25 – 309

The Crash



5 months


The couple as what they already expected from the start got so busy with their own works that the only the time that they will be able to see each other is when they wake in the morning and when they went home in the evening. That has been their daily routine for the last couple of months.



Taeyeon is so dedicated on improving the first watch that he designed and he’s been researching and doing some prototypes on his own. Tiffany is still getting surprise upon seeing some side of him especially at work.



He is a geek when it comes to technology. He is a good negotiator upon dealing with some suppliers. He is a good leader to his team. And when they are at home, he is a different person.



Taeyeon is Taeyeon when it’s only the two of them. He is a funny guy. He is most of the time very childish especially when it comes to his games. But most certainly, no one knows how good he is during their intimate time. The saint look that he has is very different when the night comes.



“Taeyeon! Come down now!”, Tiffany shouted at him again.



It’s Saturday meaning it’s time for their selves. Tiffany already finished cooking for their lunch because Taeyeon woke up very early to cook for their breakfast. They came up with the rules that whoever cooks or prepare breakfast the other one will prepare lunch.



“Taeyeon, don’t make me come up their!”, it’s been 10 minutes and he is yet to go out of his cave.



Because of his love for his video games, Tiffany decided to let him use the storage room upstairs and set up his own gaming room which she really regretted because he is spending more time their than to cuddle with her.






“I’m coming! I’m coming”, he answers while running down the stairs. He didn’t even dare to look at his angry girlfriend as he immediately set up the table. “Stop glaring at me. I can feel your daggers on the back of my neck”,



“I’ve been calling you for how many times already. Are your games important than eating on time?”, Tiffany ask him. They been arguing with that almost every weekend.



Taeyeon decided to hug her and rest his chin on her shoulder. “Don’t be mad. It’s my birthday today, please can you let me play all afternoon and I am yours the whole night then”,



“Fine, you win”,



“Thank you. You’re the best girlfriend in the world. Can I have a birthday kiss, love?”, Taeyeon is playing it cool because he knows that she will actually lock that room if she gets pissed off which she already did.



One day Tiffany is so tired with all her meetings and when she got home, the house is so dark. They don’t have dinner ready by the time she got home at 7 in the evening. She knows that Taeyeon went home that day early so she already expected that they will eat together just like how they always do but she found her inside that gaming room still wearing his office attire. That was the first time that Tiffany snapped at him. She locked the door for a whole week and didn’t talk to him all throughout that punishment.




“I already gave you your birthday kiss. Are you just going to celebrate your day with your video games?”, she asks him because she already ask him before about what he wants to do during his birthday but he only answered her ‘nothing’



“I already told you that I stopped celebrating my birthday the day I found out that I am adopted. Why? Do you want to go out today? We can go to the mall if you want to”,



“Nothing but I want you to enjoy your day outside our house you know”,



“I’m okay, really. Don’t worry about me, this is how I really celebrated my birthday. Being here at home with you and my games is the best day already”,



Tiffany didn’t ask for more and just started eating while casually chatting with Taeyeon about anything. She felt bad for him because she believes everyone should celebrate that special day because it’s only once a year that we can get to celebrate.



“Thank you for cooking this delicious steak. I really like how tender the meat is whenever you cooked it. I love you”,



He never fails to make her heart flutters with his sweet words. “Are you done?”,



“Yeah, I am so full. Let’s eat outside later. I miss going out with you. What do you think?”, he asks.



Because of their works, they really haven’t had time to date. They always prefer to stay at home and rest. “I miss going out with you too. Love, I have something to confess to you. Please don’t be mad at me”,



“O-okay. What did you do, Ms.Hwang?”, Taeyeon is looking at her like he is about to interrogate her without knowing what crime she committed.



“Last week l- Remember last week I ask you if I can use your phone and you let me. I actually didn’t play that time but instead I- Please don’t freak out because I know you told me not to open that”, Tiffany is talking to him while she’s fidgeting.



“It’s okay. What did you do to my phone then? Did you went through my gallery of your photos? Tell me”,



Tiffany gave him a small box with a ribbon on top. Her present. “I saw your app where you monitor all of your spendings and debts. Then I found out that you’ve been saving for the past few years to get a new car but you are still 60% from your target. So I-“,



“Shut up! You did not! Oh my god, Tiffany!”, Taeyeon’s hand is shaking while holding the key to his brand-new car.



