

[Chaeyoung’s POV]


It’s a little bit sudden for Chaeyoung. How she ended up in Seoul, South Korea now. Far from Australia and with the Korean language she managed to study in the last 3 months. She doesn’t even know why she is here, in her parents’ hometown. Chaeyoung only remembered her father asking her to adapt herself to Seoul, because she will take over her family’s business, which is Seoul branch because her sister Alice will take over the Melbourne branch. Her father gave her an apartment near her school. Yeah, only that. Even though Chaeyoung is a future CEO of the Seoul’s bigget company, her parents didn’t want her to become a typical snobby heiress so they said she needed to live a normal life before living the ‘different world’ of her future self.


‘Sigh. What am I doing here?I missed Hank already.’ Chaeyoung thought. Hank is her dog back in Australia, her bestfriend. But she can’t bring him here because she can’t take care of him when she is at school.


“Okay, Rosé you can do it! It’s just Seoul, only different language and different people around you.” Chaeyoung mumbled as she walked into the school. She didn’t have anyone here, not a friend or anyone, other than her father will occasionally (twice a year) come to Seoul and looked around the Seoul branch.


Chaeyoung is on her way walking to the office and asked for her schedule when someone bumped into her. Being a girl with quick reflex, Chaeyoung grab the person’s wrist to stop her from falling. Yeah, it’s a girl who bumped into Chaeyoung.


Damn she looked so beautiful’. Chaeyoung thought and keep on studying the girl’s face. She has a model-like face with a soft bow-shaped kissable lips that make Chaeyoung’s heart thumped thousand times a minute. They looked at each other for a good 10 seconds before another person’s voice disturb them.


“Are you okay?” A boy voice snapped Chaeyoung out of her thoughts.


“Yeah, I am Jinyoung. You could go first. I just bumped into her, let me apologized to her first.” The girl said.


“Okay, see you in class”. The boy named Jinyoung said.


“I’m sorry I bumped into you, thankyou for not letting my face hit the ground.” The girl smiled to Chaeyoung.


“It’s nothing.” Chaeyoung looked down, hiding her blushing face.


“Okay then, I think we should go to class now, could you please let go of me now?” The girl smiled looking at Chaeyoung’s hand still holding her wrist. Chaeyoung frowned for a second before realizing that she is still looking at the girl’s wrist.


“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Chaeyoung let go of the girl in an instant and keep bowing her head down to apologize. Unknowingly to Chaeyoung, the girl secretly smiled at her cuteness.

“It’s okay. I’m going to class now, I hope we could meet again sometime, bye!” With that, the girl walked away to her class. After the girl is out of her sight, Chaeyoung let out the breath that she didn’t even know she is holding.


“God I just embarrased myself in the first day at school. Now where’s the office? I’m gonna be late.”


[Jisoo’s POV]


I wonder who the blond girl is. I never saw her before today. Is she a new transfer student or am I blind all this time to not notice there’s a beauty in this school?


Jisoo didn’t expect in her last highschool year, she could actually feel like this. It all started when Jennie and Lisa are bickering with each other and Jisoo being Jisoo, added up some spices and the three of them are running in the hallway playing with each other when she ended up bumping into a person while Jennie and Lisa kill each other in who knows where. It did sound cliché but she really feels like her world stopped when she saw the girl. She is so beautiful that Jisoo feel like she’s so gay for her. Jisoo always thought that she won’t do any relationship becausse she didn’t like commitment. She always rejects every single boy or girl who asked her out. Even Jinyoung, her childhood bestfriend. He confessed to her last year but she rejected him. Jisoo believes that relationship will destroy everything and she didn’t want to lose Jinyoung as her bestfriend so she plays safe, asking Jinyoung to stop having feelings for her and keep their friendship as what they have now. Jinyoung agrees, but deep down Jisoo knew that the boy cries everynight for a week straight. But eventually Jinyoung moved on and is courting someone now.


“Okay class, attention! We got a transfer student from Australia here!” Mr. Lee speaks and snapped Jisoo out of her thoughts. Jisoo finally get up from her sleeping position and see how the new transfer looked like. Deep down she hoped that it was the blond girl from earlier today since Jisoo is really sure never seen her before. As if the sky heard what she thinks about, it is actually the blond girl who is standing beside Mr. Lee.


“Hello, I’m Park Chaeyoung or you could call me Rosé. Nice to meet you all!” The girl, who is now Jisoo aknowledge named as Chaeyoung, said. Jisoo heard her classmates start whispering about how blond color suit the new transfer very well or how tall and beautiful the new transfer is.


