A Strong Household

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What was that? 


I groaned as I massaged my throbbing temple. The trial finished 4 hours ago and the Empress already left my designated chamber not too long ago after "comforting" me even though I didn't need one. Her reason?


"While it was true that you must be held accountable of your past actions, it is also disappointing to see close-minded individuals amongst the Noble Society."


"Oh Eury, you must be so sad. I should probably set up a horrendous punishment for those who didn't raise their hand." 


Fortunately I stopped her from doing that by making a promise to visit the Imperial Castle often since I'll be going home, back to my estate within this day. I just needed to have a final talk with the Princess. 


I pushed the thought of that kiss at the back of my head and focused on the matter that I'm most curious of. It's the voices and images that flashed through my mind in a split second while the Empress was filling the room with pressure that it almost split my head into two. 


I'm a hundred percent sure it was my—Count Eury's—voice back there. I've never heard of myself getting so hostile over...something. The Princess looked hurt. Was I the one hurting her? Count Eury? But I thought she loved her. 


What is happening? 


As I tried to pry in deeper, my head throbbed again as if telling me not to go down there where it hurts. I was groaning in pain when I heard a knock. 


"In front of this door is Kingdom Eria's 1st Princess, Princess Arizona Forestiere!" 


It was the Princess' personal Royal Guards. 


I slowly got up, feeling myself recover from that head-splitting ache. God, it felt like two migraines in different parts! 


"Greetings Your Highness, Princess Arizona." 


I was surprised when the Princess returned the greeting with a curt nod before she walked inside my chamber. Her Knights were about to follow her but she stopped them with a hand.


"It is okay now."


"Your Highness, the Marquess has instructed us clearly to guard you of all cost." 


I was alarmed by that and I can't help but pry. 


"Was there an attack again?" 


The Princess sighed before nodding, "My brother was on his way to observe the Town Games as per usual when the Anti-Monarch group led by another person, attacked the village and almost placed my brother in harm..if it weren't for your suggestion of undercover Knights, there there would've been more harm done."


Brother, brother. The Princess only has one brother. Ah!


"Prince Azure? How is he?!" 


Okay I may of have reacted too much but I can't help it! Prince Azure was such a visual despite only being 14. He was one of my favorite characters too. Ughhh I wish he had more screen time. 


"I appreciate the concern, my brother is fine." She stated with a small smile before turning to her Royal Knights. 


"The Imperial Castle is the safest place here in this Empire. Rest Assured, nothing will harm me." 


With that kind of assurance, the Knights were able to settle on guarding the chamber instead, leaving us with the privacy we wanted. 


I don't know when it became this awkward. Usually when things like these happen, it's the Princess' first initiative to get away from me as far as possible. It kind of hurts but it was understandable and also something I should accept the moment I realized I got reincarnated as Count Eury in the middle of their story. 


"I came here to settle things with you, Eury and to also tell you the truth before my cousin will." 


The truth? 


"Please do engage me." I curiously said. 


The Princess sat there elegantly and it became the first time since my reincarnation that I've found a difference between Her Highness and my Mina. Somehow...my Mina don't sit like that but maybe of course it's because of her status here. I shouldn't overthink it too much. 


"Maybe I used my anger on you too much in the wrong way." She started. 


And that alone already got me perplexed.


"What do you mean Your Highness?" 


Princess Arizona laid out a bitter smile, "I was afraid of forgiving you. That was the truth I'm trying to manipulate." 


She was afraid of forgiving me? But why? What kind of sick things did Count Eury did behind the Manhwa, unmentioned, that got the Princess to have thought this extent? 


"Then after that I got scared again for the second time and this time I was terrified of acknowledging the fact that I've forgiven you." 


I was speechless for a moment. I didn't know if that was a good thing or is it something I should be offended about. I don't know! All I know is that the Princess is being extremely honest right now. 


"Now don't get me wrong. I really was genuinely mad at you for doing those things and especially for hurting Trinity. You still deserved to be judged in a way that brings vengeance to those you've hurt."


