16 - reverse card

The Crash


“Fany, do you want me to accompany you?”, Sooyoung asks while waiting for Tiffany at the living room



It was Tiffany’s last therapy session. It will be her final assessment wherein she will know if she will be finally off her medications. “No need, Soo. I can handle this alone. I need to. Besides, you have a lunch meeting with uncle. You should go not now, don’t make him wait for you because you know how much he hates being late”,



“Fine! But I’m driving you there and I will pick up later because we need to buy something for our trip. Let’s go”,



Tiffany and Sooyoung went out of her house. Both of them are quiet inside the car and on the red light, Sooyoung breaks the silence. “Did he already call you?”,



“After that drunk call incident, he often calls. I know it was my idea to cut down our calls but not to this extent”, Tiffany cannot hide her disappointment but knows that it was partly her fault.



“Just don’t think too much. I spoke with Yuri yesterday, Taeyeon and him are busy for the past few days because they are on the final phase of their project. They are almost done. Mostly all the works that is left is for Taeyeon”, Sooyoung informs her knowing that she tends to overthink.



Tiffany just quietly looks outside thinking about her and Taeyeon. Both of them is ty are so dependent already on each other that some of their friends are asking the to keep a safe distance between them because it’s not healthy.



Taeyeon is having anxiety of them being away from each other while Tiffany is trying to heal from her depression and anxiety. But when she’s with him or he is with her, all of those disappear. It seems to be the only solutions to their problems is them; together.



Arriving at the hospital, Tiffany is fidgeting on her seat. She wants to know if she is finally be able to go back to her normal self, she wanted to know if the nightmare of her yesterday is finally gone.


Tiffany is not so sure about the final assessment but after finishing all the therapy, she feels great inside her. A lot of weights have been unloaded on her shoulder and heart.


“Hi, Tiffany. How are you feeling today?”, Dr. Smith asks her as she sat on the chair in front of his table


“Actually, I am really feeling good right now. First time after many years”, Tiffany replies. “Being seated here instead on that magic chair is pretty comfortable”,


Dr. Smith chuckles before checking on her charts. “So, it’s been 3 years since we started your therapy and you know very well why it took us this long. I know how hard it is for you to finally open up all your doors and going out of the box”,


“I saw how you struggle from talking about everything that had happened to you. I saw how hard it is for you to slowly open up to me. You managed to unload everything that you’ve been keeping inside of you”,


“You said that you’re feeling good now, that is because you finally choose to be okay. Remember what I always tell you?”,


Tiffany nodded. “It’s okay not to be okay”


Dr. Smith is pleased to see her not hesitating to say that anymore. “That’s right. You’ve finally overcome the not okay phase of your life. You’ve finally let yourself be okay. You are healed now, Tiffany. There is none blocking you from going back to who you were before because you finally free yourself and you finally learn to live your life without the pain”,

“Looking at your chart from day 1 up to our last session, there is nothing left for me to do now”, Dr. Smith says as he closes down the folder and smiles at her.


Tiffany is getting emotional with what he is telling her and it makes her hopes high. “W-what do you mean by that?”


“What I am trying to say is that you don’t need any additional medications or should prescribe you a higher dosage because you don’t need that anymore. You don’t need any of that now because you already set yourself out of that box that you put yourself in which is the main focus of our sessions”,


Dr. Smith lean back to his chair while looking at her straight in the eyes. “You are so strong, Tiffany. You are brave enough to overcome all those nightmares that is bothering you for years”,


“Your friends, me as your therapist are only an instrument for your healing because this is all you. None of this will be possible without your willingness and perseverance. I am so proud of how you fought all those demons in your mind and heart. And that Taeyeon that mentioned, he is one of the biggest factors for your fast healing”,


“He makes you happy and he makes you get out of that box with the security that he is providing you. But there is nothing that I can do now with your trauma on riding a plane. This is all you now, everything falls on your mindset. Just don’t force yourself mind conditioning helps with dealing with traumas”,


Tiffany is feeling overwhelmed with what he is telling her. She is thrilled to hear that she is okay now. The wound of her past finally closes. “Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for waiting for me to heal. And thank you for giving me guidance and support all throughout my ordeal”,


“Thank you for letting me help you. Just take it slow, okay? Your medicines for your anxiety, you can keep it with you in case it will trigger when you’re facing with your trauma but other than that you can get rid of the others and I will see you after 6 months just to be sure”,


“Let’s do that. It’s good to actually have someone to talk to without shadowing anything. Dr.Smith, I am actually going to Korea and maybe moving there for good. I was thinking may it is good for me to have a new environment where I can be close to the people that I love”,


Dr. Smith is just listening to her with a smile on his face seeing how great her improvements. He believes that she will not go back to what she went through before because she is stronger than yesterday already.


“That is fantastic. Just don’t force yourself too much. Remember just do it gradually. You have my number; you can call me anytime in case something happens to you or something is bothering you. Other than that, I am really happy for you”,


Tiffany went out of his office and she is feeling so happy that she hasn’t felt for years. She wanted to share it with Taeyeon but their time difference is stopping her from calling him that instant so, she just sent him a message.