“I don’t know what to give you. I asked Yuri what car is your dream. Be he said anything as long it’s your favorite brand. It’s outside, love”,



Taeyeon run out of their house without wearing anything other than his boxer shorts. He jumps out happily seeing a brand-new Mercedes Benz car sitting on their driveway. He inspected every detail of it. He is so happy. Then he went back to the door where Tiffany is watching him.



He carries her and spins her around. “This is my best birthday ever. Thank you so much. This is actually what I am aiming to buy. I love you so much, I really love you so so so much!”



“Happy Birthday My love”,



“Let’s get inside and take a shower. I want to test drive my new baby!”, Taeyeon is really excited




Tiffany thought that he will be mad at her because Taeyeon really hates it whenever she spends a lot for him even with clothes, they will sometimes argue with that. “Are we going to take a shower together?”, she asks while wiggling her eyebrows



“Yes, we can save time by that!”, he replies while looking at his new car.



“Wow, is this really the Taeyeon that I know? Did you just rejected me?”, she pretends to be offended by him



“You can have me tonight but now it’s me and my new baby!”,



Taeyeon’s dream is to have a new car because the one that he’s been driving is a rusty old one that he bought from a friend before during his college days. It is really an old one and he is feeling ashamed to let Tiffany to ride it especially when they go to work.



That’s also the reason why he chooses to let them use Tiffany’s car every day when going to work even though he have to walk 1km every day. He can now drive her to work every day as he will not worry that people will look down to her seeing her riding an old rusty car.




Tiffany actually didn’t had time to prepare because Taeyeon is practically over the moon with his new car. He’s been telling her to be fast and whatnot. It is a good day, she told herself upon putting on a whatever her eyes landed on.



“Fany-ah, let’s go now! What’s taking you so long?”,



“Will you please stop shouting my name. You do know that I can still return that car if I want to”, she threatens him



“I know you will not because you love me. And also, this is my first time to receive a gift as an adult. Let’s go for a joyride, my lovely lady”,




Taeyeon drove around the cities and he is bringing Tiffany to the places that he knows she will like to see. He then will explain to her what that place is about and their history. On the other hand, Tiffany is listening to him very well because she wanted to fully understand their culture.



“I remember you told me before on the first day we met on that airplane, you said that you will be my personal tour guide. Now, I can feel that you are really touring me around or are you just flaunting your new baby?”, she asks while watching some kids playing around



“No, I’m not trying to flaunt my new baby. But I am trying to tell everyone that I have a beautiful girlfriend and they should me jealous of me because I have you”



He never fails to make her feel how he loves her. Tiffany cannot ask for anything anymore because he is already enough for her. “Why are you so sweet to me? Extra sweet this past few weeks? Did you do something?”, she is beginning to be suspicious of his actions.



It has been almost 2 months since the last time that they had due to their busy schedule at work and also because Taeyeon suddenly stops being active with that. Before he will always ask her to have every night but he changed, that’s what she notices about him. There is something that she can tell that Taeyeon is hiding from her.



“What are you talking about? I am just proud that I am your boyfriend and you are my girlfriend. I just really happy and I want to tell the world how much I love you”, he enthusiastically scoops her up and spin her around.



They don’t care if anyone who knows them will see them together because they don’t want to hide their relationship anymore. Tiffany cupped his face when he stops spinning her and she kiss him on the lips. “Happy birthday my love. I am looking forward to celebrating many special occasions with you”,



Taeyeon put her down and kiss her on the forehead before hugging her so tight. He knows that it was the best birthday he ever had in his whole life. When he was about to say some to her, his phone suddenly rings. His eyes brighten up upon seeing the caller.




He excused himself to take the call but Tiffany can still hear him. Her heart sank the moment she heard him greeted whoever that calling him ‘baby’. He repeatedly calling that person baby and he sounded so sweet while to talking.