I'm with the Princess on that one. I remembered the 2nd, 3rd and 6th times I've read the Manhwa where I always yelled, 'deserved' to Count Eury's death sentence, it was like karma is really a cause who would've thought I'd be the receiving end—i'd be Count Eury who had to experience all of her consequences. 


"But when I noticed your changes and how true you are in both your words and actions that even a glimpse of any malicious intent isn't there anymore, I had a hard time believing and accepting because to me frustration is when you..you woke up from that phase too late now." 


I sat still, listening intently to her side as realization slowly kicks in. 


"I used my anger on you to cover the fact that I'm afraid this old you would win my heart again." 


My heart went crazy when she said that. I had a hunch but I nver thought it would go this way. Count Eury, after all has hidden pasts unmentioned and no one knows what kind of a person she is before her rebellious phase, no one but the Princess and that is for a reason. 


"But, I thought you never—"


"I did! I loved you back then and it never really reached a certain conclusion because you just suddenly turned into this greedy, prideful person I didn't know, existed."


My lips quivered as I understood what the Princess meant by using her anger the wrong way. She was certainly frustrated by a bunch of things and me inhabiting Count Eury, reminding her of how she was back then, didn't help at all. 


I should be happy, right? There's a possibility that Princess Arizona would've ended up with Eury and...and I was really, actually destined with my Mina. I should be happy, I should....but


I heavily inhaled before turning to her with a stone-faced expression, "Your Highness I think that's quite unfair. To the Marquess and I." 


The Princess looked down and fumbled her hands, the first time I saw her doing so—Mina never does that. 


"I know. After all we are imperfect beings. Trust me, I feel bad for saying this weeks before my Engagement Party. It's like I was angry at you too for making me doubt my love for Trin when all she ever did was love me honestly." 


No, I shouldn't take advantage of this. This is not what I hoped to happen and this is certainly not in my morales. This story should continue to flow as it is and I don't care whatever this world chose to give me as a role—Villain or not, I will help these two end up together no matter how and what. 


"Do you still love me Your Highness?" I asked straightly, trying hard not to include any emotions in my tone. 


Now I know any answer will hurt me either way but for things to be clear I needed to hear it. 


As expected, the Princess didn't saw that one coming. It's a question that will bring both of us into some sort of a closure both for her and for me as Kim Dahyun, with biased attachment to someone who looked exactly the same as my girlfriend back then. 


"I'm sorry Eury." 


I smiled, surprisingly a relieved one. I didn't really want to hurt Trinity too. Now this won't stop me, from caring deeply about her but it would strengthen the line and border that I'm trying not to cross. 


Out of bitter happiness of her response, I absentmindedly pulled her into an embrace. Yeah, maybe this talk was what I needed here in this world. It also served as an eye-opener for me to be honest with myself and accept that I do have feelings for her by default. Believe me, I tried so hard not to but it's just impossible when she looked exactly like the woman you missed and loved, loved for so many years. 


The Princess continued crying on my shoulder as she tightened the embrace. 




"You...promised to help with the Wedding. Don't you forget that." 


I chuckled as the Princess tried to joke/threaten me lightly for the first time ever. 


"Of course Your Highness, you have my full support." 


"Arizona. You can call me Arizona, just like the old days." 


I felt genuinely happy as we exchanged smiles before I boarded my wagon. It was time for me to go now and the Princess gave me the honor of sending me off along with her Royal Guards and Imperial Knights. First time, it's going to be the first time I leave her sight with no more friction. She chose to forgive me and that one I won't waste. 


"Good bye Arizona! I look forward to our next meeting!" I yelled as the Licht started to move the carriage. 


It was an un-noble like move, I know cause Terry is giving me them subtle disgusted look but I didn't expect for the Princess to break etiquettes for a moment and shouted back:


"Of course you will!" 


I was a grinning like a fool until Terry gently pulled me inside. 