She then proceeds to the have her last check up and test. Her doctors wanted to make sure that she is really well and fit to travel outside the country.


Right after appointments, Tiffany was pick up by Sooyoung who is delighted with the good news. Just like tiffany, she too has been waiting for the time that her best friend will be able to continue her life knowing that she finally overcome all of her nightmares.


Meanwhile back in Seoul, Taeyeon woke up with his worst hangover yet again. He can’t barely remember what happened and how did he managed to go back to his own apartment. Taeyeon sits up holding on to his head.


He scans his room to see if Yuri is with him but he wasn’t there. Squinting through the bright lights emitting from his not so thick curtains he grabs his phone on the night stand and to his surprise, Tiffany left him a ton of messages and there is one coming from Jessica.


Taeyeon didn’t know why Jessica will text him early in the morning and then images of last night flashes right in front of him.

Last night, his team and other part of the project went out to celebrate the success of the wrist watch that they’ve been developing for over a year.


They all went out to a Karaoke Bar to drink and sing. Taeyeon is known to be a great singer but last night was different.


It was supposed to be a happy celebration because finally their hard works finally paid off. And also, Taeyeon and Yuri are both excited because the only thing that is holding them to that company is finally done.


But the celebration for the both of them didn’t last that long because Jessica suddenly barges in to their team party. She then announced that all of them will be receiving a bonus and all of them will be part of the next project of the company.


Everyone is delighted with the news except for Taeyeon and Yuri when she suddenly tells them that their contract will be extended for 2 years or until the next project is done.


From: Jessica

  • Dad is expecting you and Yuri to sign the contract. Just a friendly reminder, it was us who helped you out of that island and it was us you pay for everything. So, see you at the office tomorrow


“ing evil! I knew it!”, Taeyeon yell on his phone because he is really frustrated with the Jungs who seems to be trying to make his life even harder


Taeyeon is so mad but he will not let them ruin what he already planned. To divert his attention, he just read Tiffany’s messages to him that instantly makes him so guilty for neglecting her for the past few days.


He decided to give her a call because only Tiffany can calm him down. It took him several times before she picks up his call.


“Hi, love! Are you busy right now? Should I call you later instead?”, Taeyeon asks her and he didn’t know why he suddenly felt awkward talking to her.


“No, no. Sooyoung and I are at the mall right now. I am just waiting for her as she is getting something from another shop. How are you, love?”, Tiffany asks him with her ever so sweet tone that he misses.


“That’s good to hear that you’ve finally went out of your house. I’m fine. Our project is finally finished. How are you? I miss you”,


Tiffany can sense that there is something troubling her boyfriend. “I’m better. I miss you too, love. Are you really sure that you’re, okay? You sounded different like something is troubling you”,


“Let’s talk about it later. I want you to enjoy your day with Sooyoung for now. Don’t worry about me”,


“We’re going home in a bit. I’ll call you later when I get home. I have to go, Sooyoung is here now. Bye, love. I love you”, Tiffany says while waving to Sooyoung


“Have fun. I love you too”,


After the call, Tiffany can be seen bothered by how Taeyeon sounded on the phone. She is certain that something is really bothering him and she cannot pin point what it was.


As Sooyoung returns, she too is looking problematic too making Tiffany to look at her suspiciously at her. “What is wrong with you?”

Sooyoung sigh. “Yuri just called me. He told me that their contract is being extended and they are being forced to sign it especially Taeyeong. I am starting to hate that company now. Ugh! Yuri and I already made our plans to travel and try different foods!”,


And that answers Tiffany’s questions. She can’t understand why they can’t just let the two go and support their dreams to explore more on their careers. “Soo, book us an early flight possible, I don’t feel good about this. I need to talk to Taeyeon too”,


All throughout the ride back home, Sooyoung is glancing back and forth to Tiffany who is deep in her thoughts. She doesn’t like the way she is acting and she knows that it was her fault for dropping that news out of nowhere. “What are you thinking?”


“I don’t know yet but I can feel that they are trying to manipulate Taeyeon using that rescue thingy and I can feel that there is something bigger for them to be that desperate for him. Taeyeon and I, we’re going to start a new life together after his contract end”, Tiffany replies with a monotone voice


“Fany, don’t you think that Jessica is trying to win him back by making him stay in that company where she knows that they have him on the neck? Remember they almost got engaged and it was her who pushed him away”,


Tiffany took a deep breath before closing her eyes. “That’s what I’m thinking too. I saw it all from the day she rescued him and with the way she demanded to leave me their alone upon learning that I am with him”,


“Even if that’s the case, she will never have him back again not after what she did to him before. I’m done watching other people taking what is mine. It’s me and Taeyeon now. What she and Taeyeon has is all part of the past that Taeyeon wants to forget”,


Sooyoung can see the character building up to her dear friend which is a good sign for Tiffany because she saw her struggle, she saw her became a push over and she saw her crawl up to her feet after letting them steps on her countless time.


