't like him, then everything would just change and I don't know what to do with his stuff in my drawers and-"

"Unnie, how are you sure you wouldn't like him just because he's a guy? I mean, I've been straight since we were kids but I'm sure I like my soulmate even though she's a girl." Seulgi chuckled.

"Ugh! Why the hell did you end up getting a girl soulmate when I'm clearly the gay one here!" Joohyun pouted, as if Seulgi can see her.

"What I'm saying is, give it a try. Meet the guy and talk to him. Maybe you'll like him. If not, then just give him back the things he lost and call it quits," 

"That was sooo easy coming from your mouth." Joohyun sighed. 


Joohyun braced herself.

She's going to do this, and end it once and for all if he isn't really someone she'll like. She decided on wearing the guy's wrist watch so she can easily prove she's his soulmate.

She took a deep breath and opened the doors of Chick N Fillets

She found an empty table near the window and waved  for the menu. 

"Hello, can I get your order?" The waitress said.

"Uhm, I'll get this one-" Joohyun said pointing to the menu. "And also, uhm, do you have someone working here called Son Seungwan?"

"Uh, yeah. She just clocked out and will probably be out in few minutes. I'll call her out for you." The girl, Kim Yerim, said. Wearing the familiar name tag now sitting in her fourth drawer.

Before Joohyun could react, the girl is now heading towards the "Employees Only" door, disappearing in sight.



Oh .


Joohyun went in there today preparing to meet a guy, and now she's being told that Son Seungwan is a girl? She should have worn makeup! She should have worn a better jacket for 's sake! She should have-


"Hi, I was told you're looking for me?" The girl said, looking so pretty in one of Joohyun's lost jackets, staring at her. 

I'm definitely ed.


"Uhm-" Joohyun swears she's more eloquent than this. "Son Seungwan?" She asks instead, standing up.

"Yes?" The girl looked at her confused.

Joohyun's aware of her heart hammering in her chest. 

"I'm Bae Joohyun." She said, offering her hand. 

Seungwan stares at it, before realizing she's supposed to shake it.

"Sorry, just-, it's just that I have the same watch as yours." She chuckled.


Joohyun motions for her to sit down, which she did.

"Yeah, and I have the same jacket as yours." Joohyun hinted.

"Oh, what a coincidence!" she said. Joohyun thinks Seungwan is dense. 

"This is actually yours." Joohyun said, taking off the watch.

Seungwan looks at her, wide eyed.




To say that she's surprised is definitely an understatement.

Here she is, sitting in front of probably the prettiest girl she's ever seen, when just few hours earlier, she was having a panic attack of what to do with her guy soulmate.

Thank you universe!

Joohyun introduced herself, opted for small talks and Seungwan politely answered all her questions. 

Joohyun thinks Seungwan is amazing. She had been talking to her for at least ten minutes now when someone she knew (Joohyun didn't really regret all those girl nights she had except today) passed by the window and recognized her. 

The girl waved at her from the outside and sent her a flying kiss. The girl put out her right hand in a phone imitation, signing for Joohyun to call her. 

Joohyun wanted to disappear in her seat. She waved awkwardly at the girl outside, looking back at Seungwan, who is trying her best not to laugh.

"Now I'm pretty sure you didn't lose your clothes for any other reason."

Joohyun swears she wanted to just melt in her place.


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Chapter 2: Short but sweet.🥹
Chapter 1: Came back here to read one of the best wenrene soulmate aus ever.
ShinHye24 1340 streak #3
Chapter 2: this two shot are both funny and cute, such a good read :)
16 streak #4
Chapter 2: This is soo good happy wenrene day!
Chapter 2: reading this again because i miss wenrene
Chapter 2: So cute
Happy wenrene Month
Chapter 2: So cute
Happy wenrene day
Chapter 2: I love it. Lovely story
Chapter 2: Goodness Bae Joohyun is sp greasy but I love it 💗💙💗💙
Chapter 1: 🤣🤣🤣