Aahhh that felt good. The heavy weight that's been bringing me down. It felt good to breathe. 


"Master, I congratulate you for succeeding." Terry started and bowed a little. 


"Nah, it's also thanks to you Terry and the points you gave me for the trial!" 


Terry shook his head, hand still on his chest, "Not that Master but I congratulate you for finally achieving happiness on top of your freedom." 


My heart instantly melted when Terry insinuated that it's the glow of my smile he's talking about and not the winning of any properties and title. Truly the best butler in land! 


It would take probably another few days before we reached my County and I made sure to pack extra since there's the three of us here. I won't take the 'we prioritize you cause you're the Master we are serving' no, all of us should eat equally. 


"Licht did you grow again? I swear you're just this tall when I left to become the Empress' Royal Advisor." 


Licht was a shy guy but—well I can't say giant cause he's fairly fit but he's certainly tall for his age. 


"You flatter me Master, I'm just growing well ever since you took me in. For that, I am extremely grateful." 


and he's such a sweet boy too! 


Currently the three of us stopped for the night to camp and eat our supper. Terry was out to gather more woods and it's just Licht and I here in the wagon. 


It wasn't even awkward at all because Licht and I shared some commong hobbies which we talk about endlessly and never get bored of. My day went extremely well, I won the trial and got to reconcile with the Princess that's why I never would've fathomed something bad will happen. 


"Well, well, well, look at our dear Count. No faction, no allies and not even a single Knight in Order." 


I turned around upon hearing the sound of that familiar voice, alarmed. I instantly knew he's trouble when he came out of the darkness holding an unsheathed sword. 


"Licht get away from—No!" 


I wasn't fast enough! They got Licht knocked out from the back! This douche isn't alone! 


"What is the meaning of this?! Who are you people!"


When I came to realize what was happening, I stood frozen there beside Licht's unconscious state. 


Five..no.. seven..wait more..eleven? 


"Fifteen of you against a Noble? You do know this is a clear path of receiving penalty from the Empress?" 


I'm trying to hold them off with a simple threat until Terry comes back. He's the only fighting machine here. I'm still on health monitoring cause my Mana Cap is unstable that's why I can't and shouldn't use any mana at all cost until I get this figured out. 


"We don't care anymore. It's your fault for letting us out like this in the open when we could've served the Empire by fighting the war." 


Now that I saw his face clearly, I was able to remember his features. He was in the crowd of audience and made a bold statement to the Empress, trying to ruin me in front of her. How can I forget his dirty blonde hair and vicious side scar? 


"Commander Polis." 


He psychotically laughed as he turned to his men, urging them to laugh with him too.


"Glad you recognized the man whose career you shamelessly ruined, Count." 


This is bad. I never would've thought he's this type of guy considering he was once a Commander!


I cautiously placed a hand over Licht's back and defensively took a stance while crouching.


"What do you want? Surely you know you won't be reinstated after this?" I asked firmly as I eyed him and at the same time keeping my peripheral views open for his men. 


He chortled again, "Count Idetal was right. You really are annoying." 


My ears perked when I heard a familiar name. 


"Count Idetal? Was he involve in this?" I asked as I stood up and approached him. 


That was a bad move. 


"Get her." 


My eyes widened as his men lunged at me. 


I was thankful for Terry and Itzel's lessons about basic self defenses that needn't the help of mana that I was able to evade a few of them. However, my stamina is also at stake here—it being connected to my Mana Cap which makes it harder to dodge each time while also protecting Licht.


"What are you fools doing! You're the Imperial Knights' disbanded troop you should at least dispatch of some lousy noble in just one go!" I heard the ex-Commander Polis said. 


So these are all knights huh. Disappointing!


One groaned in pain as I kicked him where it hurts the most. The other flew as I dodged in time for another incoming punch, making him receive it. 