Tiffany didn’t know what to think that moment. She knows that Taeyeon will never cheat on her but his actions and his sudden changed in his behavior makes her think that he really might be cheating on him. ‘Stay calm, Tiffany. You don’t know yet the whole story. Relax’




When Taeyeon hangs up, Tiffany is already waiting for him inside the car. He got inside with a big smile on his face but it didn’t last long when he notices the gloomy face painted across his girlfriend’s face. “Hey, what’s wrong? Did you wait for that long? I’m sorry”,




“Taeyeon, are you cheating on me?”,



“W-WHAT! Why did you say that?”, Taeyeon’s eyes widen with her question. Never did he ever imagine that he will be accused like that when he knows how it feels to be cheated on.



“I am asking you, are you cheating on me? Do you have another woman? Just tell me!”,



Tiffany is looking at him with so much anger on her eyes that scares the living out of Taeyeon. He quickly drove away from the park where a lot of kids are around them. He brought her to the Han River and good thing there are only few people there.



He opens the door for Tiffany and let her out of the car. Holding both of her hand with one hand and his other hand lifting his chin, he decided to tell his biggest secret. “Listen to me. I am not cheating on you. I don’t have someone else other than you. How many times do I have to tell you how much I love you? It’s only you and nothing else”,



“Every night, you’ve been sneaking out of our room. I saw you talking to someone on the phone! Then you’ve been rejecting me when I ask you to have with me. What do you expect me to think? Now, I hear you calling someone baby on the phone. What the is wrong with you?”,



Tiffany is trying to push him away but Taeyeon is so strong that he won’t lose his hold to her. “I am not cheating on you, okay! I will never do that to you because I know how it feels to be cheated on and I will never let you feel that. Okay, yes, you’re right. I’ve been sneaking every night to call someone. And yes, it’s true that I call her baby because she is my baby”,



He continues. “I’ve been meaning to tell you about this and I am just waiting for the right time for you to know about it. No one knows about it, even Yuri didn’t know about this. I have a daughter. She is 3 years old already”, Taeyeon finally let his secret out.




On the other hand, Tiffany is so shocked that she can’t think of anything to say as she just looks at him with a blank expression. “I know what you are thinking. No, I didn’t make someone pregnant. I adopted Winter when she was only a year old. Her mother is a homeless and nowhere to go. She has no relatives that could help her. I met her on the street asking for help because her daughters are very sick. She has a heart problem and weak immune system. I can’t say no to her because Winter is so tiny that time”,



“I took them to the hospital. But when I return the next day on the hospital, I was informed that the mother sadly passed away while sleeping beside her daughter. I felt terribly sorry and bad to her. Even on the last day of her life, she still did everything to ask for help for her daughter despite her needing it too”,



“The hospital informs me that no relatives can be called to get her body and to get baby winter. That time it has been only a week after Jessica and I broke up. They told me that baby winter will be given to the social workers where they will find someone who will adopt her. I am about to let them do whatever they have to do but Winter, with her tiny little hand hold on to me”,



“And at that very moment, when our eyes met, I knew that I need to do something for her. She is like telling me not to give her to anyone with the way she is holding to my finger. Right there and then, with a little savings on my account, I told them that I am going to adopt her”, Taeyeon tells her the whole story about his decision to adopt her.




Never in her wildest dream that she ever imagines that Taeyeon is hiding something like that. Hearing the story, it didn’t make her love him less but she even love her even more. “Where is she? And why is she not living with you?”,



“She is still at the children’s hospital. Her heart condition is not that good but recently she just got a heart transplant and recovering very well. Every night her nurse will call me because she’s been crying every day asking me to visit her. But I can’t, her doctor is still not allowing anyone to visit her because they are still monitoring her immune system “,




“That explain why you have that hospital bill on your app. You are in big debt and yet you still choose to help her out. You are really a great person, Taeyeon. But why didn’t you tell me about that sooner!”, Tiff hits her feeling so ashamed of herself for being jealous of a little girl.



