Part 4

The Person I Used To Be
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I’m getting ready in the bathroom. Olivia isn’t home tonight—she’s out with the girls—and I’m glad because I’m not sure she would approve of this. I saw a photoshoot in the latest Vogue magazine she left on the coffee table the other day. The man in the photoshoot had makeup on, and I thought it was beautiful, so I decided to try and make something similar tonight, though I’m trying to achieve a more subtle look.

There was some makeup in my basket in the bathroom, and I seem to be good at it, so I don’t think I’m doing this for the first time. But I can feel in my gut she doesn’t like it. My phone vibrates and almost falls from the edge of the sink. I check it and see it’s a text from Minho. I open it carefully.

‘I won’t be able to make it tonight. I’m sorry.’

My heart drops. I was so excited about going to the cinema with him tonight. I haven’t been able to see him again after the party at my place, and the prospect of meeting him without everybody else was even more appealing. I remember he arrived late last time. Is changing plans at the last minute something he often does? I decide to call him. If we can’t meet, we could at least talk. I put my earbuds in while I wait for him to answer. There are a few rings before he does.

“Hey,” he simply says and I can feel he’s truly sorry.

“Hey, Minho,” I answer. “What’s going on?” I decide to ask directly. Let’s not waste time with small talk.

“It’s just—” he starts but his voice gets stuck in his throat. “I’m really not in the mood for a movie,” he finally says. I don’t know what to answer. I think I understand not being in the mood. I’ve been not in the mood a lot recently.

“Does it have something to do with you coming alone at the party a few weeks ago?” I ask carefully. I put some mascara on, listening to the silence. I can only hear him breathe on the other side of the line.

“Yeah,” he whispers. “We kind of broke up, like, twenty minutes ago. I think.” His voice is weak. I swallow heavily. I hate knowing he’s feeling bad. I just want him to be happy.

“Do you want to talk about it?” I ask. I won’t lie, I’m eager to learn more about him. Even the sad stuff. But I also want him to know he can trust me and confide in me.

“Yeah, ok,” he says, voice shaky. My makeup is finished and even if no one is going to see it in the end, I’m still proud of myself. I leave the bathroom, grab the pack of cigarettes on the counter and go towards the patio.

“So, what happened?” I start. “Did you leave her, or did she leave you?” I ask. I take one cigarette out of the pack and light it up, waiting for him to answer.

“Hum, well—” he clears his throat. “It’s ‘him’ actually. As in, ‘did you leave him or did he leave you’. And, hum—he left me, basically,” he explains and I have to refrain from choking.

“I’m sorry,” I say. I had not seen that one coming. I don’t know why it makes my heart race, learning that he has—had—a boyfriend, but it makes me feel warm inside.

“I think I had it coming. It’s my fault,” he continues. “He wanted something serious and I didn’t. Well, I want to, it’s just that I don’t think I’m in the right mental state right now. Do you get it?” he asks. I get it more than he thinks, it seems. I brea

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Beau1996 1371 streak #1
Chapter 7: Good story - rereading - I understand how profound the words are at the end!!
Beau1996 1371 streak #2
Chapter 4: It's weird how you count on your brain and memories so much and when it's not working right - how lost you are...
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 7: So glad they found each other again! :) I think that everything changes for the better that night too! :)
961 streak #4
Chapter 7: You are right! Part 6 is a great chapter!
It is the great reveal. It is also the turning point of being who he really is.
Thank you so much for sharing this story! Great job!
961 streak #5
Chapter 3: Why are people secretive or defensive when Taemin asked them questions?
961 streak #6
Chapter 1: I just started reading this. It is quite interesting. I could relate with Taemin about being with a "stranger". I would also be very wary since I don't have any memory of the person. Memory is one of our most important internal senses and losing it could really pose a lot of difficulties.
I'm reading on!
Chapter 7: this was slay
Chapter 6: ohhhhh the advice outfit omg i love this moment olivia honestly
Chapter 3: oh yeah i for sure read this

wow this is so poetic i'm rediscovering my memory along with taemin ahahaha
Chapter 2: wait a damn minute i'm pretty sure i read this already i remember the cigarettes and the korean bit i think i maybe just didn't leave a comment when i read it the first time because i was a baby who didn't know how to use this site