However I can only do as much with this dress, the quantity and most especially the sword's edge under my neck after the ex-Commander himself incapacitated me from behind. Normally, following the law, a dismissed Knight would have to surrender all his belongings to the Castle and pledge to never again pick up a sword. The ex-Commander just proved how much of a rule breaker he is once again when he still has one, probably getting it from connections.


I tried struggling to test how low his patience is and it was a wrong move because the edge of his blade grazed on my skin. it was burning! 


He laughed once again as I hissed in pain. 


"So how does it feel to be helpless Count Eury? I've always followed the Imperial Rules and agreed to literally everything they preach. About pride and about power but when they decided to let you off. That wasn't it." 


So this is what's causing him to act like this. 


"Is that just something to cover up the fact that you're pissed the Imperial dismissed you for your incompetence but gave me a second chance?" 


"Ah!" He yelled, "The hierarchy you mean? I don't believe in any of those. All of you Nobles are just a bunch of foolish weaklings. If it weren't for us Knights, you wouldn't even be able to eat and live freely. This is a cruel world after all!" 


He shoved me to the ground and made his men pin my head down until my gaze leveled his feet. I thought that was it and just silently prayed for Terry's appearance when the ex-Commander grabbed my hair and pulled it up. 


"So I heard you have a fast regenerative ability. Let's test it shall we?" 


Before I can even say something, an excruciating yell came out of my mouth as he ed his sword unto my shoulder and pulled it out to also stab the other one. 


"Y-You won't get away with thi—aaggh!" 


My body is burning while they all turned to each other to laugh at my predicament. Some even mocking my last sentence.


"Were you waiting for your butler? You needn't worry about him! My men are already unto him too and fret not, I sent fifty of them knowing how good that fallen noble is in fighting." 


When he said that, my heart started to race. I wasn't nervous when he started to attack me but I am now. Terry might be amazing but I don't want to see him in a predicament he wouldn't like! 


"Stop..Stop this right now Polis!" 


He laughed out loud and instantly dropped it as he stepped on my back, eliciting once again a loud screech of pain. 


"Good, good. You're reacting the way I want you to! I'll have you know that your pain won't stop here Count Eury. The Imperial let you but I won't so I'll be taking away—wait not that's not the word. Ah. What is it? Hmmm." He snapped his fingers.


"Shred! Yes, yes, shred. I'll be shredding all of your everything Count Eury till what's left is your fragile dignity and basically bones!" 


A complete psycho! I gritted my teeth and bit my lower lip to stop myself from feeling pain for a moment. 


"Don't you dare!" 


His lips stretched into a creepy smile before starting to laugh maniacally. 


"Oh but I already did!" He professed earning a chatter of encouragement from his peers. 


"As of the moment, the rest of my division counting over to 250 Knights are surrounding your estate and are ready to destroy and burn everything they see!" 


My heart dropped at that. The home I spent months rebuilding to achieve a proper noble look and environment for my me and my staff—will be destroyed in just less than a year? 


I used force as I pushed myself up using my knee to cling on his leg. 


"No you mustn't! This will be the first and last time I'll beg of you to stop this! Order your soldiers back please!" I cried. 


Once again I got shoved and pinned down as he crouched to show me his stupid grin. 


"Seven of them were special Knights who fought countless of war and was tasked to specifically torture your staff while the rest patiently waits for Jack's signal." 


This is a dream. This should be a dream. It can't be. 


I struggled free but all I got was another stab on the back when he saw that the other two were already heal.


"So you really do self-heal! What a convenient ability to have for someone I'm about to torture!" 


I yelled once more when he used his leg force to kick me on my side. 


"Since you're really making me happy right now, let me show you a gift I got from Count Idetal." 


He whistled at his men and a hooded figure holding a crystal ball was thrown to the front.


"Now this! Is a mage capable of showing us real time happening from your County! Isn't it exciting!?" 


I stopped struggling and focused my sight on the projected images above. It seemed futuristic, a hologram made out of mana and he was right. It really is my estate. 