“Because I know that you will insist on paying for her hospital bill and you know that I won’t let you do that. It’s your money and I can work to pay for all of her needs. I love you not your money”,



“I am getting tired of your excuses. We have to do something about that debt of your stupid brother. You’ve been carrying that debt and he is out there enjoying his life to the fullest. I will pay the remaining of that debt and that’s final!”, Tiffany suddenly switched to her chairman attitude with the way she said that




Taeyeon wants to disagree but with the way she told him that he knows that there is no way that he can change her mind. He doesn’t want to burden her with his problem that’s why he is keeping that from her. “Love~ You really don’t have to do that. I am almost done paying for it anyway. Just use that money to buy a new dress or makeup. Use it for yourself. I can still manage”,




“We’ve been together for 6 months now and we are living on the same house. We are practically like a married couple now. And we should be sharing everything with each other. Love, what’s mine is yours too. My money is yours too”, she is really trying to convince her knowing that it is a long discussion between her and him when it’s a money matter.




“I know. But what will your parents think of me if I will use the money that they left for you. I’m alright. I can still manage”,



She sighs heavily. Tiffany follows him when he lay down on the grass. “They left me plenty of it. I know that they will be happy to know that their money is able to help others. Please, just accept my offer. If you want you can pay it back to me”,



“Hmm. Okay, in what terms should I pay you back?”,



“A free full body massage, foot massage, a no complaining shopping buddy and no objection to what I should wear. You can pay me with that. So, do we have a deal Mr.Kim?”,




Taeyeon suddenly hovers on top of her. He is smiling at her while fixing her hair that is covering her beautiful face. “No deal! Remove that the last part then we will have a very good deal”,



“God, Taeyeon. Just let me wear anything I want especially at work. I look like an old conservative lady with the clothes that I always wear”,



“That’s okay. If only they knew that you barely cover up your body at home. But seriously, I will let you just don’t wear those dresses that they can already see half of my ies. It really irritates me seeing girls wearing that”, Taeyeon says with matching scrunching of his nose




Tiffany laughs at what he said. She pinches him on both cheeks while he is still on top of her. “It irritates you but you don’t have a problem seeing me walking around at home. Starting on Monday, it’s going to be me who will choose what I should wear and not you mister”,




“That’s different. At home it’s only me who is enjoying the great view but outside it’s a no no”,



“It’s a yes yes. Come with me to the mall. I’m going to buy new dresses”, Tiffany is trying to get up but he pinned her to the grass and held her arms up. “Are you crazy? Get off me now. People might see us!”,



Taeyeon looks around and it’s only them left at the area. The car is also blocking them to be seen from the road. “It’s only us”, he started to kiss her.



Taeyeon her ear while his other hand is caressing her face. His mouth went down to her neck and his tongue her up and down that sends shiver to Tiffany. He is kissing her neck like hungry beast. His hand went down to her chest and starts squeezing it.



He went back to and started to kiss her so hard. “Open your mouth, love”, and she did. As soon as she opens it up for him, Taeyeon her tongue. They both went in for a battle of tongue.



Tiffany is already with his kisses. It really makes her hot. She can also feel he is grinding his manhood to her already. He is getting really hard that is no doubt.



Going back to her sense, Tiffany stops him from advancing. “Not here. I saw a hotel nearby, let’s check in there. I don’t think we both can’t wait ‘til we get home”,




Later that day, the two are of them are laying down in bed with a blanket covering their body. They went totally silent after what they did. Tiffany’s head is resting down on Taeyeon’s bare chest. The day hasn’t even done for them.



She has a lot of questions meaning to ask Taeyeon but she don’t know where to start. She then remembers the other thing that he mentioned to her before. “Love, you told me before the crash that you are excited to go home that day to celebrate Christmas with your family, right? But with what you told me, I bet if they are what you are referring to as family”,



“Christmas with them is never been that happy for me. They always leave me alone with our helpers whenever they will celebrate it somewhere else and ever since their son returns, they left me out of every family gathering. The family that I mentioned before are those at the children’s hospital where I always volunteer to be their Santa Claus”,



“I started doing that even before I met Winter. There was a time that Yuri had had enough of me being home for months. He brought somewhere that forever change me. Being alone at home and wanting to have someone to celebrate Christmas with so, I volunteered there. It makes extra special when Winter stayed there. I really enjoyed playing with them. If only you could hear their sweet laughter despite of the illness that they have is priceless”, Taeyeon really love spending time with those kids because he felt terribly sorry for them and they gave him inspiration not to give in life.