“Okay Chaeyoung, you could sit at any empty seat here.” Mr. Lee said. Well, the only empty seat is beside Jisoo and beside Junhoe. She must choose the one beside Jisoo right? Afterall she’s a girl so she’ll definitely be more comfortable to sit with a girl. Chaeyoung is walking to the seat beside Jisoo when suddenly the Mr. Lee said “Chaeyoung, I think you should just sit beside Junhoe there.”


Being an obedient student, Chaeyoung walked to the direction Mr. Lee pointed and sit beside the boy. Jisoo sighs, the universe really knows how to annoy her. First, they let the transfer student be the blond girl but the second after, they decided to not let the blond sit beside Jisoo.


[Chaeyoung’s POV]


What the hell is wrong with Mr. Lee? Why did he not let me sit beside the girl and let me sit with a guy?’ Chaeyoung thought.


“Hey, I’m Junhoe, Koo Junhoe. I’m sorry you ended up sit with me, I think Mr. Lee really need to get his brain checked.” The guy said after seeing Chaeyoung’s uncomfortable face.


“It’s okay, I don’t mind sitting with you.” Chaeyoung smiles.


“No, no. Mr. Lee always did that. He loved to play cupid, probably he will start teasing you in a second after he saw we are talking.” Junhoe stated.


“Ah, you two already dating? Am I good at being cupid this time?” Mr. Lee smirked.


“Sir, I already told you I’m not interested in girls. Could you please move this girl to the seat beside Jisoo?” Junhoe said while mumbling to Chaeyoung “Told you he will make you uncomfortable, and my boyfriend will be jealous if Mr. Lee keep teasing us, please do me a favor?”


“Well it depends Junhoe, Chaeyoung do you want to move? And oh, Jisoo, do you mind having a beautiful girl sit beside you?” Mr. Lee seemed to forget he needed to teach math, not fooling around like this.


“Okay sir, I think it’s better to move.” Chaeyoung said and Junhoe smiled in victory when his boyfriend, Donghyuk, stop sending glares at him.


“How about you Jisoo? Do you mind?”


“No, I don’t mind sir.” Jisoo said in a sleepy voice without even lifting her head up and after that the bell rings, indicating the math session has ended. God this teacher surely knows how to waste time.


“Okay class, see you tomorrow! And oh Chaeyoung please see me in the office at lunch” With that, Mr. Lee walks out of the class.


Chaeyoung walks to the seat beside Jisoo but when she wants to talk to her seatmate, she saw Jisoo is sleeping so she didn’t want to disturb her new seatmate. In the few next period Chaeyoung didn’t have the chance to talk to Jisoo because the teachers keep on blabbering and teaching stuffs, and also Jisoo just keep sleeping.


Finally it’s the break time and Chaeyoung really want to socialize, but she suddenly remember that Mr. Lee want to meet her. After taking a deep sigh, she saw that Jisoo already gone mysteriously, probably going to lunch but when did she walked out? After that, she walked her way to the teacher office, wondering why her seatmate is such a weirdo. 


[Jisoo’s POV]


I rushed my way out from the class because I can’t believe this. How could this blond girl make my heart beat twice as fast? I’m not really in the mood to fall in love right now, not at this time after I literally reject everybody here, I don’t want to become a lovesick puppy to some new transfer. Maybe I could go to the club room and sleep to take my mind off her. I can't stop thinking about her since our accident in the hallway this morning, so I don't really make her get the chance to know that I'm her seatmate because I will be stuttering mess right now. Maybe tomorrow I'll talk to her.


“Hey! You’re not going to canteen?” Lisa shouts and run towards me with Jennie. This girl really need to control her volume.


“I don’t have appetite guys. I will go to the club room and sleep.”


“Oh come on, it’s not fun without you unnie! Jennie unnie here is going to kill me if you’re not there” Lisa pouts.


“Glad you know that.” Jennie glares at Lisa. “I’ll have some take out for you unnie, we’ll go to the club room after lunch. After all the afternoon class is being cancelled because all the teachers have some meeting for the school festival.”


“Okay thanks Jendeuk. I’ll get going.”