7 flashy hooded figures were lined up on my peaceful newly renovated grounds. They were huddled in a semi-circle while the guy on the middle, wearing a right red hood and attached to the back is a blazing red-orange bow, talked incoherently and soon after they split up with such speed. 


"Equipped with enchanted weapons, those special forces have been hiding in Count Idetal's basement for too long." 


The scene changed following the orange and violet hooded figures. There was a loud bang among the forest before they headed towards the yard. 


"No...Rouge." I muttered before Polis' men tightened their grip on me. 


Instead of staying still, I really struggled to shake Polis up because this man really has to stop this! 


"Please Commander you have to listen to me!" 


He just ignored me while his men did the job of holding me back. We were all staring at the projection when a familiar hat came into view. It was Rouge! 


"No! Rouge get back inside!" I yelled as if he can hear me. 


Rouge was squinting his eyes, they were probably asleep already but got alarmed at the loud explosion. 


"Hello?" His voice, it was such an innocent call. Rouge doesn't deserve any of this! 


The two took off their hoods revealing a bald-headed guy and a hard-looking girl who both had their smirks on. 


"Lizzie, do we go? It's just a boy I'm pretty sure I can handle this." The orange-hood guy stated as he pulled out a large wooden hammer from his back. 


The girl Lizzie, just looked at Rouge with an unreadable expression. 


"I didn't know the Count is hiding a hybrid in her house." 


I cursed under my breath as I struggled once again.


"Let me go!" 


Rouge...Not, Rouge!


"A hybrid?"


"Certainly, look at his head." 


The girl pointed a cylindrical gadget directly to Rouge's head and a fast steel cable went out, grabbing Rouge's hat. 


"Hey! That's mine!" 


Rouge had no choice but to chase the direction where the hat was going: them. 




"Woah, you are right!" 


"You're just dumb Nolan." 


My biggest fear came when Rouge was already in a somehow shaded area, away from the moon, where Nolan greeted him with a gigantic, unhesitant move from his wooden hammer, slamming Rouge down with such a force that it bore a huge crack on my yard. 




Nolan went down and stood in front of Rouge's bleeding body before Polis blocked my view, smirking. 


I am mad.


"Oooh you didn't tell us you had some weird kid in your house Count Eury. You should really consider our feelings here." 


I gritted my teeth until I can no longer bare it. 


My hand glowed as a burning sensation ran through my veins. I narrowed my eyes at him before slamming my hand on the ground, eliciting a force they weren't able to get prepared of. 


"Why you sneaky—!" 


 I turned around to, supposedly defend myself but Polis was already on the ground with Terry standing beside his body with a clenched fist. 


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Once again I remind you that this is a work of fiction and i'll be using different names for my characters with the image of twice members doing this role. If you're uncomfortable or it's not your cup of tea it's perfectly fine <33


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Aiko8114 #1
I hope everything is okey with you author, it's been 2years but here I'm again read the most beautiful story of all time
Meliodas27 #2
Hi tor nim hehe pls know that we are always waiting for you hope you come back soon u really really love your story that's why i keep repeating it and i hope you continue it 🥹
Chapter 19: I keep coming back and re-reading this. Hope it's not discontinued as it would be a shame. This is really good, ant I hope we get to the end someday.
Meliodas27 #4
Author nim please update we are still waiting for you i keep reading your aus everyday and i have repeated this one many times because its so good pls update 🥹🥹
Meliodas27 #5
Author nim 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹😭 please update 🥹🥹 we are waiting for you 🥹🥹 hope you update soon 🥹🥹
Author-nim...T.T wala na ba talagang pag-asa ang Eury-Savina ship namin T.T
Pakpak99 #7
Chapter 19: Please update author-nim 🥺
Aiko8114 #8
Author.. please update- I'm still waiting new chapter, as if it's yesterday, I'm still reading all the previous once.
Meliodas27 #9
Tor nim hello hehe update na I'm not angry anymore update na pwease tor nim
Ms_Freed08 #10
i miss this story please update author