Tiffany is really amaze with his story. It is something that is very rare. He gives her more reason to do something in returns to the community. She’s been thinking of setting up a charity once the company stabilizes. She is decided to give something to the children’s hospital that Taeyeon is volunteering.



“I want to see that place. I want to meet your daughter, love. Thinking about how cute she is makes me want to buy her all the pretty dresses”,



“They texted me a while ago. They told me that I can visit her. She’s getting better. I am excited to bring her home”, his wish is to be able cook for her, play with her and read her bedtime story every night before she sleeps. “Oh, wait- I am already thinking about her that I forgot to ask you if it is okay if she will stay with us? You don’t have to worry about anything, I will be the one to-“,



He was cut off when Tiffany slaps him hard on the chest before sitting up looking so mad at him. “What did I do? Ouch, it hurts!”,



“Do you think I do want her to live with us? Are you seriously asking me about that? What do you take me for! I am so offended, Kim Taeyeon! “,



“I-I didn’t me to offend you. I was- You know, maybe you are not yet ready to have a kid around the house. I’m sorry”,



Tiffany pinches the bridge of her nose before sighing deep. “If I am not yet ready to have a kid, do you think I will allow to come inside me every time we ? If I am not yet ready to be a mom, I should have been taking pills long time ago! Becoming a mother is my dream. I don’t care if she’s not from me, she’s going to be my daughter whether you like it or not unless you don’t want to build a family with me!”,



“I’m sorry for being sensitive. Of course, I want to have a family with you. I was just trying to be cautious. Work is really hard on you already, if my baby will be with us, it will surely make you more tired. And I don’t want that. I’m just trying to consider you because having a kid is very challenging”, Taeyeon explains his side.



He buried his head on her back and hug her feeling stupid for what he did. Tiffany calmly lean unto him. “Even if it is challenging what’s important is we have each other. We will be helping each other taking care of her. The moment you told me that you have a daughter, I immediately accepted her as my daughter too. I want my own family, Taeyeon. A big one because I know how lonely it is to be alone”,



“I know. I’m so sorry. I would love to have a big family with you. I want to see our kids running around our house. I love you so much. Thank you for accepting my baby”,



“Our baby. She’s my baby too. You know what, let’s go to mall tomorrow. Let’s buy some toys for the other kids. And I want to buy Winter cute little dresses. Do you have her pictures? And why did you name her Winter?”,



Taeyeon excitedly grabs his phone and went through his albums. He has a separate album for all the photos that her nurses are sending her every day. “Here. She’s so tiny and cute”,



“Oh my- She is so gorgeous. She looks like you, love”,



“She is my mini me. Why did I name her Winter? Because I met them on a winter night. The first day it snowed in Seoul. Sorry love, but she is my first love and you’re second to her”, he said before kissing her on the shoulders



“I can take that and wait for us to have a boy; you will be second to him! I am so excited to see her. Do you think she will like me? I mean, maybe she still remembers her real mom?”, that’s what worry her about meeting her



Taeyeon rested her chin on her shoulder and return to hugging her again. “She will love you. I bet my life on that. She knows that her real mom is an angel now. I don’t want her to grow not knowing that she has a real mom who loves her so much. Winter is a smart girl. She’s been asking me for a mommy number 2”,



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The ending and epilogue will be delayed. I accidentally deleted the ending chapter 😭


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NekoLS #1
Chapter 35: Such a beautiful love story
No matter what challenges you face as long as you trust each other its okayyy you will make it
this is so beautiful i love it thank you! 💖
1120 streak #3
Oh I just found this and I'm gonna begin reading later cause I still have work 😁😁😁
Chapter 35: Thank you for the epilogue! I love all of your story. Looking forward to your new stories or any one shot or two shot hehehehe
Chapter 35: Happy ending . Such a good story 👍👏👏 thank you for your hard work . Looking forward to your future stories . Have a great weekend
Chapter 34: No worries. Take your time :)
Chapter 33: Happy ending . Thank you for your hard work .
Chapter 33: this was a great read. thank you for the story.
Chapter 32: Now they can be official in public :)
Chapter 33: Nice ending! Thanks for this amazing story