[Chaeyoung’s POV]


Why am I agreeing to Mr. Lee? Dad is going to kill me if he knew.’ Chaeyoung groans in her mind. Mr. Lee saw her previous school data and asked her to be the guitarist of the school band. She told Mr. Lee that she needed to focus with her studied to get into the university but Mr. Lee said having club activity will look good on her report. Besides, the school band is the girl-band and the school already has the boy-band. They already have a drummer, bassist, and a keyboardist, but the guitarist decided to transfer last semester so they can’t perform in the school festival without the guitarist. After a few pleading here and there, finally Chaeyoung agreed because she lowkey really like playing guitar and singing. Mr. Lee asked her to go to the club room and meet the other three member, so here she is now, standing in front of the door with the “BAND” sign in it.


As Chaeyoung get inside the room, it is so dark that she can’t see anything. Trying to find the switch, Chaeyoung tripped on a chair and fall down, making a huge noise. But she didn’t feel like she’s falling down, she feels something soft. Yeah, something really soft. Maybe she landed in a pillow? Chaeyoung’s heart about to jump out of her chest when she finally being pushed down and her two arms are held behind her back.


“Who are you and what the are you doing here? Are you a ert?” A husky voice said while tightened the grip in Chaeyoung’s hand.


“I-I... I’m not. I just want to find the switch but I tripped. Please don’t hurt me.” Chaeyoung said in a low voice and is already crying because she is scared of the person who held her really tight and because her hands hurt. Suddenly the lights being and two unfamiliar figures come inside.


“Woah Jisoo, what are you doing? Are you getting and forget to lock the door?” A girl with short hair said.


“Stop it Lisa, it will ruin Jisoo’s mood to finally get laid. Maybe we could come back later after you guys finished.” Another girl who has cat-like eyes said.


“What the Jennie?! This girl fell into my chest while I’m sleeping! And I don’t even know who is this!” The Jisoo girl shouts.


Is it the same Jisoo? My seatmate? I don’t think so. There are probably a lot of Jisoo here. But hey please don’t leave me with this Jisoo here, it looks like she’s going to kill me.’ Chaeyoung thought and raised her head to look at the Lisa and Jennie.


“Oh my god, Jisoo you got a beautiful girl to laid!” Lisa shouts again.


“No Lisa! I told you this girl just barge into the club and harassed me!” Jisoo’s sound is getting frustated.


“Well if she’s going to harass you, why is she the one who is crying Jis?” Jennie said.


“W-what?” Jisoo shocked and loosening the grip in Chaeyoung’s hand.


“I-I’m sorry, I’m really scared and my hand hurts so I’m crying. I’m not going to harass you or anything, I’m told to go to the club room to meet with the members.” Chaeyoung said in a low voice.


“Meet the members? Who told you to go here?” Lisa asked.


“Mr. Lee told me, he said I’m joining the club as a guitarist.”


“Omo! We got a guitarist? Jennie unnie! Jisoo unnie! We could finally perform in the festival!" Lisa shouts and jumped to Jennie.


“Get off you little . I think you need to apologize to her for misunderstanding, Soo.” Jennie said. Jisoo finally release her grip from Chaeyoung and crouched down to Chaeyoung’s level since the girl is being pushed down earlier.


[Jisoo’s POV]


“Hey, I’m really sorry, I don’t mean to accuse you like that. I guess we started badly, but I’m really sorry and I’ll make it up to you okay?” Jisoo said and using her finger to brush Chaeyoung’s hair from her face. But when Chaeyoung’s face is reavealed, Jisoo is shocked. It’s the girl who made her feel like running a thousand miles but Jisoo literally hurt her just minutes ago? Oh my god, she was her seatmate and now her bandmate?


“It’s okay, I know you must have been shocked too.” Chaeyoung smiles. “I’m Chaeyoung, a new transfer from Australia.”


“Hi! I’m Lisa! I’m a transfer from Thailand 2 years ago but now I’m used to be here! You could ask me if you need anything! Oh and I'm the drummer here” Lisa shouts while making a drumming gesture.


“Hi, I’m Jennie, the bassist. Guess we’ll be seeing each other frequently.” Jennie said showing her gummy smile.


Finally it’s my turn to introduce myself so give her my famous lopsided grin. “Hi, I’m Jisoo, the keyboardinst. Your seatmate and now your bandmate.”

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Isyalu #1
Chapter 2: Oh apakah ini sudah tidak dilanjutkan?
Astraea21 #2
Chapter 2: 🥰😲
1120 streak #3
I begin liking BP because of my friend and because of this lockdown and my bias is the fake maknae Jisoo and I'm glad I found this... 😁😁😁
Chapter 2: great, this is so cute, chaeng is going to woo jisoo. I look forward to the new update. thank you author
and i votee for u story
wow, nice