“Whatever you will do, you know that I always have your back”, Sooyoung assures her


When Sooyoung drop her off, she immediately dials Taeyeon’s number. She wants to know everything. It didn’t take long before Taeyeon answers it. “Oh, you’re home already, love?”


“Yes, we didn’t want to walk around that much as we already got what we needed”, Tiffany casually tells him as she sat on her couch. “Why are your ears so red and you look so pale? Did you drink again, Kim Taeyeon?


Taeyeon touches his ears and he can feel it is hot. He just starches his head knowing that Tiffany caught him again and she hates it whenever he gets drunk. “Sorry. I- I can’t say no to them last night not when the whole team asked me”


“And why is that?”, Tiffany is raising an eyebrow to him



“Last night, we went out to celebrate the success of our watch project”, Taeyeon explains and he can feel his heart starts pounding so hard as he gets nervous with how she will react with what he is about to tell her.


Tiffany can see him fidgeting and nervous as his chest is turning red already. “Do you have something to confess?”

“Me and my whole team together with Yuri went to a karaoke bar. It was supposed to be us only but then Jessica came without notice”, he starts telling her the even last night.


“W-what- I mean why did she joined if she is not part of your team?”, Tiffany carefully asks him even though she knows it already


Taeyeon gritted his teeth as he remembers it. “She went there to give us a bonus and- Jessica, that wench announces that our contract is being extend for another 2 years. You know how much I’ve been waiting for it to end and get out of that company but she texted me this morning about that and about them rescuing me”,


“Are you going to sign that contract, Taeyeon?”, Tiffany asks him because she can see that he is thinking about it. Taeyeon is a good person and she knows that they will use it to take advantage of him.


Tiffany closes her eyes as she is getting stress out of what is going on after they already planned out their next step. “It’s only a yes or a no, love. But with what I can see, it is high likely you’re going to say yes to them”,


“Look, you don’t owe them anything. Them putting on so much efforts on finding you, it’s between them only. I believe that you will be rescued with or without them. Love, you already paid them upon finishing that project of yours”,


“Taeyeon, I am not trying to tell you to just quit the job that you loved. But what I am trying to tell you is that don’t do it for me. Do it for Yuri. Think about those dreams that the two of you planned out together. Don’t let them fool you again. You already thank them countless times already and you gave them what they want from you; the watch. It’s time for you to move forward and think of what will make you happier”, Tiffany tells him


Taeyeon just stares at her. He knows that what she just told him make sense and it makes him come up with a decision as he suddenly felt ashamed of himself because he almost forgets about his best friend and their dreams.



“I’m sorry- Thank you for clearing out my mind. You always know what to say in time like this. Gosh- I really want to hug you right now. Your warmth makes me calm and safe. I miss you so much, Fany-ah. I wanna cuddle with you. I wanna kiss you- You know what, I’m going to book a flight right now. our distance is driving me crazy!”, Taeyeon suddenly got up to grab his laptop


“Wait! Taeyeon, don’t!”, Tiffany suddenly panic


“W-why? You don’t want to see me no more?”,


Tiffany knows she needs to spoil her own surprise as she felt bad with his reaction. “Of course, I want to see you. It’s just that- Sooyoung and I already booked our flight. We’ll be there in 3 days, love. I still have one more schedule at the hospital before I will be cleared to travel”


Taeyeon is jumping and punching the air like a kid with what she just told him. His celebration abruptly stops when he realized what she just said. Tiffany didn’t mention anything about her going to the hospital.


“Hospital? Why do you have to go there? Wait, you told me that you’re not sick anymore- Am I going to be a daddy now?”


“Oh my god. I’m not pregnant, love. I just- I continued my therapy and today was the last day. And guess what?”, Tiffany is smiling at him so brightly.


Taeyeon is looking at her with a confused look. “What?”


“My therapist told me that I am okay now. I am better now and that I am no longer needed to take any medicines”,


Taeyeon celebrated again as he was so happy to hear that from her. It makes him more excited to see her again. “That’s great. I am so proud of you, love. Now that you’re off meds, I will make sure to get you pregnant when you get here and then I will marry you!”,




“We will do it in every corner of my apartment and your house. I will not let go you back there when you get here”, Taeyeon suddenly put his phone on the stand before showing his tones muscles and abs. “Look, I’ve been spending a lot of time at the gym. This is what will be waiting for you, my love”


Tiffany chuckles and could only shake her head. “I can’t wait to see you and to check if that is hard enough to receive some punching. Kidding aside, I miss you. And I love you so much, daddy”


Taeyeon suddenly shivers and felt something. “Stop. Don’t call me that with that sweet voice of yours because it’s making me feel hot and bothered, love”, Taeyeon complains while hiding his center making Tiffany to laugh so loud at him.


With all that is happening between, at the end of the day it will always go back to them being as couple and not being bothered with all those threatening them.


There is always a reverse card hiding on their deck that they are ready to throw when needed.









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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1120 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story