Part 7

The Person I Used To Be
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I need to get out of here. This place makes me want to vomit. I go back inside and quickly put some sneakers on. I grab the keys Olivia left in the basket near the door and leave the apartment. I’m running down the stairs as quickly as I can, to put as much distance humanly possible between that girl and me. I feel tears running down my face but I don’t try to stop them. It’s just my emotions overflowing. I’m finally leaving her.

I open the car door and sit in the driver’s seat. I stop for a second, both hands on the steering wheel. I’ve been here before. I have this feeling of deja-vu prickling my skin. I shiver and breathe heavily. I want to turn on the engine, but I just can’t. I’m paralyzed. 

Everything feels too familiar: fighting with Olivia, making the decision that I had enough of her, feeling overwhelmed by it, wanting to run away, and having Minho at the back of my mind like a nagging thought I can’t get rid of. I start sobbing. I feel trapped. I want to escape but I can’t seem to be able to. I have to remember to breathe.

The last time I was in this situation, I crashed the car and ended up in the hospital with a bad case of amnesia. It’s like history is repeating itself. I’ve come full-circle and I’m terrified the same nightmare is about to happen again.

I need to get out of this car. I can’t drive. I’m too afraid I’ll crash again. I open the door and get out quickly. I start jogging down the street, trying to make sense of my feelings.

The cold wind of the night brushes my body and makes me shiver. I’m freezing. And I feel tired. I still haven’t eaten tonight. I can’t keep jogging. I continue walking but realize I have no idea where I’m going. I don’t even know where Minho lives.

I take my phone and call him. I need him. I’m glad when he answers quickly. I hope I didn’t wake him up, though.

“Taemin?” he says with a sleepy voice. I sniff and clear my throat.

“Please—Come pick me up,” I ask. My voice is hoarse and I can’t say a full sentence without taking huge breaths.

“Taemin, it’s two in the morning…” he starts. “Can’t it wait until tomorrow?” he asks gently.

Tears start running down my face again. I feel abandoned. Nobody wants me. My heartbeat quickens. 

“Minho…” I whisper. “I—I can’t do this anymore,” I manage to say between sobs. “I don’t know—I’m sorry I ed things up in the past, I—I was probably quite a piece of —” I sniff. “I need you,” I add softly. “You’re the only one that’s making me feel like myself.”

The line stays silent and I let everything out. I’m tired of keeping everything I feel buried inside of me. I’m sobbing, sniffing, clearing my throat, and just trying to breathe. I don’t care if he hears.

“Send me your location. I’m coming,” he finally answers in a cold tone before hanging up.

I do so then collapse on the sidewalk. I bring my knees to my chest and hug them. My stomach is protected from the cold that way, but I’m still shivering. I don’t know how much time goes by before a light appears in the street and a car stops at my side.

I feel arms hugging me and I indulge in the touch. I missed him. I feel like I can finally breathe properly, with my nose buried in his neck. His warmth is comforting. He’s massaging my back and my neck and I could almost fall asleep like this.

I follow his lead when he tries to stand up. We get into the car and I just close my eyes, relaxing in the seat. I feel so vulnerable yet so safe, with Minho just a few inches from me.

“Your makeup is ruined,” he says with a smirk.

I can’t refrain from smiling. I open my eyes slightly and see him looking at me. My smile becomes a laugh and I can’t stop. He’s laughing too, and it sounds like a melody to my ears. This situation is so unexpected, but I’m loving every second of it. My stomach suddenly growls very loudly. I feel his gaze linger on my exposed body and I warm up a bit.

“Let’s get you something to eat,” he simply says and starts the car. I nod but say nothing. I feel so glad he came for me, but I have no idea how to convey that to him. “How hungry are you?” he asks as he enters the drive-through of the fast-food chain.

“Very,” I whisper.

“Of course,” he says jokingly. I guess it has something to do with my eating habits, which I still have no idea about. “Hi,” he says to the cashier. “Two burgers and a decaf coke, please,” he asks.

“Why decaf?” I ask him as we’re driving to the second window.

“The goal is for you to eat and get some sleep. You react strongly to caffeine,” he explains.

“And you know that, because…?” I ask, unsure. I look at him with questioning eyes. He turns towards me and his gaze is piercing through me, like the first time I met him. But this time I don’t feel uncomfortable, I don’t want to get away. I hold his stare, waiting for his answer. He moves his hand closer and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. His fingers stay on my cheek way longer than necessary and I realize I’m leaning into his touch.

“Because,” he finally says.

The cashier arrives with the order and Minho lets go of me. When we get out of the drive-through, the smell of food fills the car and I can’t wait to eat. I take one of the burgers, unwrap it and start to eat. When

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 7: Good story - rereading - I understand how profound the words are at the end!!
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 4: It's weird how you count on your brain and memories so much and when it's not working right - how lost you are...
Shinee2020 #3
Chapter 7: So glad they found each other again! :) I think that everything changes for the better that night too! :)
969 streak #4
Chapter 7: You are right! Part 6 is a great chapter!
It is the great reveal. It is also the turning point of being who he really is.
Thank you so much for sharing this story! Great job!
969 streak #5
Chapter 3: Why are people secretive or defensive when Taemin asked them questions?
969 streak #6
Chapter 1: I just started reading this. It is quite interesting. I could relate with Taemin about being with a "stranger". I would also be very wary since I don't have any memory of the person. Memory is one of our most important internal senses and losing it could really pose a lot of difficulties.
I'm reading on!
Chapter 7: this was slay
Chapter 6: ohhhhh the advice outfit omg i love this moment olivia honestly
Chapter 3: oh yeah i for sure read this

wow this is so poetic i'm rediscovering my memory along with taemin ahahaha
Chapter 2: wait a damn minute i'm pretty sure i read this already i remember the cigarettes and the korean bit i think i maybe just didn't leave a comment when i read it the first time because i was a baby who didn't know how to use this site