Her constant

Pills & Potions
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Seulgi glared at the intrusive journals still on her coffee table, days had passed but Seulgi couldn't find the courage to open those journals. She told herself that she was only setting her mind up to be ready and read it... But deep inside her, Seulgi regrets that she didn't find the strength to put it back and just delete Irene out of her life for good.

Cursing herself, for Joohyun really was her Achilles heel... Seulgi threw away all her inhibitions and grabbed the journal like it was a ticket to a bts concert and opened it, turning to the first entry that Irene had marked for her to read.




If you were to ask Irene what Seulgi was to her… it wouldn’t take long for her to answer. To Irene, Seulgi was her constant.

Everyone else changes, people always leave, they take back their words, they lie and pretend. But Seulgi wasn’t like everybody else. Seulgi was true, she was sincere in everything she did. To Irene, Seulgi was her safe harbour. Someone she would always go back to. Someone to whom Irene didn’t need to wear her masks, someone she didn’t need to fake a smile for, someone who didn’t ask for explanations, didn’t judge her even when she couldn’t share her reasons. Someone who always made her feel comfortable, at home, at ease.

To Irene, Seulgi was her constant, her own version of a safety pin.

So just imagine the shock Irene felt when one day, all of the safety she felt when she was with Seulgi, the unchanging friendship that they had, suddenly disappeared.

In place of her still and comfortable heart, was an erratic, scared, and insecure heart.

Irene was so confused, but even when she watched Seulgi, observed her long-time friend… the bear-like girl never changed, she was still her sweet, caring, and comforting best friend.

She still smiled those crescent moon eyes whenever they saw each other, still hugged her just as tight, still screamed “Rene!” as she ran towards her every morning. Still kept a spare handkerchief in case Irene felt like an emotional wreck and suddenly burst out in tears. Ever the lovable teddy-bear.

Seulgi was still Seulgi.

She was still the same… But what could explain the sudden palpitation of Irene’s heart? The fear she feels when Seulgi is beside her? The anxiety she does whenever Seulgi isn’t…

What changed?

This was the question Irene endeavoured to answer.



It was during their school’s charity fest that Irene first felt an overwhelming fear wash over her body like a wave meeting a rocky shore.

Seulgi, ever the athlete, had gone off and made a basketball team with her friends to join the school’s fund-raising basketball tournament. And because Irene was too short, had no interest in bouncing a ball to and fro a court, she had been designated as the team’s ‘basketball manager’. Although the Bae wanted to just stay inside a classroom to evade the rowdy students, all excited for the games, Irene was forced to be a part of the mess that was Seulgi’s basketball team.

Admittedly, Irene saw why Seulgi was all gung ho about basketball when the team started to play in the ladder-system basketball tournament. Irene watched Seulgi play in complete harmony with Seungwan, Taeyong, Moonbyul, and Kyungsoo. Who knew that the rowdiest people in their batch were also good at basketball, they genuinely looked like they were enjoying.

Irene even let out a few yells, woos, and cheers when the game became so exciting. It was their third game. If they win this, they’d be in the finals. The crowd of students watching was so into the game. The entire gym was filled with shouts and cheers.

Irene waited at the game-bench, with fresh towels and water bottles.

When the game reached the third quarter, it was so evident that everyone was already tired. The score was 41-52, in favour of their team.

As their players basically plopped down on the bench. Irene started giving out cold water and handing the team their towels. She went to Seulgi last.

Uncapping the bottle of Seulgi’s water and made sure that her best friend drank her fill. Irene busied herself with wiping the sweat on her friend’s face and neck.

“Oh, so sweet!” Irene turned to glare at Moonbyul, it seemed even when tired, the cheeky woman still had the energy to tease Irene.

Irene smirked when Seungwan elbowed Moonbyul.

“Shh! Don’t disturb them.” And here Irene thought Seungwan would stop Moonbyul and her teasing, but no, her friend just joined in. It’s okay let them have their laughs!

Gosh. Even Kyungsoo and Taeyong were failing to hide their laughter.

Shaking her head, Irene turned to Seulgi, only to see the bear-like point guard wink at her, a wide smile on her cute face. Irene almost hit Seulgi if it weren’t for the bell ringing, signifying the start of the last quarter.

Talk about being saved by the bell.

From there the game just got worse. It seemed that Bogum’s team had decided that they were done with playing fair and started to really target the three girls of their team. It was an open basketball tournament, which meant that there wasn’t a strictly boys only or girls only rule. Lots of groups had mixed genders, much like Seulgi’s, but Bogum’s team were all boys, they were the school’s varsity. Which is why the game was so hyped, because Bogum’s team was being beaten by their odd group.

Irene’s heart started to raise, she gripped Seulgi’s water bottle so hard that it started to crumple in her palm.

Bogum and another guy had started to double team Seulgi, it was clear that her best friend was finding it hard to shoot past their defence. Thankfully, Taeyong screened Bogum, giving Seulgi enough space to duck and pass the ball towards Kyungsoo. Who immediately went for a three. Yes! 46-55!

Who needs height when you can shoot a perfect 3 pointer?

Now Bogum’s team had the ball, Irene was so focused on the game that she didn’t notice Yeri plopping next to her on the bench, energy drinks on her hands. “What did I miss?”

“They’re double teaming Seulgi. It’s tight, but we have the lead.” Irene said, not taking her eyes off of Seulgi who was running beside Bogum, trying to find a hole in the other’s steps to grab the ball.

Fortunately, as Bogum’s teammate tried to answer Kyungsoo’s three points with their own, the ball bounced of the hoop and failed. Immediately Taeyong jumped to take the ball, throwing to Seulgi.

Although, Irene knew that Seulgi’s sides probably hurt from all the running she did, her bear still ran as fast as she could to their side of the court, not hesitating for a lay-up before Bogum could catch up. 46-57.


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926 streak #1
Chapter 9: Another seulrene au that was abandoned 💔 :((
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
hope u doing great author nim
hi_todayimyourbae #3
Chapter 9: rereading it for umpteenth time because this story is masterpiece. please comebackk authornimmm
Simba_21 #4
Chapter 8: Still waiting authornim~ <3
Kimchi43 #5
Chapter 9: My goodness. I can only imagine what Miyoung was referring to when asking her parents for their acceptance. And it's probably because of knowing what that is that Irene feared what would happen to her too if she accepted Seulgi's confession...
qiugui #6
Chapter 9: Miyoung as in hwang miyoung aka tiffany?
Chapter 9: Still racking up points for jade hope😌
Who0001 #8
Chapter 9: next please
Xoxox125 #9
Chapter 6: impresive
Xoxox125 #10
Chapter 1: wow